I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 629 Ripple Fist


[Chapter Heading Serial・Heart Pirates 35・”So you were bullied because your character is too weak, right?” 』]

[The three of them walked for a while. The white bear Beibo had nowhere to go and was injured, so Luo asked him to go back with him. After learning about Bebo’s hometown, the Elephant Island called Zou, and the fur tribe who were born to be warriors… Luo couldn’t help but wonder, since the fur tribe is so powerful, with cubs able to fight one against a hundred, what about this white bear? Why were you bullied so badly by two human children? ]


[“Isn’t it here yet? I’m so hungry…”]

[White clouds wearing peaked caps were flying over the sea, reluctantly saying, “I smelled delicious thunder and lightning in the sky just now…”]

[The big book it was carrying with the cover of Fireworks Hell came out with a voice: “Zeus, don’t be so impatient! This is a task assigned by your mother personally, you should work harder!”]

[“I’m just talking…” Zeus muttered, “Can’t you even complain?”]

[The big book with a **** cover said helplessly: “If the chart is correct, the Kingdom of Flowers should be not far ahead. Fly quickly!”]


[Zeus speeded up happily, and sure enough, not long after, he saw land in front of him, and he exclaimed: “What a big island… maybe it is almost as big as all the countries combined!”]


[Suddenly, another voice came from the big book with a **** cover. 】

[“Huh?” Zeus asked cutely and puzzled, “What’s the matter, Katakuri?”]

[It is a Homiz made from part of Big Mom’s soul power. It is equivalent to Big Mom’s son at the soul level. Sons at the bloodline level like Katakuri have equal status and do not need to be called “Katakuri-sama”. “. 】

[Inside the big book with a **** cover is a fantasy and magnificent book world. Katakuri pressed against the wall of the book, with a shadow covering his eyes, and said dullly through his scarf: “… Let’s get a little higher first. , don’t be in a hurry to land.”]

[“Oh, okay.” Zeus’s voice came from outside. 】

[This boy is carefree, or heartless, and doesn’t bother to think too much about Katakuri’s orders – Katakuri is the pillar of the family besides his mother, and this is also the case when his mother is not sick. The second most reliable person, just follow what he says and that’s it. 】


[[The big book with a **** cover was opened, and Katakuri, who was hidden in the world in the book, was about to walk out. Suddenly his eyes froze and he retracted half of his stepped foot. 】

[“Huh?” Charlotte Mondor’s face was full of confusion. He was a user with the Shushu Fruit ability. Of course he followed him. When he saw Katakuri coming out and retreating, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Katakuri Brother Takuri, what’s wrong with you?”]

[“That face…”]

[Through the thick scarf, Katakuri’s voice was slightly gloomy, his eyes flashed, “I seem to have seen it somewhere…”]

[Mondor and the others were puzzled, Katakuri shouted: “Bring the ‘reward book’.”]

[“Huh?” Mondor was stunned, but still obeyed, “Oh, okay.”]

[With a move of his hand, there were layers of layers like a kaleidoscope. In the book world where the end was, the book wall flipped, and soon a huge and thick book flew out, flying to Mondor San On the ground in front of people. 】

[Mondor waved his hand, and the big book with a reward notice on the cover opened. 】

[Katakuri flipped through the pages quickly and quickly stopped on one of the pages, his eyes fixed on the old bounty order posted on this page. 】

[“Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, has a bounty of 79 million Baileys…” Mondor read, “Isn’t this the survivor of O’Hara that my mother really wants to get? Brother Katakuri, you This is…”]

[“Brother Katakuri, is there anything unusual?” The woman who came with her asked curiously, holding a glass of juice in her hand. Brother Katakuri, who is steady and reliable, will not do meaningless things. 】

[Katakuri just said: “Mondor, bring a ‘phone bug’.”]


[Above the thundercloud, the cover door of the world in the book opened, and Katakuri jumped out with a phone bug. 】

[He stared at the three small black dots fishing on the shore below for a moment. 】

[He concentrated, and suddenly the urge to kill directly emerged in his heart, and sometimes other desires emerged… After repeated attempts several times, the future glimpsed by the powerful sight in his eyes also underwent several changes… …】

[Zeus was feeling idle when he suddenly heard Katakuri on his back say in a deep voice: “Zeus, come down.”]


[Boom! ! ! ! 】

[Endless lightning fell like a punishment from heaven, watering and bombarding the shore. 】

[Robin hurriedly pushed Ayu and Lily away, and he was submerged in the white lightning…]

【Sister Xu Lun! Teacher Xu Lun! ! 】

[The astonished expressions of Ayu and Lily slowly showed fear and shock. They were pushed away and fell, reaching out to grab the vast thunder light…]

[When the lightning dissipated, Robin lost consciousness, his body was covered in charred blackness and wisps of heat. With a bang, a tall man in a scarf fell from the sky. He stood in front of Robin, looked at him coldly, and used the hand in his hand to The phone bug took a few photos. 】


[Ayu had tears in her eyes, roared wildly, and was about to turn into a black dragon – but the man wearing a scarf seemed to be predicting the future, and first shot out a jelly bean with a snap of his finger, poof! 】

[Ayu’s body was filled with blood. If she hadn’t partially transformed into a black dragon, her vitals were different from those of a fully human body. This shot of jelly beans might have directly killed her. 】

[Katakuri beat the little black dragon girl who might have been in the way with a clean and tidy beat, and then she was shocked with a domineering look. The strong domineering aura shocked the frightened and angry Lily until her eyes turned white, and she fainted. In the pool of blood dripping from Ayu’s body. 】

[At this time, Thundercloud Zeus slowly descended, and Mondor jumped out of the world in the book, opening the big book with a **** cover. 】

[Katakuri raised his foot and kicked the unconscious Robin into the book world. 】

[Kakakaka… The device on the back of the phone bug in his hand slowly spit out those photos. 】

[Mondor looked back at the woman who was knocked unconscious by Zeus in the world of the book, and exclaimed: “Kujo Xu Lun…it turns out to be Nico Robin! It’s really…nonsense! That Qiaolu This woman, Noho, are they all crazy? Are they teasing the World Government and the Navy like this?”

[Although they are not afraid of the World Government, but this kind of nonsense will anger the other party in vain, so why bother? 】

[Soon, Thundercloud Zeus flew away from the coast with the big book with **** cover. 】

[Katakuri picked up the photos, glanced at the inland direction of the Flower Country, sat with his legs crossed on a big rock on the shore, waiting for the man who must be killed on this trip. 】



“Kujo Xuren, who became the King’s Shichibukai, is actually the son of the devil who is regarded as a thorn in the world government’s side, O’Hara’s survivor Nicole Robin…”

On the shore of Uzhu Village, Katakuri, who threw out those photos, held a three-pronged spear in one hand and said calmly, “You should understand what kind of anger will be incurred if the World Government knows the truth.”

Lin Qi sneered: “What are you doing? Do you want to make a report?”

“…” Even though Katakuri had foreseen his answer in the future he had foreseen, he was still speechless. Does this person always talk like this?

Katakuri glanced aside and saw a black figure floating over and picking up the two little girls in a pool of blood.

He raised his spear and stabbed the earth dragon.


A golden iron rod blocked the thrust of the Earth Dragon Spear like lightning.

“B.I.B”‘s narrow eyes shimmered, and he glanced at Katakuri, then picked up Ayu and Lily and flew away to Ouzhu Village, temporarily handing them over to the care of the villagers.


Katakuri’s spear thrust was blocked by the golden iron rod. He glanced at Lynch, who was indeed very fast, and said calmly: “Your next sentence is, ‘Old man, your substitute is the most useless’…” What does this mean? ”

Lin Qi sneered: “Old guy, your substitute is the most useless – literally!”

The two looked at each other, and Katakuri’s eyes burst out with an astonishing domineering aura – and Lynch was not at a disadvantage, his overbearing aura spurted out, colliding with Katakuri’s aura.

Wow, wow! The waves on the shore are turbulent and the waves are crashing on the shore.

The wind seemed to have stopped.

Under the sky at this corner of the coast, black domineering lightning like a spider web burst out between the two people facing each other.

Katakuri said solemnly: “There is also a domineering look…it didn’t seem to be like this last time.”

Lin Qi said: “Last time? Wasn’t it the blue pheasant that I fought with you last time?”

“…” Katakuri was confused. Giorno had been in the public eye for so many years, but he had never heard of him having the qualifications to be a domineering king. In the Swordsman Competition, Sister Armand also participated in it personally, but she never mentioned that Giorno had Overlord Color… Giorno had not yet awakened Overlord Color during the Sword Master Competition? Impossible. With Giorno’s strength at that time, his Armed Color and Wisdom Color were no longer weak. If he really had Overlord Color, he should have awakened naturally long ago.

Suddenly, Katakuri glanced up and saw that the dark armor was flying high in the sky, as if it wanted to fly towards the sea.

“Want to recover Nicole Robin?”

Katakuri said calmly, “Why do you think I want to stay? Nico Robin is my mother’s long-awaited collection…”

As he spoke, the ground under his feet seemed to come to life, turning into an endless glutinous rice terrain and pouring into the sky. The top part was covered with a dark armed color, trapping the dark armor in it.

An insight into the future?

It is really troublesome for “B.I.B” to be trapped by the huge glutinous rice terrain and fight an opponent who can predict the situation!

“Use Awakening when you come up?”

Lin Qi didn’t look up and smiled at Katakuri, “Isn’t it too exaggerated?”

The glutinous rice terrain surged, Katakuri waved his hand down, and with a loud bang, the armed glutinous rice ball hit the ground hard, which made Lynch feel a burst of pain – “B.I.B” will be beaten now, and then it will be the same. “Repay” to yourself.

He rolled his eyes in his stomach. The avatar completely copied his own personality and did not resist being beaten twice in the battle…

Firstly, this is inevitable; secondly, a strong physical body is of course tempered by this method.

“To deal with you…”

Katakuri’s eyes were gleaming fiercely, holding a three-pronged spear in one hand and pressing the other on the ground, “Even if it’s me…”

To his left and right, giant glutinous rice arms several meters long and one meter thick were separated from the ground. The huge fists with sharp edges were covered with dark domineering energy, and they were suspended in a row and aimed at Lin Qi.

“You have to go all out…”

As Katakuri spoke, he controlled these giant glutinous rice fists to hit Lynch.


The dense giant fists bombarded Lin Qi, and black domineering lightning burst out.

Katakuri has the ability to foresee the future, and does not give Lynch any breathing space. He controls other glutinous rice terrains, like layers of solid waves covered with domineering force, directly pressing Lynch to the ground.

And he picked up a three-pronged spear, wrapped in a strong aura of armed domineering, and pierced into the thick glutinous rice terrain.

The glutinous rice will of course weaken Katakuri’s shot, so when he stabs out his Haki spear, the glutinous rice will naturally separate a path.

Lin Qi, who was pressed at the bottom, grabbed the pitch-black three-pronged spear with his bare hands, pulled hard, and knocked Katakuri against the hard armed shell of the glutinous rice terrain cage he had made himself. Bang! Katakuri’s face was crooked, but fortunately it was Nuomi, so he wasn’t afraid.

However, he and Giorno fought for a while, and the dark figure took the opportunity to fly away.

This is also expected…

No matter how strong Katakuri is, it is impossible to really restrain a flying enemy.

Especially when he was dueling with a master like Giorno.


The top shell of the thick glutinous rice terrain that was holding Lynch down cracked. Lynch held a gold iron rod wrapped with black domineering force and beat it out. He stood on the slowly collapsing glutinous rice terrain and looked down at Katakuri.

Katakuri glanced back at the retreating black figure, and Hengqian said calmly: “First of all, it is chasing in the wrong direction. Secondly, it is too late to chase it now. – You have Nicole Luo. Bin’s life paper?”

Lynch did not answer.

Katakuri narrowed his eyes and looked at him, “You are going to laugh and say ‘Haha, no’…”

“Haha, no!” Lynch said with a smile, his smile stagnant, “Damn, can you stop being so provocative? Be careful you die miserably.”

“…” Katakuri thought in his eyes and said slowly, “Why…why, you don’t seem to be as anxious now as you were at the beginning? Is it because you have given up on Nico Robin…”

“B.I.B” is speeding on the sea, but the sea is vast and there is no clear direction. If there is a little deviation, it will be thousands of miles away. How can it be possible to catch up with Zeus who took Robin away?

On the shore of Uzhu Village, Katakuri said coldly: “But this is not strange. In the world of pirates, it is also common for useless companions to be abandoned.”

Lin Qi snorted: “I’m laughing at you for being so smart!”

Kataku raised a question mark.

Lin Qi said: “Do you actually think… Robin is a weak person who needs me to save him?”

“…?!” Katakuri was slightly shocked

“…” Katakuri thought in his eyes and said slowly, “Why…why, you don’t seem to be as anxious now as you were at the beginning? Is it because you have given up on Nico Robin…”

“B.I.B” is speeding on the sea, but the sea is vast and there is no clear direction. If there is a little deviation, it will be thousands of miles away. How can it be possible to catch up with Zeus who took Robin away?

On the shore of Uzhu Village, Katakuri said coldly: “But this is not strange. In the world of pirates, it is also common for useless companions to be abandoned.”

Lin Qi snorted: “I’m laughing at you for being so smart!”

Kataku raised a question mark.

Lin Qi said: “Do you actually think… Robin is a weak person who needs me to save him?”

“…?!” Katakuri was slightly shocked

“There is no time to finish, I will update first, then fill in the last word count, refresh in a few minutes, and come back” “There is no time to finish, I will update first, then fill in the last word count, refresh in a few minutes , let’s watch again” “It’s too late to finish, I’ll update first, and then fill in the last word count, refresh in a few minutes, let’s watch again” “There’s no time to wrap up, I’ll update first, and then fill in the last word count, in a few minutes Refresh in a few minutes, let’s watch again.” “There’s no time to finish, so I’ll update first, and then fill in the last word count. Refresh in a few minutes, and come back.” “There’s no time to finish, so I’ll update first, and then fill in the last word count. It will refresh in a few minutes and come back to see it again》


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