I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 549 Katakuri, stop pretending


 [Chapter Series·Chopper and the Quack Doctor 1·The Doctor and the Reindeer]

 [In the cold and windy Yixue Kingdom, there is a tree house deep in the mountains. A fashionably dressed old woman over a hundred years old, wearing glasses, lowered her head and read the newspaper. At the door, a reindeer carrying a bag opened the door with its horns and walked into the white snow outside…]


 “The ice is catching up!”

 “Speed ​​up, Nuomihao!”

 The sailboat flying the Big Mom pirate flag sailed quickly towards the deserted island ahead. On the sea behind it, the boundless cold air froze the sea surface, and the water waves that broke at the stern were frozen into ice in the blink of an eye.

 At the stern of the ship, the sixth daughter, Charlotte Custard, drew her sword and slashed with it, firing out several sword energy and shattering the ice following the stern of the ship.

 “Succeeded?!” Others said happily.

But who would have expected that the force of the severed ice layer would not slow down, but instead spurt out more chill. The waves created by the several slashes at the broken ice area also quickly froze, and the ice-covered layer rushed toward Charlotte. The family’s Nuomi pirate ship.

 “Are you going to be frozen~~?”

 The bow of the Nuomi was singing, and everyone on the deck looked unhappy. At this time, the three-edged fork in Katakuri’s hand stabbed the “ice wave” that was sweeping in, accompanied by an armed domineering look. Black and red lightning burst out, and the ice wave was shattered by his fork. Then he raised his right foot and kicked it into the sky – the entire right leg turned into a huge amount of glutinous rice fluid, drawing a parabolic trajectory in mid-air. The glutinous rice fluid The head was covered with a layer of dark armed domineering force, falling from the sky and hitting the spreading ice that clung to the stern of their ship.

 Bang! ! !

 The ice was torn apart by his step, and many of the waves that were created froze in an instant, and Katakuri’s long glutinous rice legs were also frozen.

 Katakuri struggled hard, and a weapon-colored domineering energy burst out from his right leg, shattering the ice on his leg, and quickly retracted his long glutinous rice leg.

 Everyone in Charlotte on the boat breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “As expected of Brother Katakuri!”

Kakatakuri’s eyes did not relax. He stared at the back door of the ice. On the sea not far away, the two people riding bicycles chased the boat he and others were on.

 ”It’s too late…” Katakuri’s eyes seemed to flash red, and he saw some kind of future.

 ”What?” Charlotte Angelou, the seventh daughter, did not hear clearly, but Katakuri shouted immediately: “Mondor! Go and put away the ‘dessert’!”

 Charlotte Mondor was shocked and shouted: “Yes!”

 After saying that, he rushed towards the cabin like flying. He knew that there must be great terrifying dangers coming in the future that Katakuri had seen through his brother’s knowledge!

 Bang! Mondor ran wildly into the bottom of the cabin. Along the way, there were various doors, windows, roofs, tables and chairs… all with human-like faces saying hello to him. These were made by his mother using the soul fruit to extract a small amount of other people’s lifespans. The soul of Homiz. Mondor ignored them and rushed all the way to the bottom warehouse filled with dessert boxes.

 ”The world in the book!” waved his hand to create a thick book several meters high, and unfolded the pages to reveal another world inside the book.

 Soon, chills rushed towards him through the gaps in the cabin planks.

 “Damn green pheasant!”

 Mondor looked ugly. He carried the heavy book behind his back. Facing the cold wave coming towards him, he had no way out!


 The cold wave rushing towards him was broken by a black-red slash. Like a humanoid beast more than five meters tall, Katakuri rushed to his younger brother Mondor. Before Mondor showed joy, he He reached out and grabbed the latter’s shoulder – a ball of glutinous rice fluid emerged from Katakuri’s shoulder, condensed into a fist and “bombed” the wooden planks of the cabin in front, and threw Mondor out of the hole with force. .


Charlotte Mondor flew out of the hole in the ship’s side with a “swoosh”, and he realized that they had already docked, and that he was being thrown onto the desert island by Katakuri.

While flying, he activated his book fruit ability and created two books under his feet. The pages kept opening and closing, as if two piles of flapping little wings were holding him up and finally suspended in mid-air.

 Mondor looked back, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw that on the shore of the desert island, his family’s Nuomi pirate ship had completely frozen into an ice sculpture!

 Humiz’s expression as he sang was also frozen in the ice.

 On the deck, many members of the Big Mom Pirates who were too late to escape were either panicked, desperate, or unresponsive… all of different shapes, turned into human-shaped ice sculptures.

 The seventh daughter, Charlotte Angelou, jumped off the ship in time and landed on the shore.

The sixth daughter, Charlotte Custard, almost had her ankles entangled in the cold air when she jumped off the ship. She turned around and slashed in time to disperse the cold air before she escaped.

 But when she looked back, she saw Katakuri standing on the side of the ship, ready to jump off the ship, his whole body frozen on the deck.

 ”Brother Katakuri!” Custard shouted. Without thinking, he was about to jump back on the boat, but he heard a loud shout in the air behind him: “Don’t be impulsive!”

 Kastad stopped and turned around to see Mondor flying in the air with two books on his back.

Mondor glanced at the icemen on the Nuomi that were frozen into ice sculptures, and said with a gloomy expression: “Those people are hopeless… but they are just ordinary crew members anyway, not our brothers and sisters. But Katakuri-nii will not be defeated like this!”

 “That’s right!” Charlotte Angelo ran over with her sword in hand, “Sister, that’s the undefeated Katakuri brother! What we have to do is to ensure our own safety, don’t worry about it later. Distract Katakuri-nii…”

 Mondor breathed out, “Thanks to Brother Katakuri for decisively allowing me to use my abilities to keep those desserts…”

 When the two sisters heard this, they were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

 Only they know how important these desserts on this ship are. A few days ago, my mother suddenly suffered from food cravings and asked for desserts that are specialties from the Mogara Kingdom! And you have to eat a lot!

 That is the territory of the countries that join the world government! All the children have extremely headaches, but the mother’s siphoria will not stop unless she eats the named food, and her condition will become more and more crazy, and may even destroy the entire world… There is no way , Katakuri stepped forward and finally persuaded her furious mother, and agreed with her that he would definitely bring back the desserts from the Mogara Kingdom that she wanted to eat, and there were many, many! But I hope my mother will be patient before he comes back…

 ”The desserts have been put into the book world by me.” Mondor patted the heavy book behind him, and sisters Charlotte Custard and Angelou breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good…”

 ”But the ship was destroyed by the hateful blue pheasant…”

 Charlotte Mondor stepped on two fluttering books and looked at the seaside not far away with a displeased face. A bicycle was swaying on the sea, “Books and books fly at the speed of fruit.” It’s not fast. If you want to retreat, it seems you have to deal with this troublesome navy first… Moreover, the kid standing in his back seat, if I read it correctly, should be Chopper from the JOJO Pirates. Na Giorno? ”

 “Giobana Giorno?!” The twin sisters’ expressions changed.

 “Is it the Giorno who fought with Whitebeard?!”

 ”Why is he with the Vice Admiral…”

 Mondor’s face was gloomy, “It’s just because people can’t understand the situation that the situation is very difficult…”


 Qingzhi rode his bicycle to the shore. When he put his feet down, the sea surface under his feet instantly solidified into ice.

 “Dingle bell…”

 He turned the bell twice and said calmly: “Get off the car.”


 The young man in the back seat jumped away high.

 Green Pheasant crossed its long legs, got out of the car leisurely, kicked the bicycle in place, and parked the bicycle on the ice on the shore.

 Lin Qi flew through the air and landed lightly on the pirate ship that was completely frozen.

 The pirates with different expressions on the deck are obviously hopeless…

 However, Lynch looked at the other tall and powerful man with short purple hair and scarf who was frozen by the blue pheasant on the side of the ship, and smiled: “Are you still pretending? Can this little ice really freeze you?”

 In the ice, Katakuri rolled his eyes and glanced at him.

 Click, click…

The ice on Katakuri’s body cracked into cracks, and with a final “bang”, he shattered them all into ice shards that filled the sky.

  “Giobana Giorno…” Katakuri’s voice seemed a little dull through the scarf. He stared at Lynch coldly, “…you are right, my opponent is him. .”

 Lin Qi smiled and said: “Don’t look at me, your opponent is that guy – huh?”

 Damn, this guy’s ability to foresee the future is pretty awesome. He can even predict my words.

 At this moment, Katakuri looked towards the shore not far away. He saw a vice admiral with slightly curly black hair and a sleep mask on his head. He was wearing a smart white suit and was a candidate for the general codenamed Aokiji. , while loosening his tie, he walked to the island and looked towards him on the boat.


 Katakuri clenched the weapon in his hand and jumped to the island.

 The top battle is about to begin!

Lin Qi prepared to watch the scene with great interest. On one side was the natural-type general candidate whose strength was unfathomable and the few battles in the comics seemed to be paddling. The number one general under the Emperor of the Sea is almost full. How can this battle… be like?


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