I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 627 “Thunder Tribulation”


[Chapter Heading Serial·Heart Pirates 33·”My name is Beibo, what about you?” 』]

[White Bear actually wore human clothes, and when being bullied by two teenagers, he even pleaded not to be beaten. The bear spoke… Luo and baby5 were both surprised. When they came to their senses, they had knocked down the two teenagers who bullied the bear and rescued the talking white bear. The white bear patted the fine snow all over his body, stood up and bowed to the two of them to express his gratitude…]–


Qingjiao and Acai’s faces touched each other, with question marks popping up on their heads.

[“This harmony is not the harmony of the Kingdom of Wan,” Brother Lin Qi was chewing fruit that day, sitting casually on Ayu’s throne with his legs crossed, grinning, “but the harmony of natural harmony, it is Tai Chi. The harmony is the harmony of yin and yang, the harmony of Tao… Haha, it’s so fun to destroy the painting style!”]

[Ayu doesn’t know what Wano is, nor does he know what Tai Chi, Yin Yang, Tao are… let alone what the painting style is. He only thinks that Lin Qi is frivolous and uninhibited, sitting on the throne and pointing out the country. Very handsome. 】

“Yes!” Ayu nodded, narrowed his eyes and smiled, “It’s not the harmony of the country of Wan, it’s the harmony of natural harmony, it’s the harmony of Tao… Hehe.”

“What the hell!” Ah Cai was angry. He was a **** and almost wanted to fight with Ah Yu.

Qingjiao was at a loss, with a hint of surprise.

Giorno, no, that boy Lynch…could he have completely understood the secret of Bauchongquan, or even taken it to the next level?

The word “harmony” seems to reveal the core secret of Ba Chong Quan.

Qingjiao murmured to himself: “A layman practices form, an expert practices strength…”

Even if you learn the basic techniques of Ba Chongquan, you can still develop a coordinated and flexible body. If you use this basis to train your fists and feet, it will be smoother.

Experts such as the Eight Treasures Navy can master the Eight-Charge Boxing and combine it with domineering to exert stronger power, and can even achieve the effect of hitting a cow across a mountain and shattering a helmet.

“Lynch once said that the top level of Bachong Quan is to practice one’s mind.”

Robin said at this time, touching his chin and muttering to himself, “Then what he meant must be this ‘harmony’… As the name suggests, it means blending the two contradictory things, the positive and negative, the inside and the outside. Two forces that were originally incompatible with each other come together…”

Ayu, Lily, Acai, and Qingjiao were all stunned when they heard this. Robin raised his eyes and asked Acai, “Do you think his domineering color has changed?”

“Ah, I remember yes…” A Cai touched his head, “But I lost too quickly and didn’t see clearly, so I forgot what color it turned into…”

Lily complained: “My memory is so bad. Teacher Xu Lun will punish him for endorsement.”

A Cai looked at her, and Lily hid behind A Yu.

Ah Cai then tried hard to think back, his brows furrowed into a big pimple, “I remember… he was beating me and muttering something… hiss, it seemed like he had a headache, what kind of name should he use?”

He couldn’t understand. Didn’t the names of moves just come out of the mouth?

A lot of times they are made up casually during the fight!

It just sounds very impressive…

Robin suddenly said: “No wonder he came here and read some books before…”

In the past, even if Lynch needed to read a book, he would just let “B.I.B” take a look and remember it in his mind. But if you want to choose a move name for yourself, you need to actually read it before you can use it.

It’s really hard for him…Robin laughed.

Lily asked curiously: “What will his name be?”

Qingjiao stroked his beard and sighed, “With his current boxing skills, he should be able to start his own sect…”

Ayu looked at her friend Lily next to her, and then looked up at Teacher Xu Lun.

“What books has Brother Lin Qi read?” Ayu asked.

Robin smiled and said: “Some poems and books related to flowers and lilies.”

Ayu also smiled, “Sure enough.”

“Yes, he is a very understanding person.” Robin looked up at the sky, “Although there were people to point out and guide the way along the way, most of his achievements were tempered by himself… In the Kingdom of Flowers In this year, Lynch seems to have used his study of Bachong Boxing to summarize all his abilities and integrate them into one.”

This year, Lynch turns twenty.

Lynch was ten years old when they met.

Ten years…

After ten years of struggle, the boy who once crawled out of the garbage heap has truly grown into a high-spirited man.

He has to go his own way in the name of his mother.

Everyone sighed and speculated on what Lin Qi would look like when he finished his practice.

“His strength may not be earth-shaking all at once,” Qingjiao said to himself, “but there is no doubt that if he can spend a year sorting out everything about himself, this kid will have a more leisurely path in the future. ”

The old man touched his tilted head on top and looked at the sky, “Will it soar into the sky, or… pierce the sky?”

Robin smiled and brushed the hair beside his ear, “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him in almost a month. I’m just guessing.”

In order to practice, Lynch even asked “B.I.B” to leave more than a month ago.

But after all, he can sense Lynch’s existence through sight, hearing, and color. He is somewhere on this island, this city, and this mountain, so Robin is not worried about him.

At this moment, Lily poked her head behind Ayu and asked strangely: “Uncle Acai, are you using those punches to make your hair move?”

“Who is the uncle?!” A Cai was annoyed at first, then touched his hair, “It’s not me…it’s the wind, there is wind.”

What’s wrong with the wind? Everyone looked towards where the wind was coming from. The wind was carried by the animals running away.

A large number of animals in the valley panicked and scattered, but more and more animals were running away. Their limbs became weak, their eyes rolled up, they foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Plop, puff, puff…

Swarms of animals turned their eyes white and fell down with foam at the mouth. The woods rustled, and birds flew up and then fell like raindrops.

Qingjiao looked at all this and murmured with shock: “He really succeeded…”

A Cai had sweat on his forehead and said in disbelief: “It’s really fake… I thought he was joking…”

Seeing this, Robin smiled brightly and took Ayu and Lily’s hands, “Let’s not disturb him. Let’s go for a walk.”

“Okay! Yeah!”

The two girls followed excitedly. Ayu turned into a black dragon with a roar, letting Lily and Robin climb on her back, and Qian Yun flew away.


〖Marinvando, Navy Headquarters〗

Warring States took the document in front of him and spit out a sip of tea.

“This is…?!!!”

His eyes were shocked. He grabbed the document tightly and almost scratched it. Bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, “I was tricked…”


〖Land of Flowers, Ouzhu Village, Seaside〗

Ayu hangs a jade belt from a bamboo pole, which is called fishing, but actually relaxes the body and mind.

She looked at the endless sea in the distance. The person who once sat here fishing was just a weak girl who was afraid of her fate. Now she is the queen of this country… and was given the powerful Black Dragon Fruit.

Robin and Lily were smiling and chatting beside them, blowing the sea breeze, life was peaceful and beautiful.

Once upon a time, what young Robin longed for most was such a simple life.

It’s just that nothing can go back…

Robin raised his head and saw a thick black cloud with a peaked cap and a ferocious human face on it.

Standing on the thundercloud was a man that Robin had seen in the memory bank of “B.I.B”. He was wearing a scarf and looking down at them indifferently.


Robin instinctively pushed the two girls next to him to the ground.

Boom! ! ! !

Bucket-thick thunder poured down from the black clouds of Zeus Homiz, bombarding Robin’s body and drowning her.

Robin couldn’t even scream. She lost consciousness almost instantly in the powerful thunder and lightning. The Xu Lun mask on her face peeled off little by little with her scattered consciousness…


She used her last bit of consciousness to move her fingertips, and the petals bloomed. In the endless lightning, a piece of flesh sprouted, but it was quickly crushed into fly ash by the high-intensity lightning.


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