I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 535 Apart from this handsome face, you are becoming less and less human


[Chapter Extra: Days on Nine Snakes East Road] “Where is Giorno?” 』]

[Robin left the Telephone Bug Castle and Hancock walked out of the palace. The two met halfway and asked the same question. They raised their heads and saw Marigrud coming on the flying snake Sandasonia, pointing into the distance with one finger…]


The climate and sea conditions in the New World are strange and changeable, with all kinds of wonders…

For example, the current “sea slope” has a hillside-like “terrain” formed on the sea…

A small boat sailed quickly on this slope.

In the cabin, the black armor is not there. At the helm was a flower clone of Robin, who looked at the trinity record hand on her wrist. On the table next to it is a green phone bug with its eyes closed and concentrating.

In the castle inside it…

“You chose to hide it from them at the beginning, which surprised me the most.”

Robin took off the record pointer that was only put on to facilitate the copy of the flower clone. She controlled the navigation of the flower clone in the outside world. When she heard Lynch’s voice, she leaned on the sofa and thought for a while, shook her head and said, “I’m just here. After hearing them talk about their brotherly relationship with the Guangyue clan, I couldn’t bear to tell them the truth… What I didn’t expect was that they had already heard the flaw.”

“Since a lie is a lie, it will definitely be exposed sometimes.”

“Dr. Clover said that exploring lost history is everyone’s right.” Robin sighed, “Since they saw the flaws and asked, I had to tell them everything. Do you want to tell them again? The rest of the fur tribe is decided by the two of them…”


There was no movement for a long time after Lynch finished speaking. Robin thought that he had not yet recovered from the pain of recovering “B.I.B”. When he turned around, he saw that he was holding a gold iron rod and was getting angry.

Literally “fire”, the golden iron rod is wrapped in a layer of orange-red flames.

“You first wanted to learn ‘water’ from the fish people, and then you wanted to learn ‘electricity’ from the fur people…” Robin stretched out his arms on the back of the sofa, crossed his legs, and joked, “In the end, you learned It’s ‘fire’.”

Lynch held the burning gold and iron rod and shrugged, “Those two are racial talents. Maybe for us humans, flames are easier.”

Robin thought for a while, “Don’t tulips know the wind?”

Lin Qiqi asked: “What is the use of wind?”

Robin thought about it again and said with a smile: “Where you go, you will fly sand and rocks, and the wind will blow around you. Isn’t it very handsome?”

“…That’s right!” Lynch sighed sadly, “Oh, I should learn from Tulip. But forget it, it doesn’t matter if I don’t learn.”

With a thought in his heart, a mass of black energy surged out of his body, and a substitute armor appeared aside.

“B.I.B”‘s narrow eyes shimmered, and his left hand covered with blue flame patterns was raised.

Peng, a layer of flame ignited on its hand. This was a real flame, so in the eyes of Robin, who did not use the Haki of Wisdom and Knowledge, a fireball ignited out of thin air next to Lynch.

Of course, she guessed that “B.I.B” came out of Lynch’s body.

“This flame is on my hand…” Robin walked over and asked hesitantly, “Isn’t it hot?”

She tried to reach out, but when her fingertips touched it, she instinctively retracted it.

“It’s so hot…” Robin said to himself, “The temperature of the flame, depending on the heat source, can range from more than 200 degrees to more than 1,000 degrees…”

“Of course it will be hot.” Lin Qi gave her a strange look, “But this kind of fire will definitely not exceed a thousand degrees. Even if I don’t use domineering protection, with my body’s strength, I can completely withstand it.”

Robin said: “But no matter how strong your body is, it will only become more able to withstand and tolerate it, rather than being unable to feel it – you will still feel hot.”

Lin Qi smiled and said: “Of course, let alone the hardening of the iron block, even armed domineering cannot completely isolate heat exchange.”

He waved his hand and drew several fiery twisting arcs in the air with the golden iron rod, and soon the flames gradually extinguished.

“Except for your appearance, you are becoming less and less human…”

Robin shook his head, stretched out his domineering hand, took off the mask of “B.I.B” and tapped it on his face.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Lynch said happily.

Robin sat back on the sofa, looking through the narrow eyes of “B.I.B”, re-reviewing what Viper told her about her experiences in sailing in the new world two days ago…

At the same time, he controlled the flower clone in the cabin outside.

Their boat rides the wind and waves on the sea of ​​the new world, heading into the distance…


〖Navy Headquarters, Marinefando——〗

“Because of what happened a month ago, the sea has not been very calm recently~~”

In the admiral’s office, Lieutenant General Porusalino, who was awarded the code name “Kizaru”, crossed his legs and said leisurely, “Gioruno, who provoked Whitebeard but escaped, let A lot of restless guys have appeared~~Whitebeard is very busy recently, and we are not relaxed~~”

“He who can do the hard work, Kizaru.”

Sengoku put down a piece of information that read, “A pirate ship from the Big Mom Pirates is dispatched and its destination is unknown. The leader is suspected to be the second son Katakuri.”

He said calmly: “If you want to relax, you can talk about being promoted to general later.”

In the upper echelons of the Navy, the Vice Admiral who is awarded an exclusive code name is basically the next Admiral to be replaced. This is considered a default unspoken rule.

Kizaru pursed his lips and groaned: “I’m not complaining~~Sengoku General, it’s just that the JOJO Pirates have disappeared again this month, which is a bit strange~~”

Although his unflattering tone made Sengoku want to transform into a glaring King Kong and punch him to correct it, the calm Mr. Zhijiang still held back with an expression on his face.

He tapped his fingers on the table and said to himself: “What’s going on with the JOJO Pirates? Whenever we want to find them, they suddenly disappear completely… Back then, the two of them robbed them in public Taking advantage of Caesar’s natural fruits can be said to be the most dangerous moment. They will face countless assassination attempts at any time. As a result, they turned around and ran into the windless zone, disappearing for several years… until they appeared in front of the world again. The situation has become such that ordinary guys can no longer do anything to them…”

This time they have offended the Whitebeard Pirates, will they repeat their old tricks and disappear from the world?

This time they disappeared from the world, won’t they have to reappear after a few years?

It’s not necessary. As long as the two people who defeated Heina head-on didn’t face Whitebeard himself, who else on the sea could force them to hide like this?


The office door was suddenly pushed open. The accent should be that of that **** Garp…

“Wow hahaha, Porusalino, are you there too?”

As expected. Warring States looked at the guy at the door with a speechless face.

Kizaru pouted and said: “Yes~~Lieutenant General Garp~~”

“I really want to punch you! Haha…” Garp said with a smile to Kizaru, “But it’s a good time that you are here-” He looked at Sengoku, “The news from the G-9 branch found out The traces of the JOJO Pirates”

Warring States breathed a sigh of relief, “They finally showed up.”

“So, where did it appear?” Kizaru asked leisurely.

Garp naturally wanted to touch the senbei in Sengoku’s cabinet, but Sengoku kicked him away.

Garp didn’t take it seriously, patted his pants, scratched his head and said: “Where is it… Hey, why can’t I remember? It’s really strange…”

Seng Guo rolled his eyes, took out the senbei from the cabinet and threw it in his face.

“Hahahaha! I suddenly remembered,” Garp sat down with the senbei in his arms, pushed Kizaru aside, and took a bite of the senbei, “it was in the Kingdom of Prodence…”


〖New World, Kingdom of Prodence——〗

A man and a woman jumped out of the boat that had not yet reached the shore. Soon, the boat suddenly disappeared from the sea.

“I’m so hungry, let’s go get something to eat first.” After landing, Lynch smiled and said, “For a change.”


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