I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 521 The world was shaken…it didn’t seem to be shaken at all


  “The head-on conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the JOJO Pirates! Risking one’s life to secretly take photos…”

 Robin was certainly a little surprised when he saw such headlines.

especially when the newspaper actually had a photo of Lynch and Whitebeard fighting on the Moby Dick – although the picture was not clear – I couldn’t help but admire the pervasiveness of the World Economic News.

 Where was the photo taken secretly by WJS?

Robin imagined a Q-like composition. On the rough and wavy sea, on a big ship with a beluga head, Lynch and Whitebeard are fighting, and high in the sky, a cute news bird hangs in its bag. The camera phone bug clicks and clicks to take pictures…

 In the headlines, the confrontation between Giorno and Whitebeard is exaggerated to the maximum extent, which makes people wonder about the writer’s position. If you blow Giorno like this, could it be that he is JOJO Pirates? A fan of the group?

  There are many candid photos in the news, and the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the scene of the huge phoenix wings spread out across the Moby Dick…

  The report stated: “…With all due respect, although Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ first team, is very strong, his Phoenix wings are by no means of this size! In view of the rumored pirate Giobana. Giorno has the special ability to change Devil Fruit abilities at will. The author has reason to suspect that the owner of the huge phoenix wings secretly photographed in the photo is actually Whitebeard himself, Edward Newgate…”


 Countless newsbirds fly to all parts of the sea, far away from the horizon.


 In the new world, on a certain island, the pirates opened the newspaper, and their expressions became more solemn as they read, “How could such a thing happen?!”


 In a certain franchised country, residents were reading newspapers on the street, looking at one autistic person and another autistic person. Everyone fell into a panic, “Has that evil white beard become more powerful?” Oh my God! What to do?”

Although the contents related to this part are all the speculations of the writer in the news, his speculations are extremely credible.

 What’s more, there are photos to prove it! How can a photo be fake?

 Although the picture is a bit blurry, in the scene where Giorno and Whitebeard are fighting on the Moby Dick, Whitebeard seems, vaguely, definitely, as if he did not use the world-shattering earthquake power, but instead attacks Accompanied by blue flame waves…


  Will Whitebeard be a phoenix-powered person from now on? Maybe, maybe not, we won’t know for sure until the next time he shows off his abilities in front of the world.

 ”Mama, mama… whether it’s Phoenix Whitebeard or Earthquake Whitebeard, they’re all the same!”

 with with with with Whitebeard, the former partner of the same pirate group, now the Sea Emperor “Auntie” Charlotte Lingling grabbed the dessert and laughed, “That guy from Newgate didn’t get the Shock Fruit before he got it.” He is a monster! Otherwise, even the power of the earthquake cannot defeat Roger. Do those people think Newgate is that kind of waste? Mama Mama Mama…”


 In Wano Country, Kaido, who had also been on the same boat with Whitebeard, was drinking wine, holding a newspaper as small as a photo in his hand, looking at it and suddenly burst into laughter.

 ”You guys with talent! Let’s have fun!!”

 The subordinates nearby quickly ran away when they saw this. When the boss lost control of his emotions, it was better to hide away to avoid disaster!


 “??????颍 ?br/>

 On a certain island in the North Sea, Don Quixote. Doflamingo glanced down at the newspaper held up by baby5, staggered on the road, and laughed exaggeratedly, “Giovanna .Giorno…this guy is really exaggerating! How dare he do such a thing…???Ying? This crazy boy actually survived, it’s unbelievable…”


 Paradise, the red-haired pirates sailing towards Twin Capes docked on an island along the way.

 Shanks, wearing a straw hat, sat on a stone and read the newspaper.

  Ben Beckman lit a cigarette and took a puff, saying, “He would do this because of what you once said, right?”

  Shanks stuck out his tongue and curled his lips and said: “I should have known better not to tell him! He actually did such a dangerous thing…”

 Jesus Bu walked over, twirling the gun in his hand, “I have indeed heard that Whitebeard’s physical condition seems to have declined as he gets older! But I didn’t expect that they would actually use this method to treat Whitebeard’s old body… ”

 ”…” Shanks looked at the newspaper and said with a faint smile, “Yeah.”


 At the Naval Headquarters, Warring States looked at the newspaper in front of him and was instinctively annoyed at first.

 ”That **** Morgans, relying on his ability to tame newsbirds, spread his flocks all over the world…”

 They sent a warship with the Vice Admiral of their headquarters to approach the White Whale cautiously, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be sunk by the Whitebeard Pirates. As a result, the birdman Morgans sent a bird to get such first-hand information. Isn’t that annoying?


 Sengoku couldn’t help but feel a layer of cold sweat on his face when he looked at the bold text in the news. He murmured to himself: “No wonder… Giorno obviously helped Whitebeard a big favor, but they were on the Moby Dick.” There was a big fight… I was worried that they were just sparring in an ordinary way, just taking it seriously… So that’s what happened…”

 The newspaper read in bold letters, “According to informed sources, Giovanna Giorno threatened to kill a senior crew member on his ship in front of Whitebeard on the Moby Dick…”

 ”Is Giorno crazy? Do you think that after doing Whitebeard a favor, you can do whatever he wants?” Sengoku shook his head, “I want to kill his son in front of him. This is the most intolerable thing for Whitebeard… ”

 As for whether Giorno escaped alive, whether he was defeated and escaped, or Whitebeard let him live, it makes no difference in Sengoku’s eyes. Giorno and the Whitebeard Pirates have become like fire and water and will never get better.

 ”This ‘informed person’ is most likely someone else on the Whitebeard Pirates, because they were dissatisfied that Giorno could leave alive…”


  〖Elephant Island, Zuowu——〗

  〖Furry Principality, Crow City〗

Inu Arashi said in a deep voice: “I have been on Whitebeard’s ship, and I know very well what kind of person he is. You actually want to kill his son in front of him…”

 He took a deep look at Kong Tiao Xu Lun and said, “It’s very rare to survive.”

 Did Whitebeard intend to release the news? Robin looked at the newspaper. Whitebeard knew that Lynch wanted to become a Shichibukai, so did he send such a signal to the navy?

 If it is true, then the weight of the intelligence leaked by Whitebeard is really just right… It did not say, “We are incompatible with the JOJO Pirates, and we will fight to the death next time we meet.” It just said, “Giorno threatened to Kill your own crew.” The rest is up to those who know Whitebeard’s usual style to figure it out.

 But Robin knew that although Lynch threatened to kill the man with bad teeth, he never intended to avoid Whitebeard.

 This is different from the situation when facing the Fish-Man Pirates. Because Tiger, the captain of the Fish-Man Pirates, has a completely different weight in Lynch’s eyes than Whitebeard of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Lin Qi wants to kill Aaron, whether Tiger stops him or not, it doesn’t make much difference, naturally it doesn’t matter.

 But if you want to kill the guy with bad teeth and deliberately avoid Whitebeard, in Lynch’s opinion, it is basically a sneak attack and assassination. Lynch didn’t bother to do it, otherwise he wouldn’t have spoken out in front of Whitebeard.

 Whitebeard obviously saw this clearly at the time.

 It is true that Giorno wanted to kill Teach, but as long as he had white beard, Giorno did not bother to avoid his white beard and secretly assassinated Teach.

Although Whitebeard doesn’t like Giorno’s murderous intention towards Teach, he also admires Giorno, a straightforward, upright, and rampant idiot.

 And this is precisely what this newspaper cannot convey and is most likely to be misunderstood by the world…

 Hence, Robin did not comment on Inuarashi’s words, but just smiled and said: “So you were once Whitebeard’s partner.”

 Inuarashi waved his hand and sighed: “…it happened many years ago.”

 Hurrah! At this moment, a figure jumped out of the broken window. It was the Sicilian lion that was going all out, attacking Lynch with its teeth and claws.

 There was a surge of blue-white lightning on his lion claws, but Lynch blocked it with his bare hands.

 How come it has no effect? Sicilian was surprised. Lin Qi grinned and said with a smile: “Little cat, compared with that big cat, your power is not enough!”

 Bang! He drove Sicilian back. The lion flipped upside down in the air and landed lightly on the windowsill. He wanted to fight again, but Inuarashi waved his hand to stop him, “Stop it, Sicilian.”

 ”Yes! Your Majesty the Duke!” Sicilian jumped up and knelt down in front of Inuarashi with a roar.

 The passion is too much… When Robin thought this, Inuarashi couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

 Lin Qi patted the heat from the electricity on his hands and said with a smile: “Do you know something interesting? – The elephant under our feet is a Devil Fruit user.”

 Robin was surprised. Inuarashi and Sicilian didn’t react to this suddenness…

 After Sicilian, a lion with a thick mane, was convinced that he had heard correctly, he said with confusion on his face: “What are you talking about? If the Elephant Master is a capable person, how can he walk on the sea!”


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