I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 669 The benevolence of doctors (6600 words)


“Okay, stop crying…”

“Oh, oh, oh, oh…”

The sky was slightly bright, and in the snow, Robin held the reindeer who was crying hoarsely and kept coaxing her… In fact, she felt a little guilty. After she and Lin Qi left the Medical Snow Kingdom, they rarely thought about it. , there is also a little reindeer waiting for them stupidly.

Kuleha looked at them lovingly from the side.

Chopper sniffed hard, raised his big cute eyes that were red from crying, and blinked.

Robin touched its furry head and said with a faint smile: “Don’t we want to be pirates together? Let’s set out tomorrow.”

“Hey…really?” The reindeer giggled, its big eyes sparkling, and excitedly jumped out of Robin’s arms with its hooves raised, “That’s great!”

“There is still me. 』

Suddenly, there was a sound in the air next to the two people and the deer. Robin was startled, while Kuleha and Chopper were startled.

When Chopper turned his head to look, he found a dark “mask” with long and narrow eyes and a shimmering light. He stared at him “coldly” and made a voice: “If you go to sea tomorrow, you have to clean it up today.” Something. 』…Suddenly, with a sound of “Wow!!!”, the reindeer’s fur trembled in fright, and it jumped up on the spot. Its antlers, eyes, and teeth almost flew out.

『Huh? “The narrow eyes of the dark mask floating in the air flashed, floating in front of Chopper’s face, staring closely, and asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong? 』

“Wow!!” Chopper jumped again in fright and hid behind Robin’s legs.

Robin was still surprised. He looked at the pitch-black visor floating half a meter away from the snow and just in front of Chopper’s face. He turned his head and looked aside. There was nothing in the air.

She used her sense of sight again, but she clearly “saw” the armored body of “B.I.B” without a faceplate in the air where nothing could be seen with the naked eye. It wasn’t that she deliberately came over to stand when she turned on her sight, but was here from the beginning…

In other words…

Kureha grabbed the visor of “B.I.B” and said in surprise: “Can you really catch it? It’s no longer a ghost, but a real thing?”

The female doctor, who was over a hundred years old and in her prime, turned the visor on her hand over and over to check.


The mask floated away, and to the naked eye it just changed its position, floating higher in the air. But what Robin saw and heard was that the visor returned to its original position and turned into a complete “B.I.B”.

“What are you…” Robin was a little curious.

Mianjia said: “The life-returning skill that has been accumulated for ten years has finally made a real breakthrough. 』

The mask said, and suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the two men.

Immediately after Chopper and the others watched in novelty, the air “condensed” into the mecha’s left hand with blue flame patterns, the mecha’s right hand with red flame patterns, the inverted triangular reactor area on the mecha’s chest, knees, Elbow…

Kuleha suddenly said: “I can see that the only area you can materialize now is as big as a palm, right?”

Finally, the visor “emerged” in the air again, and the narrow eyes shimmered, “That’s right.” 』

Chopper looked up and exclaimed: “Then what you have to do next is…”

『Keep practicing. 』

The mask voice came out, he paused, looked at Robin and Chopper, and said calmly, “Haha… the “progress bar” is already on, is it still far away from 100%? 』

Kuleha was amazed, “I really want to tear you apart and study you carefully. What is it?”

『…』The mask was silent, the narrow eyes flickered, and he said faintly: “The return of life is the command of the body by the will. In other words, the essence of return of life is the soul when it reaches the end!” 』

As he spoke, the dark mask slowly disappeared and returned to a ghostly state.

Kuleha and Chopper were deeply touched by what the mask said just now.

What is the soul?

The soul can be said to be the strongest sound that a life can burst out…

Could it be that “B.I.B” relied on returning life to practice to a depth they could not imagine, breaking the boundary between soul and flesh and blood, and actually transformed the soul-like body into a body of flesh and blood?

Well, not flesh and blood either. It’s the body of a battle armor…

Suddenly, Robin reached out and grabbed something in the air, “Don’t run away, let’s pack things together…”

〖The next day, early in the morning〗

In the tree house, Robin jumped out of the phone bug castle. He was fully dressed and had a refreshing black single ponytail.

Over her smart white shirt, she wears a long-sleeved and short-sleeved black leather jacket, a pair of medium-high-heeled black leather boots, and a small portable bag hanging on one side of her slender waist belt. She will wear it all day long. The dozing green phone bug goes into the bag.

Looking towards the door of the tree house, Chopper was already ready, carrying a blue backpack and looking at Robin with piercing eyes.

Robin looked around the bookstore, and finally walked towards Chopper at the door with the black armor next to him.

“Let’s go.”

One person, one armor and one deer walked through the snowy mountains and slowly arrived at the shore. Kuleha was already waiting there, holding a wine bottle and drinking in the wind and snow.

Here again, I have wandered to the coast that I don’t know how many times in the past few years…

Robin found Chopper beside her legs looking up at her nervously. She knew that the little guy was worried that he would stop moving forward again, so she took the little green out of the small bag at her waist and stretched it towards the shore. The sea patted its little head gently.

Forcing U… A small wooden sailboat, not too big, jumped out from the Telephone Bug Castle and landed on the sea below with a crash, swaying with the undulating waves.

Chopper was really relieved this time, and the scars in Robin’s heart were finally healed by him…

“Stupid son…” Kuleha threw away the bottle, squatted in front of the reindeer, grabbed its plush cheeks, pressed **** the top of its head, and said with a smile, “You are ready!”

Chopper’s mouth slowly opened, and he giggled…

Robin and Chopper jumped onto the small boat on the sea below them. The black armor followed them and kicked the stern of the boat with their feet, causing the boat to float forward.

“Master and Doctor”

Chopper stood at the stern of the boat, waved his hooves vigorously, smiled and shouted, “Goodbye!!”

In the wind and snow, around and behind Kuleha, on the entire coastline, more and more residents of the Medical Snow Kingdom appeared, led by King Dalton and his soldiers. Everyone faced each other together. They waved to the reindeer on the boat as they sailed away at sea.

Kureha chuckled, “Dalton, you kid really found her at my place.”

Dalton smiled and said: “After all, she is one of the benefactors who saved this country, so I pay special attention…and I have always felt that they will definitely come here to see Dr. Chopper again!”

Kureha looked at the boat getting further and further away and said to herself: “O’Hara’s last light…”

“Is this the windless zone? Wow, it’s amazing!!!”

Beside the boat, Chopper looked around curiously, stretching out his little hooves to feel it. Sure enough, there was no movement of wind, and the sea was very calm, as if he was sailing on a huge mirror with no edge visible.

As for why there is no wind, their small boat can still sail in the windless zone…

I haven’t been attacked by the large sea kings that live here yet…

Under the small boat that was going straight forward along the windless zone, there was a black sea king-like figure swimming under the boat with half a hand and half a head, pushing the small boat forward at high speed.

In the boat, Robin was flipping through a book, with a dark armor standing next to him.

『Are you going to the East China Sea? ’ it asked.

“Well…” Robin closed the book and looked in front of the windless belt. A line of towering mountains stretching horizontally was at the end of his sight. That was the Red Earth Continent. “Because, didn’t Mihawk mention Luffy before? So I wanted to take a look…”

Recalling the scene when Tulip gave birth to Luffy on the original Nine Snake Island more than ten years ago, Robin was in a trance.

It was really a long, long, long time ago… I wonder what that child has become now?

It should be said that he is worthy of being a child of Tulip? It actually attracted Eagle Eye to travel thousands of miles to the East China Sea to have a look at him…

『B.I.B』 folded his arms and glanced at the reindeer that were circling around in the boat and happily checking the windless zone along the way.

Whether it was wandering around all the way many years ago and finally coming to Drum Island to live in seclusion, or now heading straight towards the East China Sea to meet Luffy…it never gave any advice, it was all Robin’s own decision. choose.

If he had a mouth, “B.I.B” would probably be smiling slightly at this moment.

Do you believe in gravity? It remembered this famous JOJO line that the main body had said to Robin several times. Is this fate? Maybe it’s just the fate between people…

Thinking about this, a strong gust of wind hit him, lifting the book in Robin’s hand and flipping it.

“Wow, wind!”

Chopper was startled, looking at the wind-swept sea in front of him with bright eyes, picking up the planks of the bow, and then turned back to look at Robin with questioning eyes.

Robin stood up in the boat, blowing the oncoming sea breeze, “Well, we have arrived in the East China Sea…”

She can use his flower freedom ability to create a clone of the Sea King to safely cross the windless zone, naturally there is no need to cross the red earth continent.

After passing through the windless zone, their boat had arrived at the rumored “weakest sea.”

This is the sea where the Pirate King Roger comes from…

This is also the ocean that Robin, she and Lynch have not had the chance to experience in so many years.

“Let’s get a chart of the East China Sea first.”

Robin makes a decision.

“Oh!” Chopper was very happy. It was his first time traveling far away and he was very happy about everything he did.

“B.I.B” said: “Can I ask if there is any news about Hawkeye… The world’s greatest swordsman is coming to the East China Sea. As long as he shows up, it will definitely cause a sensation. 』


Robin nodded and raised his hand.

The boat’s canvas was lowered by the hands growing on the mast, and it quickly swelled in the blowing sea breeze. The boat’s speed suddenly became faster, sailing forward on the sea…

After all, it is not an extremely dangerous Grand Line. The weather in the four seas is relatively stable. It is not like the climate of the Grand Line that changes at a moment’s notice. It snows one moment and is exposed to the sun the next… The four seasons in the four seas operate regularly.

The East China Sea has the longest spring, the South China Sea has the longest summer, the West China Sea has the longest autumn, and the North Sea has the longest winter…

Perhaps because of this, the East China Sea, which has the most pleasant climate, always feels lazy.

At least, this is what Robin felt after landing ashore and entering the town as he toured the local customs and customs.

Compared with the rampant gangs in the West China Sea, the warlords in the North Sea, and the turmoil in the South China Sea, everything in the East China Sea seemed a bit calm. Robin took Chopper away in the town, who turned into a normal reindeer. For a long time, I could barely hear anything about pirates… As I approached the naval branch area on the island, I could vaguely hear one or two comments about pirates from passers-by. But if I listened carefully, their expressions The pirates discussing solemnly, the bounty is 11 million beli…

“…” Robin put on his sunglasses and looked away from the corner of his eye. He stopped approaching the area of ​​the Navy branch base and turned around to walk back.

“B.I.B” walked aside with his arms folded, “11 million Baileys, I haven’t heard of this level of pirates in many years…”

“Wow, is that a marshmallow?”

The reindeer walking next to him suddenly exclaimed. Passers-by and stall owners were startled. Did the deer speak?

There is no need to panic at this time, just pretend it didn’t happen. Robin calmly took out a few coins, bought a few marshmallows from the stall, and left calmly, leaving the stall owner and passers-by scratching their heads. Did you hear that wrong?

Chopper raised his head and blinked, looking expectantly at the marshmallow in Robin’s hand, but it was now in the form of a reindeer and could not free its hooves.

“Huh?” Robin then realized that there was no scent of “B.I.B” around her. She turned around and felt “B.I.B” standing ten meters behind her, and it was also looking back at something.

“B.I.B” looked at the end of the road. The woman with an unforgettable hairstyle…is she Nami’s adoptive mother, Bellemere?

No, even if Bellmere was not shot by Aaron because of the chain reaction caused by the mouse colonel being killed by Hancock… Its narrow eyes flashed with white light, and it read the One Piece comics in its memory to confirm. Well, this is not Nami’s hometown, Cocoa West Village.

Calculating the time, Luffy was 17 years old the year he went to sea, and Nami was one year older than Luffy, which was 18 years old.

Bellemeier is… my adopted daughter has finally grown up, so she has returned to the navy to serve as a soldier?

It shook its head, without thinking much, and walked back to Robin. She sat on the side of the road, with a gentle look on her face, as if feeding grass, and handed the few marshmallows she bought to the reindeer’s mouth. Ba’s face was full of happiness, he was eating happily, and his eyes were shining.

“There are no rumors about Hawkeye.”

Robin stood up and dusted himself off.

“Let’s watch as we walk,” the black armor said.

Robin nodded, and went back to the boat parked on the shore with it and Chopper.

When the coastline was in front of them, they suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

Robin heard the sound and looked around. On the shore not far away, a group of children seemed to be playing something. No, on the ground in the middle surrounded by those boys, there was… huddled in a wooden wine barrel. Yes, girl?

“So ugly, hahaha.”

“Isn’t this a monster that lives in a barrel?”

“How strange, hey hey hey…”

The boys had innocent curiosity and a hint of fear on their faces, laughing and talking to each other.

And on the ground between them, a girl with long blond hair was huddled in a wooden barrel. Only her head was exposed from the barrel. She blinked and looked up at them. She did not resist or reply, but pursed her lips with a sad expression.

Even with Robin’s years of experience, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment when he saw such a girl huddled in a small wooden barrel.

“What are you doing!”

The reindeer galloped up to the laughing and laughing urchin.


“The deer spoke?!”

The urchins were so frightened that they ran away in a hurry.

“…” The barrel girl blinked and moved forward on her feet. She looked at the reindeer slowing down and walked toward her, and asked curiously: “Did you really speak just now?”

“…?!” Chopper could tell at a glance that the human girl in the barrel must have fallen into the barrel due to an accident. She asked in shock and hesitation, “You… ”

“It doesn’t matter, they are just a few ignorant children.” The girl could probably feel the care and kindness of the talking reindeer. She lowered her head and looked at the barrel that trapped her, “This? It was from when I was a child. I fell in and my body has been stiff for too long. The doctor said that if I forcefully destroy the barrel, I will have physical problems, so I am living alone now… Huh?” She was shocked. The reindeer in front of her changed shape. The man stood up and turned into a petite and cute half-man, half-deer.

“I am also a doctor, let me take a look.”

Chopper took a deep breath and carefully gave the barrel girl a rough inspection. He sadly discovered that the girl was right. Her frame and body had been somewhat deformed after being restrained in the barrel for a long time…

Robin’s face was solemn and he slowly walked over.

The barrel girl looked up at Robin and exclaimed: “Wow, sister, you are so tall…”

She smiled happily, “Thank you for your concern, but it doesn’t matter, I’m used to this.”

As he spoke, a pair of delicate feet stood up under the wooden barrel, trying to slip away with short and fast steps, as if he didn’t want to cause trouble and burden to someone who rarely showed kindness to him.

“Oops!” The delicate feet that were walking quickly under the barrel stumbled.

The barrel fell and Gululu rolled to the side. The girl screamed and rolled into the sea next to her. Chopper transformed into a two-meter-tall human form and strode over to hug the barrel.

Robin put down his hands and sighed.

“It’s so dangerous…” The barrel girl stuck out her tongue. With the barrel held in her arms and suspended in the air, she suppressed the humble shame in her heart, blinked hard, and exclaimed, “You have changed again. …What a strange Mr. Deer!”

Chopper’s eyes suddenly turned red. He took a deep breath and looked back at Robin, “I want to help her… there must be a way to cure her! I… I’m a doctor. …”

Robin walked over and touched Chopper’s head, nodded and said: “Okay.”

The two carefully moved the barrel girl to their boat.

“B.I.B” followed him carelessly, looking down into the wooden barrels on the ship. The girl with long blond hair lowered her head and seemed to be sniffing carefully to hold back tears.

Soon, she raised her head again, raised a relaxed smile, and asked curiously: “Are you travelers? My name is Savankel, you can also call me barrel girl, hehe…”

“I am Chopper, a doctor.” Chopper stood in front of the barrel girl who was about the same height as him, a little sad but said seriously, “Don’t worry, you will definitely return to normal.”

“…” A simple sentence, still from a different person, suddenly made the blonde girl who was looking at Chopper calmly have red eyes, tears welling up, and rolling down one by one, “Eh? Why am I crying… …It’s so annoying…I didn’t want to cry for a long time…”

The only half of her hands that were exposed were clumsily and laboriously wiping her tears. Chopper couldn’t hold back anymore and turned around to rub his eyes vigorously.

Robin sighed softly, squatted down next to the barrel girl, stretched out his hand to hold her fingertips, “Call me Robin, Savankel. You have to trust the doctor’s judgment.”

Savankel raised his head, struggled to hold Robin’s hand with both hands, pursed his lips, with red eyes, sniffed, and nodded.


As expected, the East China Sea was calm. Robin and the others sailed the boat and soon saw a small island in front of them.

Chopper jumped out of the Phone Bug Castle, holding his backpack in his hand. The notebook he brought out contained a lot of medical research he had done over the years, as well as research information on Dr. Vegapunk. Insights… In order to come up with a treatment plan for Savankel, Chopper was scratching his scalp and never wanted to give up so easily. Savankel said “Wow”, looked at Chopper jumping out of the phone bug, and exclaimed: “Are you a magician?”

“I’m a doctor.” Joe Buck resisted the urge to twist his body shyly. After all, he was feeling very heavy right now. “Hey, have you reached the next island?”

The boat slowly docked at the shore of the island ahead.

“Well,” Robin gently carried the barrel girl ashore and placed her on the ground, “Do you want to go to the island to play?”

“Okay.” Savankel looked back at the boat, “Where is Dr. Chopper?”

“I’ll read the book for a while.” Chopper sat on the bow of the boat and said full of fighting spirit, “As long as you don’t give up hope, miracles will definitely happen… There must be a way!”

“Yeah!” The barrel girl nodded with a smile, turned around and followed Robin’s feet.

After they left, Chopper immediately let out a sigh of relief and sat on the bow of the boat with a gloomy look.


The delicate feet under the wooden barrel flew up, stepping on each other, and Savankel followed Robin’s slowed pace.

Here is…

“B.I.B” glanced at the strange animals vaguely visible in the woods on this island… Isn’t this the Island of Rare Beasts?

“Hehehehe, the animals here are so strange? Why do snakes have rabbit ears?”

Savankel huddled in the barrel and walked around, laughing like a silver bell.


Robin looked at the seemingly happy back of the barrel girl for a while, then glanced around at the strange animals on the island, and said to himself, “The animals here are not quite right…”

“What’s wrong?” ” asked the jet-black armor next to him.

“There are so many weird animals, but you can hardly see two that are the same…” Robin looked slightly solemn, “Isn’t there any fixed population?”

Suddenly, as she was walking, she saw something like a **** standing in front of her. It was ten to twenty meters high, square and very strange.

“Outsiders!” Suddenly, a strange voice came from the surrounding woods, “Don’t go any further!”

“…” Robin looked around.

The voice threatened eerily: “I am the guardian of this forest. If you want to survive…eh? There are freaks!!”

Freak, are you talking about Savankel? Robin’s eyes turned cold as he found the location of the voice.

“B.I.B” also looked in that direction, and couldn’t help but feel a little speechless. Hey, if you want to say “freak”, aren’t you too?

Two small wooden boats approached this rare beast island one after another…

“Hey, Nami, didn’t you say it was an uninhabited island? But there are boats on the shore!”

Standing on the bow of the small boat in front is a young man wearing a red vest and a straw hat, who is looking around. Sharing the same boat with him is a young man with short green hair, three earrings on his left ear, and three earrings on his waist, lying on his side in the boat. A peer with three knives…

“It’s such a small island, I thought it was an uninhabited island!”

On the boat behind, a beautiful orange-haired girl holding a telescope said in surprise, “There is someone there?”

“Haha, you will know if you go to the island and take a look.”

Luffy smiled and held down the straw hat on his head, and jumped off the ship as soon as it docked.

“…” Zoro originally thought it was an uninhabited island, so he wanted to take a nap on the boat while the two of them landed on the island. Since there were people on the island, forget it. “That’s right, you’ll know just by looking at it.”

He stood up and jumped, holding the three knives on his waist with one hand, and followed Luffy to the island.

Nami parked her ship and could only follow the landing. While keeping up with Luffy and Zoro, she glanced at the small boat parked before them from a distance.

It’s strange that there is nothing on that ship…

Did someone rob me?

Could it be that there are companions on this island?

:. :


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