I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 777 The Battle of Ending 2


 [Chapter Series·Three Kingdoms 7·”Dignified Guest·Minister·Queen”]

 [The flying snake broke through the clouds and threw itself into the palace in the Purple Mountain of the Kingdom of Flowers. The royal envoys naturally entertained the distinguished guests from the sister country Nine Snakes. Sangda wandered around for a long time without finding Ayu. However, under the guidance of Lili, the Minister of the Flower Kingdom and the Queen’s best friend, he discovered Zheng in the deep purple mountains, supervising the navy training. Queen Ayu. ]–

 “Luffy? ‘Straw Hat’ Monkey D. Luffy?”

  The aunt on the other end of the phone call said coldly, “Where is my son Cracker?”


 ”It seems that this guy is the aunt of the Four Emperors…”

 Everyone reacted immediately and looked a little serious.

 However, even Usopp, Nami or Chopper did not immediately run away in fear.

  It is during this year of training that our strength has been greatly improved. The most important thing is that there are people like Lynch, Robin, Hancock, Reilly and Tulip who have seen the world’s top elegance. The level of “Emperor” does not bring fear of the unknown to Nami and others as usual.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still on the same level as Rayleigh, Tulip, Lynch and others?

 It is more likely that the so-called four emperors are not as powerful as Lynch!

 The evidence is that during the previous year’s practice, Rayleigh also occasionally sparred with Lynch, and the result of their sparring… Tsk tsk, One Piece’s right hand Pluto is getting worse and worse in front of Lynch!

  And for Lynch like this, if we all come together, we can also “knock him to the ground”!

 Under such circumstances, Luffy was not polite to the Yonko’s aunt on the other end of the call, and he did not make Nami and others feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

 That’s it!

 Besides, sailing in the waters of this new world has to be done anyway.

 Zoro could not wait any longer, and his knife was itching.

 After training under Instructor Lin’s hellish level of difficulty for a whole year, what kind of performance will we have when we face those so-called four emperors?

 “He has been beaten away by me!”

 Luffy grabbed the microphone and faced Big Mom’s question, saying forcefully, “You actually captured Ace’s friend, Uncle Diamond, and beat him so badly! I haven’t even settled the score with you yet!”

 Uncle Diamond? Even though Jozi was covered in bruises and dying, he was still speechless by Luffy’s address.

 ”It seems that Jozi was rescued by you!” Auntie’s voice sounded a bit gritted, “You also defeated Cracker? Then I guess, the Thundercloud army that I cultivated on Thor Island… …”

 ”Ugly fat bitch! Dead fat bitch!” Perona rushed up and cursed with tears in her eyes, “You are the ones who killed Lord Moria! I will never forgive you in this life”

 She was venting when Zoro covered her mouth and dragged her away, “Don’t make trouble first!”

 ”Let me go! I haven’t finished scolding you yet!” Perona kicked her legs up angrily.

 “All your people on the island have been wiped out by us!”

 Perona stepped aside, and Luffy said bluntly to the phone bug, “This island is no longer yours! If you are not convinced, just come over! We already have accounts to settle!!! ”

 “Boy, I’ve never met you face to face, so where’s the grudge?”

  The phone bug with the aunt’s facial features sneered, “Mama, Mama… Whatever, now you have hurt my people and taken my territory, we have become enemies!!

 ”If I remember correctly, in the battle on the summit a year ago, your boy was almost beaten to death by his own grandfather in order to save your brother Ace, right? Mama Mama Mama… it was so touching. What a deep brotherhood! However, Ace’s good brother, you probably don’t know that Blackbeard’s pirates have already gathered their forces to attack the pirate base where your brother is. This time, you still have time. Save him?”


 Luffy remembered that this was the idiot he met in Magic Valley Town on Gaya Island who said the cherry pie was delicious.

 And it was this guy who caught Ace and was publicly executed by the navy, which triggered a series of events that followed.

 “Didn’t he say that people’s dreams will never end?”

  Luffy said to the phone bug expressionlessly, “Blackbeard is one of the Four Emperors now, right? In that case, I went to him with the dream of becoming the Pirate King!”

 ”Mama, mama! You really don’t know how to live or die! This is a decisive battle between the old and new four emperors! Do you think that a rookie pirate group like you can participate in it?”

  The phone bug laughed loudly, “Okay! Since you are in such a hurry to die, let’s do it! I will personally dig out the souls of all of you! Diamond Jozi, I like shining diamonds the most, I will Keep this diamond man well in my library… Mama Mama Mama! ”

 Amidst the extremely arrogant laughter, the Telephone Bug’s expression calmed down and he returned to his normal Telephone Bug appearance, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

 In everyone’s ears, there was only the crackle of lightning and the rumble of thunder in the distance.

  Luo, who was wearing a black-feathered cloak, said: “Auntie deliberately provoked the Straw Hat Master to deal with Blackbeard. It seems…she will also join Blackbeard in attacking the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates!”

 ”That must be the case…” Jozi looked anxious. Otherwise, how could Big Mom’s people know so clearly the whereabouts of Teach’s attack on the Sphinx?

 Jozi struggled on the backs of the members of the Red Heart Pirates and said weakly: “I have to hurry up…ahem!”

 “Stop being brave!” Xiaocao punched him and gave him a gun butt.

 “So, do you want to deal with two ‘Yonkos’ at once?” Franky rubbed his fists, “Hey, this kind of thing sounds crazy!”

  Sauron pressed the knife and said with a smile: “This is interesting!”

 ”But, having said that…” Nami held the top of the golden staff with her chin and glanced to the other side, “From the time the phone was connected to the time it was hung up, someone was particularly quiet, right?”

 Everyone then looked at Lin Qi.


 Lin Qi exhaled and smiled, “I’m worried that once this old woman knows that Robin and I are here, she will sell Blackbeard and run away!”

 What kind of words is this!

 Luo and others heard a black line. Auntie is the fourth emperor. As for turning around and running away when she heard you were there?


 Luo thought, Big Mom and Blackbeard were both the Four Emperors. After all, it was not a strong alliance. They only cooperated for temporary benefits.

 The new Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hats are as close as brothers!

 Here, there is the “Eight-Armed Demon” Lynch, who has the highest bounty in the world, and Nicole, who is also a “devil”, is the leader. Her bounty of more than one billion is even if it is placed at the Yonko level. In the pirate group, he is also a pillar-level existence! The Straw Hats, Zoro, and Nami are big pirates worth hundreds of millions in terms of bounty alone, and they should not be underestimated…

 It’s hard to say whether Big Mom would join forces with Blackbeard if she knew there was such an opponent!

 Turn around and run, maybe it’s not nonsense…

 “You can rest assured now, the old woman who cooperated with Blackbeard will probably get a share of the ‘End War’.”

 Lin Qi showed a rare “smile” on his face, and weighed the green and black iron rod in his palm, “We do have some old debts, and we need to settle them properly!”

 ”Yo **** ho, so what Mr. Luffy just said, we have a score to settle with Big Mom…” Brooke laughed.

 ”Of course it refers to the matter between Lynch and Sister Robin.” Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth, “Eleven years ago, if it weren’t for Auntie and the others, how could Sister Robin have been in despair for ten years? ! ”

 There is no need to describe me so pitifully…Robin hesitated to speak.

 ”Lynch is the one in prison.” Usopp reminded Sanji, “He is the worst, right?”

 “Tch!” Sanji curled his lips, “What’s the point of suffering for a man? Besides, this guy is obviously living a good life even in a big prison! And there is such a beautiful Sister Heina in the same prison. Prison…ahhhh! Damn it!”

 Why are you still on fire as you talk? ! Xiaocao, Perona and others quickly stayed away.

 “The remaining question is, how should we get to Whitebeard’s base camp?”

 The green and black iron rod was placed on Lynch’s shoulder and weighed. Following his words, everyone looked at Qiaozi who was almost knocked unconscious by Xiaocao’s gun butt.


 “This is the permanent pointer of the Sphinx…ah, it’s broken.”

 Jozi took out the pointer from his arms, only to find that it had been damaged in the previous battle and subsequent imprisonment.

 Having no other choice, Jozi touched his body and took out a small piece of paper.

 “Life paper?” Luo recognized it.

 The piece of paper was slowly moving in one direction in Jozi’s palm.

 Jozi raised his head and looked at Luffy, “This is…Ace’s life paper…”

 “It will be easier with this!”

  Nami smiled and took the life paper over, “The magnetic power of this island has not been stored yet. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to set off right away!”

 Her hands were a little quick, and Jozi was stunned.

 What did you take it for? I want to go back with you too!


 As soon as Qiaozi moved, blood began to ooze from the bandages all over his body. Luo frowned and said, “I advise you to recover from your injuries first.”

 “Leave it to us.”

  Luffy held down his straw hat and said with a sunny smile, “We’ll tell Ace you’re fine!”


 On the other side, Lynch, Robin, Chopper and others gathered together to discuss things.

  Discuss the matter of Chopper.

 Lin Qi weighed Urki’s chip of the Bodhisattva Fruit of the Phantom Beast in his hand.

 ”Isn’t it okay?” Zoro pressed the reindeer’s head, “He needs the brain brought by the Renren Fruit, right? If he can easily take out his Devil Fruit…”

 ”It doesn’t matter!” Chopper raised his head, his eyes flashing brightly, and said, “I am a doctor! If you can absorb the pain of the patient, that is the best medical skill!”

 Robin said: “Don’t worry, this fruit is everyone’s fruit after all.”

 Usopp said: “And it’s a rare species of phantom beast! By the way, speaking of which, Chopper, what are the abilities of your Renren Fruit?”

 “Uh…” Chopper was startled, “You can make me look like an ordinary human…”

 ”…” Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and others were collectively speechless, “In other words, if a normal human eats your Renren Fruit, the only effect will be to become a landlubber?”

 Chopa hesitated and said: “It seems so…”

 ”Then why are you hesitating! Replace this useless fruit quickly! Hey Chopper, why are you biting us!”

 After a while of laughing and joking, Lynch was responsible for putting on the arm armor, reaching his left hand into the chest of the reindeer, and taking out the most unpretentious Renren fruit chip.

 This reminded Robin of the scene more than ten years ago when he and Lynch first went to the winter island that was then called the Drum Kingdom and met the “snow monster” running in the snow forest.

 At that time, Lynch directly took out the reindeer’s fruit, and then the reindeer became…

 ”Chirp, chirp, chirp (have you taken it out)?” The reindeer tilted its head, looked at the chip in Lynch’s left hand in confusion, and reacted suddenly, “Chirp, chirp, chirp (I can’t speak)?!”

 “Strange, why didn’t you turn into a stupid reindeer?”

 “It doesn’t make sense…Did Lynch make a mistake?”

 Usopp and Sanji’s heads came into view of the reindeer. The annoyed Chopper raised his head and gave each of them a dime, then angrily held up a sign and wrote: “I understand. ! ! ”

 Robin couldn’t help laughing and said: “It seems that even if he changes back to an ordinary reindeer, Chopper’s mind is smart enough.”

 Lynch shrugged, which is actually reasonable.

 In the world of One Piece, there are many intelligent animals that understand human nature. An animal like Chopper, who has obtained the Human Fruit and developed its mind with human thinking for more than ten years, will not completely turn back into a dull wild animal even if he loses the Human Fruit…

 ”It would be better to say that after taking out the Renren Fruit, there are no changes except that you can’t speak Renren…”

 Sanji pondered.

 “What, the Renren Fruit should really be renamed the Landlubber Fruit.”

Usopp nodded solemnly, and then, together with Sanji, were pushed away by the angry reindeer.


 Zoro couldn’t help but laugh, and was knocked over by the reindeer with a bang.

 Lin Qi laughed, and sent the human fruit, phantom beast species, and bodhisattva form in his hand into the angry Chopper.


 “Brother Hei~”

 Everyone walked on the moon together, and as soon as they returned to the Sunny offshore, the ship spirit Mellie rushed over. First he rubbed against Lynch, then jumped on top of Luffy’s straw hat, then got into the waist of Zoro’s three swords, into the arms of the doting and smiling Nami and Robin, and took pictures with Sanji and Usopp. Palm…

 ”Trazai, are you really not going together?”

 Beside the boat, Luffy waved towards the shore.

 Luo, Xiaocao, Beibo and others were watching them over there.

  “Our submarine still needs repairs!” Luo pointed his fingers and gave the details of the inconspicuous Straw Hat leader, “Jozi also needs careful treatment, and the Big Mom Pirates on the island also need to deal with it…”

 ”This is an opportunity to fight against the Four Emperors!” Zoro and others laughed, “Do you really want to miss it?”

 ”There have always been sea emperors, and I didn’t go to sea for them.” Luo said flatly, then looked directly at Luffy on the Sunny, and shouted from a distance, “Straw Hat Master, you should understand Right? If it weren’t for Lynch and Nicole… I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to participate in such a decisive battle!”

 ”What are you talking about, Trazai.” Luffy lay on the side of the boat and said with a smile, “Isn’t it good to rely on your friends?”

 “…” Luo was stunned and smiled slightly.

 Watching the Sunny gradually go away on the turbulent sea of ​​the New World, Xiaocao said angrily: “What a boatload of weirdos!”

 “Sister, they helped us!” White Bear Beibo said hurriedly, “How can you say that…”

 “It’s none of your business! You stupid bear!”

 ”Huh? You actually said that…”

 “Captain, repair the submarine, heal Diamond Jozi, what else? Where do we go next?”

 Luo thought for a while, then hit Bebo on the head with the handle of his knife, who kept bowing and apologizing to Xiaocao, “Let’s go to Bebo’s hometown. It should be more suitable for resting there! And… I heard that Zuowu and The Whitebeard Pirates also have a connection.”



 Hence, the Sonny followed the guidance of Ace’s paper of life and headed forward through the waves.

  On the boat, Luffy yelled for Sanji to cook, Zoro picked up the wine jar and started drinking, Nami handed over the steering task to Franky, pulled Robin into the bathroom, and together Take a shower and relax.

 Lin Qi was in the mirror world, stroking the good boy Meili in his hand, while watching Chopper continue to grind out the newly obtained Bodhisattva fruit in the mirror world.

 The black armor “B.I.B” meditates quietly as always, refining energy for its body bit by bit.



 At this moment, in the sea near the Sphinx Island, a large black pirate ship is approaching!

 “Thief hahahaha…”

  Amidst the raging wind and waves, Blackbeard Teach stepped on the bow of the boat, opened his arms and laughed, “Ace, Marco, you can’t escape now! Whether it’s dad’s legacy or Zhenzhen All fruits belong to me!”


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