I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 787 Ending Battle 12 – Kick the aunt like a ball!


                                  iusy in Chapter 17 of the Three Kingdoms Chapter 17                              erated by Thirty Kingdoms 17.

 [Western Sea, this day, South Chicago Island, Muzexin Island… Many people raised their heads in shock. On the coast of Rath Gap Island, Xianglian squinted and looked into the distance. Above the sea level, a huge island was flying across the sea in dense clouds and mist… On the island of Flower Country taking off, residents of various provinces looked up, but I saw a black divine dragon tumbling in the clouds and mist, appearing and disappearing. After half a day’s work, the Kingdom of Flowers had arrived at its destination. At the location selected by several waiting Neptunes on the edge of the windless zone, they controlled the endless floating flame clouds and lowered the island. ]–

 “Are you suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and amnesia?”

Auntie controlled the new thunder cloud Homizhera, releasing a group of destructive thunders all over the sky, but Lynch knocked them away with a stick. Lin Qi was speechless. What kind of memory did this old woman have? Zeus’ previous attacks were ineffective against her. This kind of lightning attack was at most as powerful as Nami’s Thunder Fruit. Lin Qi didn’t need to hide. He didn’t open his mouth to eat these lightning attacks. , Guess he has a bad appetite today!


 Where did the aunt come from? Where did she go after being beaten?

 Hera, the thunder cloud, and Prometheus, the fire cloud, hurriedly guarded her behind to reduce the buffering force.

 Lin Qi jumped out of the air and chased after him, with six domineering blue-black arms sprouting from his shoulders. The figure that seemed to be wrapped in a layer of demonic aura approached at such a speed that Prometheus was so scared that he almost lost his mind.

  How Zeus and Napoleon died is still vivid in my mind!

 ”Mom, my thunder and lightning doesn’t work on this person, what should I do now?” Hera was new here after all, and didn’t know the seriousness of the situation. She kept asking, but it was already too late.

 Lynch whipped it with a stick and almost scattered it like Zeus.

 “Mother!” Prometheus burst into tears.

Auntie pulled Hera away, turned over and stepped on the flying fire cloud Prometheus, wrapped her fist around the flames, pulled out a strong domineering fire-like force, and fiercely struck Lynch’s green and black iron rod in the air.


 The air above the empty villages of the entire Sphinx Island seemed to explode in this collision, with thunder rolling.

Lin Qi’s six domineering arms grabbed Aunt Ma’s domineering entanglement through the air. Since they can strike, they can also turn into invisible hands to grab objects in the air, as long as they have enough control over their domineering power.

 “…?!” Auntie was startled, but she saw the eight-armed demon’s eight fists each wrapped with domineering energy, hitting her face like a rainstorm.

 Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang…

Lin Qi’s attack was as fast as lightning and airtight. When he was in high spirits, he even called for a substitute armor to hold the aunt in mid-air. You punched her, and I kicked her back, hitting her in the eyes. The bloodshot veins are getting denser and denser, the blood spurting out of the mouth and the open wounds on the body are becoming more and more numerous. Aren’t you **** called the Steel Balloon? So it’s not too much to kick you as a ball, right?

 Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang…

 The thunder gradually turned into the sound of drums, spreading like raindrops across the night sky.

 Hide in the crevice of the cliff at the foot of the mountain not far away, Bista raised his head and observed carefully, his eyes twitching and he gasped. Is this Lynch even a human being?

 That’s the aunt!

 The aunt who is the same four emperors as my father!

  Even though Big Mom may not be as powerful as Dad in his heyday, she is still a great pirate with the same status on the same ship… But, what do you see now? The majestic Emperor of the Sea, the invincible Charlotte Lingling, was actually killed by this kid Lynch… No, by the “Ripple Messenger”… Nor, by the “Eight-Armed Demon”! Treated like a ball by him, kicked up and down in the night sky? !

 The villagers hiding here stared blankly at the scene in the sky. They couldn’t see the specific process of the fight, but they just felt that the terrifying female pirate seemed… not that scary?

  Bista looked stunned. It seems that the old era of Dad, Aunt, Kaido… has indeed come to an end.


 Hands dripping with blood grabbed the green and black iron rod. The aunt gasped violently, but her cold face suddenly changed expression.

 Lin Qi held the other end of the iron rod and asked curiously: “What are you doing?”

  He looked at the strange halo on the palm of the aunt’s hand that grasped the green and black iron rod, and said in surprise: “Don’t you want to inject the power of your soul into my weapon and ‘incite’ it into rebellion?” Erwu Zai Homiz, right?”

 ”Mama, Mama… no wonder you failed, you have already refined the weapon into a ‘black knife’!” Auntie’s face was so gloomy that it almost rained, but she was still sneering, “And the domineering quality imbued with it , it’s not that ordinary, even the power of my mother’s soul fruit can’t be penetrated…”

 Peng! The green and black iron rod ignites spontaneously without fire.

 ”Are you sick? Why are you blowing me up all of a sudden for no reason?”

 Lin Qi swung the fire-plated stick, the end of the stick was pulling with a burning domineering force, and smashed the aunt away from the air, “Be serious!!”

 Bang! ! !

 Auntie was hit so hard that her blood exploded. She turned somersaults and flew backwards. With a loud bang, she smashed a mountain top into pieces.

 “Such a meaty SS, it’s a lot of fun to smash it!”

 Lin Qi weighed a burning iron rod dripping with blood, nodded with a smile, and chased after him again, only to see streaks of fire lighting up the broken stone boulders on the top of the mountain. The strong photocurrent that jumps wildly.


 A two-meter-thick beam of light, intertwined with flames and thunder, roared past him.

 This is not over yet. The rubble pile on the top of the mountain was blown away by the explosion. The aunt, who was already too thin to be seen as fat, had long hair flying wildly. The thunder clouds and flames in her hands merged into one, like a crossbow. , aiming at Lynch’s tip in mid-air, the arrow with fierce thunder and lightning intertwined with blazing flames broke out of the air again and shot towards Lynch.

 “Shoot me with a bow and arrow? How interesting…”

 Swish, swish, swish… Lin Qi seemed to be able to use the six styles of shaving in the air. Dark energy floated around his body, and he dexterously dodged the “Thunder Flame Bow and Arrow” fired by Big Mom one after another.

 ”Don’t you know what Nine Snakes, who are good at archery, have to do with me?”

 Lynch even closed her eyes while avoiding.

 Auntie grabbed the Thunder Flame Crossbow angrily, gritted her teeth and said, “Damn! I’m hiding here and there like a loach, if I can hit…”

 Lin Qi opened his eyes.

  He was suspended in the air and raised his fingers towards the aunt on the top of the gravel hill, “Come on, come again.”

 “What do you mean?” The aunt wiped the blood on her face with a cold expression.

 “Didn’t you say ‘if it can hit’?”

 Lin Qi let go, and the green and black iron rod did not fall, but floated beside him spiritually.

 Lin Qi also pushed the stand-in armor aside, spread his hands to the aunt, indicating that he had no armor or weapons…

 He smiled and said: “So, let’s fight. I won’t hide this time.”


 Auntie sneered in her heart, you have been fooled, you idiot!


 “Yes! Mom!”


 “Mom, the firepower is already at its maximum!”

 Boom, boom, boom! Bear bear!

 The Thunder Flame Crossbow in Auntie’s hand doubled the amount of lightning and flames.

 “Hey! What is he going to do?!”

 Bista was frightened to see this, what kind of development is this? Lynch, don’t be stupid!

 That kind of attack is impossible to withstand head-on, right? !

 “Mama mama…”

 Auntie laughed wildly, her palms wrapped with domineering aura, and she penetrated into the center of the big thunder-flame bow. The palms of her hands were entangled with strong lightning and flames, and she had already aimed at the figure in mid-air. The figure became darker and darker under the swaying of the night and thunder-flames. Unclear Lynch…

 “Go to death with your arrogance! Lynch!!!” the aunt roared, “Lei Yan is the mighty national cannon!!!”

 Boom! ! ! !

 A beam of light that was far thicker, more violent, and astonishingly powerful than before, with lightning and flames intertwined, struck Lin Qi head-on in mid-air in an instant.

 Bang! boom! boom! boom! With Lin Qi’s figure as the boundary, the huge thunder flame majestic cannon kept pushing him backwards in the air, and then…with a bang, it exploded into dense thunder flame fragments, like endless meteors and fire showers, floating in the sky. The entire Sphinx Island reflects the night sky as if it were daytime.

 And Lynch…

 His whole body was covered in white smoke, with flames and electric arcs jumping around his body. He was still floating in the air, bit by bit retracting his tilted head, pressing his neck, twisting with clicks, pressing one side of his nose with his thumb, and spraying hard A blood clot came out, and he took a long breath and said: “Wow! There was a little blood, and my nose was almost blocked. It will make breathing difficult!”

 Lin Qi licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly.

 The villagers hiding under the cliff were at a loss. Bista was dumbfounded and silently retracted his feet that he had just wanted to rush out to help… What else could be said?

 Lynch is already stronger than he could have imagined.

 Auntie’s eyes widened little by little…

  She had runny nose, opened her mouth, and was stunned for a long time. She didn’t realize that she was muttering to herself: “How is this possible? How is this possible?”

 Lin Qi grabbed the green and black iron rod floating on the side and flew towards the aunt on the top of the gravel hill.

 Auntie’s emoji-like expression gradually faded away, becoming incredibly gloomy. She stared at the approaching Lynch. She held the thunder cloud Hera in one hand and the fire cloud Prometheus in the other. She gritted her teeth and said, “Why are you pretending to be so upright?” Awe-inspiring? It’s natural for the navy to catch thieves, so you don’t bother to retaliate against them… It really makes me want to vomit!”

 ”Do you think you are a messenger of justice? So you are not willing to deal with the so-called just navy, but you have no burden to deal with a pirate like me who is full of evil?” Auntie sneered again and again, “You and Nico Robin, how about you? Didn’t the empress of the pirate country, Boya Hancock, do any evil deeds? Even if she didn’t do any direct evil deeds, what about indirect ones?

 “So I’ve had ten years of bad luck.” Lynch interrupted her calmly.

 “…” The aunt’s more vicious and heart-wrenching words were choked back in her throat and held in her stomach. Do you know how to chat?

Auntie’s intelligence network is very powerful. Of course she has investigated Lynch and others. But the more I investigate, the more weird I realize they are… If their JOJO skull and crossbones flag is covered up, you won’t be able to tell what kind of pirates they are! What’s even more outrageous is that these two people never even told others that they were pirates. Even the name JOJO Pirates is a name passed down by word of mouth based on the skull and crossbones flag they put up on the boat. They don’t even have a fixed pirate ship!

 Killing ordinary civilians?

 No records found!

 Invading cities and towns in franchise countries?

 Let alone the franchising countries, they have not harmed the non-franchising countries either!

 The information that can be found on the people Lynch and the others have killed seems to be all pirates who have died long ago…and this is the very few information that can be collected about the “JoJo Pirates”. More often than not, this duo, who are so tiny that they can’t be called a “group”, can’t be found at all!

 Oh, it can also be called “group”.

 Tour group!

 That’s right, this guy has a castle phone bug in his hand. He probably spends most of his time hiding in the castle and living the world of two people when he is usually wandering on the sea.

 …Since your resume is so clean, when I try to blame you and try to anger you, you should defend yourself! Are you refuting me? What does it mean to just say that I have been unlucky for this for ten years!

 Lynch didn’t know how hysterical the mad aunt was. Seeing that she seemed to have nothing to say, he picked up the green and black iron rod and swept her away, knocking her off the mountain and hitting the original coast. .


 As soon as Auntie started to “land” on the rubble pile, Auntie was knocked into it again, causing the ground to tremble.

The pirates of the Charlotte family have nowhere to escape, their feet are bumpy, and in front of them are countless people pushing forward like an overwhelming force, holding Nico Robin’s flowers and fruits in their hands!

 She stood there, just crossing her arms, and then created a large number of petals, and condensed them into domineering arms wrapped in a variety of colors, pushing most of the Charlotte pirates away, some were unconscious, and some He fell into the sea… During the one-year training, Robin not only served as the secretary of instructor Lin, but also served as an auditor like Sanda and Mary, silently learning the Lily Ripple Boxing taught by Lin Qi.

 Honestly speaking, Robin’s talents in combat and cultivation are limited. After all, she is not an innate genius like Hancock. Even Luffy, Zoro and others are not as good as her. But Robin is smart after all, and his intelligence makes up for his weakness. He has personal guidance from Lin Da’s instructors day and night, and even gives personal guidance when he is not serious. He also exchanges the learning experience of Han Cook, a top student. After a year of practice, although Robin Even though he failed to awaken the ripples, his strength was still much improved compared to a year ago.

 Chopper alone stopped Big Mom’s eldest daughter, Compert, and several other monsters with high attack power and thick blood, close to Big Mom’s physique, while Robin cleaned up the pirates of Big Mom’s group at the middle and lower levels.

 Bang! boom! boom! Fists and swords fell like raindrops on Chopper’s thick fur. The impact did not hurt him. On the contrary, after absorbing the damage, he became larger and stronger.

 ”Is this Urki’s Bodhisattva Fruit?” Compert and others screamed angrily, “Something really happened over at Thunder God Island!”

 ”Where’s Brother Cracker? He shouldn’t”

 “Let’s take a look here! Where did Bree go?!”


 The famous sword Baiyu stood on the dark palm, but Armand felt a slight pain in her palm. She looked coldly at Nicole Robin behind the flower clone, “That skeleton, and ‘Katakuri’ Suddenly disappeared, do you know what happened?”

 “I know.” Robin smiled and raised his hands, “But will I tell you?”

 The petals are flying, reshaping into the appearance of Armand in front of him, and he is also holding a famous sword made of petals, White Fish!


Robin controlled him, Hua Zizai Armand, to swing the sword. With her control over ripples of Haki, which she had learned for a year, she suddenly discovered that when she controlled a master who was stronger than herself, she felt that the opponent’s body was slightly stagnant in Haki. At this time, it seems that he is very familiar with it, and there is a feeling of lifting it with ease… This kind of general domineering is too simple compared to the ripple domineering!

  Dang Dang Dang!

Armand was sweating coldly as he kept parrying the knife swung at him, and his mouth was actually numb.

˜Obviously it’s all about you, but why do you feel that the domineering force on the opponent’s sword is stronger than your own? !

 ”Will I lose to you? Don’t be kidding me! How could I lose… I am the ‘Katakuri’ who has never been defeated!!!”

 In the chaotic and fighting crowd, there were many figures with staggering and intertwined legs. Among the countless shadows that looked dim and blurred in the night, one of them, a long-haired woman-like shadow, looked particularly strange.

 There are only shadows, no people.


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