I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 786 The Battle of Ending 11 (6000 words)


[Chapter Series·Three Kingdoms 16·”Construction Preparations”]

[In the Kingdom of Flowers, the black dragon flew back to the palace and transformed into Queen Ayu. She called Lily, Qingjiao, Xiangchun and some ministers to explain the matter one by one, and planned to move the entire island of the Kingdom of Flowers to The edge of the windless zone serves as the window for the Three Kingdoms Alliance to the outside world; Kuji, Hancock sent his two sisters to meet the people on Fishman Island; on Fishman Island, the fishmen and mermaids on the entire island are high in fighting spirit, and Shirahoshi is inspired. , shouted loudly, and in an instant, Poseidon’s will was quickly transmitted among the large sea kings in the windless sea area…]–


Marco could see nothing, hear nothing, and touch nothing. He could only hear his own pounding heartbeat. Marco even suspected that the heartbeat was not heard by his ears at all, but by his own ears. Auditory hallucinations caused by the beating of the heart inside the body.

I am in an endless darkness that I don’t know before and after, up and down, left and right.

This darkness is so deep that it makes people feel as if they are weightless and they may fall down at any time.

Ace’s younger brother!

Marco yelled, or so he thought. He opened and closed his mouth as wide as he could, vibrating his vocal cords and roaring into the deep darkness.

Straw Hat!

Are you okay?

Hey! Can you hear me?

Can’t make a sound, can’t hear a sound… Marco calms himself down. Is this the awakening ability of Teach’s dark fruit? Ace said that Teach once revealed that the essence of the Dark Fruit is gravity. In other words, in this dark space after awakening, not only the light, but also the sound I made was swallowed up by the ubiquitous dark gravity?

It was as if everything around him was swallowed up by darkness, and he couldn’t even perceive the existence of anything else.

So, where is my devil fruit ability?

Marco forced himself to calm down in the dark. When he was wondering and wondering, he found that his hand seemed to be raised. He was not sure because he couldn’t see it and his tactile perception was vague. He was lost in this darkness. Even the passage of time became increasingly blurry, and Marco felt that cracks were even appearing in his conscious self-awareness. The dark realm, which seemed to have been completely deprived of all five senses, was like an indescribable horror fantasy, making his sanity shaky.


The familiar trembling of the shock fruit, and the accompanying sting of the shock, were transmitted from the fist, making Marco, whose pupils were gradually dilated, suddenly wake up.

It’s Tikki!

He is controlling my body!

Marco was horrified that it was the fruit of thread!

He couldn’t move and couldn’t see, but he felt a chill running down his spine, and he instantly imagined what it was like in this huge dark realm… Countless dense dark threads hung down from the dark sky, intertwining in this deep space. Inside, there are many puppet threads connected to Marco’s head, neck, back, shoulders, arms, waist and hips, legs, feet…


As if he had been cut by a knife, Marco’s chest hurt slightly, but he also felt sweet in his throat and couldn’t help but vomit blood. He was secretly shocked. The severity of the injury far exceeded the level of pain!



Under the control of the dark puppet threads all over his body, Marco punched out uncontrollably. At the same time, in the darkness surrounding him, thin blade-like threads were constantly slashing and stabbing at him, tearing his unable to move body to pieces with scars.

“Hahaha! Captain Ace, what’s wrong? Are you worried about Marco or your brother Straw Hat?”

In the outside world, on the coast, the rich darkness rising into the sky is constantly eroding the land on the shore, assimilating it into a wave of darkness. And in this billowing darkness, there floated a giant with a black beard and Teach outline. He punched a small sea of ​​​​fire in front of him with one punch. The gravity of darkness swallows everything. The flames that are not attached to Ace’s body are directly swallowed by Blackbeard. As for the flames attached to Ace’s body, as long as Ace shows up, they are easily caught by Blackbeard directly with the gravity of the dark water.

The territory of the sea of ​​fire continued to shrink and retreat.

“Of course I’m worried about Marco.” A flame giant with the face of Ace walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire and punched the shadow, “Luffy doesn’t need me to worry about him!”


The dark giant stretched out his hand to grab, but was hit by the domineering force of the flame giant’s fist. From the undercurrent, Teach gritted his teeth and screamed in pain. The next moment, he tried to grab Ace’s body again, but only the flames remained. .

“You’re running very fast! Captain Ace!” The black waves rolled, and waves of black threads flew out from them, twisting into a big hand that covered the sky, and headed towards the small sea of ​​​​fire and Ace in the sea of ​​​​fire. Shoot away. But the big black-bearded hand made of silk threads was blocked by another devil’s hand extending from the side. Ozron roared: “Tikki, I won’t let you hurt Ace!”

“Be careful, Oz!” Ace yelled from the flames, but it was too late. Oz wanted to push the silk hand back, but found that he could no longer feel the existence of his hand… Poof, there was a wave of blood. Flying at the broken wrist, Teach drew out several dark thin threads and cut off Oz’s palm like a steel knife. He laughed loudly in the undercurrent, “Thief hahaha! No matter how big he is, he is just a better target.” That’s it! Oz!”

Boom! The flames filled the sky, turning into a two-winged dragon, biting into the endless black tide, from which Blackbeard screamed, “It’s so hot! It’s so hot!”

“You guys, you get carried away so easily!” Ace’s roar came from the sea of ​​fire, “Brothers, pay attention! I want to expand the scope of awakening! Please evacuate if you can!!”


“Captain Ace!”

“Brothers, retreat quickly!!”

As soon as everyone in the white group in the melee heard this, those who could move immediately ran away. Those who were entangled by the enemy hugged the enemy tightly and dragged the opponent along with them.

“Hey bastards, what are you doing?!”

In the panic-filled battlefield, Ace said: “Oz, hide in the sea. I will deal with this traitor quickly.”

“Ace…” Oz said, “I’m sorry…” His words stopped suddenly because he saw Ace in the sea of ​​​​fire and smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

“It’s so similar…” Oz murmured to himself. He didn’t know whether he meant that Ace’s current appearance is exactly the same as that of Roger, the Pirate King back then, or he was referring to the tattoo on Ace’s back, as if He was grinning broadly, just like his old father.

“Please, Captain Ace!” Oz shouted, jumping into the sea, “When this is over, we agreed to go to Wano Country together and bury Izou!”

At the same time, with Ace as the center, the entire battlefield erupted into overwhelming flames!

Boom boom boom!

The sea of ​​​​fire spread rapidly, turning the entire coast into a raging sea of ​​​​fire.

In comparison, the small patch of black tide that Blackbeard assimilated was as insignificant as a small freckle on Ace’s face.

“What a mess!” Nami turned into lightning. She was not afraid of the sea of ​​​​fire around her, but was a little speechless. “Should I say that he is worthy of being Luffy’s brother?”

“Sanji, why are you saving the enemy?” Franky is a reformer, with copper skin and iron bones. Naturally, he is not afraid of fire. What’s more, as a person with the ability to swallow fruits, he can eat fire as a dessert. However, when he saw Sanji grabbing the nine-tailed fox Katrin and jumping out of the sea of ​​fire, he couldn’t help but clasp his forehead and mutter, “Who did this kid learn his chivalry from? It’s obviously more suitable for my perverted spirit!”

“Alas!” Sauron sighed, “After all, he is a perverted cook!”

Whoosh! In mid-air, Sanji raised his foot and launched a flying kick. Zoro didn’t even look at it, he raised his scabbard and flicked it away.

The fire that Ace had awakened and assimilated just now spread. He slashed with three swords, creating a foothold around him, but the phoenix Shiliu took the opportunity to flap his wings and fly up.

“Don’t even think about running away,” Sauron bit the word “Hedao” and stood up with his feet on the moon. He said with a smile, “Before you have the chance to slay a dragon, it’s not a bad idea to try slaying a phoenix first!”

The three generations of Kuaishou Kitetsu, Ryo Kuaishou Snow Kakeru, Dai Kuaishou and Doichimonji, all three blades are wrapped with a layer of dark armed domineering.

“Ripples, Three Sword Styles, Naraku Demon Slayer!”

In the dark domineering energy, a touch of green appeared, like a vigorous vitality, or like a ghost energy from hell, slashing towards the sky towards the Phoenix Shiliu who had no time to evade.

“Damn it!” Shiliu’s eyes were bloodshot, looking at the three ghost slashes that overwhelmed his sight and consciousness, he felt agitated for no reason.

I don’t know when I started, but I was always angry for no reason. I originally thought it was a side effect of the Phoenix, but now it seems…

Is it because I gave up holding the knife?


The green and black domineering energy staggered across the sea of ​​fire, cutting the blue-flamed phoenix into sparks all over the sky. Zoro’s feet sank, and a golden base flew to hold him up.

Looking around, Nami, Usopp, Franky and Sanji are all stepping on the same golden Frisbee.


No one had time to chat before they heard a huge collision, like a meteor crashing into the earth, and a scalding heat wave hit their faces. Except for Nami and Franky, their skins all felt burning and they looked at the waves of flames rising into the sky.

“It’s so hot! Captain Ace! Your brother and Marco are both in my dark realm now!”

The black tide rolled and he laughed, “You are so reckless in using fire on me, aren’t you afraid of burning them to death too?”

Ace did not answer. In the flames that were ten times assimilated by Teach’s awakening, a row of flame giants condensed, “Fire Emperor Meteor Shower…”

A row of flame giants roared and rushed towards the undercurrent, triggering a series of huge flame explosions. The ground shook for a moment, and half of the night sky of the entire Sphinx was burned as bright as day. Ace’s body was flowing in endless flames. Even Blackbeard couldn’t figure out when and where Ace was. He suddenly remembered that Ace, who was once the captain of the Second Division, was best at burning. In addition to the fruit’s ability, there is also the domineering power of seeing, hearing, and color.

It’s a bit difficult to be better than Ace in predicting movements!

Then, let’s defeat skill with force!

“Hahahaha… I didn’t want to use this trick on you! But there is no other way, Captain Ace!”

The black tide rolled, and a huge incarnation of Tiqi emerged. He raised his big furry hands and spun a large amount of silk threads like a spider.

Ace’s gnashing of teeth came from the sea of ​​fire: “Tee, Qi!!”

Unexpectedly, in Blackbeard’s hand, many silk threads were woven into a giant sword, the shape of which was exactly the same as the sword inserted in front of Whitebeard’s tomb!

“Haha, after all, I am most familiar with this knife!”

Tiqi, the incarnation of Kuroshio, held the silk thread Cong Yunqi with both hands and slashed hard at the endless sea of ​​​​fire in front of him. He laughed ferociously and said, “Captain Ace, if you don’t kill you quickly, I will kill you.” It’s dangerous! Hahaha…it’s your fault!”

“That is?!”

The eyes of Zoro, Sanji and others shrank, and they saw that behind the thread cut by Blackbeard and the blade of Cong Yunqi, a dark and rich domineering energy was entangled and dragged.

During the one-year **** training, Zoro and others who had seen Lynch, Rayleigh, Tulip, Hancock use this trick many times, recognized it immediately.

The overlord color is entangled!

Bang! ! !

This sharp sword without any fancy slashed across the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him, bursting out a dense and domineering lightning that reached the sky. The entire sea of ​​​​fire was cut down to form a huge ravine, extending to the foot of Huanshan Mountain, covering the entire mountain. The mountain was rumbling and shaking due to the impact…

Ace’s muffled groan came from the sea of ​​fire, and his face appeared in the flames. He gritted his teeth and said, “You actually mastered this move…”

“Haha, thief, when did you think I was on dad’s boat?” The black tide took advantage of the moment when Ace’s sea of ​​fire retreated and eroded forward quickly. Blackbeard held the silk thread in the black tide. Yunqie laughed, “Roger! Rayleigh! Spencer! Dad! Oden! Red Hair! How many battles do you think I have seen between big pirates! You should say…”

In the darkness, a sinister smile came from, “I don’t know how, that’s weird, right? Ah? Ace kid.”

“…!?” Ace was wary and separated from the sea of ​​​​fire, but it was too late. The fuzzy giant in the black tide swung his knife horizontally, and the blade swept out wisps of domineering force, cutting the entire sea of ​​​​fire horizontally, and the sea of ​​​​fire spread. Ace groaned again. The upper half of the horizontally divided sea of ​​fire flew out of Ace’s upper body. His fists were wrapped with dark domineering energy. The lower half of the sea of ​​fire rushed out of Ace’s lower body. He raised his foot and kicked Blackbeard with the same domineering energy. The billowing flames rolled in reverse direction and roared towards Blackbeard.

Peng! ! !

Fire waves soared into the sky, and the seawater near the sea was filled with firelight and seemed to be boiling.



Luffy was knocked away.

Who is hitting me?

The rubber man rolled around in the darkness and got up. He was like a question mark, where is he?

Pineapple head!


Rotten tooth boy!

Bang! Luffy was yelling when another earthquake punch was thrown at him. Luffy wanted to get away, but couldn’t move. His body seemed to be controlled by something.


While being beaten backwards, it seemed as if a knife was cutting on his body. It didn’t hurt much, but he seemed to have lost a lot of blood.

Not good!

As nervous as Luffy is, he knows he must hurry up.


Marco knocked Luffy away with one punch. He bounced around in the dark field, encountered a dense network of silk threads, and was cut and injured all over his body.

Thief hahaha! Don’t bother! In Lao Tzu’s dark realm, you have no chance of struggling!

In the endless darkness, it seems that Blackbeard’s wild laughter can be heard. I don’t know if it is an auditory hallucination, or in this field, only his voice can reach the ears of Luffy and Marco.

Marco gritted his teeth, but he was the first to be charged. It was not easy to break free from the puppet string that was hit by the string fruit. What’s more, it’s the Dark Puppet Line that was strengthened by Blackbeard with the Dark Fruit!

Tick, tick…

Blood slipped.

To the voice in the darkness, Luffy said silently: I will not fall here.

Haha! Who would think that they would die?

Even Father Whitebeard, he never thought he would die in Marinefando a year ago, right? Thief hahahaha…

But reality is reality! Straw Hat!

I won’t lie! Luffy shouted into the darkness, I can’t cook either! Won’t get lost! Can’t sail! No music! It’s Sanji who cooks for me, so I won’t starve to death! It was Chopper who treated me, so I wouldn’t die of illness or exhaustion! It was Lynch who taught me how to become a strong person, and I was able to get here! Without the help of my partners, I couldn’t survive a day!

What I can do is that I will never die before I become the Pirate King!

Luffy yelled angrily and simply closed his eyes, ignoring the annoying voice of Rotten Tooth in the darkness, as well as the fists that hit his body from time to time, and the “knife” that was slashed at his body. Anyway, I can’t see or feel it, and my body can’t move.

If you can’t see it, you don’t know what’s going on.

If you can’t move, you can’t avoid it or use Haki defense.

By the way, domineering…


Luffy calmed down and recalled in his mind the key points of the ripple boxing technique that Lynch had emphasized over and over again during the year of **** training.

“The ripples are alive.”

Since it is alive, I can’t control my body now, so you can just come out and fight on your own!

Luffy took a deep breath. The moment he was hit by Marco’s earthquake fist again, a red-black domineering force appeared on the skin hit by the earthquake halo.



Blackbeard’s miserable screams came from the swaying black tide on the shore. He raised his arms in annoyance. Six extra arms grew on the huge body built by the black tide, and then silk threads emerged, turning into Yan. Demon, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, Ace, Griffin, Hades, and Duckweed held six famous fake knives in their hands. Each knife was wrapped with the Overlord color, and together with the silk thread and Cong Yunqi sword held by both hands, they roared wildly. Then he slashed towards Ace.

Dang! when! when!

Zoron blocked one side of Silk Thread – Tian Yu Yu Zhan, Silk Thread – Yama, and Silk Thread – Hades.

Sanji and Franky went to block Silk-thread Ace, Silk-thread Griffin and Silk-thread Duckweed on the other side. Franky screamed, and his whole body suddenly transformed. Countless Franky alloy clicks Lala emerged from his body, wrapping him into an armored warrior, and Ace, the supreme sharp sword that came from the village, almost chopped him into pieces.

Sanji was also wrapped in thick gold. The gold was wrapped in the domineering color and was shattered by the air, but it was buffered. Sanji gritted his teeth, and a touch of golden color appeared in the dark domineering energy wrapped around his feet. , Sanji’s face was filled with joy, his strength doubled, and he clashed with the force from the blade…

Nami was much simpler. She reached out and held out a powerful thunder dragon, condensed it into an almost bright white leaping lightning javelin, took aim and threw it, Ding! ! The thunder dragon gun and Spencer’s famous sword Duckweed, which was copied from Blackbeard’s stronghold, hit each other in the air, bursting out countless domineering lightnings, and real lightning…

Boom… only the silk threads were left. Cong Yunqie wrapped around Bawang Shi and slashed past everyone, but there was not much power left, and Ace easily dodged it.

Looking at the people who were helping him, he gasped and said unexpectedly: “You…”

“This guy is a Yonko, right? He is the prey of our captain!” Nami shouted from behind Ace, “Before Luffy comes out, you are not allowed to kill him alone!”

“Yes, that’s what happened.” Sanji bit his cigarette and looked back with a smile.

“Aren’t you out yet? Luffy, if you don’t come out…” Zoro held on to the three knives and gritted his teeth and said with a smile, “This guy’s head belongs to me!”

“Hehe, that’s not okay!”

Luffy’s voice came from the dark realm. Zoro, Nami and others breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they saw the dark black-bearded giant in front of them disintegrate like a tide, and a red-black domineering lightning shot into the sky. rise.

Ace took a closer look and saw that the reason why the black tide of Blackbeard’s awakening and assimilation was broken was because Luffy’s fist had been imprinted on Teach’s face. That was wrong, it was not “imprinted”, but in the air! Ace’s pupils shrank, this… he saw that Luffy’s fist was wrapped with strange red and black haki, and even though there was a gap of air, it hit Blackbeard’s face heavily.

Blackbeard’s face was twisted and deformed a little bit under the attack from the air by the red and black overlord color…

Luffy shouted: “This guy is mine!!!”

Boom! ! !

Red and black lightning burst out, and Luffy punched hard. With one punch, Blackbeard’s body was blown away like a siege shell. In the blink of an eye, he flew to the foot of Huanshan Mountain hundreds of meters away, cutting butter with a hot knife. Generally, it silently knocks a large hole through the mountain, and flies to the inside of the island without any stagnation, or even to the other side of the island…

“Hee hee, we’re finally out!” Luffy was covered in many wounds from being slashed. He held down the straw hat on his head and fell to the ground. Next to him, Marco, who was also covered in bruises, gasped, looked up, and then looked again. The back of the Straw Hat boy seemed to have not recovered from the punch Luffy had just given. Marco murmured to himself: “It’s only been a year…how did this happen…”

“This?” Luffy looked at his palms and said with a smile, “After being hit by Lynch’s stick many times, I discovered that the Overlord color can also be entangled! Hehe…”

“Hehe, you’re so big!” Ace walked out of the sea of ​​fire and pointed to the other side of the island angrily, “Tich is not dead yet! You knocked him away so far, go and catch him yourself. ! ”

“Huh?” Luffy was stunned.

He looked left and right, Zoro and Sanji looked away, Nami shrugged, saying that I was too tired to run errands, Usopp waved his hands repeatedly, “I’m not superhuman like you, Franky.” Come on, Coke is out of stock. I’m super unmotivated this week! Even Meili lay limply on top of Zoro’s head. There was only one thing on her mind right now, which was to save Brother Hei as soon as possible and spend the whole day in comfort…

It’s better if no one grabs it! Luffy smiled and scurried away to find Blackbeard.


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