I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 628 Electric shock warning


[Chapter Heading Serial·Heart Pirates 34·”It’s time for you to give yourself a name”]

[The white bear spoke and said its name was Bebo… Luo and baby5 opened their mouths slightly, and then came to their senses. Luo said his name was Trafalgar Law, so Bebo and Luo looked at the black bear next to him. hair girl. Baby5 was about to speak when he was frightened by Luo’s eyes. What’s wrong? Luo said slowly, but baby5 was shocked. Luo and Bebo continued to chat, and baby5 suddenly touched his cheek. When did I cry? ]


〖Flower Country, New Flower Capital〗

〖Deep in Purple Mountain——〗

The mountains and forests are endlessly filled with animals that are foaming at the mouth and passing out. The goat was gnawing on the grass, but now it is fainting on its knees; the birds hang together on the branches and stop calling; the brown bear and the tiger turn their eyes white and fall together; even the fish in the gurgling mountain spring are drifting with the current and cannot be shaken away. Moving its tail… I don’t know how long it took. The goat woke up with a start, and continued to gnaw the grass leisurely for a moment. The birds flapped their wings one after another and flew up like clouds. The brown bear and the tiger woke up and looked at each other. Feeling embarrassed, they roared again and fought together; the mountain spring gurgled, the fish swung their tails, and swam like a group of sand.

“This is the overlord color…”

Lin Qi stood at the bottom of a valley, with a black armor sitting cross-legged in the sky above his head, practicing.

On the rocks in the valley around him, there are either dense finger holes, criss-crossing slash cracks, or some crumbling cliffs that were destroyed…

A gilded black iron rod was slanted into a nearby boulder.

On the other hand, Lin Qi looked at his palm, trying to figure out the newly acquired ability of “Overlord Color”.

I always feel like…

This thing…

Lin Qi frowned slightly. As he had guessed, the overlord color was indeed a more advanced weapon color application technique – with the help of the sight color, or in other words, integrated with the skill of sensing aura, one’s own The breath is released accurately, and it can carry out indiscriminate or fixed-point strikes from a distance. It is also because of this that Lynch first conducted an in-depth study of Bachuquan, and only after fully understanding it, he “developed” Bawang color.

The skill of “arming” to control domineering, and the skill of “witnessing” to sense aura…

For normal people, unless they are born with it, it is like “drawing the Great Wall with the left hand and drawing the pyramids with the right hand”, which is absolutely difficult to coordinate, and it will never be possible to make these two completely different things through the efforts of the day after tomorrow. The domineering skills are combined and refined into “overlord color”.

This is also the reason why so few people are born with the aptitude for overlord color, and why there is often a phenomenon of “heritage” of overlord color – it is originally a physiological advantage, and of course there is a high probability of inheritance.

But Lynch happened to understand the “harmony” boxing theory contained in it through the thorough understanding of Bachong Quan, and successfully achieved it. He combined “arming” and “knowledge” and saw the “overlord”.

Lin Qi was dumbfounded for a moment, shook his head and said to himself: “Armed color, knowledge color, overlord color… These are really misleading terms.”

According to his habits, he may have time to sort out this domineering system again in the future.

The first level of domineering: a first look.

The second level of domineering: subtlety.

The third level of domineering: entanglement.

The third level of domineering: outward.

The fourth level of domineering: No distance…?

Lin Qi burst out laughing when he thought of this, ruining the style of painting and so on. It was really fun.

He was about to release the Overlord Sex again to try and experience it, when suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, like an electric current passing through him!

Lin Qi’s eyes narrowed.

Thunder and lightning?

Lin Qi’s sight instantly swept hundreds of meters around him, but he didn’t find any enemies.

Then the next second, with his profound life-returning ability, he clearly felt that… his heart had not been attacked and was completely fine.

It’s like the feeling of electric shock to the heart just now was an illusion…

Lin Qi’s eyes became dangerous, and he immediately understood that this was Robin’s doing.

If it was a prank, Robin wouldn’t do it with his heart in mind.

Because it really hurts.

In other words…

This is a distress signal.

Lin Qi flew up and pulled out the gold and iron rod inserted into the boulder.

“.B”, who was sitting cross-legged in the air and practicing, opened its long and narrow bright eyes. It was relatively independent from the main body when it was outside. It was not aware of the heartbreaking pain Lin Qi had just experienced, so it had no idea what the main body was doing.

“Follow me.”

Lin Qi only said two words, then suddenly jumped into the air and rushed out of the valley.


A figure soared into the sky in the deep mountains. Qingjiao and Acai, who were on their way back, both raised their heads, “Ah, it’s Lin Qi… is he coming out?”

A Cai asked strangely: “Why do you feel that he is not in a good mood?”


“Not in the Flower City?”

Lin Qi rushed into the sky, stepped on the moon, and quickly scanned the Flower Capital, including the imperial palace, with his sense of sight, but did not find Robin’s aura.

Lin Qi’s expertise is in identifying scents, which is not surprising in terms of scope.

The Kingdom of Flowers is too big. Any province is larger than the original Nine Snake Island. There are five provinces in the Kingdom of Flowers.

If it weren’t for the knowledge and skills that specialize in distance, it would be impossible to completely cover such a large island.

In other words, this is simply a small continent. Only in this world can it be called an island.

『.B』 was chasing after me, and I heard the main body suddenly turning its head in the air and looking in one direction, muttering to itself: “Let’s bet, it’s over there.”

Looking from the black armor, that was the direction of Ouzhu Village.

“Robin is in danger.”

Lin Qi left a sentence and flew away high in the sky with a popping sound under his feet.

『.B』’s narrow eyes flickered, and he quickly understood the current situation – yes, if you had to bet on Robin’s location, Ayu’s hometown, Houzhu Village, had the highest probability.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, the body doubles flew out of the New Flower Capital at high speed.

“I’m really anxious…”

“What happened?”

Qingjiao, Acai and the others looked up in amazement. What on earth could have caused a guy as strong as Lin Qi to act in such a hurry?





There were bursts of explosions high in the sky in the Kingdom of Flowers. The first one was still in the north, and the last one was in the west… Xianglian and Xiangchun, who were helping to plant rice in the farmland, raised their heads in confusion.



Originally, hurriedly walking on moon steps would inevitably form sections of “∩∩∩∩” parabolas in the air, which would look like “⌒⌒⌒⌒” curves no matter what, but this time Lynch was flying on moon steps. It almost formed a straight line in the air. Every time he stepped on the moon, he stepped behind him slightly, but it was not obvious. Only when he made an explosion in the air, his speed suddenly increased. Only then will you feel that this person is not really flying…


As they approached Huzhu Village in Zhuoye Province, formerly known as Zhuoye Road, Lin Qi and “.B”, who were flying in the air, felt something in their hearts at the same time.

The smell at the beach is…

The two people next to you are Ayu and Lily?

Lin Qi had no expression on his face, but he didn’t continue to speed up – he was already coming at full speed.


〖Ouzhu Village, seaside——〗


The sound of high-altitude explosions sounded, and the next second a figure with wisps of steam all over his body fell to the ground with a “bang” like a meteorite falling to the ground. In the diffuse smoke and dust, he held a long stick in his hand. The tall figure slowly raised his face.

『.B』 flew down and hovered next to the main body. The smoke and dust could not block its sight, but it did not detect Robin’s aura, so like the main body, it turned its attention to the man sitting on the stone on the shore. Above, there is a short purple-haired man with an astonishing length in a spiked leather jacket and a thick scarf.


Lin Qi walked out of the smoke with a golden iron rod in his hand, looked at Katakuri coldly, and then moved his eyes to Ayu and Lily lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

“Hitting children? You are quite capable.”

“Don’t misunderstand…”

Katakuri was playing with a few photos in his hand. Through the thick scarf, he said calmly, “This blood belongs to the girl who will turn into a black dragon…the other one was stunned by my overlord color. That’s all.”


Lynch raised his eyes and looked at the sea and sky behind Katakuri, and said to himself, “So that’s it, it must be Zeus… You guys came here in that stupid cloud…”

The “.B” next to it lacks the phantom pain of the main body’s heart being shocked by electricity. However, seeing that the main body was so sure, it recalled the situation where the main body said something happened to Robin, and after a brief synthesis, it figured out the cause and effect.

Katakuri and the others came with Big Mom’s soul, Homitz Thunder Cloud Zeus, and kidnapped Robin. Before being knocked unconscious by Zeus’ lightning strike, Robin used his last strength to create his own flower. A part of the free clone used the enemy’s lightning strike to give a final warning to the main body…

“It seems that you know a lot of our information.”

Katakuri sat with his long legs crossed and glanced at Lynch, “It’s no wonder that Snag, one of the four generals, was killed by you… However, I am very curious. Our actions should have been very… It’s secret, how on earth can you come to support so quickly?”

“It seems,” Lynch said coldly, “you don’t know how much information we have.”

“You are right…”

Katakuri stood up, turned one of his arms into glutinous rice, took out a three-pronged spear from his body, and threw the photo he had been looking at for a long time towards Lynch, “We really didn’t expect… Originally I just came here specifically to kill you and avenge our lovely brother Snag, but I didn’t expect that there would be an unexpected gain.”

Lin Qi glanced at the scattered photos on the ground, and when the sea breeze blew, he opened a few fallen photos.

There was a high-altitude view of Robin, Ayu and Lily fishing at the beach…

There is also a top-down photo of Robin looking up in shock…

There is also a scene where Robin tried his best to push Ayu and Lily away next to him when the lightning fell…

There is even a scene where Robin is completely engulfed by the mighty thunder…

And most importantly…

When the lightning dissipated, Robin was black and steaming, unconscious and lying on the ground… Moreover, petals fell off her face, revealing her true appearance.


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