I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 785 Final Battle 10 – “Knocking on the Door of Heaven” (5800 words)


[Chapter serial series·Three Kingdoms 15·”Agreement”]

[There is a consensus to agree to an alliance, but the specific details also need to be considered and discussed. Fortunately, everyone is a feudal system, and the empress, empress, and king can decide things. Relatively speaking, Hancock has the firmest determination on this matter, but he is also the least interested in discussing specific details; after all, it is only with the power of Poseidon that the Three Kingdoms Circle painted by Lynch can be realized. Neptune’s side With this advantage in hand, he tried his best to change more conditions in favor of Fish-Man Island; Ayu was upright, advanced and retreated in a controlled manner, and achieved success even if the negotiations were not reached, and he did not suffer any loss if he failed to reach an agreement. A few days later, the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the Flower Kingdom, and Amazon Lily officially formed an alliance. ]


Auntie never expected that the “Wei Guo”, whose move she imitated the “Giant Spear” and was destructive enough to destroy a city, would actually lose in a head-on confrontation.

It was a complete defeat.

What Auntie is most proud of in her life is undoubtedly her natural brute strength and her steel-like body.

But now, the body of steel is riddled with scars, and even the proud brute force cannot take advantage of Lynch – rather, when it comes to brute force, this kid is the real monster!

He actually split the shock wave of the mighty country with just one stick, and even broke his own emperor’s sword Napoleon into pieces…


The pile of rubble pressing on the aunt was exploded, and her terrifying figure like a small giant stepped out step by step. Every step seemed to make the ground shake, and the astonishing overlord color seemed to be radiating unconsciously and indiscriminately, and the aura was terrifying – literally! Among the pirates of the Charlotte family who were fighting with Chopper and Brooke on the coast not far away, the weaker ones were already turning pale and their hands and feet were weak.

“No way?”

“Mom, could it be…”

“Will mom lose?”

“Fool, how is that possible!”

Many people among the pirates of the Charlotte family were whispering.

Hey, why is the ground shaking more violently?

It’s hard to hold the knife tightly like this – oh, it turns out it’s my own hand that’s shaking!

The eldest son, Perospero, rode high on the wave of candy and looked at the moonlight-reflecting sea with an ugly face. Nicole Robin was landing on the shore, and Lynch’s ghost-like thing was also flying through the air. , but it seems that only Prometheus is around my mother. What does this mean… Where is Zeus? Has Zeus been destroyed? !

“What a meat!”

Lin Qi came out of the air, with one hand on the side of his belt and the other hand holding a green and black iron rod. He looked down and said with a smile, “Do you like the idea of ​​not being beaten to death easily? That’s just right. I like it too. Slowly I’ll kill you for this.”

“Qiao, Ba, Na…Lin, Qi…!!”

My hair was dancing wildly, my aunt was gnashing her teeth, and blood was dripping from her chin. Looking at the emperor’s sword that was broken in her hand with only the pirate hat hilt left, the aunt threw it aside and looked around with a ferocious expression.

The sword was destroyed, and Thundercloud Zeus was also beaten to ashes by the charged blow from Lynch’s ghost.

Two of the three Homies I made with my soul were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Although they are all things that can be easily pinched out, it is enough to make Auntie extremely angry.

“Peros! Mom is in this state—” the eldest daughter Compert exclaimed.

Armand struck back with a backhand, and the famous white fish knife collided with Brooke’s knife wrapped in the cold air of hell. She said with a sullen face: “…It’s too late!”


Over there, the aunt screamed suddenly, and the overlord color was visible to the naked eye. As her sound waves formed circles of dark impact, they swept out, causing sand and rocks to fly, like a violent storm.

Prometheus was so frightened that he quickly covered the aunt’s long hair, not daring to express his anger. After being suppressed in this duel and suffering such a big loss, my mother was about to completely lose her mind!


Auntie’s strange screams are probably due to some kind of innate supernatural power. When she screams, the earth shakes and the mountains are shaken, and a steady stream of domineering energy bursts out.

In an instant, most of the Charlotte family pirates were blown around, and many of them fell directly into the nearby sea.

The eldest son Perospero’s face was pale. He wanted to make several layers of candy to cover his ears and block the sound waves produced by his mother’s strange screams, but he was too close to his mother, and the domineering force of her out-of-control screams was too great. Strong, Perospero was unable to use his Devil Fruit abilities anymore, and hung limply on the shoulders of the candy giant he created.

Chopper, who was fighting against him just now – he had the Bodhisattva Fruit, and his size continued to grow with the blows he received during the battle – he couldn’t bear the shock wave of Big Mom’s strange screams, and he fell to his feet. On the ground. It fell with it, as well as Compert and other aunt’s children. Even the ghost (harmony) wife Armand couldn’t bear it and could barely stand up with a long sword.


There are only a few people who can survive this indiscriminate shock wave of terrifying screams, and Brooke is one of them.

He has no ears.

Although the shock wave caused by the strange scream is also physically destructive, it is not as damaging as the impact on the eardrums and making people dizzy and brain-shaking. The afro-headed skeleton laughed strangely, looking at the tall figure still standing in front of him, and asked: “I am not affected because I have no ears. You are also unmoved by the power of the aunt’s strange screams. …Is it because you are also a dead creature?”

“Who are you… calling a dead thing?!” An angry voice came from under the scarf of zombie Katakuri, who grabbed a three-pronged spear and stabbed Brooke.


The spear wrapped around the domineering force and struck the black blade of Brooke’s autumn water. Brooke has white bones and no muscle tissue. In terms of strength, he is definitely inferior to his opponent, and he quickly falls into a disadvantage…

“It’s so noisy.” On the shore, as if a seraph had descended, Robin jumped onto the shore from the lotus platform, with the three pairs of wings behind her spreading into petals all over the sky in the moonlight.

Her ears are covered with a layer of ears also made of flower petals – thanks to her often using similar methods to protect her vision and hearing, the moment Big Mom’s noise shock wave swept towards the sea, Robin was already in condition The reflex usually creates petals in the ear. Although he could still hear it, these sound waves impacted the flower’s ears and would not affect Robin’s eardrums or brain.

Looking at Lynch again, Robin couldn’t help but smile.

He pointed to his ears in the air, and a layer of blue-black domineering energy condensed into the shape of earmuffs, as if to say, as things change, there will be a day when I copy your creativity, Sister Robin!

“A skeleton wants to fight me? Do you know who I am?!”

Dang, dang, dang, Katakuri waved his spear in an airtight manner, beating Brook back steadily. He gritted his teeth and said sternly, “I am Charlotte Katakuri! My back never touched the ground. The undefeated man! ”

“Oh? Really?”

A big hand stretched out and grabbed Katakuri’s three-pronged spear with his bare hands. Chopper stared closely into the eyes of the tall man above the scarf, “Since you haven’t been defeated, how come you… turned into a zombie?” What?”


Katakuri’s eyes flashed with madness and he roared, “Who are you calling a zombie!!!”

Haki exploded on him, knocking Chopper away. Chopper and Brooke took a few steps back. Brooke smiled and said, “Hey, Mr. Chopper, aren’t you affected by this ‘strange cry’?”

I saw a pink and black Sakura Haki wrapped around Chopper. It smiled and said: “Hey, the ripples are ‘alive’! I was saved by my own power. It feels so strange!”

“Actually, I was just thinking about finishing him off in one go!” Brooke waved his arms.

“Yes, I know!” Chopper clapped his fists and said seriously, “This zombie is no match for Brooke.”

“You two guys…” Katakuri gritted his teeth, “You are really looking for death!!”

In the night behind him, dense black shadows kept flying one after another, and penetrated into his back one after another.

“What is he doing?” Chopper asked in surprise.

Every time he entered a black shadow, his already tall body swelled, and hundreds of black shadows poured into his body. Katakuri had turned into a monster over ten meters tall, and his skin turned blue-purple. , the scarf around his neck fell off, revealing the **** mouth with two dense rows of fangs, his eyes flashed with madness and ferocity, and he said coldly: “You will regret it…”

“You don’t look very friendly!” Brooke screamed, “Yo **** ho ho…”

“Go to hell!!”

Nightmare Katakuri yelled and shot the three-pronged spear at Brook and Chopper.

“I told you…”

Brooke clanged the black knife back into its sheath, and wisps of green cold air that seemed to come from the underworld came out of the skull’s eye holes, “I’m about to finish you off in one go!”


The three-pronged spear was blocked by a strange green hand. Katakuri’s eyes were shocked. What is this?


He suddenly looked around, what’s going on, where is this place? !


“What’s the weird name!”

Lin Qi floated to the shore and swiped a stick at the aunt who was screaming strangely. Ordinary attacks can’t get close to Big Mom in this state. Even if you fire missiles at her, the missiles will be bounced back by the powerful shock wave of strange screams. However, Lynch’s air-striking attack split Big Mom’s monster. The screaming storm hit her **** the face, knocking her off her feet.

It’s so scary!

Prometheus shivered on Auntie’s long hair, which was burning like fire. Mom is scary, and this evil man is even scarier!

The aunt’s eyes appeared, she fell to the ground, her rationality returned, and at this moment Lynch also jumped over, holding down her ugly face that had lost its beauty after entering old age with his big hands, and pushed her head into the ground and flew away. Plunder!


A ravine tens of meters long was plowed out on the ground. On the way, Lynch was thinking about a question: in the world of pirates, because of the underlying rule of return of life, most people are to some extent the so-called ” Appearance comes from the heart.” Even if they are national treasures like Robin and Nami, if they continue to be decadent for decades, they will not be able to escape the consequences of disfigurement and body disfigurement.

Auntie’s weird appearance seems to be a development with a “bad ending”; if Auntie’s growth trajectory was not so crazy, would she be able to maintain her appearance?

Hey, it’s a pity that I have already traveled through time. Otherwise, I would like to ask Oda Zai-are you a creator **** or some kind of observer?


The aunt, who was holding her head down and running wildly, punched Lin Qi, and Lin Qi threw her out.

“Damn boy!”

After all, her skin was as good as steel, and there was nothing wrong with Auntie’s face, except that she felt humiliated. The flames in her hair turned into fire clouds and fell at her feet. When the aunt raised her head, her pupils tightened, Lin Qi was already chasing her.


When Lin Qi wanted to fight, his offensive was continuous, and he punched the aunt who was riding the fire cloud Prometheus into the air.


Auntie grabbed the fire cloud and pulled out a fiery red horizontal line in the night sky above Sphinx Island. From the coastline of this side of the island, it flew to the coast of the other side like lightning.

Here, most of the members of the Black and White Second Regiment in the melee did not notice anything unusual above them at all. Two extremely powerful men, Lin Qi and Big Mom, were fighting a battle above them.

It wasn’t until Auntie stepped on the fire cloud, wrapped around the overlord’s color, and collided with Lynch’s green and black iron rod in the air with a knife, causing the violent overlord’s color vibration to spread out, which shocked everyone below.

“Auntie is here too?!”

“Damn! Fortunately she is with someone else – who is that?”

“Who else could it be! It’s ‘Ripple Messenger’ Lynch!”

“Other than the ‘Eight-Armed Demon’, who else can fight with such intensity against Big Mom?”

The people in the white group were surprised and couldn’t hide their joy when they saw Lin Qi suppressing the monster-like aunt in the air. If Lynch hadn’t stopped her, this monster aunt would have followed Blackbeard to fight them!

How can two Yonko-level monsters survive this!

On the contrary, the hearts of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates sank slightly. It seems that my own strong support is no match for that Lynch…

Damn eight-armed demon!

You are sick, right? The biggest pirate in the world is not doing it right, why is he fooling around with the Straw Hats?

“Our instructor is having so much fun!”

Zoro took a moment to look up and couldn’t help but smile.

“He doesn’t need us to worry!” Sanji yelled over there, “Hey, Green Algae Head! The guy over there is not a swordsman, how about we exchange!”

The nine-tailed fox Katrin seems to have identified Sanji’s weakness in not attacking women, and always chases him to bite him from time to time.

Although Meili could rely on the Mirror Fruit to fend him off once or twice, Katrin quickly saw through the weakness of Meili’s mirroring ability – when you imitate me, I just don’t want to hit you! As long as Katrin doesn’t attack the mirror image of herself, the other party will be as stupid and unable to exert its power at all.

Katlin retreated without a single blow. When Merry was relaxed or tired, she sneaked up on Sanji in the chaos. Sanji was injured many times and couldn’t bear to be disturbed.

“Exchange? Why bother!”

Zoron made a move with his two swords, and a touch of green appeared in the dark domineering force, “Why don’t we just cut together!”

He bit the word Hedao, his eyes sharp, three thousand worlds!

Shiliu, who was covered in blue immortal flames, had bloodshot eyes and seemed to be hallucinating. In the aura wrapped around the body of the turbaned swordsman, he seemed to see a phantom with three heads and six arms…

Boom! !

Thunder light swept across the entire scene, and the sand crocodile screamed and flew out wrapped in yellow sand.

Not just him, many members of the Blackbeard and Whitebeard Pirates were covered in electricity. The pirate in the white group blew out a ball of hot air and said depressedly: “Why…even us…”

On the other hand, Zoro, Sanji, Franky and others remained calm even if they were affected by lightning.

On the contrary, Shiliu, who was cut into several pieces by Sauron’s Three Thousand Worlds, was injured by Haki. The wound healed very slowly. Now he was electrocuted by Nami, which caused even more disaster. Katrin was slashed by Zoro, and was hit by an electric current before she even hit the ground… Sanji exhaled, “Miss Nami’s loving electricity, we have long been used to it!”

“I love your size! You idiot!” Nami scolded with fangs over there, but she tossed a coin in her hand, aimed at the scattered yellow sand, and said with a smile, “A new trick I learned. , please give it a try, Mr. Shichibukai?”

Boom! ! The electric light flooded Crocodile…

“I didn’t expect it! Lin Qi!” In the night sky, the aunt who was standing on the fire cloud wiped the blood on her face, raised her hand to grab the air, and laughed ferociously, “You thought you were the one who knocked me away? Here? There is constant thunder here. I have already guessed that the little girl who ate the thunder fruit is fighting here… This is the battlefield I want!”

Because of Nami’s battle, the charge concentration in the air on this half of the island is so high that even waving an iron rod at will can bring out a trace of electric sparks.

Lin Qi hung in the air and said with a smile: “How do you know that I didn’t ask you to come here on purpose?”

“Idiot! How can anyone create favorable conditions for the enemy!!”

Auntie roared, and the power of the Soul Soul Fruit exploded in her hands. She extracted one day’s lifespan of her own soul and turned it into fragments of her soul, sucking in all the amazing electricity that filled the air.

In an instant, the mighty electric current continued to converge on her palm, the wind, clouds, thunder and lightning, and the color of the sky and the earth changed!

Nami on the ground immediately noticed something strange, raised her head and said to herself: “It’s no problem, that guy Lynch…”

“Just call her ‘Hera’…”

The ultimate thunder light gradually took shape in the hands of the aunt, speaking human words, and issued a graceful female voice: “Yes, Mom!”

“Taste these thunder and lightning, Lynch! Mama, Mama, Mama…”

The aunt laughed wildly, “Tianman, the great **** of freedom!!!”

She threw out the new Thunder Cloud Hera in her hand, and an astonishing electric light erupted from the cloud, turning into an astonishing countless thunder and lightning. Lan Qi and the Whitebeard Pirates attacked…Lin Qi shook his head and flew into the air, avoiding lightning bolts as thick as a house one after another like a dragon, and swung his stick at Big Mom on the fire cloud.

“Are you suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and amnesia?”


The domineering stick with blue and black ripples hit the aunt hard…


[“Brooke, continue to practice the ripple fist and increase the power of the underworld fruit… maybe you can awaken that power!”]

[Instructor Lin’s words still ring in his ears. On this day, Brooke found Lin Qi who was sitting under a tree practicing without disturbing him. After waiting for a long time, Lin Qi opened his eyes and smiled: “You came just in time.”]

[Brooke said elegantly: “Hey, I want to ask, does the ‘power’ that Mr. Lynch mentioned before refer to your ‘ghost’?”]

[After all, Lynch specifically mentioned the underworld fruit. As far as Brooke knows, what can be related to the power of the underworld fruit is the soul – and Lynch’s ghost seems to be some kind of special ability in the soul. 】

【”That’s why I said it’s just right.” Lynch stood up, “Before changing, I may not have known what to do. But after observing your underworld fruit for a while, I have an idea…”]

[The dark stand-in armor floated over, his narrow eyes glowing, staring at the afro-headed Brooke. 】

[“You may die and lose your soul. But you may also survive and awaken this power.” Lynch said with a smile, and a black smoke-like soul floated above his head. The soul body opened its golden eyes, and the “B.I.B” disintegrated and attached to Lin Qi’s soul body like a soul suit. “Are you really determined to give it a try?”]

[Brooke said calmly: “I am lucky to meet you friends in the final chapter of my life! It is difficult for me to practice domineering without a physical body, let alone the ripple domineering taught by Mr. Lynch! So! …Why not give it a try? I also want to become stronger and help my friends better!”]

【”Let’s do it then… However, I haven’t thought of a name for this move yet. What is it called? ‘Arrow Fist’? ‘Holy Skeleton Fist’?”]

[The dark soul nodded, laughed and punched the afro-headed skeleton in the head, “Forget it, let’s call it ‘Phoenix Phantom Demon Fist’! Hahaha!!”]


Katakuri fell down for an unknown number of times, holding on to his three-pronged spear before standing up. He looked at the green “weirdo” in front of him, his eyes filled with disbelief. How could it be possible? I have stuffed more than three hundred shadows into my body, how could I still lose to this guy? !

“Yo **** ho ho! It’s not a ‘weird’!” Across the green “weird”, Brooke, who was playing the piano alone in the back, laughed, his skeletal fingers falling on the keys, “It has a name. It’s called… “Knocking on the Door of Heaven”, and he is my substitute. “

“…” Katakuri’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, so what the **** was that? !


Boom! !

On the other side of the island, the flame giant emerging from the huge sea of ​​​​fire punched the vague dark giant in the dark field in front of him, and an astonishing wave of fire and undercurrent burst out, shocking the earth.

“Hahahaha, Captain Ace, what’s wrong? Aren’t you going to kill me?”

The dark giant laughed wildly, “Why do you seem to be absent-minded?!”

In the heat wave that was assimilated into a sea of ​​fire, Ace hid in it to avoid being captured by the Dark Fruit. However, Marco and Luffy, they were enveloped by the dark fruits of Blackbeard’s awakening. How are they? Are they okay? !


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