I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 534 I don’t want to know


[Chapter Extra: Days on Jiu She East Road] “If you apply powder, it will be too white, if you apply Zhu, it will be too red”]

[In the Palace of Nine Snakes, Snake Lady put some makeup on Hancock and put some powder on her face, but she felt that it was not as delicate as her original skin, so she had to wipe it off for her; she also applied some lipstick on her, But she found that no matter what color, it was inferior to her natural red lips, so she had to wipe it off again; Tulip looked at Hancock’s flawless face and felt like she had no idea how to start, it seemed that any makeup would be impossible. It is a serious damage to this beautiful face. Hancock remained expressionless throughout the whole process, rolling his eyes in boredom…]


Wano Country is so small!

Whenever Guangyue Jushi sighs like this, the people around him always look at him and laugh, and the air is suddenly filled with an atmosphere of joy.

Because, Kotsuki Jushi is a short guy with a weird hairstyle like a pot lid and is only one meter tall. He can’t even become a qualified samurai.

The knives are longer than him.

Although he bears the name of Guangyue and has the blood of the general flowing in his body, people around him still lack respect for him.

After all, it is rumored that even General Kozuki said that if Gu Shi was not named Kozuki, such a guy who only added to the shame would have given him the honor of committing seppuku.

Guangyue Jushi was used to such looks and just smiled at the people around her.

In the dead of night, he looked at his short and stooped body in the mirror, and every time he had to resist the urge to cut himself into pieces and commit suicide.


Finally one day, Guangyue Jushi did not appear for a long time.

With snow falling in the winter, the people of Wano thought that maybe Kozuki Jushi was indeed dead, and died in some unknown corner–hopefully not in the territory of the Kozuki family.


Year after year…

When people had almost forgotten that there had been a dwarf named Gu Shi, he appeared again in front of everyone in Wano Country.

He has grown taller.

The once one-meter dwarf turned into a huge monster hundreds of meters tall, with two huge horns even sprouting from his head.

He said that this is a popular technology overseas that can bring huge changes to the ancient country of Wano and realize everyone’s dreams.

General Kozuki refused to let such a monster return to his territory.

Gu Shi sat in the sea for two days, abandoned the surname of Guangyue, and joined the sect of Tianyue Daimyo. Perhaps in order to humiliate General Kozuki who expelled him, Amazuki Jushi married the daughter of Amazuki Daimyo, and later inherited the entire Amazuki clan’s territory.

Although the husband is a demon hundreds of meters tall, he is just a son-in-law after all, and he has received the knowledge of reading and writing ancient characters taught by Gu Shi. The wife feels that such a life is not bad.

Until Tianyue Jushi was too invested in the technologies he brought back from overseas, which led to the tragedy…

After a huge experimental accident, the people of the entire Tianyue Territory turned into beast-like monsters. It happened to be a full moon night, and groups of monsters were fighting, beating each other, and even going crazy under the moon. Go and wreak havoc in the territories of other daimyo…

That disaster later became known as the Night Parade of Hundred Demons.

Amazuki’s last remaining isolated island in Wano Country is also known as Onigashima… However, that was when General Kozuki led the samurai to kill the completely crazy Majin Tengetsu. It depends on what happens after the beheading.

The sword **** Shuoyue Ryoma chopped off the demon’s huge head with one strike, but who knew that Tianyue Jushi did not die there.

His wife, the daughter of the former Tenzuki Daimyo, came out carrying a stone coffin. After resentfully carving two lines of ancient text on the back of the coffin lid, she cried and cursed at the demon who had not died even though he had lost his head, saying that he would never die. Transcendence, this is the curse she placed on Tianyue.

Amidst the vicious hatred, she also withered and died…

General Kozuki used the overseas technology brought by Tianyue Gushi to specially create a devil fruit, which turned Tianyue Gushi, who could not live or die, into a huge long-legged elephant, punishing him for carrying Tianyue on his back. The territory, and all the people of Tianyue who became hairy monsters in the territory, will walk on the sea forever and never come back.

Year after year passed, and as expected, the Elephant Master never returned to the Country of Wano.

Even after a huge change swept the world, there was no trace of the elephant owner or the people on his back…

I don’t know when the country of Wano started to have a closed-door law.

Later, two or three hundred years passed…

Until an heir to the Kozuki family, a samurai named Musashi, learned about the history two to three hundred years ago, he decided to go to sea to find the elephant owner and confirm this dusty history.


Kotsuki Musashi found the Elephant Master and the people of Tianyue on his back.

However, unlike what he had guessed, what was on the Elephant Master’s back was not a kingdom of death where wild beasts and monsters were rampant, but a happy and peaceful place called the Furry Principality.

Because we are all furry! The furry people who called themselves fur tribe told him this with a smile and accepted him kindly.

Kouzuki Musashi got along very well with the fur tribe. Their king, the Wolf Lord, had a good drinker and his temper was very good for him. The two became brothers. As a witness, their gods in the Kotsuki family Around the bird family emblem, the fur tribe’s patterns are added.

The banquet for several days and nights was as lively as fireworks…

The drunk Kozuki Musashi came back to his senses and found that he had unknowingly arrived in the forest outside the fur tribe city alone… There was some voice guiding him, guiding him that there was a tomb underground here. .

It’s the elephant owner’s voice…

No, it’s the Sky and Moon Vision!

Due to the blood connection, Kozuki Musashi heard the voice of the huge long-legged elephant under his feet, and followed his guidance to find his wife’s tomb.

After opening the sarcophagus and seeing the ancient characters on the back of the coffin lid, Kozuki Musashi collapsed completely.


“…I thought it was just a fable made up by the ancient Wano people after they accidentally met the Elephant Lord and combined it with the huge skull of Onigashima!”

In the underground tomb, Kozuki Musashi shouted loudly to the voice of the Elephant Master in his mind, “Because the people here are not like the people in the story at all! They… seem to be living well…”

“That’s because… they have forgotten the past…” The elephant master’s voice echoed in Kozuki Musashi’s mind, “Whether or not to tell them this history is up to you… the heir of the Kozuki family, it is up to you. Let’s decide…』

Kotsuki Musashi was wailing and feeling extremely sad. At this moment, a trembling voice came from behind: “Musashi, what you just said…is it all true?!”

Kotsuki Musashi was stunned and turned around suddenly. Under the moonlight was the Wolf Lord with a face full of disbelief.

“We were all ordinary human beings, but were we made like this by your people from the Kozuki family?!” The main stream of the wolf burst into tears.

Kotsuki Musashi wanted to explain, “He is Tengetsu! Tentsuki has vision!”

The Wolf Lord gritted his teeth, “Since it is Tianyue, how come you are connected to him by blood? – He is still Guangyue after all!”

Kotsuki Musashi was speechless.

The wolf master burst into tears and asked: “When did you know about it?”

“From the beginning…” Kozuki Musashi said slumped, “I just wanted to verify this legend, so I left Wano Country and found this place…”

The Wolf Lord’s face became ferocious, “Then you actually drink with us and hold a banquet together? Pretending that we have a good relationship?! Tell me, when everyone is happily holding a banquet, when we treat you as ourselves When you are human…what are you thinking about, Kozuki Musashi!”

“I feel… I’m sorry.” Kozuki Musashi’s face turned gray and his lips trembled, “But I think that even if those legends are true, since you want most people in Wano to have forgotten, Then we can start over! You are doing well now, right?”

Before he finished speaking, the wolf master roared angrily and pounced on him with claws that were tearing and surging with lightning.

“What are you doing, Wolf Lord!” Kozuki Musashi drew his sword to resist and said loudly, “We are brothers!”

“It was!!”

The Wolf Lord has become red-eyed, and the wolf howls are full of unspeakable sadness…

In Crow City where the banquet was bustling, the drunken fur tribes wondered: “Is there a wolf howling?”

“Did you hear that correctly? Haha, come and drink!”

“It’s the wine brought by Brother Kozuki. It seems to be much better than usual!”


In the deepest night, a cold light passed through the underground tomb, and Kozuki Musashi killed the wolf lord with one sword.

Until the last time he breathed his last, the Wolf Lord still stared at him.

Kotsuki Musashi collapsed, holding the Wolf Lord’s body in the underground tomb, crying bitterly against the moonlight above his head…


“What happened next is just like what I said before… Because of self-blame and remorse, Kozuki Musashi committed suicide by committing seppuku after leaving this last letter in ancient writing on the sea tower stone wall.”

After Robin completed this period of history in Kozuki Musashi’s final letter, he and Lynch jumped off Elephant Island and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds below.

The cat and dog stood blankly on the edge of Elephant Island, without moving a step for a long, long time.

Until dusk falls, until night gradually rises.

Cat Viper spit out his pipe with a “poof” and fell into the surging clouds below. He said expressionlessly: “Hey, old dog… you said, Kozuki Oden, he knows This history? ”

Having not heard Inuarashi’s response for a long time, Neko Viper couldn’t help but turn his head and look over.

“I don’t know…”

Inuarashi closed his eyes, and a line of tears mixed with blood flowed down. He muttered hoarsely to himself, “I don’t want to know…”


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