I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 486 Discussion


 Soon, only Xia Qi and Robin were left in Xia Qi’s rip-off bar.

Robin was not keen on fighting, and Xia Qi was probably the same, so he stayed outside and did not follow the green phone bug that entered the bar.

 While talking intermittently, Xia Qi skillfully mixed a glass of wine, put a slice of lemon on the rim of the glass, and pushed it in front of Robin.

 Robin raised his glass and drank, and heard Xia Qi smile and ask: “…So, you and Boya Hancock are both Giorno’s girlfriends?”


 These words came too suddenly. Robin immediately choked on a mouthful of wine and coughed until tears burst out of his eyes.

 Why is this aunt so keen on their affairs? It feels so strange…

 A handkerchief was handed to him, and Robin took it to wipe the corners of his eyes and mouth.

 ”Haha…” Xia Qi turned her head and blew out the cigarette, glanced at Xu Lun who was slightly out of sorts, couldn’t help but look at the green phone bug on the bar table, and said with a smile, “I’m sorry for Giorno I admire you even more…”


 Robin choked again, and looked up to see that when Xia Qi was teasing her, she pressed Xiao Lu who was passing by. As a result, Xiao Lu misunderstood and directly absorbed her whole body into the castle. .


 The wine in the glass was swaying gently, reflecting Robin’s dazed face. She unconsciously reached out to Xiao Lu who was crawling over. She suddenly reacted, raised a finger and shook her head, stopping her thoughts. Ingest yourself into the phone bug in the castle.


 I am following in now, feeling a little embarrassed…

 Robin took a sip of wine and finally suppressed his shock this time.

 Drinking wine alone, I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

 Hancock’s charm…not to mention Lynch as a man, even Robin, who is a woman, can’t bear it.


 In the Phone Bug Castle, Xia Qi suddenly appeared out of thin air, staggered for half a step and then stood still. After looking around, she found that this place was actually a residence like a home apartment.

 ”Is this the space inside their phone bug?”

 Xia Qi turned around twice with great interest. The cushions and thin blankets on the sofa in the living room were messy. There were two washed cups on the coffee table. There were two books next to them. What country was written on the cover? She probably read it from Xu Lun. After all, Giorno didn’t look like someone who liked reading… She was holding a cigarette in her mouth, leaning on her elbows, and there were other things in the living room and study room. I walked around the doorways of several bedrooms, and there were a few clothes hanging on the ropes in the corners of the corridor to dry. Although the sizes were a bit different, they were similar men’s and women’s styles…

 “I just said that the boat in the newspaper was too small. It turned out that their home was in it.”

  Like a fan who got a piece of candy, Xia Qi showed a happy and satisfied smile.

 Soon, she heard movement coming from above, “Is it upstairs?”

Climbing up the spiral staircase, the banging sound of fighting became clearer behind the door. After Xia Qi opened the door to the upper floor, her eyes suddenly opened up.

 The entire floor upstairs is actually an open and flat area, as if it was specially arranged for practice and fighting.

 And Giorno was fighting with Rayleigh in the open space on this floor.

 Leili holds the sword, and the sword is wrapped with a layer of domineering energy. As he swings it, he can see black afterimages left in the air…

 Hia Qi hasn’t seen Rayleigh pick up a sword for a long time, and it’s been an even longer time since he’s seen Rayleigh fighting with someone so fiercely.

 Giorno, who is on the other side of the battle, uses the iron rod that he made so famous in the swordsman competition as a weapon. It is also wrapped with a layer of dark armed domineering, which is as lightning-like as Rayleigh’s long sword. Countless strikes.

 Dang! when! when! ……

 The black rod and the black knife kept colliding and sparking.

 I don’t know how many times they collided with each other. Lynch held the stick with both hands and pressed forward, while Reilly held the sword with one hand and raised the sword to resist.

 Bang! boom! boom! …The blade and stick trembled slightly, and black electric snakes shot out from them and danced wildly.

 ”It is indeed a very powerful weapon color,” Rayleigh smiled slightly, “It exceeded my expectations.”

 “But compared with the top players, there is still a gap.”

 Lynch did not use all his strength, and he believed that Raleigh did not either. After all, the purpose is to discuss domineering, not duel. Haki is more of an “enchantment”, which improves defense and destructive power rather than agility or strength… Therefore, when Lynch and Rayleigh entered the Telephone Bug Castle and started fighting, they did not try their best, but just used The level of domineering is divided into high and low – to put it simply, it is to compare whose fist is “harder”, rather than whose fist is “stronger”.

 Next, compare your fists.

 The two looked at each other at close range. After the black stick and the black knife hit each other, they threw away their weapons. At the same time, their fists were instantly dyed with a layer of black, and they rushed toward each other.

 Bang bang bang…

 Soon, the confrontation between swords and sticks turned into a fight between fists and feet.

 Xia Qi held a cigarette in her mouth and watched with some interest for a while. Sure enough, even if she switched to fists and kicks, Rayleigh’s domineering power was still stronger.


 Leili was knocked backwards by the punch. He nimbly slapped one palm on the ground, turned over and landed on his feet.

 ”Haha, sneak attack, young man.” Rayleigh smiled, rubbed his shoulders, kicked off his sandals one after another, and stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

 Lynch raised his fist, “I was so involved that I accidentally used all my strength…”

 ”Then I can’t…” Reilly took off his shirt, revealing his extremely strong upper body covered with old scars, “I can’t take it lightly.”

 “Be careful, he’s about to get serious.” Xia Qi, who was watching the battle, said with a smile.

Lin Qi certainly knew that after the gray-haired old man opposite him took off his arms, it seemed like an ancient beast had opened its eyes, showing a look of scorn on the world!

  Overlord color and domineering…

 Lynch found that although he was not stunned by Rayleigh’s overbearing color, he was not completely unaffected. It’s like falling into the infinite deep sea, and the whole body is oppressed by an invisible momentum…

 “Since it’s Kurokas and Shanks who have asked me to do this together, I can’t just do it half-heartedly.”

  As Reilly spoke, the person disappeared from there, and he ducked in front of Lynch. He pressed his rough palm over and said with a smile, “right?”

 This time, the black color wrapped around the weapon color could not be seen on Rayleigh’s palm.


 Not long after, Lynch was knocked away by Rayleigh and hit the castle wall hard before stopping.

 ”This is…”

 Robin also happened to come in, and she was a little surprised to see Lynch being knocked away.

Lin Qi sat by the wall, looking at his arms wrapped in black domineering energy, which were still trembling slightly. He thought about Rayleigh’s palm just now and the domineering energy on that palm, “This is the flow of Sakura! This is how you take off the collar…”


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