I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 775 I am not interested in Bodhisattva fruits


[Chapter serial series·Three Kingdoms 5·”Spanking if disobedient…”]

[Nine Snakes Palace, Sanda flew in and gave the letter from the mermaid princess to her sister who was admiring the flowers by the window. Mermaid Princess? letter? Hancock noticed a large group of things approaching Nine Snakes Island, but he didn’t expect this kind of result. Out of curiosity, he opened the letter and felt the familiar blue-black domineering words on the paper… Hancock’s eyes were wandering, he bit his lip and covered his red cheeks with the letter paper. ]


“Hey! Woman! Let me go!”

“Huh? Aren’t you a super pervert?”

Zoro, who was occupying Sanji’s body, was very impatient with the crying girl, mainly because this aggrieved and pitiful look reminded him of the girl in his boyhood, a scar that was forever engraved in the swordsman’s heart.

Perona was so shocked that she was actually violated by this super pervert? !

“Have we met before? I always think you look familiar!” Sanji (Zoro) looked confused and pointed to “his face”, “And you know this perverted cook!”

Perona used actions to remind Sauron of her identity.

She waved her hand and formed a small ghost, passing through Sanji (Zoro)’s body – failed!

A dark layer of domineering energy covered Sanji (Zoro)’s chest and abdomen. He pressed the handle of the knife with his hand and asked, “What are you going to do?”

How scary! Perona was horrified, clenched her fists and closed her eyes, shouting: “Don’t resist!”

As she spoke, she bumped headlong towards Sauron, like a phantom, sinking into Sauron’s chest and emerging from her back.

Damn it! The domineering eyebrow curling is still not easy to use…

Although Sauron was not shocked, he quickly staggered to his knees and muttered to himself with negative pressure all over his body: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been born…it turned out to be you!!” “This is a life-long humiliating experience. Sauron still can’t remember this strange guy he met on his adventure on the Devil’s Barque a year ago.

Zauron looked up, getting angry from embarrassment, when he saw Perona once again hugging her legs and looking into the distance. Thunder fell from the sky, but passed through her ghostly body without any hindrance.

“I escaped…” Perona’s big round eyes were full of tears, and she looked straight into the distance where there were countless thunderstorms and the dense black clouds in the sky, muttering to herself. Said, “My body was caught by them, and now it must be **** with Hailoushi… I can’t go back, and I won’t be able to get out… But I can never let them go…”

“…” Sanji (Zoro) calmed down, held a rubber umbrella in one hand, walked over and asked, “‘Them’?”

“The Four Emperors! The Big Mom Pirates…”

Perona burst into tears and gritted her teeth and said, “They captured Lord Moria! They killed Lord Moria!!!”


The white light of lightning flashed. The thunder was like rain and kept falling.


“Damn…what the **** is going on?!”

At the end of a large pit that stretched for more than ten kilometers, Cracker stood up anxiously, “‘Thunder Banshee’ Nami, doesn’t this woman only have a bounty of 300 million? How can she be so powerful? ? ”


A barrel-thick lightning struck overhead, and Cracker quickly made a biscuit umbrella. The insulating material blocked the lightning.

“Where’s Thundercloud Homitz?!” Kricker was annoyed, “How dare you let the lightning fall on top of my head? Do you want to die?”

But after he shouted for a long time, no thundercloud came to receive education. He couldn’t help but secretly cursed, after all, the thundercloud was not made of mother’s soul fragments, and it couldn’t compare with the spirituality of Zeus! They are all inferior products!

“Mr. Cracker, it’s time for you to get up from me, right?” Ulki’s deep voice came from the bottom of the pit.

On the other side, Lynch, Robin, and Law have found where Luffy and the others are.

Lin Qi’s thunderbolt that blew away the Cracker was aimed at Urki, who was fighting “himself” more than ten kilometers away.

“Sister Robin!”

When Luffy (Nami) saw them coming back, he ran to “Nami” with tears streaming down his face, “You are finally back! Hey, it was you who set the trap randomly and exchanged our bodies. Right?”

Nami turned angrily and glared at Luo, but the latter said calmly: “You called the wrong person, Luffy’s boss. The person in front of you is not Robin.”

“I’m not Luffy! I’m Nami!” Luffy (Nami) said angrily.

“I’ve changed back.” Robin smiled and waved to Nami.

“The one in my body…” Nami looked up and blinked, was it Lynch?

“Nami” tilted her head and said: “Change it back.”

“People don’t seem to be perfect.” Luo Yi held a rubber umbrella in one hand and raised his palm at the same time.

“Change back what you can change first.” Nami (Lynch) said.

“Great!” Chopper (Sanji) rushed over impatiently, “Hurry up and change it back!”

“No!” Franky (Luffy) said with a look of reluctance, looking at his hands that were emitting lasers, tears streaming down his face, “I want to play for a while longer… Goodbye, I can shoot lasers… …”

Usopp (Franky) slashed him on the head with a knife, “I am the one who can shoot lasers!”


Luo pressed his hand down, and a huge and invisible hemispherical field quickly passed through everyone, expanded to all sides, and enveloped everyone.

After asking who they were, Luo crossed his fingers and said, “Exchange.”


One after another soul bodies ejected from everyone’s bodies. Under the protection and control of the power of the surgical fruit, they intertwined with each other and fell into their original bodies.

“Okay!” Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head and grinned, “Where are the guys just now? Now we can beat them away!”

“My body!” Frankie made a pose, “Super~~perverted!”

“…” Chopper fell to the ground like a cute reindeer pillow, lowering his head solemnly.

Suddenly a big hand stretched out in front of him. He looked up and saw Lynch squatting down. Two deer hooves took his hand and stood up.

Lynch flicked his fingers and hit Chopper on the furry forehead, “You can’t even win with my body?”

“Lin Qi’s power is so powerful that only you can control it!”

Chopper complained aggrievedly, with a determined look in his eyes, “Lynch, I want to defeat that weird monk, and then… take away his Devil Fruit ability! Is that okay?”

“Aren’t you a pirate?” Lynch smiled, “Why is he so angry with you?”

“I’m finally back…”

Over there, Nami also opened her eyes. After returning to her own body, she finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Electricity erupted all over her body, wrapping Luffy in front of her. She nodded with satisfaction, “Everyone is back.”

“Not everyone is back!!!”

“Usopp” shouted, and everyone turned to look over, only to see “Usopp” looking like he was about to cry, “Why am I the only one…”

Robin put his chin on his head and muttered: “Who is the person in Usopp’s body now?”

Nami leaned her chin next to her, “Yes, who is it?”

“It’s me! Miss Nami! Sister Robin!” Usopp (Sanji) sighed, “I am Sanji…”

“Hahaha, Sanji has entered Usopp’s body.” Luffy laughed, “It feels so funny!”

Bang! Sanji flew up and kicked him, “What a laugh!”

Isn’t Usopp’s body very weak? Everyone couldn’t help but nodded when they saw Luffy’s nose and face swollen from being kicked.

Who are these people? Luo has a black head. Although they got along briefly a year ago, he still thinks these people are very strange.

Over there with the crackers.

He sat on Urki’s huge body and found that this guy’s body had expanded to the level of a twenty-five-meter-tall little giant. He couldn’t help but feel a little depressed. No wonder it hurt so much just now! Just look at how big Urki’s body is after absorbing pain.

Clicker said coldly: “I’m just a pirate who surrendered and joined my mother’s army. Do you want to command me, a ‘general’?”

As he spoke, he jumped aside, threw away the biscuit umbrella, and clapped his hands twice. A biscuit general was created out of thin air and wrapped around him like armor.

“Hahaha… of course not.” Ulki kept grinning and sat up, “They are already chasing us.”

General Biscuit and the strange monk looked together. Across the lightning strikes, Straw Hat Luffy and others, some with empty hands and some holding rubber umbrellas, were walking towards them.

The Thunder Banshee, the Son of the Devil, and that boy Luo are also among them!

Of course, Cracker would not admit that he was afraid of the three of them, but when he fixed his gaze on Lynch, who was walking with the Thunder Banshee in the crowd, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and left.

Bang! !

Crackler turned around and walked away, when a pair of big hands with condensed petals came towards him, knocking General Biscuit back.

Crack, click… Luffy rubbed his fists and said with a smile: “Leave this guy to me! Chopper, the other one is yours.”

You deserve to be with me? Just as Cracker was thinking, Luffy punched General Biscuit’s shell, causing cracks and knocking the entire General Biscuit away.

Luffy’s feet swayed and he disappeared on the spot. Soon, in the direction where Cracker was knocked away, there was a subtle crackle of moon steps in the air full of thunder, and he chased away.

“I really can’t understand him!”

Nami looked at Luffy walking away and shook her head.

“What’s wrong?” Robin wondered.

Frankie chuckled and said, “It happened at the cave hotel before.”

Usopp (Sanji) was silent, wanting to take out a cigarette, but didn’t.

Nami said angrily: “When we were eating to find out the news, those people were so scared when they saw Lin Qi that they didn’t even dare to eat. They didn’t dare to think that the body of Lin Qi was actually Chopper. How could it be anything like Lynch’s? Such aura, I was directly regarded as a fake, a showman in name only – they also mocked me, of course, they were actually mocking Luffy, and they laughed and asked ‘me’, who is the captain? Anyway, it sounds very hot!”

Pinching her fist with the thunder light dancing, Nami said fiercely: “If I were my own body at that time…”

“So?” Robin patted the excited Nami, “How was it then.”

“‘What does it matter? We didn’t go out to sea to be pirates for these people,’ that’s what Luffy said.” Franky chuckled.

Nami gritted her teeth and said: “That guy Luffy seemed to be fine and was still joking with Zoro… Sanji actually stopped me and wouldn’t let me do anything!”

You can’t use Luffy’s rubber body well, right? Robin glanced sideways.

Over there, Urki, who was more than 20 meters tall, saw that the group of people were chatting with each other, and his smile slowly became stiff.

The white wings on his back suddenly flapped, turning the huge pencil weapon and soaring into the sky.

“Can your wings really work?”

Lynch’s voice appeared above his head at some point, and a pair of feet stepped on Urki’s head.

What? !

When did he… Urqui turned back to look at the ground. Sure enough, among Chopper and the others, Lin Qi was no longer there.

Whoosh! A green and black iron rod flew from the ground.

Lin Qi grabbed hold of him, and with Ulki’s stiff grin, he gave a gentle tap with control.

Bang! ! ! !

Urki fell down and fell in front of Chopper.

Boom… Urki’s body swelled again, becoming thirty meters tall, and his strength increased again. Blood dripped from his forehead. Although he was still smiling, his heart was horrified. Fortunately, Lin Qi’s strength was weak in that blow just now. Otherwise, he may not be able to bear it and convert this damage into strength.

“Go rescue people.” Lynch pointed to a certain direction on Thor Island, where the mine field is located, “Chopper and I will play with him. This guy’s Devil Fruit seems interesting! ”

“Rescue people?” Usopp (Sanji) was surprised.

“Several of my companions were captured by Auntie’s people and imprisoned on this island.” Luo said in a deep voice.

Lin Qi said: “Not only his companions, but also Jozi from the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Jozy? Nami and the others have an impression. Isn’t that the companion of Luffy’s brother Ace?

Lynch looked at Urki, narrowed his eyes and asked: “You joined Charlotte Lingling’s command, right? It’s really an effort to defeat Diamond Jozi! But you caught him but didn’t kill him. , what do you want to do?”

“That’s good!” Urki smiled but didn’t answer.

“What kind of fruit is he?” Robin asked curiously.

Lin Qi carried the green and black iron rod and looked at Urki, who looked like a two-winged hill in the light and shadow of the thunder, “The human fruit phantom beast species…in the form of a Bodhisattva! It is a pair with the Great Buddha of the Warring States Period. ! ”


The Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, or the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? Robin glanced at Ulki, then looked at Chopper, who was shouting in a deep voice, his body rising into a majestic figure, and shook his head. Most of the rumors about the weird monk Ulki were not good to hear… Ulki was also It is called a monk who breaks the precepts. He is a monk who breaks the precepts of killing, promiscuity, and robbery. Such a person has the fruit of Bodhisattva. As a doctor, Chopper would be filled with righteous indignation. It is not surprising.

Before leaving with Nami, Luo and others, Robin made a gesture and waved it in his ear, meaning that I have informed you.

Lin Qi said OK, thank you, what reward do you want?

Robin gave him an angry look and headed towards the mine field with everyone else.


On the thundering island offshore, on the Sunny, which was undulating with the waves, Meili sometimes sat on the head of “B.I.B” who was practicing, sometimes ran into the mirror world and wandered around in her own body, and sometimes lay on the side of the ship, chatting with La Bu spoke…Suddenly, flower petals surged up on the deck, condensing into Robin’s head. She said to “B.I.B”: “Ulki’s fruit is the human fruit, the phantom beast species, and the Bodhisattva form. Your body is not aware of it. Interested.”

“You are very interested!” 』

The narrow eyes of the black armor shimmered, and he woke up from his deep practice. There was a chuckle on the deck, and the petals flew away.

“Brother Hei, are you going to the island?” Meili jumped over and grabbed the armor’s shoulders. On the sea, the island whale popped up.

『B.I.B』 observes countless thundered islands, and perceives the situation on the island… Luo, Cracker, Urqui… It is different from the main body. It has a photographic memory and remembers the people on the island. After distinguishing them one by one, it seems that there is no particularly remarkable guy. Wait, this weak breath, is it Joz? Why did he have this kind of virtue? Who influenced him? White II Weibull? Or Auntie’s person?

Huh? The same faint breath next to Jozi…is it Perona?

There seems to be Perona’s aura elsewhere on the island… Oh, is that her out-of-body ghost body? Why is she with Sanji? The chef with curly eyebrows is also on the road to good luck?

“There’s no need to go. 』

“B.I.B” touched Merry’s head, and the armor on both arms clicked off. After being aimed at, it threw it towards the location of the main body.

It continued to sit back on the deck, closed its eyes and practiced silently.

The gray energy is integrated into its body bit by bit.


When the double-armor with red and blue flame patterns flew to Lynch’s side, Urqui was almost defeated by Chopper.

“A deer is so difficult to deal with…”

Ulki was no longer as tall and majestic as before. He looked at Chopper, who was also covered in bruises. The latter’s physique was very similar to Lynch’s. He was tall and had long and powerful limbs. The most troublesome thing was that he also had a good hand. Such domineering power… Urki glanced at Lin Qi, who was sitting not far away with his chin resting on a black iron bar watching the battle, and his heart sank to the bottom.

“Probably because I am an animal that ate the Renren Fruit, I learned this trick without knowing it…”

Chopper wiped the blood and sweat, took a deep breath, and on his clenched fists, a trace of pink energy appeared in the dark domineering force, “Lily Ripple Fist——”

What? ! Urki’s eyes reflected the rushing Chopper, and the dark domineering air on the fist mark was filled with pink, like drifting cherry blossoms.

Bang! ! !


PS: Boom, boom, boom


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