I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 771 Luffy Brand “Rain” Umbrella


[Chapter serial series·Three Kingdoms 1·”Follow the direction guided by the paper of life”]

[Dragon Palace has been located on the mainland of Fish-Man Island. Inside and outside Dragon Palace, and on and off Fish-Man Island, densely packed fish-men and mermaid residents gathered. Everyone looked up at the blue sky and counted the white clouds, excited and moved. In front of the island are two mermaids, Princess White Star and Kemi, leading the way. At the bottom is a huge hemispherical bubble. Under the surrounding sea surface are sea kings as big as mountains, and more fishmen and mermaids as dense as stars. Everyone is moving quickly along with the entire island in the windless sea area…]



Robin gritted his teeth and let out a soft cry, frowned slightly, closed his eyes in pain, covered his left ear, and held Lin Qi next to him with one hand.

Based on her habit over the past ten years, whenever she sees any island, she will release her eyes and ears to investigate before landing on the island.


The island not far ahead was experiencing heavy rain.

However, this heavy rain is not a rain of water droplets, but a heavy rain formed by thousands of thunderbolts.

Lynch looked at Robin with a caring look.

“Unknowingly, the ‘Ears and Eyes’ were released on that island…” Robin slightly pulled the hair around his ears and smiled to himself, “Haha.”

Lin Qi remained silent, put his arm around Robin’s shoulder, and patted him gently.

Feeling the pity and concern he expressed silently, Robin raised his hand to hold Lin Qi’s big hand, tightened it on his body, and raised a soft smile on his lips.

The island in front…

“B.I.B” walked out of Lin Qi’s body, his narrow eyes shimmering, and he quickly called up Chapter 594, Chapter 655, and Chapter 967 of the comic in his memory. In these three chapters, Wei Monk Wu The island where Erji landed after entering the new world, the island where Smoker waited at the entrance of the new world to catch the Straw Hats, and the island where the Roger Pirates passed in the Oden Diary Chapter… are all the same as the scene in front of him. Nothing different.

Thunder Island.

“It’s better not to approach the ship. If it is affected by lightning, the Sonny will be damaged.” Navigator Nami observed the situation offshore, raised her wrist and looked at the three hands, which were pointing The island in front of me is constantly trembling. “I don’t know how long it will take for this island to store its magnetism…”

Heavy rain and thunder swept across the entire island, and the astonishing thunder was heard endlessly, making people’s heads buzz.

As a ship spirit, Meili was not used to it and was a little scared. She covered her ears with her little hands.

Robin rubbed the boat spirit’s head and said, “If you are scared, just stay on the Sonny. Labu will definitely not be able to get to the island. Do you want to accompany him for everyone?”

Meili stretched out her slender little finger, raised her head, stretched out her smaller finger and hooked, “Hmm!”

Lynch and “B.I.B” exchanged fists lightly, “I’ll leave it to you to meditate while I’m idle.”

『Exploit yourself, you come first. 』

Of course I don’t have any objections to the avatar armor. It and the main body need to be practiced at the same time, whether on the ship or in the mirror world. It’s just copied from the original character, making it unable to help but complain about itself.

When he first came to this world, Lynch was a weakling.

The body was brought back from the brink of death, and the mind was that of an ordinary young man on earth in his previous life. At first, he couldn’t even persist in practicing – no, exercising – every day.

At that time, it was only possible to get through the initial difficult stage by relying on the stand-in armor as the “other”, and separation was the characteristic of being relatively isolated from the main body.

At this stage, the convenience effect brought by the avatar’s characteristics is greater than Lynch’s own strength.

This is actually a kind of “pulling out ideas” that is harmless to the body; but on the contrary, using this violent and passive method to “pull out ideas”, Lynch suffered negative feedback such as exhaustion every time he took back his avatar. Compared to him at the time, it was also the most painful.

It is not until the training results are on track, Lynch’s own strength improves, and he can immerse himself in the feeling of training and persist, that he truly enters the right path of spiritual practice.

During this period, Lynch practiced with the Stand Armor, and their progress speed and efficiency were comparable, and they complemented each other. Although there was still strong negative feedback when taking back the Stand, he was able to use his good strength to take the initiative and quickly Digest the “experience value” brought by the substitute.

And now…

After leaving the prison, Lin Qi, who had been cultivating for a whole year, became extremely powerful. To a certain extent, he had surpassed the “shadow clone” characteristics of the avatar. Even if the avatar was released for another ten years, he would still be able to cultivate. At the moment of recycling, Lynch thought to himself that there was no need to search for a steady stream of “energy” to offset consumption.

Now that Lynch has released his avatar to practice, the “side effects” caused by recycling the avatar are already insignificant compared to his strength.


Lynch stood by the boat, looked at his palm from the front and back, clenched it little by little, and looked back in the distance towards the Red Earth Continent, in the direction of Mary Joa.

“Go on an adventure!!”

Luffy on the bow of the ship had already carried the pirate lunch prepared by Sanji. He jumped out first with a smile, stepped on the moon steps, and rushed towards the thundering island with a few clicks.

Ninjutsu and smuggling!

Usopp made a seal, completely disappeared, and quietly hugged Zoro’s thigh.

“Aren’t you a brave sea warrior?” Sauron was speechless. He didn’t mind the multiple weight-bearing pendants on his body. He jumped out of the bow of the ship and rushed towards the island in front of him with moon steps.

“Yo **** ho ho… Rab, goodbye~”

Brooke’s body glowed with green light, and he followed suit as lightly as a swallow.

Sanji tried to help Nami diligently, but Nami turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the island in front of her. The Enero on Sky Island can even move around the entire Sky Island like lightning. For those with Thunder Fruit abilities, their maneuverability is probably only inferior to that of Flash Fruit. Sanji felt disappointed for a moment and turned to look at Robin again.

Robin chuckled and flew away with Lynch.

“Let’s go, stop playing tricks.” Franky patted Sanji on the shoulder.


Merry waved her little hand and watched Sanji and Franky leave, taking the golden flying disc to the Thunder God Island where thunder was falling all over the sky.

The black ghost armor sat down cross-legged, and a ball of energy woven with colorful lines flew out from the body. Compared with the energy ball brought out from the prison, it was refined to less than one-third of its volume.

Meili was sitting on the shoulder of “B.I.B” and was joking with Labu who was swimming around the boat. Suddenly Labu looked at the sea not far away and saw a small boat drifting along with the undulating waves. There stood a small voice like a sailor, wearing a hood, raising his head to reveal a face full of wrinkles…

“Is it also a boat elf?!” Meili was shocked. It had never met its kind before!

“Yes, old lady, I am a boat spirit… No!” The hooded old lady on the bow of the boat came back to her senses and said speechlessly, “Old lady, I want to ask you, do you want an umbrella? If you don’t have an umbrella, but there is no one. There is no way to land on this Thunder God Island.”

“It turns out to be a human being…” Meili was a little disappointed, sitting on “B.I.B”‘s shoulder and tilting her head.

Since Brother Hei has been sitting there and not talking, it must mean there is no problem.

It raised its eyebrows and smiled: “It doesn’t matter, everyone has already gone to the island.”

“…” The old woman was stunned. Only then did she notice that the little guy in the sailor hood was sitting on the “air”, and it just said “it turns out to be a human being”. What does this mean?

Are you not a human being? ? ?

The old woman was speechless and a little shocked, “Could it be that you are Homitz from the Big Mom Pirates…”


Hearing this name, “B.I.B”‘s narrow eyes immediately shimmered, and it turned to look at the Thunder God Island not far away.





Thunders as thick as buckets of water struck down like heavy rain.

Lin Qi and others walked forward in the heavy rain. Looking around, they saw a vast sea of ​​thunder. Only in the brief intervals of thunder and lightning that filled the sky like waves could they see the scenery ahead clearly.

The electric light swayed, leaving afterimages over and over again in the vision, overlapping…

For those who are not adaptable or have poor physical constitution, they do not need to be struck by lightning. Just the electric light around them is as bright as daylight and shakes for a while, which will make them feel dizzy and energetic. exhausted.

Not to mention the countless thunders that are deafening at all times, which is simply torture to the hearing.

Zoron held up the word “Hedao”, touched his chin and said: “The whole island is covered with lightning, which seems to affect the perception of sight, hearing and color…”

“My eyes are going to be blinded by thunder and lightning…”

“My ears are also buzzing…”

Chopper and Usopp turned to look at Brooke and Franky with bitter expressions on their faces.

“Yo **** ho, you’re right – no, I have no eyes or ears!” Brooke laughed, “Yo **** ho ho~~”

“Huh? What did you say?”

Frankie held it up with his big hand, his sunglasses slid down the bridge of his nose, and his ear holes closed at some point.

A skeleton, a perverted reformer! Chopper and Usopp are so envious. Of course, there is someone else who is even more envious…

They looked not far away…

“Haha! Only after I came here did I realize that this place is not scary at all!”

Over there, Nami smiled and opened her arms in the “heavy rain”, bathing in the lightning with great enjoyment. She was so happy that she almost stood up on her tiptoes and danced.

“Do you still have more sunglasses?” Sanji also raised his hand upwards. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck and passed by his palm. He quickly retracted and punched upward, “Luffy ! Don’t move!”

That’s right!

At this moment, a group of people were carrying Luffy, the captain of the rubber man, and strolling leisurely in the “rain curtain” of Thunder God Island.


Luffy took a deep breath, and his rubber body expanded and enlarged, like a giant rubber balloon, held up by the hands of Franky, Sanji, and the hilt of Wadou Ichimonji held by Zoro. Above his head, he acts as a human-shaped rubber thunder umbrella.

“Sanji, I want to eat a bento…” Luffy muttered while keeping his mouth tight.

When these thunderbolts fell on his perfectly insulated rubber man, he felt like a spring breeze blowing on his face. He didn’t feel anything at all, and it was quite easy for everyone to carry him while walking, but it was so boring!

“Wait until you see people before eating.” Lynch said.


Zoro and the others were stunned by these words.

They came together to take a look around in order to record the magnetic power of the pointer, and because Luffy always wanted to explore a strange island when he saw it.

Is there really anyone living on this island filled with thunder and lightning?

Moreover, is this guy Lynch so outrageous that he can sense things in such a noisy place?

“Interesting, there seem to be some acquaintances on this island!”

Lin Qi shook his head and said with a smile, “Forget it, let’s talk about it when we meet. The thunder was too loud and the position can’t be heard clearly.”

The thunder was so loud that I couldn’t hear clearly…

Hearing these words, Usopp was in awe, and suddenly turned around and asked: “By the way, Chopper, isn’t your fur not afraid of electricity?”

Chopper jumped to his feet and said: “It can only be defended to a certain extent, how can you not be afraid!”

In a sense, can Chopper be considered a “fur tribe”? Robin touched his chin. Suddenly, Sanji, who was holding Luffy on his side, asked strangely: “What’s wrong with Miss Nami?”

Everyone looked at Nami, who had been leading the way briskly amid countless lightning strikes. She was frozen in place, unable to move. There were still countless thunderbolts falling on her like crazy snakes, which could not hurt her, a lightning person. Every cent.

Why don’t you move?

“What’s wrong with Nami?” Luffy, who was lying on it and almost fell asleep, turned his head, and his rubber neck stretched out rapidly like a snake.

“Luffy, stop moving!”

Usopp, Chopper, Franky and others were running around holding up their “Thunder Umbrellas”.

“Miss Nami!” Sanji and Brooke, who were worried about the lady, ran quickly.

Everyone quickly carried Luffy to Nami.


Time seemed to freeze at this moment, with dozens of thunder and explosions all around, reflecting the white ground like daylight, making the figures of the ten people look particularly dim, standing there like sculptures.


The thunder rolled, and the ten people swayed, as if they were emerging from the sea, and the sounds of loud gasping came one after another.

Immediately after looking at each other, everyone was stunned.

“What’s going on?!”

Luffy pointed at Nami, Chopper pointed at Sanji, and Brook pointed at Usopp, all with shocked expressions on their faces…

No, I have no face anymore, yo **** ho—

“Yo **** ho!” “Brooke” jumped while holding the skull’s explosive head, “I am Usopp! Why – why did I become Brook?! What happened?!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were constant thunder and explosions all around. “Franky” touched his chin and pondered: “Did lightning strike us so hard that our heads were damaged?”

“How big are you!!!”

“Luffy” roared with fangs and punched “Franky” on the head, “Even if it’s because of lightning, how could even me, a lightning man…”


“Franky” was punched so hard that he seemed to lose control of his body, and a golden light erupted from his palm with a “bang”.


Franky (Luffy) had stars in his eyes, as did the skeleton beside him, “So handsome!!!!”

And Luffy (Nami) looked at his rubber hands with tears in his eyes, looking around in the thunderstorm… Wait, it seems that I have become Luffy now, and they don’t have Luffy as an “umbrella” “Why wasn’t it hit by lightning all over the sky?

Everyone thought of the same question and raised their heads in unison.

A suspended blue-black iron rod expanded a lot and rotated above everyone’s heads. After the lightning falling towards them hit the iron rod, it was scattered to the surrounding ground.

It’s Lynch’s weapon…

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at “Lin Qi” in unison.

Different from them, at this moment, Lin Qi had a dark soul suspended above his head. His eyes were illuminated with a circle of golden lines, shining brightly. In the hands of this dark soul, he was holding Another petite pink soul body like a reindeer…could it be Chopper’s soul? !

Everyone looked at “Chopper”, “Chopper’s current body is…”

“Chopper” on the opposite side walked over to “Sanji”, took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket, and shook out a cigarette… Okay, no need to read later, “Chopper” is Sanji now!

“Then the ‘I’ now is…”

Luffy (Nami) looked at his body – “he” was holding Robin sister who was about to fall, raised his head and smiled at her: “It’s me, Nami.”

“Sister Robin?” Luffy (Nami) was stunned.

The only one left is Lynch.

Lin Qi’s dark soul body grabbed Chopper’s soul body in his hand.

Obviously, at this moment, only Lynch should be able to explain clearly what happened.

After all, one could tell that only Lynch could withstand the unknown force that exchanged their bodies.

The dark soul body and the golden-lined pupils looked around the head of Lynch’s physical body, and sent the pink reindeer soul body in his hand into his body. Then he turned into a black smoke and rushed in In the vacated body of Robin who was supported by Nami (Robin) – Lin Qi (Chopper) also yelled “Wow” and touched his head in confusion. What happened?

Robin (Lynch) slowly opened his eyes and sighed: “Do you remember the ‘acquaintance’ I just mentioned? It seems that for some reason, he has set up many small traps on this island…”

Moreover, they are all small traps specifically targeting the soul level.

Who does that kid Luona want to deal with when he develops this little trick?


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