I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 548 Get ready to fight!



It was Robin who used his freedom to make one of Lynch’s ears in a distant place and whispered into his ear.

“Lynch, you listen to me. I am now…”

She said she received a message from a Dressrosa soldier hypnotized by Lynch. After the ship Leo mentioned docked, it would leave again within a few minutes, so she had to sneak into the ship quietly…

But Robin soon discovered that the people on the ship of the Antique Thieves Group did not know much useful information.

So she planned to follow the ship quietly to their buyer to see the situation…

At this moment, I casually pinched one of Lynch’s ears and told him the general situation.

Just in case Lynch might be worried if he didn’t receive a message from him again using his flower. Robin also reminded him specifically that he would inform this time. If you want to hear my voice again, come back quickly. Bar.

She smiled softly…

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qi felt the soft touch of fragrant lips on the ear where she heard the sound, and then the sounds from far away places disappeared.


The stars connect between the sky and the sea, the bicycle is skating quickly, and the green pheasant’s eyes behind the small round sunglasses glance thoughtfully at the back seat.

“You still wear sunglasses at night, can you see the road clearly?” Lynch squatted down, his sunglasses had long been taken off and hung on his collar.

“…” Qingzhi didn’t want to accept such nonsense, and Lin Qi just said it casually, and quickly said: “It’s still slippery? If you’re not hungry, I’m already hungry. Stop first and get something to eat. Let’s fill our stomachs before we talk…”

Hearing this, Aokiji was about to release his freezing air and hunt down one or two sea beasts in the nearby sea, but he found Giorno squatting in the back seat and jumped up, drawing an arc in the blurry night. , and entered the water silently.

So that’s it, he doesn’t have Devil Fruit abilities now…

Seeing this, Aokiji did not slow down the speed of the bicycle skating. He knew that with Giorno’s current ability, the speed of diving could definitely keep up with him.

Did you deliberately clear your Devil Fruit abilities?

At first glance, this kid looks carefree and has no scruples, but turns out to be surprisingly cautious…

In a flash of thought, Aokiji’s skate bike has already galloped thousands of meters across the dark and undulating sea.

Back then…

Forget it…

“Crash!” A huge black shadow jumped out of the sea on the side where Qing Zhi was riding his bicycle across the sea, and was frozen into an ice sculpture by him.

Lin Qi hugged the ice sculpture of the sea beast and landed on the back seat of Qing Pheasant’s bicycle.

Just when he felt that there was no place to sit, and no place to place the sea beast that would soon become a meal in his mouth, he felt that the green pheasant on the bicycle casually picked up a handful of the seawater rushing behind his feet, surrounding him and Qiaolu A circle of promise – the sea water was instantly condensed by the extremely cold air to form a “ring table” surrounding Qingzhi and Lin Qi. There were also ice sculpture “fences” of medium height and medium height on both sides of the “table”.

Lin Qi smiled. He stretched out his hand and tore off a large piece of meat from the frozen sea beast. With a “pop” sound, a ball of fire ignited in his hand.

The firelight was particularly dazzling in the black sky and sea, and Qingzhi couldn’t help but look back.

He thought he was going to eat sashimi…

The beasts and fish in the Pirate World are all delicious, and they are not unpalatable even without much seasoning. The sea beast has the characteristics of both wild beasts and fish. Lynch just grabbed this large piece of fresh sea beast meat and burned it in his hands for a while, and then bursts of meaty aroma emerged…

He ate happily. After eating two large pieces, he also made one and slid it through the ice sculpture “ring table” in front of Qing Pheasant.

In this way, a large sea beast was soon eaten by the two of them until only the skeleton was left. Lynch threw it into the sea… This little food was just enough for him to fill his stomach and serve as a midnight snack. Not really.


It was dawn, and the bicycle carrying the two people was still speeding across the sea of ​​the New World…

Lin Qi was bored and was about to stand in the back seat and sleep for a while when he suddenly heard Qing Zhi shouting to someone behind him – it must be the phone bug.

After repeating the location of the sea area mentioned by the phone bug, he shouted: “Very good, you just keep the warships at a distance and use artillery fire tactics to slow down their pirate ships! Although the Big Mom Pirates are monsters Ruyun, but they are not all monsters. There should be several ability users on that pirate ship, and they should try to avoid the rain of cannons… But the warships must keep their distance and stay at the maximum range…”

Lin Qi listened incessantly. After Qingzhi finished the communication, he changed to another number, and then shouted the same thing again.

“…Keep the maximum artillery range! Slow down their speed! It would be best if they can make them circle in that sea area…”

“…Don’t get too close! You will die! Wait until I arrive…”

“…Hey! A warship from the G-4 branch? I am Aokiji…”

While Aoki controlled the bicycle he was sitting on to skate on the sea, he said in a deep voice to the phone in his hand: “…Anyway, I will arrive within an hour, please pay attention to your safety.”

The phone bug looked solemn, as if he was saluting, and said loudly: “Yes! Lieutenant General Kuzan!”

When the call finally stopped, Lin Qiqi asked: “The Big Mom Pirates?”

“Well…” Qingzhi responded, with more chill coming out of his body, “Stand still, I’m going to move forward at full speed.”

“Who is it from the Big Mom Pirates?” Lynch asked again.

Aoji said with a serious expression: “Charlotte Katakuri…”

It’s Card 2! Lin Qi thought so, as if he was suddenly hit by something, the speed of the bicycle under his feet suddenly increased several times, turned a small turn on the sea, and galloped all the way, leaving an icefall-like trail behind. Sea track…


〖A certain sea area——〗

The sounds of “boom” and “boom” continued, and cannonballs flew like rain towards a pirate ship on the sea.

On the black flags at the top of the sails and mast, there is a skull pirate logo wearing a hat and flaming red lips – it is the flag of the Big Mom Pirates who are powerful in the sea!

“Are there artillery shells coming~?”

“The shells are coming again~?”

Despite the incoming cannonballs, the bow of the pirate ship, which was supposed to be just a sculptured head, actually spoke human words in a brisk tone.

Not only that, the tables, chairs, and tableware on the entire ship were all screaming like a pirate ship under the feet of everyone on the ship. They were either panicked, calm, or excited, but the sounds they made were like singing. The voice sounds like an elf that only exists in a fairy tale world.

Dense shells struck, and several figures jumped up on the ship.

The sixth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Custard, drew out her long sword and swept out several rays of sword light in the air, instantly cutting several cannonballs into pieces.

Also jumping up was her twin sister, Charlotte Angelou. With a swing of her sword, several cannonballs exploded, forming a burst of fire in the air.

The nineteenth son of the Charlotte family, “Cheese Minister” Charlotte Mondor opened her hand to the sky and immediately created a huge book. The book opened and swallowed several cannonballs into the book. Middle World… But even if he and his brothers and sisters took action in time, the ship’s hull was still hit by one or two cannonballs. Homiz, who was lodged in the pirate ship by his mother’s soul fruit, cried out in a singing tone.

“No, Brother Katakuri!” Mondor shouted loudly to the tall, upright figure standing on the bow of the ship, “There are too many warships here, and they deliberately stay so far away from us. …”


Wearing a thick scarf and a punk-style nail-headed black leather jacket, Charlotte Katakuri, the second son of an aunt who is five meters tall, is thirty-five years old and in her prime. After a moment of silence, he flipped his hand and shot out a jelly bean. A shrieking cannonball hit from the sky, but it seemed to hit Katakuri’s jelly bean and was penetrated in mid-air. , explode…

The younger brothers and sisters were chattering away on the deck behind them. Katakuri’s lower face was covered by a thick scarf, only his calm and cold eyes were exposed, and he glanced at the sea in the distance. The navy warships platooned one after another, but kept a safe distance…

“They are waiting for support…” Katakuri’s slightly dull voice came from behind his thick scarf. He wanted to continue, after all, we suddenly attacked the countries that are members of the World Government and demolished most of the country. It was expected that the Navy Headquarters would send people to stop him and others, but before he even started speaking, his haki of knowledge and knowledge, which was so honed that he could see the future scene in a few seconds, suddenly foresaw something, and suddenly Turning his head to look at the sea to one side.

Castad, Angelou, Mondor and other brothers and sisters also quickly followed, but saw nothing. However, Katakuri’s eyes were covered with a layer of shadow, and he said coldly: “Here he comes. It’s a blue pheasant…”

Everyone was confused at first, but soon, Charlotte Angelou pointed at the sea and exclaimed, “The sea is frozen! – The ice is spreading towards us! – It’s a blue pheasant!”

“Is that the Vice Admiral from the Navy Headquarters?” Charlotte Mondor and others also knew that a powerful enemy was coming, and quickly shouted to the pirate ship at their feet, “Quickly change direction! The ship’s hull is frozen If so, it will be troublesome!”

“Reverse direction~?”

“Turn around~?”

“Turn around~?”

The pirate ship changed direction, and everyone on the ship quickly looked at the warships lined up on the sea in the distance, and said in surprise: “The warship has stopped moving…have you given up chasing us?”

“Bing is chasing me again!”

Someone on the deck shouted again, “Nuomi, avoid this ice!”

The pirate ship once again hummed a nursery rhyme-like tune, controlled the rudder in the cabin, and adjusted the sail angle of the mast by itself, quickly moving away from the ice that was pursuing and approaching on the sea.

However, after they changed direction and evaded for a distance, the ice appeared again and pressed in again…

“I see, ‘there is an island ahead’…” Charlotte Katakuri said to herself in a deep voice, “It seems that Aokiji deliberately forced us to the nearest uninhabited island. ”

At this time, someone on the other members of the boat pointed forward and exclaimed: “Look! There is an island ahead!”

Boom, boom, boom…

Katakuri’s black horse-nailed leather boots made a sound on the deck. He walked to the stern of the ship and looked at the dark figure that was slowly approaching in the distance.

His sight quickly approached the front with the domineering sweep of the sight, passing over the vast sea surface, sections of ice, and the appearance of the black shadow gradually became clear. It was a man full of icy cold air, riding a A bicycle quickly approached their pirate ship…

On the back seat of Qingzhi’s bicycle, there was a tall and tall young man standing.

When Katakuri stared at them, the latter suddenly smiled slightly, as if his eyes met Katakuri’s knowledgeable gaze.


Katakuri narrowed his eyes, his outstretched right arm turned into a ball of glutinous rice, and a three-edged fork several meters long slipped out of his body.

He held his weapon and said in a deep voice: “Everyone…get ready to fight.”


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