I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 532 Moon Lion


[Chapter Extra: Days on Nine Snake East Road・”Try Makeup”]

[Nine Snake Island. Marigrud, the younger sister of the Boya family, took out a few boxes of cosmetics among the trophies and found them very novel, so she took her second sister Sanda Sonia and princess Xu Lun to try them together. Sang Da was very interested, but Princess Xu Lun smiled and shook her head and declined. Mary and Sanda awkwardly painted their faces for a while, and finally laughed at the strange makeup on each other’s faces…]


The sky was getting brighter, and the group walked through the underground tomb passage with claw marks and sword marks, and jumped back to the ground at the edge of the large swamp pit that had been emptied by the bubble fruit – oh, elephant face.

Leaving the gloomy tomb and returning to the broad daylight, the fur tribes felt empty in their hearts.

The hometown where they have lived for generations, be it the forest or the city of Crow, was once part of Wano Country a thousand years ago…

The elephant owner who walked on the sea with this country on his back was the elephant owner who made a big mistake and split the territory of Wano Country. He was also the warrior of Wano Country who was once named Tianyue Gushi…

The elephant owner was punished like this by Guangyue thousands of years ago in order to atone for his sins…

Does Lord Oden know about this long-ago event?

Neko Viper and Inuarashi couldn’t help but think.

Master Oden has never mentioned it to them, maybe he doesn’t know.

But the person who recorded this incident on the seastone wall of the tomb is clearly the ancestor of the Kozuki family, a man named Kozuki Musashi…

That is a samurai of the Kozuki family who was the same generation as the wolf lord. In other words, it is very likely that the fur tribe and the Kozuki family have become brothers and have been friends for generations since the time when Kozuki Musashi lived…

But in this case, why did the Wolf Lord die inexplicably in the underground tomb under the swamp?

Are the claw marks and sword marks in the underground tomb the traces of the battle between Kozuki Musashi and the Wolf Lord?

Since they are obviously sworn brothers, Kozuki Musashi is the one who carved this past on the stone wall of the sea tower for their fur tribe… Why did the wolf master fight with him?

Neko Viper and Inuarashi walked without saying a word and seemed to have solved many mysteries, but there were other doubts.

The Elephant Master, Tianyue Gushi, and his wife were against his atrocities even back then. Why was Guangyue’s family crest left on the lid of her coffin after her death?

How did Kozuki Musashi die?

Perish together with the Wolf Lord?

As for what?


Leaving several members of the Musketeers to deal with the situation in the underground tomb after clearing the swamp, Neko Viper and Inuarashi returned to Crow City with Robin and Giorno.

“…” Robin glanced at Neko Viper and Inuarashi, and then said to Lynch: “My affairs are almost over, what about you?”

Lin Qi raised his voice and asked: “Boss Neko Viper, Duke Inuarashi, how many days will there be a full moon?”

Neko Viper and Inuarashi recovered their thoughts and looked at each other.

Cat Viper bit her pipe and said, “Tomorrow night will be the full moon.”

“Here.” Lynch looked at Robin.

Inuarashi smiled and said: “I will also be there at that time, and I will definitely let you, Giorno, experience the true power of the fur tribe.”

Cat Viper said unhappily: “Do I need you? Why are you joining in the fun!”

Inuarashi didn’t bother to care about the monster cat at all.

However, even though this was not a friendly attitude, the two of them did not start fighting immediately, which shocked the fur residents on the streets of Crow City.

Lynch said: “But, Robin, your matter is not over yet.”

“Huh?” Robin tilted his head and blinked.

Lynch reminded: “Did someone forget how we got here?”

Robin thought for a while…

Lin Qi said seriously: “The reason why we are here is that we don’t know how we got here…”

He smiled and pointed at the two cats and dogs in front of him, “Since these two have been pirates at sea, they must have a lot of experience in sailing in the new world. Boss Cat Viper, can you teach my captain how to do it? Any experience using record pointers in the new world? ”

“Oh, good!” Cat Viper turned around and said with a smile, “But it seems that I won’t be able to teach her all these things for a while…”

Lin Qi said: “It doesn’t matter, just finish it all in one breath. As for how much she can remember and how much she can understand, it depends on her as a student.”

Inuarashi was surprised when he heard this and said: “You are very strict with your captain.”

Cat Viper thought for a while and said: “During the O’Hara incident, Nicole Robin, you were only eight years old, right? At the age of eight, you had already inherited the knowledge of O’Hara’s scholars. , she is already very powerful!”

Robin smiled at this and glanced at Lynch.

No matter how smart she is, there is a limit, let alone in the field of navigation, which she is not good at.

Lin Qi clearly planned to let “B.I.B” listen in, and by the way, he would memorize all the sailing experience mentioned by Cat Viper, so that she could refer to it and listen to it at any time in the future, and slowly learn to master it…


Sure enough, when Robin was sitting in the treehouse of Viper’s station in the Whale Forest, listening to Viper talking about his experience of sailing under various conditions on the sea of ​​the new world, “B.I.B” also came over. , just move a small bench to sit next to the posture of listening to the class.

The two children, Darcy and Garrot, were having fun and came over too. However, they didn’t hear the cat Viper’s words before their eyelids started to fight, and soon they fell asleep on Robin’s lap.

“Don’t you use paper to write down some key points?” Cat Viper asked strangely.

Robin held up his chin and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I remember everything.”

“So awesome? That’s great!”

Cat Viper continued to chat. Although he usually stayed out during the day and was out at night, this was a special situation after all, so he spent the whole day and night teaching Nico Robin his sailing experience.

For a non-human expert like him, it is not a problem to go without food, drink or sleep for several days and nights if necessary. What’s more, when he was giving lectures to Robin, he did not stop eating or drinking. After ordering, he summoned the brothers of the knight troupe in the Whale Forest to bring the most sumptuous forest feast to entertain Nico Robin and Giorno who came after hearing the news. By the way, this kid is really good at eating! !

Robin didn’t have any basic knowledge of navigation, so after such an intense lecture until noon the next day, Viper basically had nothing to say, and the rest could only be done by Nicole Robin herself. I realized it.

The cat viper then fell down and fell asleep.

Robin also raised the back of his hand to cover his mouth and yawned lightly. This kind of experience of staying up all night to study and study was something she often did when she was a child, but it became rare after she got together with Lynch.

『Go into the castle and get some sleep. 』

The stand-in armor stood up next to him and looked at the strong midday sunshine outside the tree house. Even during the day, he could still vaguely see the moon in the corner of the sky. “Night is the night of the full moon… The real life of the fur tribe You probably don’t want to miss it, right? 』

Robin nodded, took out the little green and went in, and asked strangely: “Boss Neko Viper is giving lectures at night, and Duke Inuarashi is also sleeping. Where did he go alone?”

『…Let me tell you this. “The black armor turned back, with a cold light in his narrow eyes, “What exactly did Cat Viper say in the past twenty or thirty hours? I didn’t listen carefully to a word. 』

“…” Robin was speechless.

Just skip class, why do you have to use such a serious look and tone?

She thought it was some great reason!

Robin laughed and shook his head, then jumped into the Phone Bug Castle to rest. Xiao Lu lazily opened one eyelid and found that nothing happened, so he continued to close his eyes and rest…


In the evening, the elephant owner drew water with his long trunk and poured water on the country on the elephant’s back.

Soon, twilight gradually deepens and darkness falls…

At the top of the tallest sentry tower, a figure sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, with a heavy gold-wrapped iron rod placed across his knees, remaining motionless in the cold night wind.


A huge full moon hung in the black night sky, and the cold moonlight illuminated the entire country on the elephant’s back.

Suddenly, roars like beasts were heard one after another in the Whale Forest and the palace in Crow City.



The whistling sounds were like wind and thunder, sweeping in all directions, roaring the same name as if they echoed each other.

In the night…

In the Whale Forest, the members of the knight troupe looked at the cat viper boss who walked out of the tree house. His already majestic body had grown taller again, and his hair was thick and flamboyant, as if his whole body was bathed in burning flames. ……

In Crow City, the musketeers and the fur tribe residents on the streets saw Duke Inuarashi entering the Moon Lion state after a long absence. His body was more than six meters tall, like a huge demon wolf, and his usual calm and calm temperament also changed. With such a arrogant and domineering spirit, just walking casually on the road, electric sparks were crackling and flashing all over his body…

The cat Viper in the Whale Forest, Inuarashi in Crow City, and the two kings of the fur tribe who transformed into lions all looked in the same direction with their eyes glowing with scarlet demonic light.

The top of the towering watchtower.

Lin Qi opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said: “Finally, I can have a good fight.”

He stood up at the top of the tall sentry tower, lifted his toes lightly, and the gold iron rod fell into his hands. Then he fell forward casually, and his body relaxed and stretched in free fall… Suddenly, under his feet There was an explosion of “pop”, and he turned at an extremely sharp angle before landing. He gripped the golden iron rod tightly and flew through the air, heading straight for the cat and dog whose hair was growing angry under the full moonlight…


While the main body is taking action, “B.I.B” also rushes to the battlefield.

Before leaving, it entered the Phone Bug Castle and reminded Robin who was catching up on his sleep in the bedroom.

“B.I.B” nodded to her sleepy eyes, and soon turned into a black ghost floating out of the castle, flying to the distant woods at high speed, fighting fiercely under the full moon.

In the bedroom of the castle, Robin closed his eyes and took two deep breaths, then pulled himself together and sat up.

He was still wearing only a pair of underwear, with his two smooth and straight legs bare. After putting on a top that could go out, he sat at the bedroom table, applied some light makeup in front of the mirror, and stretched it with a rubber band. She tied her hair into a ponytail casually, and then smiled at herself in the mirror. She thought about it, and on the tree trunks in the woods far away, there were suddenly clusters of petals, condensing into a neatly dressed figure with light makeup. , Nicole Robin with a single ponytail.


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