I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 671 So, what do you think of Luffy? (8200 words)


[Chapter Heading Series・■■■■Legend in the Big Prison 3・『Haina: Huh? ! 』]

[Above Lynch’s head, a dark flame-like spirit floated out, with human-like facial features… When Lynch came back to his senses, he found that he was floating above his head. This was really strange. Weird! When he turned his head, he saw the inmate Aunt Heina on the wall next to her, making a rare loss of composure and staring at him in disbelief. ]


〖Telephone Bug Castle——〗

“Wow! It’s really a castle – and so big!”

After Nami and Savankel came in, they were always staring at stars.

Who would have thought that there is a whole other world inside the body of a seemingly ordinary phone bug!

Luffy and Zoro also felt that there was something special here, and there was indeed something there. However, the former quickly went to the food in the refrigerator, while the latter walked to the drinks on the wall with interest.

While sailing on the sea for a long time, wine is easier to store than fresh water, so even though Robin and Lynch are not alcoholics, they have developed the habit of always keeping some wine in the Telephone Bug Castle.

Zoron pointed to the wall full of wine, turned around and asked with a smile: “Robin, can I drink?”

“Like Luffy…” Robin made many arms with a move of his hand, making tea, pouring milk, and squeezing juice at the same time, “Just do whatever you want.”

Zoro looked over and saw that Luffy had already opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bunch of food. He couldn’t help but be speechless. This boy was really not polite at all!

Forget it, Zoro took out a bottle of wine and drank it happily.

Nami and Savankel sat down on the soft sofa, stretched out together in neat movements, and said “Oh~~~~” as they slumped in the sofa with happy faces.

“I haven’t felt so relaxed in a long time…” Nami said to herself.

Robin brought a bunch of drinks and sat down, pushing one of the glasses of milk to Savankel, while an invisible hand in the air pushed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice to Nami.

“Thank you.” Nami drank happily, already getting used to the ghost of Yazi in the air. “B.I.B” was amazed, this girl really has a big heart.

Savankel drank milk and asked: “Sister Nami, was it hard before?”

“It’s not bad…” Nami stuck out her tongue.

And Luffy had already started eating like crazy. This exaggerated way of eating food quickly reminded Chopper of Lynch…

Robin watched Luffy eat his belly until it was round. Luffy laughed and praised: “It’s so delicious!”

While he was talking, his exaggeratedly bulging belly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye… Zoro, who was drinking, and Nami, who was drinking orange juice, were stunned. Luffy is really not that bad. Human?

“…” Robin lowered his eyes and drank coffee silently.

“Okay, I’m full!” Luffy clapped his hands, stood up energetically, and walked towards the castle entrance where he came in, “Let’s go!”

Nami and Savankel tilted their heads at the same time, and a question mark slowly emerged: “Do you want to go out? It would be more comfortable to stay here!”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Nami!” Luffy turned around and looked at Nami in shock with disbelief in his eyes, “Being a pirate… of course you have to ride on a pirate ship!! ”

Nami snorted and smiled helplessly: “Okay, you’re right…”

Zoro took a sip of wine and glanced at Nami, who said that Luffy was right, but her body continued to slump on the sofa comfortably and did not want to move. He couldn’t help but think, “You are not listening at all!”

As he said that, he followed Luffy and left, “There are three ships outside. I’ll go help him.”

Nami sat on the sofa and muttered: “I’m still a pirate, I don’t know how to seize the opportunity and enjoy it…”


When “B.I.B” and Robin took Chopper, Savannah Kerr and Nami out of the phone bug castle again——

Nami looked up and was speechless.

Zoron and Luffy, two strange pirates, could stop the ship at the docking point of the next island she had marked with accurate charts.

“I wonder if anyone lives on the island?” Savankel opened his arms next to Robin, enjoying the sea breeze.

Robin felt that after the child was cured, he was looking forward to contacting other people as a healthy person and regaining his dignity…

Robin touched the top of Savankel’s head and, like Chopper, watched Nami bicker with Luffy and Zoro.

In the end, Zoro said nonchalantly: “There’s nothing we can do, we’ve already stopped, let’s make do.” With that, he carried three knives at his waist and followed the energetic Luffy off the ship.

Nami had no choice. If she had known better, she would have been at the helm.

Calling Savankel, everyone got off the boat together, following the two tourist-like people in front.

“B.I.B” floated next to Robin. Suddenly, its eyes flashed and it turned to look elsewhere on the coastline.

Huh? After Robin noticed it, he followed the direction pointed by “B.I.B” with his sense of sight and found that there seemed to be someone behind the corner of the coastline over there.

Under the cliff on the high **** of the seaside, a man in a black suit and glasses with a shiny slicked back hair was talking to a man wearing heart-shaped glasses who looked like he had run out of a theater troupe. He seemed to be plotting something.

On the mountain wall behind them, petals suddenly fell off, and a pair of dark green eyes and an ear sprouted, staring at the backs of the two…


Clo is already meeting with his old subordinate, the hypnotist Zangao?

“B.I.B” floated next to Robin, following Luffy and the others, thinking about nothing.

It seems that because he stayed on the Precious Beast Island for a while longer, the time of landing on the island where Usopp is located was moved a little later…

The group walked for a long time and finally saw a small village ahead.

“B.I.B” noticed that since a few minutes ago, there were four weakling auras hanging behind them not far away – probably Usopp and his three little brats.

“Didn’t you just eat your fill in Robin’s castle?”

In front of the team, Nami landed a hand knife on Luffy’s head. It turns out that Luffy announced as soon as he entered the village that he wanted to find a restaurant and eat meat first!

Luffy said confidently: “After walking for a long time, I’m hungry again.”

Zoron said: “Anyway, places like restaurants are convenient for asking for information.”

“That’s true,” Nami followed the two of them towards the hotel. Luffy could tell where the hotel was by smelling the aroma, “it’s not that easy to get a decent pirate ship…” …”

“Are there any marshmallows?” Chopper and Savankel jumped in and followed.


As expected by “B.I.B”, a group of them had just sat down in the restaurant, and before the food was even served, they saw a long-nosed boy from the village at the door sneaking in with three smaller little devils. Restaurant.

The three little kids Green Pepper, Carrot, and Onion quietly pointed at Luffy’s table. Usopp crossed his arms and nodded while glancing at them nervously.

As a result, they were embarrassed to find that…Luffy, Zoro, Robin and even Chopper were also looking at them.

Zoro crossed his legs and held up his cheeks, “I followed you all the way. What’s the matter?”

“Who knows.” Luffy held an empty cup in his mouth.

“Huh?” Nami was surprised, “They were following us all the way?”

What a long nose… Chopper in reindeer form looked at him blankly. Is this person sick?

“Have you been discovered a long time ago?!” Usopp was even more shocked. These pirates were very vigilant, “Ahem, in that case…”

“Captain Usopp, why are you walking toward the door?” the three little kids shouted.

Usopp’s back froze, “Actually, I have a disease that will kill me if I don’t walk towards the door…”

“Stop lying!” x3

“Haha…” Luffy laughed, “They are so interesting.”

Perhaps Luffy’s smile was too harmless, so Usopp plucked up the courage to bring his younger brothers over, and surprisingly found that this table of pirates was quite easy to get along with.

“I see, you need partners and a big ship!” Usopp said with interest, “Haha, that would be a big adventure!”

“Yes, that’s it.” Luffy was chewing meat, Zoro was drinking wine, and Nami was biting a straw. They were all looking at the guy with a long nose and talking: “Although it’s not a big sailing ship, But when it comes to boats, they are the only ones in this village.”

“Where?” Savankel was curious.

“Yes, there is a rich man’s house in the village,” Usopp raised a finger, “The boat belongs to their family.”

His three little followers immediately became excited and said proudly: “Captain Usopp has a very good relationship with the mistress of the rich family!”

“Really?” Nami didn’t believe it. This boy with a long nose felt that his words were very exaggerated, and he didn’t seem to be the type to attract girls.

The green pepper-headed kid nodded vigorously, “Of course! Every time Captain Usopp brags, Sister Keya is very happy! The captain is great!”

“That’s right.” x3

“Hey!” Usopp waved his hand, why did he just say that he was bragging?

The little carrot-headed kid said proudly: “I like the captain’s bragging about ‘becoming friends with ghosts and going on adventures together’ the most!”

It’s just bragging, do you need to be so proud? And who would believe it? Nami had a black hair, and when she looked back, she saw Chopper the Reindeer, his eyes shining, looking at Usopp with admiration.

I really believe it!

The onion-headed kid has a different opinion, “I prefer the idea of ​​’turning into a skeleton and still killing everyone and fighting until the last moment’. It sounds very manly!”

“Hey!” Usopp waved his hands again.

Except for Luffy and Chopper who listened with interest to Usopp’s lies and bragging stories about the three brats, Zoro, Nami, even Savannah Kerr and Robin didn’t take it seriously. .

“B.I.B” felt something in his heart and looked at Usopp in surprise.

Is Usopp’s “Great Prophecy Technique” starting to work now?

“Wow!!! What is that!!!!!!”

As soon as Usopp raised his eyes, he saw a dark mask floating in front of him, with a faint cold light in his narrow eyes. He was so frightened that he and his three followers raised their hands and hid behind him.

The three little followers suddenly came to their senses, “Wow! Ghost!!”

They all looked at Usopp with admiration, “Captain, you are not bragging! A ghost has really appeared!”

“Humph…” Usopp stroked his chin confidently and smiled, “Yes, do you really think I can only lie? That would be too underestimated for me, a future sea warrior…”

Nami complained: “If your legs don’t tremble and you don’t peek at your so-called ‘ghost partner’ in fear, I will really believe it.”

Huh? The reindeer lowered his head and sighed in disappointment, it turned out to be a fake…

The green pepper-headed kid suddenly reminded: “Captain, it’s almost time for you to brag to Sister Keya!”

“Ah!” Usopp came back to his senses, “That’s right, that’s right, then——”

He was about to apply oil on the soles of his feet to dazzle others, but he saw the elder sister in black leather who looked the most mature and calm among the pirates at this table suddenly looked at him and asked casually: “What do you mean? “Sister Keya” from a wealthy family… Was there a man with glasses named Krabater in their family three years ago? He should be the housekeeper of her family now.”

“How do you know?” Usopp stopped and looked back in surprise.

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were also confused. Savankel asked curiously: “Has Sister Robin been here?”

Robin shook his head, swayed the drink in the cup, and looked towards the seaside in the distance outside the hotel window, “Because when I landed before, I found that the man named Krabater was on the shore not far from us. A secret meeting with his former pirate subordinates…”

How come I didn’t notice it? Zoro was secretly surprised, this woman is really hard to see through!

Luffy hugged the back of his head, crossed his legs, held a cup in his mouth, and said with a smile: “Robin, you are so domineering! Just like Ace…”

“What is seeing and hearing color?”

Zoro and Nami looked at Luffy in confusion, but Luffy was already chatting with three of Usopp’s followers.

“Hey, wait a minute…” Usopp stared at Robin in disbelief, “You just said that Krabaatar was a ‘pseudonym’ and that there were some ‘pirate subordinates’… Do you know? Do you know what you are talking about? ”

Robin held his cheek with one hand and sighed: “I only heard a little bit of information revealed in their conversation…”

That’s right! Since her Devil Fruit ability can make arms, she can probably make eyes and ears as well! Nami and Zoro thought secretly.

As a result, Robin Krabaatar is actually the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Crow, who faked his death three years ago. The reason why he is lurking next to Miss Keya, the rich man in this village, is to plot the huge wealth she owns. , and he has already contacted his former subordinates of the Black Cat Pirates, and agreed to loot the island at dawn tomorrow, and his subordinate Zangao, who has hypnosis, will also use hypnosis to control that The frail Miss Keya asked her to write a suicide note handing all her inheritance to the housekeeper Krabater, and then killed her in a way that would not arouse any suspicion…

“Is this the ‘little bit of information’ you said?”

Nami and Zoro were both shocked. Didn’t they already get the information? !

Usopp was also shocked, but after all, he had not seen it with his own eyes, so he was doubtful of what this woman said.


“We must not let them kill the eldest lady!” Luffy stood up with a strong sense of ownership and said, “That’s the good guy who sent us the ship!”

Nami was really impressed by Luffy’s weirdo, “They haven’t given you a boat yet?!”

And Luffy, this weird guy, had already picked up Usopp under his arm and rushed out of the hotel with a whoosh, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust, the stunned eyes of the villagers, and Usopp’s eyes that were gradually disappearing. The exclamation ran away.

“That’s right, how can you bully a weak and sick person!” Chopper also said, carrying Savankel out of the door quickly, smelling Luffy’s scent and chasing after him.

“…” In the hotel, Usopp’s three followers had not yet recovered, their noses and chins dropped to the ground, and they were stunned and said, “Just now…” “Deer…” “He spoke. …”

Zoro held three knives on his shoulder, scratched his short green hair, and said with a smile: “Speaking of which, before I became a pirate, catching pirates in exchange for money was my old profession.”

The three little ghosts looked at Zoro’s back as he left the hotel, and exclaimed to each other: “Did he go in the wrong direction?” “How could he take a wrong turn when going out – he really made a wrong turn!” “Wait a minute. ! ”

So they quickly chased out to find Sauron.

“Really, why are everyone so willful?”

All of a sudden everyone ran away noisily. Nami was speechless and got up with a headache. However, she found that Robin had no intention of following them.

“Sister Robin?” Nami was confused.

“That Crow, just leave it to Luffy and the others…” Robin looked out the window calmly, “Aren’t there Crow’s pirate subordinates who also need to be dealt with? The pirate ship that Luffy needs, They probably do.”

Nami suddenly said: “Yes! Sister Robin, you are so thoughtful.”

“…” Robin was silent about this.

Not long after, she got up and left the hotel. The others had been running away for so long, and they couldn’t catch up. Nami simply followed Robin and walked all the way to the seaside.


“Is that ‘ghost’ here too now?”

On the way, Nami curiously waved her hand in the air next to Robin.

『What do you think? 』A black visor suddenly appeared in front of Nami.

“Wow!” Nami whispered, complaining, “Don’t show up suddenly like this, it’s so scary… but it’s so magical, there is really a ghost!”

『Aren’t you afraid? “B.I.B” asked, Nami, aren’t you one of the timid trio?

“Hey,” Nami leaned over and hugged one of Robin’s arms, and said happily, “You have such a good relationship with Sister Robin, so of course I’m not afraid.”

“…” Robin walked all the way to the beach and walked, “According to Nami’s chart, this island is suitable for pirate ships to land, and there are not many places… We walked around, before dawn , you should be able to find it.”

“Okay!” Nami raised her fist and followed behind, snickering and thinking, “I wonder how much treasure those pirates have? Even if they don’t have it, when they are caught, they can definitely exchange it with Miss Keya. A little reward, hehe…”

It seems that greed for money is her nature. “B.I.B” floated aside and looked sideways.


〖A new moon hangs in the night sky——〗

The Black Cat Pirates’ ship parked secretly in the corner is as quiet as a ghost ship…

“Sister Robin, you are so amazing!”

Looking at the pirates all over the ground, Nami looked at Robin’s back with stars in her eyes.

Not only did she simply find the hidden Black Cat Pirate Ship, but after boarding the ship, Nami hadn’t come back to her senses yet. These pirates, who were honestly quite powerful in her eyes, had already been killed. The click kills instantly.

To be honest, Nami didn’t see clearly how Robin did it…

Even the talkative hypnotist Zangao, or the cat-man brother who looks fierce at first glance and is not easy to mess with, are no different from an ordinary fish in front of Robin today.

I almost didn’t see her take action…

Is this a devil fruit user?

Nami’s heart moved, if Robin was so strong…

No, no!

Nami’s heart sank slightly again, how could I let my friend…

The jet-black visor that has not yet materialized was suspended quietly in front of Nami’s pretty face, which was looking down in thought, and he carefully observed the changing expressions on her face in just a few moments.

It’s really vivid…

But what does this mean?

『B.I.B』Thinking, pondering, tasting, smacking… Is it possible that although Aaron did not kill Bellemere, and although there was no mouse colonel to work together, he still caused harm to Nami’s hometown?

Just press it down to get rid of the harm?

The will of the world? destiny? Stop talking nonsense, “B.I.B” intuition, Nami must have something hidden.

“Nami.” Robin asked, “There should be some money on the ship. You want to come with us…”

“I want it!”

Nami immediately raised her hands energetically, with Pele symbols in her eyes, and followed Robin in a sloppy manner.

Start searching!

Nami licked her pink tongue, full of motivation.

“B.I.B” floated past like a ghost. Looking at Nami’s relatively relaxed physical and mental state, I knew it was definitely not a tragic story about “her hometown being enveloped by the claws of the fish-men”.


When the sky was dark, Nami finally returned with a full load, and ransacked the Black Cat Pirate Ship. She even touched everyone’s body and stripped off everything except their clothes.

“It’s so convenient to have a phone bug castle.”

Nami hummed a song and followed Robin off the boat. She thought those heavy bags would be inconvenient to move, but Sister Robin reminded herself that they could be placed in the castle inside the phone bug. It was really great. Bravo.

“Put this pirate ship here for now. I’ll ask Luffy later if he wants it. Well… Strictly speaking, we are not wanted for bounties now. It’s just that Luffy is calling himself a pirate. Those on the ship Guys, we can even bring it to the naval base to exchange the bounty openly! Hehe, wasn’t Zoro a bounty hunter before? Let him exchange it…”

Listening to Nami’s muttering behind them, Robin and “B.I.B” couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

They are really very prudent enough to squeeze out all the value of the Black Cat Pirates without any waste…


Not far above the head, there was a faint whistling sound of something flying by.

Robin, “B.I.B”, and Nami all looked up and saw a black shadow passing in the sky above their heads, flying towards the vast ocean that undulated quietly under the slightly bright sky in the distance.

“Who is that?” Nami was stunned. How can people fly in the sky?

Robin looked away and said, “That’s that Crow. Let’s go, it seems Luffy and the others have already solved it.”


Nami took the lead and rushed to Keya’s manor in a hurry.


As expected by “B.I.B”, as soon as they arrived at the manor, Nami shouted loudly: “Luffy! Are you an idiot? You beat such a valuable pirate away like that?!”

The tone of his voice was full of hatred for the iron that cannot be transformed into steel.

Later, “B.I.B” and Robin followed into the manor of Keya’s little rich wife’s family. They saw criss-crossing slash marks all over the floor and walls, as well as some scattered fist marks, Potholes…

Some of them were accompanied by splashes of coagulated blood. It can be imagined that there was a fairly fierce battle here.

Robin looked into the courtyard. Luffy seemed to be fine; Zoro was covered in blood and was obviously injured, but he had already been bandaged. It should have been treated by Chopper; and the long-nosed one called Usopp’s boy from the village was also seriously injured and was lying on the grass. Chopper transformed into a petite half-man, half-deer form and was professionally giving him first aid. Next to him, the weak blond with tears in his eyes The girl–probably the owner of this manor, Miss Keya–and Savankel helped Chopper, handing gauze, sewing needles and threads, etc.; and an elegant middle-aged man with some characteristics was also wrapped around his body. Sitting aside to rest with a bandage on his face, it seemed to be the other housekeeper Meili they had mentioned.

“Ah, Robin, Nami, Hei Zai, you are back.” Luffy sat on the courtyard fence and swayed his feet.

Black boy? “B.I.B” and Robin were speechless.

Luffy opened his arms and said happily: “We have a boat! The eldest lady and the butler are going to give us a sailboat! Isn’t it great?”

The housekeeper Mei Li smiled and said, “A small thank you gift is actually not enough to repay your kindness…”

Luffy said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, all we need is a ship anyway. By the way, it would be better if there was more meat!”

Meili looked at Keya, who raised her hand stained with Usopp’s blood, wiped her sweaty forehead, and said with a smile: “Of course, no problem, you can have as much food as you want.”

“You are such a good person!” Luffy sighed. In his hometown, those decent people would never give food to everyone at the garbage dump even if they threw away all the food.

“Hey! Zoro! Stop moving! The sutures that were just sewn have collapsed again!” Chopper suddenly became furious, “And Usopp, your injury has just been taken care of!”

A little deer was yelling. Except for Luffy and the others, Keya and the others were still a little confused and couldn’t adapt.

However, Keya’s ideal is to be a doctor. Seeing a deer with such superb medical skills, especially after hearing from Sister Savankel that she was physically disabled before, but Dr. Qiuba refused to give up on her. In the end, It’s really cured.

“These minor injuries don’t matter,” Zoro patted the blood on his body, held three knives, scratched his head, and wanted to walk out, “Don’t forget, the matter is not over yet…”

“That’s right!” Usopp followed with determination, looking up at the gradually brightening sky, “There are other members of the Black Cat Pirates…”

Luffy crossed his arms and smiled: “I think they should have been solved!”

He turned to look at Nami who was about to speak, as well as Robin and the black armor next to Nami, especially the last one, “right?”

“B.I.B” nodded calmly, “Of course. 』

So cool! ! ! Luffy’s eyes were glaring, and when Hei Zai wasn’t paying attention, he quietly pounced on him with a smile, but missed.

Nami made a scissor hand gesture to the surprised Usopp, Zoro and others, and said with a smile: “Yes, all pirates are done.”

Zoro breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, “Robin must have done it.”

“What does it matter?” Nami said unconcernedly, “It’s the same anyway.”

“Ah…that’s great…”

Usopp was completely relieved and fell down on his back, just in time to see Keya walking over. The sickly blond lady had tears in her eyes and said half encouragingly and half convinced: “Usopp, you must… …can become a brave sea warrior!”

“Hey…” Usopp raised his finger and rubbed his nose, smiling.

Keya said: “I can’t lose to you. I have decided to become a… great doctor like Dr. Chopper!”

“Disgusting~~” Chopper immediately became shy, “Even if you praise me for being great, I won’t be happy~~Asshole~~”


The courtyard suddenly burst into laughter.


On the edge of the excitement, Savankel came to Robin.

“What’s wrong?” Robin asked.

Savankel hesitated: “I…I want to stay here…”

Robin sighed softly, hugged Savankel, and patted her soft blond hair on the back, “Of course. Miss Keya also likes you very much.”

“I also want to be a doctor…”

Safan Ker looked up in Robin’s arms and blinked.


In the end, Luffy did not choose the Black Cat Pirates’ ship, but decided on the Merry as their pirate ship.

Zoro had no objection, but Nami complained for a while.

Robin did everything he could and took his boat into the Telephone Bug Castle.

“Goodbye~~” On the shore, Savankel, who came to see off with Keya, Butler Meili, and the three little devils, waved vigorously to Robin and Chopper on the side of the ship, “Thank you! Sister Robin , Doctor Qiuba…”

Chopper waved his little hands desperately to the six people on the shore, and the Meili slowly left the seaside amidst the farewell sounds…


Chopper sniffed his sour blue nose, looked back and saw that the long-nosed Usopp was also on the boat, and was shocked.

Robin reminded: “Luffy just admitted that he was a member of the ship.”

“Hehe.” Luffy sat on the sheep’s head in the bow of the boat, holding down the straw hat on his head, grinning.

Zoron also smiled and said: “After all, we have fought together.”

“Hmph, hum…that’s right!” Usopp crossed his arms and turned up his nose, “From now on, it will be up to me, Captain Usopp, to lead you -“

“That’s not necessary.” Luffy, Zoro, and Nami sighed in unison.

“Hey!” Usopp raised his hand.

“But…” Robin blew the sea breeze, leaned against the railing, and glanced at the number of people on the ship, “Since the number of people has increased, I think it is necessary to find a professional chef before entering the Grand Line… …Otherwise, none of us should be able to take care of everyone’s daily diet.”

“That’s true,” Sauron touched his chin, “I hope he is a stronger guy…”

Then you should be quite satisfied! “B.I.B” glanced at a certain green algae-headed swordsman.

“Okay! Find the chef! But before that, there is a new partner for this ship-“

On the deck, Luffy, Chopper, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp toasted together, grinning and saying, “Cheers!!!”

Robin also raised his glass and clinked it in the air. Amidst the laughter of the children, he turned around and lay on the fence, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the calm sea in the distance.

“B.I.B” floated aside, folding his arms, his narrow eyes shimmering, making a fist and handing it to Robin’s chin, making an interview-like posture, and asked: “So, this lady, Tulip’s After seeing your son for so long, what do you think of him? 』

“…” Robin thought for a while and said, “More like a tulip.”


Amidst the laughter and laughter on the ship, the Meili gradually sailed away on the sea…


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