I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 533 Flame-plated iron rod, the truth behind the vision of the sky and the moon


[Chapter Extra: Days on Nine Snakes East Road] “Hello, Nico Robin”]

[In the dead of night, inside the Telephone Bug Castle. Robin took off the mask, looked at his true face in the mirror, picked up a lipstick, opened it, and lightly applied it on his lips. He pursed his lips, looked left and right in the mirror, and said something to himself. ]


The flower clone looked up and saw Lin Qi fighting a strange yet familiar giant wolf-dog. The collision of fists and feet with iron rods and Western swords was filled with domineering force and lightning interlaced.

From the other side, the pitch-black armor rushed over. He glanced at the battlefield between the main body and Moon Lion Inarashi from a distance. There were many fur tribes hidden in the woods who had heard the news and came to watch the excitement… …And on a tree trunk, the upper half of Robin’s flower clone seemed to be growing on it.

Moon Lion Cat Viper was watching the duel between Giorno and Moon Lion Inarashi from a closer place and snorted: “He even said that it was a one-on-one fight. Really…huh?!”

He suddenly felt alert and turned around to see a dark shadow coming towards him.

The moon lion cat Viper was captured by “B.I.B” and fought into a ball. He was also domineering and full of lightning.

Lin Qi collided with Moon Lion Inarashi’s Western sword wrapped with lightning, and laughed loudly: “If you say one versus two, it’s one versus two! Hahaha…”

I see… Moon Lion Inuarashi resisted the huge force coming from the gold iron rod.

This dark shadow… Moon Lion Cat Viper entwines its armed color and fights endlessly with the black armor.

The two of them were shocked at the same time: …it was actually Giorno’s own power! ! !

So we saw that under the full moon, while Giorno and the Moon Lion Duke Inarashi were having a furious fight, the Moon Lion Cat Viper shopkeeper was also fighting a fierce enemy of the same level.

In the woods at night, the fur tribes hiding in the surrounding woods were all dumbfounded. They never thought that Giorno was still able to survive the attacks of the two kings in the moon lion state. , even… gradually suppressed the two kings?

“Is this a moon lion? Will each of you fur tribe transform as long as you look directly at the full moon?”

The sudden appearance of Nico Robin’s voice frightened Sicilian, who was concentrating on watching the battle. When he turned his head to look, he was so frightened that he almost jumped again.

“People grow on trees?!!!”

Under the calm gaze of the half-flower clone, Sicilian calmed down and swallowed, “Yes, but if you want to fully control this power, you also need hard practice… There are no special circumstances, even under the full moon. Night, we won’t go just full moon.”

In the Telephone Bug Castle in the Whale Forest…

Robin took off his makeup and went to watch the post-war scene, then took off his makeup, untied his ponytail, rubbed his slightly messy long hair, and went to the bathroom to wash up in his slippers.

She reached out and wiped the mirror. While brushing her teeth, she remotely watched Lynch and his stand-in fight two astonishing “Moon Lions”… When she saw Lynch fighting against the Moon Lion Inarashi who was full of electricity, During the battle, a ball of fire accidentally broke out, and when he himself was surprised, Robin couldn’t help but smiled and shook his head, lifted up the long hair beside his ears and spit out the toothpaste and water in his mouth.


The sky was bright, and many trees in the forest on the left side were broken and broken at the roadside…

Some seemed to have been struck by lightning, some seemed to have been burned by fire. Wisps of smoke lingered in the woods, and the air was filled with a tense atmosphere…

Cat Viper has exited the moon lion state and is sitting in front of a smoking broken tree, panting. In front of him, the black ghost-like armor slowly retracts its fist. It is thoughtful, its long and narrow Look to the other side.

The golden iron rod was wrapped in a ball of blazing fire, roaring and blowing away the western sword and Inuarashi that were blocked.


Inuarashi flew upside down several times, broke several trees, and finally sat down like a cat viper, sticking out his dog’s tongue tiredly.

Sicilian and other fur tribesmen are now completely numb after a night of watching.

This human being is not human at all.

After Neko Viper and Duke Inuarashi entered Moon Lion, they didn’t even fight a human – what’s even more incomprehensible is how bottomless this human’s physical strength was to allow him to fight fiercely all night. After defeating the cats and dogs, do you still have the strength to stand?

They were ridiculous.

Lynch is actually a little short of breath at this moment…

However, after taking a deep breath, he slowly calmed down. After the cat and dog entered the moon lion state, their strength increased greatly. Both their speed and strength increased by a level. They were indeed quite difficult to deal with.

But the strong return to strength is still a little behind compared to myself.

It might be very difficult for Lynch to fight one against two, but if he and his substitute each defend one individually, he can win steadily.

“It’s not in vain…”

Lin Qi raised the “Flame-plated Stick” in his hand and looked at the orange-red flames burning on the gold iron rod. He caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure coming towards him from the corner of his eye, and waved the burning gold iron rod at Robin proudly. A smile.

“Are you leaving?” Robin crossed his arms and asked with a smile.

“Yes.” Lin Qi smiled and put the gold iron rod on his shoulder. He was immediately burned by the flames on the rod and took it away.


On the edge of Elephant Island, Neko Viper and Inuarashi took care of minor injuries, and then came to see Nico Robin and Giorno off together.

The only two little guys who followed were Darcy and Garrott, who were holding them between the legs of Lynch and Robin a little reluctantly.

Inuarashi and Neko Viper looked at the elephant owner at their feet. In just a few days, their perception of this ancient elephant that had carried their fur tribe on their backs for thousands of years had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Thinking of what they learned in the underground tomb, both the Day King and the Night King were somewhat silent.

“No need to send me off again,” Lynch waved, “If we are destined, we will meet again on the sea.”

Daqian hugged his legs, raised her head and said: “Next time, I’ll invite you to eat fish~~”

“I’ll treat Ni to meat.” Lin Qi rubbed the kitten’s head.

Robin bent down and touched Garrot’s furry head, “Please eat a carrot.”

“Yeah!” The latter narrowed his eyes comfortably.

When Lynch and Robin turned around and were about to leave, Inuarashi’s voice came from behind: “Did you really just leave like this?”

Robin stopped immediately but did not look back.

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and looked back. Inuarashi looked at Robin’s back solemnly, while the cat Viper next to him bit his pipe and said lightly: “What’s on the stone wall of Hailou, you Some of it is not said, right?”

Robin stopped and lowered his eyes, saying nothing.

Inuarashi said in a deep voice: “Why did the Wolf Lord fight with Kozuki Musashi? Why has nothing about them been handed down?

“Also…why can the elephant owner’s wife write ancient characters?

“She resented the erring Xiang Lord Tianyue and just turned a blind eye. Why…does she feel ‘a guilt that cannot be repaid in several lifetimes’ towards us?”

Darcy and Garrot looked at these adults with big eyes full of confusion.

Cat Viper blew out smoke and chuckled: “Tell us, Nico Robin… Kozuki Musashi, didn’t he leave a message asking you to convey this past event to us?”

“…” Robin was silent for a moment, “He didn’t want to.”

The eyes of the cat and dog were huge.

Robin turned around and looked at Darcy and Garrot who looked innocent.

“You go back first.” Cat Viper waved his hand and asked the two cute creatures to go back to Crow City.

Robin sighed softly: “It was the Wolf Lord who learned about the history many years ago and fought with Kozuki Musashi… After Kozuki Musashi accidentally killed the Wolf Lord, he felt sad and regretful, leaving those ancient things on the sea tower stone wall. After writing… he committed suicide.”

Seppuku? Lin Qi clicked his tongue.

Neko Viper and Inuarashi seemed to have been greatly shocked, “Kouzuki… Musashi, fighting with the wolf master? And also killed… the wolf master who was as close as a brother?!”

Robin looked at them and said slowly: “Tian Yue Ju Shi, his real name… is actually ‘Guang Yue Ju Shi’.”


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