I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 550 There seems to be another nemesis of Homiz


 This is an uninhabited island with little vegetation, few animals, and almost no human habitation.

 Such an island is not uncommon in the New World, where the climate is unpredictable, the ocean is vicious, and even the magnetism of the island itself is very unstable…

 Aokiji forced them to land on this island, and then used his natural ice ability to freeze their pirate ship in one breath, and wiped out most of the people on board…

 It is enough to see the navy’s attitude towards this matter.

 ”If you have encircled a territory and become the emperor of the sea, then you should just hide in your own lair…”

 Aoji stood opposite Katakuri, holding the pockets of his white suit trousers with both hands, exuding a wisp of cold air, “How dare you attack an important member country of the World Government with such a big fanfare, you Big Mom Pirates?” Do you want to declare war on us? ”

 ”…” The large scarf obscured Katakuri’s expression change, and he said solemnly, “You will know if you have the ability to chop it off.”

 ”Since you dare to reach out, you must be prepared to have your hand chopped off – Huh?” Aoji was a little surprised, scratched his curly hair, and looked at Katakuri carefully, “It is rumored that you have seen and heard. I have practiced to the point where I can even predict the future. It seems to be true.”

 “…” Katakuri’s voice was slightly dull through the scarf, “I agree.”

 Just then Qingzhi took his hands out of his pocket, wrapped his arms in the cold air, and said calmly: “Ah la la, this battle doesn’t seem to be too boring…”


 On the shore, on the Nuomi Pirates’ ship, which was frozen by Aokiji, Lynch wanted to go and watch a movie and watch the collision between two authentic top pirates at close range. Find a chair in the cabin to sit on.

 When he turned and walked towards the cabin, he encountered many people on the deck who were frozen into ice sculptures. One of his arms fell off with a crisp sound.

 “Ah, I’m sorry.” Lynch lowered his head, and his arm fell on the frozen deck and broke into several pieces. “But it seems too late.”

  He patted the elder brother in front of him on the shoulder, and click… half of the other person’s body cracked directly under his hands, and finally shattered, and the human-shaped ice sculpture was completely shattered on the ground.

 “Forget it, I’m not that sorry.”

 Lynch walked quickly into the cabin to find a chair – at this moment, he couldn’t help but think about the benefits of his good friend B.I.B. With it, he would not have to do it himself if he wanted to move a chair. The substitute could be used directly He went in through the wall and carried it out by himself.

 ”It was also frozen into a chair…” Lin Qi kicked open a cabin, and sure enough, everything in it was also frozen by the blue pheasant. He casually picked up a larger, wide-backed chair, but his eyes narrowed and he looked at the back of the chair carefully.

 The back of the chair covered with a layer of ice has human-like facial features…

 In order to exchange for the protection of the sea emperor Auntie, the residents of all countries need to regularly surrender part of their souls, which means that a small amount of lifespan is taken away by Auntie’s soul fruit ability. These lifespans will be used by the aunt to make “Homitz”, and Homitz is like the chair in Lynch’s hand, with human-like facial features, can move on its own, can talk and sing… Aoki Pheasant’s Frozen The fruit froze everything inside and outside the entire ship, but if you think about it carefully, Homiz’s body is not the furniture, but the small soul contained inside these furniture, which was made by Big Mom using the life span extracted from it.

 How can freezing kill the soul?

Lin Qi was holding the chair in his hand, and suddenly a ball of dark energy – the substitute energy – appeared in his hand.

 In JOJO’s world view, the substitute… can see the soul. The substitute, in a certain sense, is actually equivalent to the soul body of the substitute messenger.

Lin Qi is an authentic substitute user after all. Although his substitute is not at home for the time being, the substitute energy can still be used.

 The palm covered with a layer of dark energy grasped the frozen features on the back of the chair——

 A small soul body with two white eyes, like a black cloud, was pulled out of the chair by Lynch with one hand. At the same time, the human-like facial features on the back of the chair Also disappeared.


 ”Whoosh!” “Whoosh!” After two sounds, Aokiji waved his hands and turned out two ice spears wrapped in cold air, stabbing Katakuri at high speed.

 The two thorn spears passed through Katakuri’s body, but did not hit him. After passing through, they left two soft glutinous rice holes on his body, which were quickly closed.

 “Ah la la, are you actually also a natural type?”

” Bang! “His head was kicked to pieces.

 With a crash, the broken ice rolled down on the headless blue pheasant, and quickly rolled back, condensing into the blue pheasant’s head.

 The two started fighting back and forth. They first tested their basic Devil Fruit abilities, and soon the voices of three other children of the Charlotte family came from behind.

 Seventh daughter Charlotte Angelu drew her sword and shouted: “Brother Katakuri, we are here to help you!”

 Ao Pheasant turned into an ice man and hugged Katakuri with a billowing cold air.

 Katakuri turned into a stream of glutinous rice and rushed up into the sky. After landing a few meters behind, he was reshaped into a human being.

  He turned around and saw his younger brother Mondor flying over with two fluttering books. The latter said solemnly: “Brother Katakuri, this is not a situation that allows you to have a good duel with him! We must hurry up Click to deal with this navy, and then return to the world with desserts! Otherwise, my mother will suffer from Sireia…”

 Katakuri’s eyes flashed red and he shouted: “Don’t come over!”

 Sixth daughter Charlotte Custard was shocked when she saw Katakuri’s brother holding his three-bladed fork “Earth Dragon” and slapping her and her twin sister Angelu hard – bang! She and Angelo yelled, but were bounced away by Katakuri’s staff.

Mondor, who was flying in the air on a book, was about to ask, but there was an astonishing cyan arc in front of his eyes, which almost hit the tip of his nose.


 A sharp and huge slash flew from a distance, cutting a deep ravine on the ground between Katakuri, Mondor, Karstad, and Angelou, and cut the four Siblings separated.

 A few strands of hair were flying in front of his eyes, and a corner of the book Mondor was stepping on was also cut off. He broke into a cold sweat. If Katakuri’s brother hadn’t stopped in time, this slash would have been enough. The three of them suffered!

 The two twins, six girls and seven girls, were bounced away by Katakuri. When they saw the astonishing slash just now that separated them from Katakuri’s brother, they immediately understood the situation.

 ”Giovanna Giorno…”

 They turned to look at their ice-covered ship on the shore. On the side of the ship, it turned out to be Giorno who had just put down one leg!

  I have seen Lanjiao, but I have never seen Lanjiao with such power! Mondor roared in his heart, this is not a Lanjiao, this is simply a slash that can only be wielded by a swordsman!

  Lynch shouted loudly: “Hey – please don’t interfere in their duel, okay?”

 ”…” Katakuri squinted and looked at Giorno’s palm on the ice ship from a distance. It seemed that something had been pulled out from the ice-covered hull. It was a black thing… It was glutinous rice. Homitz inside the hull? !

Lynch’s hand was filled with dark substitute energy. He grabbed the poor ghost of Homiz and shook it hard, causing it to fly away.


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