I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 776 The Battle of Ending 1 (5000 words)


[Chapter serial series·Three Kingdoms 6·”Go and invite the Jade Queen”]

[Sanda accepted the order, spread her wings, and flew out of the palace. The voice of the third sister came from below. Mary threw a small bag to her, filled with food and drink. Although the Kingdom of Flowers is not too far away for the Flying Snake, Sangda still made an OK gesture with a smile, picked up the small bag, flapped his wings, and hovered high into the sky. After recognizing the direction, he swept across the sky. The clouds rushed towards the Kingdom of Flowers in the West Sea… At the same time, Snake Princess Hancock, who had left the palace, had arrived at the coast and saw the rather large mermaid princess from a distance. ]–

The cherry blossoms are like mist, flying in the sky amid the wild dance of electric snakes, accompanied by the blood of the fallen Urki.

No, it’s not cherry blossoms…

It is domineering mixed with pink…

Ulki’s pupils were blurred and he collapsed in the thunderstorm.

“How is it possible…” The strange monk muttered to himself with blood on his face.


Chopper withdrew his fist, blew out two streams of hot air from his blue nose, and said in a deep voice: “Compared with Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ayu, Cavendish… those people, your strength is inferior. It’s so far! In the past year, we have been competing with each other every day, and if we make any slow progress, we will be left behind… You have no idea what kind of hellish practice we have gone through! ”

Lynch walked over with a rubber umbrella in one hand and struck Chopper on the head with a knife, “Is it that ‘hell-like’?”

Chopper returned to his reindeer appearance and touched his head “hey hey hey”.

“…” Ulki’s blurred vision glanced at Lynch, who was holding an umbrella next to Chopper, and murmured, “What about him? You just…didn’t mention him…”

“Lynch is outside the scope of the discussion.” Chopper stuck out his tongue, pulled his hat, waved his hands like an adult, and sighed in a childish voice, “Who would compare with the instructor!”

Anyone outside the scope of discussion…

Urki is unconscious.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the red lotus karma fire and the blue tribulation fire intertwined to form a god, stretching out his huge hand to catch him…

“Gods and Buddhas?!”

Ulki woke up a little, and then he realized that Lin Qi, who was holding an umbrella in the thunderstorm, had his arms covered with a layer of red and blue flames and was grabbing at him.

Eh? Chopper was shocked by Urki’s unconscious words. He looked back and forth, opened his mouth wide, and looked at Lin Qi in shock. Was Lin Qi a god? !

“Ask you one last time,”

The hand wearing the blue flame-patterned left armplate stopped on Urki’s **** chest. Lynch, who was squatting aside, asked, “Jozi is imprisoned. The Charlottes want to use him as a bargaining chip. Or is there another purpose? ”

“Hey hey hey…”

The strange monk coughed up blood and grinned strangely, “Isn’t it just… the same as what you are going to do now? Hehe…”

“As expected.”

Lin Qi nodded, penetrated Urki’s heart with his left hand, and took out the triangular chip in the form of the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Bodhisattva.

“I’m attracted to his diamond fruit!”


“Jozy ‘Diamond’.”

In the underground prison of the minefield, Luo took the collected keys to find his companions who were imprisoned here. Robin went all the way deep, and soon found the captain of Whitebeard’s Third Division who was imprisoned in the depths. At this moment, Jozi was covered in bruises, bound by sea tower stone chains, and almost dying.

Jozi reluctantly opened his eyes, “It’s you, Nicole Robin…”

Jozi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her.

Since Nicole Robin is here, Lynch must be here too.

Even if we don’t talk about the friendship between the Whitebeard Pirates and Lynch, just talk about the grudges between Lynch, Nicole Robin and the Big Mom Pirates, Lynch came to the Thunder God Island, the territory of the Big Mom Pirates. You won’t just walk around and leave.

“It’s okay.”

Robin used the key to unlock Jozi. “The Big Mom Pirates’ forces on the island have been basically eliminated. You have fought with Weibull and the Big Mom Pirates one after another. It’s no wonder you have fallen like this. situation. ”

The veteran captain of the Whitebeard Pirates has no doubt about his strength.

However, the enemy is not weak either.

Weibull, who calls himself Whitebeard II, is even more powerful enough to become the King’s Shichibukai. Not to mention, according to Luo’s previous revelation, this Weibull has actually been a member of the Blackbeard Pirates for a long time!

In other words, Jozi, who chased Weibull from Fish-Man Island into the new world and encountered the Big Mom Pirates’ ship on the way, actually fought with two Yonko men one after another.

Should we be glad that Blackbeard and Big Mom didn’t deal with them in the first place? Otherwise, it would be difficult for Qiaozi to save his life in such a harsh situation.

Robin remembered that in the newspaper half a year ago, the Blackbeard Pirates’ battle to become famous was a head-on confrontation with the Big Mom Pirates.

It was in the one-on-one battle with “Auntie” that the title of “Blackbeard” was fully established, and the title of the newly promoted Yonko truly fell on his head, while Whitebeard After his death, although the Whitebeard Pirates have not disbanded, they have been running around protecting their territory for the past year, busy putting out fires everywhere, and Ace and others who are in a state of distress have obviously not yet shown a truly shocking strength. Recognized as enough to inherit the mantle of Sea Emperor Whitebeard.

When Weibull and the Big Mom Pirates met, they probably had a fight, which gave Jozi a chance to breathe…

“Aunt… Weibull…” Jozi murmured to himself, and suddenly thought of something, “No! I have to go back quickly!”

He gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, but his whole body collapsed, blood flowed, and he stumbled down weakly.

“You are seriously injured. If you try harder, you will die.” Luo walked over from behind.

Beside him were several rescued companions. The weapon girl hugged Luo’s arms with tears in her eyes. When she saw Robin’s glance back, she immediately let go. She chewed a cigarette and looked away.

Luo breathed a sigh of relief and raised the brim of his hat. The diagnostic sound of beeping medical instruments seemed to flash in his pupils. He stared at the bruised Jozi and said hoarsely: “This is the doctor’s judgment. You’d better be obedient.” .”

“I must go back… to the Sphinx…”

Qiaozi’s eyes were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth, and still struggled to get up. But the more he struggled, the injuries on his body worsened, and dripping blood continued to pour out.

“Who else is there next to you?” Xiaocao hid for a while and found that no one was making fun of him. He turned around, bit his cigarette and raised his chin, pointing to a figure in the shadow of the corner of the prison not far from Qiaozi. .

Everyone looked over.

“Ouch!” The slender figure rushed out of the shadows like a puppy, staring with round eyes and grinning, “Hungry! Want to eat! Thirsty! Drink water! Hungry! Want to eat! Ah! Ah! Ahh…”

The doll-like pink-haired woman was **** in chains and was fussing, but the words she spoke were like a child, jumping in pieces.

“You are…”

Robin squatted in front of Perona, looking at the delicate face of the girl who was whimpering and wanting to bite her, and said in deep thought, “The ghost girl from the Devil’s Barque?”

She looks so pitiful. If you know her, please save her. What are you doing with such a calm analysis?

Luo, Xiaocao and others looked at Robin with black streaks all over his head.

As a doctor, Luo used the fruits of surgery to briefly treat Qiaozi and helped him up.

Jozi looked at Perona and said in a deep voice: “It’s useless, her soul is not here… What remains in this body is only a small amount of consciousness, which can maintain normal eating, drinking, walking, sitting and lying down…”

Normal walking, stopping, sitting and lying?

But she was locked in a prison… No wonder she became hysterical, like a poor little dog.

After all, only instinct is left! Xiaocao looked at Perona’s noisy body, as if she saw her former self, and walked over to unlock her chains.


Soon, Luo’s people supported Qiaozi, while Perona’s body was gnawing at the dried meat crazily. At the same time, they held Xiaocao’s clothes and followed him all the way out.

Robin led the way out of the underground prison. All the thunderclouds outside were gone. Nami and Brooke on the mine field. Oh, it’s Brooke (Usopp), chasing Zoro (Brooke) and pointed out very dissatisfiedly. Point and point. Brook (Usopp) jumped to his feet and said: “Why dispel them all! After all, it is the Thunder Cloud Hormitz made by the Four Emperors. If you grab it, think about it, it is quite useful!”

“That’s it!” Nami walked and tapped Zoro (Brooke)’s chest wildly, scolding in a sweet voice, “We are pirates! Do you understand! How can any pirate see something good and not think about it?” It was destroyed when I got it!”

“So close…” Brooke murmured.

Nami suddenly realized that she was almost deceived by this serious face when she saw the lewd smile she had never shown on Zoro’s face! This is Brooke!

“Can you take a look?” Before Sauron (Brooke) finished speaking, lightning surged all over his body and he fell down smoking.

“Look at your size!” Nami said angrily with sharp teeth, and echoes came from the air where no one was around: “That’s right! Brooke you”

Huh? Nami turned her head with murderous eyes, swung the golden staff and hit it with a stick, bang!

“Usopp” was pulled out of the air, vomited blood, spun around and was knocked away.

“Hey! That’s my body, Nami!!” Brooke (Usopp) cried out while holding his afro.


Thunder struck Sanji, who was whipped away by Nami’s stick. However, he quickly got up while holding Usopp’s body, and Zoro (Brooke) next to him was covered in steam. He gave everyone a thumbs up and said, “I’m fine. This little thunder is nothing to a knight who is often electrocuted by Miss Nami!”

“You are so proud!” Brook (Usopp) kicked him.

“Didn’t you say that was your body?” Nami said with shame.


Robin and others came over. Behind them, Luo, Xiaocao and others were speechless and held their foreheads, while Robin was smiling.

“What happened?”

Lynch and Chopper came from the other side and waved to Robin from a distance.

“Sister Robin! Lynch!”

Nami waved to both sides with a smile, and then complained to them, “It’s not all Brook’s fault. He dispersed those thunderclouds without saying a word. Alas! I was still thinking about whether I could catch one to play with. Well, this way I don’t need to do it myself when using lightning attacks in the future…”

With her Thunder Fruit ability, wouldn’t it be particularly suitable to be paired with a Thunder Cloud Homitz?

Are you still a human being? Are you going to squeeze even a single cloud? Usopp and the others were silently complaining. Of course, a man would not suffer the immediate loss and would not talk about it while looking for electricity.

“How’s it going?” Robin walked over to Lynch.

“Jian Jun stretched out the Bodhisattva chip that he had received, and pinched Robin’s cheek in surprise, “This female donor, do you think there will be other results? ? ”

Robin chuckled and said curiously: “If I remember correctly, the unique ability of the Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Bodhisattva form described in the illustration is to absorb damage and pain, and transform the blessing into its own destructive power.”

“I am not as good as hell, who will go to hell!” Lin Qi sighed, “In other words, the person with the ability of this fruit is immune to all pain and harm. No wonder the weird monk keeps grinning all day long. It’s not that he likes fun, it’s that he never feels pain!”

This thing, when it comes to the tormented fruit of General Star’s Shame, is no wonder that it is Tian Ke.

Robin shook his head and said: “If you can’t feel the pain, it will be difficult to understand the suffering and suffering of others.”

Lynch looked at Luo, nodded to each other, and then looked at Jozi, who they brought out further back, and Perona, who seemed a bit mentally retarded. Turns out it was Perona?

Thinking about this, Lin Qi reached out and summoned the green and black iron rod. After walking a short distance away, he stood the green and black iron rod on the ground with a thud.

As Lin Qi left, he turned around and pointed at the green and black iron rod, saying: “Big.”


Under the astonished eyes of Luo and others, the green and black iron rod suddenly expanded, reaching a height of ten meters and a diameter of two meters. It stood like a green and black iron pillar in the field.

What is he going to do?

Before everyone could be confused for a long time, Nami, Luo and others suddenly changed their eyes and looked to the other side, only to see a black shadow coming from the distance, passing through the heavy thunderstorm curtain, approaching here at a very fast speed.

It’s Charlotte Cracker!

The Cracker seemed to have been knocked away by someone, flying close to the ground towards the people in the minefield. Finally, with a loud “boom”, it hit the green and black iron pillar that Lin Qi had erected.

Peng… Blood mist sprayed, and Keliqia slipped on the green and black iron pillar with his eyes white, a large blood stain appeared on his back, and he fell to the bottom unconsciously.

“Who is this?” Brook (Usopp) held his head and looked around, “Who did this? Luffy?”


Luo and others looked at the ground. The green and black iron pillar withstood the impact and remained motionless except for a slight translation back.

“I must…go back to the Sphinx as soon as possible…”

Qiaozi grabbed Lynch’s clothes, and Chopper quickly raised his body, supported Qiaozi and exclaimed: “No matter where you are, you can’t go back! You are so seriously injured!”

“This is the judgment of two doctors.” Luo raised **** from behind and said coldly.


Lin Qi remembered, this seems to be Whitebeard’s hometown?

Is this the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates?

“We have all been deceived, Lynch…” Qiaozi’s mouth was bleeding, and he grabbed Lynch’s clothes. He raised his head and stared directly at Lynch, “Tiqi and Auntie are not enemies at all. …Their battle half a year ago was a scam from beginning to end! Ahem…”

What did he say? !

Luo, Nami and others, as well as Robin, were all very surprised.

The battle between the Blackbeard Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates half a year ago was a scam?


Robin and others thought of the newspaper headlines half a year ago, and the newly promoted Yonko Blackbeard who became famous after the war…

“Did Big Mom give Blackbeard a push in that battle and help him become famous?”

Frankie chuckled and said, “It seems that the whole world has been tricked by them!”

“‘Blackbeard’ used to be ‘Whitebeard”s partner…” Luo broke into a cold sweat and smiled, “There must be a new emperor of the sea! Help ‘Blackbeard’ become the new Four Emperors, go and bite The people in the new Whitebeard Pirates are really not bad for Big Mom.”

Robin touched his chin and muttered: “But that battle made ‘Blackbeard’ famous, but it also sacrificed Auntie’s own name. I don’t think that if there are no benefits, Charlotte Lingling Would you really do something like that…”

“Hey everyone is here”

In the distance, Luffy, Sanji (Zoro), and the ghost princess Perona floating next to them ran over together. Obviously, if Perona hadn’t led the way, Luffy would have gotten lost, let alone Zoro.

“Hey! Green Algae Head! Why are you walking with such a lovely lady!”

Usopp (Sanji) ran over aggressively. Over there, Luo saw that everyone had arrived, so he raised his hand and opened the surgical field, “ROOM exchange!”

Whoosh whoosh!

The four Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Brooke exchanged with each other.

“Hey hey hey…” Sanji opened his eyes and found that Luffy was on the left. Well, this doesn’t count. The one on the right was beautiful…Eh? What about the ghostly princess? !

Luffy said in surprise: “Sanji, are you back? Great, I want to eat meat! It was Zoro just now, he can’t do anything!”

“Can you blame me?!” Over there, Zoro, who returned the autumn water to Brooke, turned his head and shouted angrily, “I’m not a cook!!”

Perona has already flown into her body, opened her eyes and angrily walked towards the Cracker under the green and black iron pillars.

Just call your name Charlotte!

Lin Qi looked at Perona who was punching and kicking the unconscious Krick, and shook his head, almost hallucinating.

“How dare you kill Lord Moria! I will never let you go!!!” Perona stepped on the **** with all her strength, tears streaming down her face.

“I think I know what ‘Katakuri’ is about.”

Lin Qi stretched out his hand to call, and the green and black iron pillar suddenly shrank, returned to the size of an iron rod, and flew back to his hand obediently.

“This is probably the same thing as why Charlotte Lingling wanted to help Rotten Tooth Boy become famous…”

Lynch walked over and picked up the bruised and unconscious Cracker with the green and black iron rod, “The bargaining chip that Rotten Tooth Boy brought to trade with you is probably the technology to capture the Devil Fruit!”

“Hehe…huh?” Luffy, who was squatting next to him and chewing meat, raised his head and asked curiously, “Isn’t that the same ability as Lynch?”

Bola, bola, bola…

Suddenly, the sound of a telephone bug rang out from Cracker’s body, and soon a telephone bug rolled off of him and landed on the ground with a clatter.

“Bulu, bulu, bola…”

The phone bug’s face, flaming red lips, and heavy makeup are the characteristics of the Yonko Aunt.


Without any thought, Luffy reached out and picked up the phone, “I am Luffy, the one who wants to become the Pirate King!”


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