I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 774 Go home and call your mother!


[Chapter Series·Three Kingdoms 4·”This is Mr. Lynch’s letter!” 』]

[This atmosphere, as if a thousand arrows would be fired upon if one word was wrong, shocked Kemi and Bai Xing. Bai Xing quickly took out the letter written by Lin Qi and asked her to hand it over to Nine Snakes. Letter from the Empress…]


Lynch has never met Urqui.

However, when his substitute was in the Chambord Islands a year ago, even though he didn’t pay special attention to it, Urqui’s aura of standing out from the crowd, far superior to others, and “B.I.B”‘s knowledge and color. It’s outdated, but it will still have some impression – and “B.I.B” never forgets it.

The perception of the heart network, along with the thunder that permeates everywhere, envelopes this Thunder God Island.

In addition to the voice that was estimated to be “Weird Monk” Urki, Xinwang also heard many guys that Lynch had some impression of – most of them had no impression of Lynch, only the most prominent one here, from the strength Looking up, I guess he is one of the generals.

Also, who is that strange aura?

It’s very faint…and a bit “familiar”, but Lynch can’t remember the corresponding image.

What’s even weirder is that this breath is not just one on the island, but scattered.

Is there a clone technique?

Nami (Lin Qi) touched her chin, she couldn’t, there is a third substitute, right?

Thinking like this, his mental network spread and locked on Luffy and others on the other side of the island… No, their bodies had been swapped. Lin Qi carefully identified that the person who sounded like Luffy was actually Na Mei, the one that looks like Franky is actually Luffy, and the one that looks like his own is actually Chopper. These three are more distinctive. Lynch can still remember how to exchange and correspond to the others, but Lynch is too lazy to do so. Think about it.

Luffy and others had just left the place where the auras gathered. They probably had just finished eating and drinking and asking for news. When they left, they were followed not far or near by several other unfamiliar “voices”. He has bad intentions and looks like he wants to be beaten.

Soon, among Luffy and the others, the aura of “Sanji” turned a corner and walked away…

Well, Lynch nodded secretly, this must mean that Sauron didn’t run away.

Those who followed the crowd probably felt that “Sanji” had left the team, and the bounty was relatively low among this group of people, so they quietly changed their direction and followed “Sanji”‘s direction.

Lin Qi thought: “If I remember correctly, Enel’s heart network covering the entire island can monitor other people’s conversations in real time…”

In other words…

Lin Qi concentrated his mind, and the colors he saw and heard became more and more consistent with the radio waves. The Heart’s Eye, Thunder Ears, and the auras of Luffy and others walking on Thunder God Island were extended in the forest. In Qi’s mind, from the original silence, the sound of conversation gradually came out.

They seemed to be arguing about something, and finally everyone suddenly realized: “Hey, Sanji, no, where is Zoro?!”

Chopper (Sanji) said speechlessly: “This super road idiot! He is walking with everyone, how can he get lost?”

“It’s Sauron after all.” Others could only sigh to show their understanding.

“Is this okay?!” The young man was stunned.

Oh, it was the little guy who followed us sneakily when we went to the island. Lynch recognized it.

“Yo **** ho ho,” Sauron (Brooke) held down the autumn water on his waist, burped for real, and said with a smile, “Since I am using Mr. Sauron’s body now, it is up to me to find him. Come back.”

As soon as Brooke left, another Brooke-Usopp quickly chased after him, “Wait for me! Brooke, I’m going too!”

Watching the two people walking away, Nami and the others were confused, “Usopp is so active?”

Chopper (Sanji) analyzed: “If you meet Lynch and others who find Law on the way, they can exchange them directly. Brooke can exchange for his own body, and Usopp will exchange for green algae. Inside the head!”

Usopp (Franky) touched his chin and said with a smile: “Usopp, this kid, is quite calculating. He is really treacherous.”

Everyone was ashamed, “It feels so strange that you use Usopp’s body to say that to Usopp!”

The local teenager on Thunder God Island worried: “Is this really okay? This island is very dangerous…”

“Are you talking about the Big Mom Pirates? Don’t worry, they will be fine!”

“It’s okay…” The young man breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly realized, and shouted, “Why is there no problem! That’s the Big Mom Pirates! And it’s not just those powerful pirates, this island… There are also legends about ghosts! ”


Chopper and Nami were shocked.

“We see that kind of thing every day.” Franky (Luffy) said with a smile, “I wonder what kind of ghost it is? Is it different from Lynch and Brooke?”

As they were walking, on a high **** in front of them, lightning fell, and a tall figure with two wings was blurred. A deep Buddha’s call came from the thunder.

“It’s so good, so good, we meet each other on the same road, and we are really destined to meet you!”


“I can help you change your body back.” Luo packed up his things, brought his sword and Guiwei, and asked Bebo to stay here to take care of his companions, while he followed Lynch and Robin alone, “But the condition is that you must help rescue us from being trapped. Catching partner ”

Nami (Lin Qi) didn’t care. He was going to visit the prison anyway, so he said casually: “Isn’t the fruit of your operation the most suitable for quietly saving people?”

Robin said: “It’s probably because of the sea floor stone that hinders his ROOM ability.”

“That’s right,” Luo nodded, “My abilities and characteristics were already known to the outside world during the battle on the top a year ago. The people of the Big Mom Pirates used the Sea Tower Stone because of this… Hello Wait! Are you going to go out like this?”

Seeing that Lin Qi and Robin were planning to walk out of the cave empty-handed and into the countless thunderstorms outside, Luo quickly called out to them, with shock on his face.

“Is there any problem?” Lynch pointed to the green and black iron rod he carried with him, “We have a lightning rod.”

“Lightning rod?!” Luo looked at the green and black iron rod floating above Lynch’s head and was stunned for a while. Then he pointed to a pile of things placed on a stone near the entrance of the cave.

It’s a bunch of umbrellas.

Robin went over to pick up one of them and opened it with a bang. “The umbrella surface seems to be made of rubber… It turns out that the residents on the island hold this kind of umbrella when they are outside. The houses are built in the grottoes, and the outer walls are There are vines that are not afraid of lightning to eliminate noise. ——Lynch.” She picked up another rubber umbrella and threw it to Lin Qi.

Now that he is using Nami’s thunderous body, he can walk in the thunder like a spring breeze, but if he changes back to his body later, it will save more effort to hold up a rubber umbrella.

Lin Qi had no objection, closed the rubber umbrella, held it casually, shared a rubber umbrella with Robin who was holding the umbrella, and walked into the thunderous rain outside the cave.

Luo silently watched the two of them at the entrance of the cave for a while. He really thought that Lynch would open the umbrella in his hand… Shaking his head, Luo quickly opened the rubber umbrella and rushed outside. In the thunderstorm, I followed the two people who looked like a couple going for a walk.

It is indeed like taking a walk, and with the guidance of a strong mental network, it is particularly pleasant to take a walk. The roaring thunder and almost continuous lightning may be very annoying to Luo’s ears and eyes, but at this moment, Lin Qi, who is a thunder and lightning man, It looks very pleasant. As for Robin? After returning to her own body, she had already used the power of Huahua Fruit to make a pair of eyes and ears to cover her own eyes and ears. Protect eyesight and hearing…


Lin Qi, who was walking side by side with Robin under the umbrella, chatting and laughing, suddenly looked ahead. In the mountains that were whitened by thunder and lightning, huge and very similar figures appeared one after another.

Lifting the edge of the rubber umbrella, Luo looked at the biscuit generals that appeared one after another, and said calmly: “It’s him! One of the four generals of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Cracker…”


“There is a ‘minefield’ ahead, which will be the territory of Xing Keli!”

The following pirates, each holding a rubber umbrella, looked at the two pirate hunters and explosions in front of them who were wandering into the “minefield” the Big Mom Pirates’ base camp on Thor Island. The heads and skulls couldn’t help but look at each other.

They were originally following the “Golden Foot”, but who knew that guy seemed to have noticed their tracking and disappeared as they walked. It was really weird!

The pirates soon discovered Zoro (Brooke) and Brook (Usopp) who were also looking for the “Golden Foot”. Who knew that something was wrong with these two people, and they walked to Big Mom Pirates The regiment’s minefield…

Just because these straw hat pirates are idiots who don’t live up to their name, they won’t follow them in and get killed!

The pirates looked at each other, shrugged, and pretended that they were out of luck. They went back to take a look at the situation of Straw Hat Luffy, the idiot captain, and the others. Maybe there were loopholes that could be picked up.

And Brook and Usopp walked into the minefield…

The afro-headed skeleton (Usopp) held a rubber umbrella, got closer to Zoro (Brooke) next to him, and said nervously: “The atmosphere here is not quite right, Brooke.”

He moved his umbrella and found that since he stepped here, all the lightning had disappeared.

“Yo **** ho ho…”

Zoron (Brooke) pressed his hand on the autumn water, and a wisp of green energy emerged from his body. He smiled heartily and said, “I seem to smell a lot of poor lonely ghosts!”

They looked up and saw dense black clouds in the sky. These black clouds lit up strange eyes one after another.


“Chopper! What the **** is this body of yours!”

Sanji yelled depressedly. At this moment, he was in Chopper’s body, a reindeer giant tens of meters tall, or a giant monster with antlers.

Sanji, who was about to fight the weird monk Urgi, suddenly lost control of his body when he got excited, and became like this.

How to use this ghost body? When Sanji is blinded, just the change of perspective is very uncomfortable!

“Hey! Sanji! You’re so rude!” Chopper raised his head and shouted angrily, then roared wildly and rushed towards Urki in front of him like a missile, boom! ! !

Urki stayed on the spot, with his arms crossed, blocking Lynch (Chopper)’s blow. His majestic body, which had already expanded a lot, strengthened again, becoming ten meters tall, looking at “Lin Qi” in front of him showed a strange smile, “I didn’t expect that the famous ‘Eight-Armed Demon’ only has this strength?”

“You’re talking nonsense!” Chopper roared angrily and punched him.

Urki stepped aside, swung the pencil weapon as thick as a stone pillar in his hand, and slapped Lynch (Chopper) away. He raised one palm in front of him and recited the Buddha’s name, “Good, good, good! You seem to be unable to control it at all. Your own powerful power is really disappointing!”

When Lin Qi (Chopper), who was unharmed, heard this, he was so angry that his whole body burned – literally!

Chopper was startled, and instinctively wanted to extinguish the flames on his body. There was another burst of chickens and dogs, and then he was struck by the falling lightning and screamed strangely… Ulki, who was ten meters tall, saw him repeatedly. Shake his head.

“Hahaha.” Franky (Luffy) burst into laughter after seeing Coke.

“You are laughing your **** over there!!!” Luffy (Nami) was so angry that she wanted to beat this guy to death. This time everyone was really embarrassed. She gritted her teeth and shook her hands and said angrily, “Rubber rubber… …Punch me!”

Nami punched out, but the rubber fist stretched halfway and became limp. It hit Urki’s chest weakly and fell off.

Urki: “…”

The strange monk still smiled, but it was very forced. He sighed: “That’s good, that’s good. I, the Buddha, am merciful, so I will send you to a blissful rebirth!”


“Four generals?” Lin Qi was surprised.

Robin explained: “In the past ten years, the Big Mom Pirates have promoted——”

“The vacated seats will naturally be filled by someone!” The voices of General Biscuit all over the mountains and plains were joined together. He held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, looking coldly at the three people walking in the thunderstorm, “‘Empty “Tiao Xu Lun’! How dare you stand in front of our Charlotte family…and ‘Black Feather Stealing Doctor’, you are still hanging around on this island?”

Luo Leng said coldly: “Xiaocao and the others are still in your hands.”

Clark, who was hiding inside one of the Biscuit Generals, smiled and said, “As a pirate, isn’t it normal to abandon your companions?”

“I said, do you think I don’t exist?”

Lin Qi was puzzled for a while. When he pointed at his nose, he saw this white and tender little hand and remembered that he was still in Nami’s body!

Oh, that’s okay.

Luo pulled out half of the blade and said in a deep voice: “Master Lin Qi, after all, you don’t have your own body. Let’s do this, you go rescue people, and I’ll stay and deal with it…”

“Even with a body like this, I advise you not to underestimate him.” Robin smiled, “Also, don’t underestimate the body of our navigators.”

Huh? Luo was stunned.

“Do you have any coins?” Lynch turned around and asked.

Before Robin could rummage through his bag, Lynch groped around on his body, and sure enough, he found a coin in the **** pocket of his jeans.

“Thunder Banshee, Nami. I know you! The user with the power of the Thunder Fruit.” Kricker said coldly, “But it’s useless. I can come and go freely on Thunder God Island and I’m safe and sound. You should I know that your Thunder Fruit ability has no effect on my cookie soldiers…”

“I’m not interested in talking nonsense with you, Cracker.”

Lin Qi flicked the coin, and his whole body was filled with thunder. The ultimate lightning wrapped around his fingers, and the tossed coin levitated due to the powerful electric field.

“It’s better to go home and call your mother!”

As the electric light leaped, Lynch flicked his finger, and a thick thunder light nearly ten meters in diameter burst out, rising from the ground like a roaring thunder dragon, and accurately locked onto one of the Biscuit Generals.


Click controlled General Biscuit to resist, with bloodshot eyes appearing. This was obviously just lightning, how could it… have such an exaggerated impact? !

Bang! ! !

General Biscuit was knocked away and disappeared. The rest of the cookie soldiers disintegrated.

On the ground, there is only a semi-cylindrical concave trace left, starting from Lynch with his smoking hand stretched out, extending straight ahead for an unknown number of kilometers…

That coin has long been melted by the ultimate thunder, leaving no trace left.

Robin smiled and said: “You don’t need coins at all, right?”

Lynch nodded, “But it’s more handsome this way.”

“Indeed.” Robin held back his laughter, held her umbrella in his arms, and turned around and said, “Let’s keep walking.”

Luo was stunned for a moment with his mouth slightly open.

It’s only been a year… Luo maintained his cold expression, took a deep breath, and followed.


“Luffy! Nami! Sanji! Franky!”

Now that his body is simply indestructible, Lynch (Chopper) once again stood up like a normal person, looked at the 20-meter-tall Urki, and shouted in a deep voice, “I am not willing to accept this person as the only one. Lose to him!”

“Okay!” Franky, who was in Usopp’s body, raised his fist in response, “Come on! I have no fighting ability this week.”

As he spoke, he used Usopp’s Transparent Fruit ability to make the other three invisible, especially Sanji, who had just recovered from the big monster form and was out of breath for a long time.

“Oh? Why is this?” The white wings were spread out, and Urqui kept smiling with a grin. When he lowered his head, he looked like a mixture of an angel and a Buddha, lowering his eyes and laughing, “I learned about my devil. After gaining the power, he suddenly became very angry… Do you know the reason?”

“The reason is-” Lin Qi (Chopper) shouted, but suddenly there was a flash of lightning in his eyes. The twenty-meter-tall giant monk in front of him was overwhelmed and hit by a very thick lightning that swept across. Fly and disappear on the spot.


Chopper blinked, Franky and the others were also stunned, only Nami was moved, Lynch, you are back!


“Why is it so spooky here…”

Sanji (Zoro) held three knives on his waist and held a rubber umbrella in one hand as he walked in the thunderstorm. He looked around and saw no ghosts. He couldn’t help but sigh, “Those guys are really annoying.” Don’t worry, are you lost again?”


Zauron’s eyes narrowed, and he caught a glimpse of a figure in the lightning that struck just now.

It’s a woman sitting on the roadside with her knees folded…

Why does it look familiar?

Perona was secretly feeling sad. She turned around and saw a blond man with curly eyebrows walking over, and was startled…


PS1: The feel is not good and the update is a little late. (I obviously only asked for one day off, but I lost two leave notes…)

PS2: Little Yamato is too cute


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