I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 672 I don’t know why, I just don’t want to see you running away alone (6,000 words)


〖East China Sea, Meili〗

〖It’s calm again〗

“Pirate flag! I’m done!”

On the deck, Luffy’s excited shouts came.

In front of the cabin on the second floor, Robin leaned against the railing, crossed his legs, and flipped through a book indifferently.

“B.I.B” sat back-to-back with her on the railing, folding his arms and crossing his legs. His narrow eyes shimmered as he looked at the man holding a freshly drawn pirate flag on the first deck. Luffy.

Chopper’s eyes were filled with stars, “Wow, so handsome!”

“Aren’t you handsome?” Luffy was proud, showing off his achievements and laughing, “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time!”

“How cool is it?” Usopp couldn’t bear the two guys boasting about such weird scum, so he grabbed the paint brush and painted a pirate flag, stretched it out and showed it in front of a few people: “Look ! This is called painting talent! ”

Nami, Zoro, and Luffy immediately punched him, “Why did you change it to your symbol?”

“Okay” Chopper originally wanted to say he’s so handsome. Seeing this, he jumped up and hit Usopp with his antlers, “Why did you change it to your logo?”

“How about I draw it?” 』

A jet-black mask suddenly appeared in the air.

Usopp was startled by the sudden voice, and he held his hands against his heart. He found that Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper had no reaction at all. These people had completely adapted to this “ghost”. ah!

Looking back at Robin on the second floor, she seemed not to have heard the frolics of several people, and was still calmly flipping through the book.

When Usopp turned around again, he happened to see the paint brush dancing out of thin air, as if being grasped by an invisible hand in the air, writing on a new black flag, switching between different colors, and painting skulls. Pattern…

Soon, a pirate flag that was very similar to the Straw Hat Skull and Bones flag originally conceived by Luffy was released.

Chopper and Luffy looked at the stars at the same time, “So handsome!!”

“This… is indeed much better.” Usopp reluctantly nodded and admitted.

Zoro looked at it with a smile, “The straw hat is based on what Luffy wears on his head. Why are the crossbones replaced with a snake and a dragon?”

Nami reminded: “Have you forgotten? Luffy has a snake-shaped pendant around his neck…but why is there a dragon?”

She also started to be confused and could only say, don’t you guess what the ghost is thinking?

“B.I.B” is also quite satisfied with this work.

Anyway, Luffy inherited the original straw hat elements from Shanks; it wouldn’t be a big deal to draw another Tulip’s snake and Dorag’s dragon, right?

At this time, it caught a glimpse of Robin on the second floor getting up and leaving, entering the cabin on the second floor.

At this time, it turned around and saw a navy warship catching up at some point. It was not far away from the side, slowly walking alongside them.

“Is it a navy ship?!” Usopp held his head, his face turned green with fear.

Nami was also a little nervous, “Oops, I was so careless, I forgot to arrange for someone to go on guard duty…”

Zoro put his thumb on the handle of the knife and looked calmly at a scar-faced man with medium-length pink hair who pushed out the door of the warship cabin opposite. The man had a metal glove wrapped around his right hand, and he looked unhappily. Looking at Luffy and the others, he said: “I have never seen that pirate flag… I am Captain Iron Fist Fenbudi of the Navy. Who is the captain opposite? Tell me your name.”

I would have forgotten if you didn’t tell me, are you also called Iron Fist? “B.I.B” I don’t know what old man Garp thinks about this.

Luffy replied: “It’s me, I’m Luffy! As for the pirate flag, I just made it.”

“…” Captain Fenbudi on the opposite side showed contempt and sighed softly, “I am also free. It is rare to take a vacation. It is the business to go to the sea restaurant to have fun. With a guy who has just made a pirate flag What’s wrong with a good dirty pirate? It really brings down my style…”

“What! Do you look down on me?” Luffy yelled, making faces, “Smelly Navy! Stupid Navy! Stupid Navy!…”

A child? Zoro, Nami, and Usopp looked sideways and sweated.

Finbudi was even more disappointed. When he returned to the cabin, he ordered the artillery, “Sink them. It’s boring.”


The marines quickly aimed their guns at the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship.


As soon as the gunfire broke out, Luffy was about to take action when a voice sounded next to him: “Fur Strengthening!”

The seemingly harmless Chopper took a step forward and jumped onto the bow railing. At the same time, the reindeer fur all over his body expanded and puffed up. The cannonball from the opposite side flew over menacingly and hit what looked like a cannonball. Chopper, who was like a big fur ball, sunk slightly inward, then he twisted around and threw it to the sea. He fell into the sea with a “pop” and a cloud of waves rose up.

“What…?!” Fenbudi was stunned on the warship.

Luffy said in surprise: “Chopper! You are so powerful!”

Usopp’s eyes widened, his lips pursed, his nose drooped, and his eyes widened. Isn’t this deer the ship’s doctor? Why is a ship’s doctor so fierce? !

“Hey!” Luffy turned around and saw the warship speeding away, and shouted angrily, “Don’t run!”

Nami quickly grabbed him, “Luffy, wait! Didn’t you hear what he just said?”

“What?” Luffy asked.

Nami reminded: “He said he was on vacation and was going to the sea restaurant to be happy…”

Zoron smiled and said: “If we just follow the warship, we can go to the restaurant on the sea, and maybe we can find a good chef who is willing to become pirates with us!”

“That’s it.” Luffy followed suit and punched his palm.

“B.I.B” was floating to the side and looked at it in amazement. It had just called up the content of this stage of the comic and compared it with the whole process… Originally, it was supposed to be Luffy and Usopp who randomly tested the cannon and hit the rocks on the sea. It provoked Zoro’s two former bounty hunter brothers, and later it was these two people who took Luffy and the others to the restaurant on the sea… Unexpectedly, there was no test cannon today, nor did they meet the two bounty hunters. I thought I had no chance to find a restaurant on the sea, but in the end I met Fenbudi directly, and then Fenbudi led me to the restaurant on the sea…

The long and narrow eyes were glowing, staring at the back of Luffy who was in high spirits.

This straw hat boy’s “strong luck” is clearly defined in the story as a real thing.

The ship’s doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates had a bag of poison apples, but there was only one non-poisonous one. Luffy took one and ate it, and it happened to be non-poisonous…

Like a black ghost, “B.I.B” floated into the cabin of the Mellie and came to Robin’s side.


“I saw it! That’s the restaurant on the sea!”

“Wow! What a big fish!”

“So interesting!”

Suddenly, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were heard shouting excitedly outside the cabin.

Are you there? Robin’s eyes left the book for a moment.

Just then, Nami and Chopper opened the door and walked in. Chopper said happily: “Robin, we’re at the Sea Restaurant, let’s go together!”

“No,” Robin shook his head, put down the book in his hand, and rubbed his eyebrows, “I’m a little tired, you go and eat, I just want to take a rest…”

Chopper nodded to express his understanding. After all, Robin would feel tired after reading a book all the time.

Nami felt it was a pity, “It’s rare that I made a lot of money in the Black Cat Pirates before. Sister Robin, do you really not want to have a big meal at the Sea Restaurant?”

Robin still declined.

Nami had no choice but to leave, “Well, Sister Robin, you should have a good rest.” She gently closed the cabin door.

Everyone left, and the entire Meili became quiet.

“B.I.B” floated next to Robin, looking at her with his narrow eyes.

Robin muttered to himself: “There are many people with mixed eyes. If my identity is exposed, it will not be a good thing for Luffy and his pirate group who have just started…”

She was indeed a little tired, so she lay down on the table and took a nap.

“B.I.B” went to get a thin blanket and covered Robin.

She opened her eyes and said, “Why don’t you come and take a look?”

“I can’t eat, what should I do in the restaurant?” “B.I.B” was lying on the table with his legs crossed.

Besides, there really isn’t much to see, I’ve seen it all in the comics…

It’s just that Luffy and the others met Sanji, and maybe they also happened to have a ghost man named Akin who had been hungry for several days. Then Sanji said, “As long as someone is hungry, I, as a chef, have the responsibility to cook for him. “The concept moved Luffy, and Luffy was obsessed with dragging Sanji into his gang… At most, Sanji’s kind deeds later caused the full ghost man Jin to come home and drag the entire group of starving ghosts into him. came over, and the reason why all members of the Creek Pirates were so hungry and in such an unlucky state was actually because they met Hawkeye when they were entering the Grand Line full of fighting spirit… Hawkeye was so idle that he was bubbling. The classmate was given a knife and sent back to his hometown in the East China Sea from the beginning of the Grand Route… and then the whole group became completely autistic.

Okay, finished reading. Finished with flowers. “B.I.B” shook his head and said: “Besides, it would be boring if you stayed alone on the boat.” 』


The corner of Robin’s mouth curled up for a long time.

She closed her eyes, and sleep gradually came over her…


Robin slept very deeply this time.

When she woke up from being gently shaken by someone, she slowly opened her sleepy dark green eyes. When she looked up, she saw a dark mask instantly condensed in the air in front of her, and her narrow eyes shimmered with light. .

『There is a lot of fun outside. “The mask made a sound, “The great swordsman who can cut coffin boards and boats with his knife is here. 』


Robin suddenly became more awake and remembered that Mihawk had indeed said that he wanted to come to the East China Sea to meet Luffy.

She listened carefully, and sure enough, outside the cabin of the Meili, there was a lot of noise, and she could vaguely distinguish some “Great Swordsman”, “World’s No. 1”, “Eagle Eye”, “Why is he here?” … Common sentiments like this.


Robin opened the cabin door and stood at the door of the second floor, her long hair blown by the sea breeze.

The turbulent waves of the sea outside are slowly calming down. At the center of the surging sea currents, a huge and damaged pirate ship seems to have been struck by something. Well, I guess it was Eagle Eye who did it. It was slashed by Eagle Eye. It was cut off at the waist and was slowly sinking at sea, leaving only a little bit of wreckage still rising and falling on the sea…

Looking to the other side, there were many people of all kinds gathered on the deck of a large fish-shaped restaurant on the sea. Robin noticed that Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were there. Over there, among them was a blond young man wearing a crisp black suit and smoking a cigarette…

Everyone’s eyes at this moment are focused on the empty sea between all the ships in this sea area. On the black boat like a coffin board, there is a man sitting motionless carrying a huge black gun on his back. A handsome man with a sword.


Robin only glanced at it before retreating into the cabin.

“B.I.B” is still outside watching the excitement.

In the cabin, Robin leaned against the door and felt something in his heart.

I just remembered the wreckage of the pirate ship on the sea. In the blind spot of everyone’s sight, countless petals surged up on the gently floating wreckage of the ship, condensing into a flower clone of Robin.

It’s just that the face has been slightly adjusted, and it looks a bit like Robin but not Robin.

This distance is enough for Luffy and Nami, who have known each other for a while, to recognize them, but it is also enough for strangers to look at them from a distance without recognizing them at a glance.

Sure enough, the flower clone appeared on the back of the wreckage of the ship. Luffy, who was among the crowd at the restaurant on the sea, looked over and asked, “Hey, why did Robin get there?”

“Robin?” Nami and the others also looked over.

The cigarette-smoking blond young man in Robin’s eyes, that is, Sanji, looked at the beautiful figure standing on the wreckage of the Creek pirate ship from a distance, and immediately turned into a heart-eyed one, “You guys Besides Miss Nami, are there other beautiful ladies on board? ”

Since Sister Robin is not on board the Merry… Nami pursed her lips and glanced at Luffy, Chopper and the others with nostalgia, feeling suspicious in her heart.

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

The flower clone looked at the pirates gathered on the wreckage of a ship near Mihawk. Someone among them shouted something and fired a shot at Mihawk who was sitting leisurely with his legs crossed on the boat.

This kind of shooting obviously has no meaning to Mihawk.

He pulled out the black knife from his back, and flicked the blade against the incoming bullet. The bullet changed its trajectory like a bowling ball against the blade of the black knife, and passed him by without a trace. hurt.

The most important thing… The flower clone could probably guess what Mihawk was thinking. The reason why he responded in this way was probably to prevent his own knife from “cutting” such an inferior attack.

What a shame.

Mihawk put away the black knife, glanced at the flower clone, and then looked at the dark armor standing on the second floor of the Meili on the other side.

“B.I.B” raised his hand and said hello from a distance.

Mihawk nodded gently and greeted his old friend as if no one else was around.

Where is he nodding?

Every move made by the world’s greatest swordsman at this moment undoubtedly affects the attention of everyone.

Is there anyone here who deserves the world’s greatest swordsman to nod and say hello just like that?

Is it for me…?

Many people who also use swords know that it is impossible, but they can’t help but think so.

To be honest after all…

Who has never imagined that he is the protagonist in a story who is favored by a top powerhouse?

Zauron has never imagined this.

There were no other distracting thoughts in his mind at the moment, only the figure in his eyes carrying a black knife.

Eagle Eye! ! ! !


Robin saw through the flower clone that Zoro actually turned over and jumped off the sea restaurant. Under the gaze of everyone here, he walked towards Mihawk alone.

This naturally caused the onlookers to exclaim. That was Mihawk, the world’s greatest swordsman and one of the seven warriors under the king, Mihawk with an eagle eye!

What caused everyone to be in an uproar, and you could almost hear a series of gasps… was because Zoro, who was standing on the edge of the wreckage of the ship, **** his turban and pulled out three knives from his waist. One pointed at the immovable world’s greatest swordsman.

Yes, many people have recognized “Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro” who is famous in the East China Sea, but so what?

You’re just a pirate hunter, but you want to challenge the world’s greatest swordsman?

Challenge the man in front of you who is at the top of countless swordsmen in the world?

What does this guy want to do…does he really want to die? !

Nami sneaked back to the Meili, holding on to the railing of the ship, watching Zoro’s actions with cold sweat on her forehead.

“Pathetic weakling.”

With no expression on his face, Mihawk left his boat and jumped onto the wreckage of the ship where Zoro was.

The wreckage shook, and the others were frightened away by the courage of the world’s greatest swordsman. Zoro stood upright with a slight sweat on his face, resisting the unimaginable terrifying pressure emanating from the opponent, and firmly pulled out The other two knives on the waist…

Unfortunately, in Mihawk’s eyes, this is just the fearlessness of the ignorant.

He took out the knife hidden in the cross pendant on his chest, and his contempt made the onlookers gasp again. It also made the challenger Sauron feel that he was being humiliated in front of his face, and the veins on his forehead jumped.

Luffy’s nerves were tense, and he gritted his teeth as he watched Zoro put on a three-sword style stance and stand in front of the world’s greatest swordsman.

On the Meili, “B.I.B” glanced at Nami who quietly slipped back to the ship alone, and looked at Zoro again.

Its perception and color are particularly good at distinguishing the strength and weakness of different people’s auras.

In its eyes, Sauron wielding his sword to attack Mihawk was like a particle of dust flying into the red earth continent.

No matter how many times this dust hits you unwillingly, there is no way it can shake the Red Earth Continent even one bit…

The pirate hunter charged and slashed at the world’s greatest swordsman again and again. The momentum was fierce and terrifying. The three-sword style was extremely proficient, but he was easily blocked by a small knife in Hawkeye’s hand. Down.

Although this knife is only for defense and not offensive, and has no harm, it is extremely insulting and has cut Sauron’s self-esteem to pieces.


The flower clone was stunned to see that Sauron could have retreated, but he just let Hawkeye’s knife stab into his heart, causing blood to spurt out.

“Zoro!” Chopper shouted anxiously, but Luffy held him down hard. The latter’s teeth gritted loudly and his eyes were bloodshot. “Now, you must be patient!”

Although I don’t know what Sauron and Hawkeye said between them, everyone saw that Hawkeye put away the purely insulting knife and slowly pulled out the black sword from behind him…

And Zoro put on his final three-sword style stance…

Nami closed her eyes, unable to bear to watch Zoro’s final fatal charge.

These people all have their own dreams to fight even if their lives are in danger. Why should I drag them down?

Nami sighed softly, and the onlookers screamed in surprise behind her. She did not look back, and went directly to the cabin of the Meili, preparing to drive the ship away…


The flower clone glanced at Nami on the Merry, and continued to look at the duel between Sauron and Hawkeye.

Both Sauron’s knives were chopped into pieces by Hawkeye. He turned around and opened his arms as if he was relieved.

“What to do?” Hawkeye raised his knife and stopped.

Zoron smiled and said: “A sword in the back is a shame for a swordsman.”

“Well said.” Hawkeye slashed with his sword without hesitation.

Looking at the black blade of the supreme sword coming towards him, Sauron opened his arms and faced it calmly, and he also calmly accepted his defeat and his upcoming death.

Sorry, Kuina…

Now that I am dead, can my name be resounded throughout heaven? He thought with amusement, although this name is probably worthless…

The light of the sword passed by, and waves of blood spurted out.


With Luffy’s roar, Zoro slowly fell on his back…

Why… Sanji looked at the green algae head that fell down in the splashing blood and rolled into the sea, and soon a **** green algae appeared on the sea. His eyes were full of shock… knowing that he would die, he could not give up his ambition. Is that good? After all, the other party is number one in the world! !

“What a madman!”

Sanji loosened his tie, took off his suit jacket, jumped off the boat of the restaurant on the sea, and dived into the sea to save people.


Luffy couldn’t bear it anymore and stretched out his rubber fist towards Hawkeye…

Only Robin’s flower clone in the distance breathed a sigh of relief. Hawkeye did not kill him and missed the fatal wound.

With Chopper here, at least Zoro won’t die.

Thinking like this, the petals flew away, and the flower clone was quietly lifted…

Behind the cabin door, Robin’s body slowly opened his eyes, turned around and unscrewed the door and went out. As for Luffy, Hawkeye came just to take a look at him, and of course he would not embarrass him.


On the first deck of the Meili, Nami looked suspicious of life. She was about to cry without tears. She was **** with arms one after another. She was lying on the deck unable to move. She watched in shock from the second floor of the Meili. Robin pushed out the cabin door.

“Sister Robin, aren’t you over there…”

Nami was in disbelief, watching Robin walk down the stairs and towards her…

Robin asked as he walked: “Nami, did you just want to drive the Meili by yourself?”

She squatted in front of Nami, raised her hand to hold Nami’s chin, turned her face, and stared at the latter’s pitiful and helpless expression from close range.

Nami was restrained by the arms created by Robin’s ability, unable to move, and said depressedly: “So what? I am a thief! I don’t really think that I regard myself as a partner of you guys. Right? Also, why are you trying to stop me? Sister Robin, it’s just an ordinary sailboat. Sister Robin, you didn’t even look at the loot on the Black Cat Pirate Ship before. You obviously didn’t care about money. Come on! Why do you have to stop me? It has nothing to do with you! You obviously…”

Nami’s orange hair was messy in the struggle. She raised her red eyes and looked directly at Robin. She gritted her teeth and said, “You obviously don’t regard yourself as a member of this ship either.” , isn’t it?”

“…” Robin was silent, released his fingers holding Nami’s chin, stood up and looked away, muttering to himself, “I just don’t know why, I just don’t want you to do this to yourself. Just run away…that’s all.”

Nami stopped struggling and stared blankly at Robin’s side face.


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