I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 484 Who is she blowing a kiss to?


〖Marinvando, Navy Headquarters——〗

Marshal Kong was scolding Zefa, and not long after, he received a call from Mary Joa in the Holy Land.

Marshal Kong hung up the phone and began to sigh.

He knew that the Tianlong people were inexplicably beaten into such a bad behavior. This matter would be very annoying until the results of the CP0 investigation came out!

Marshal Kong puts on the coat of justice and prepares to go to the Holy Land Marie Joa.

“Marshal, shall I go with you?” Zefa volunteered.

“Don’t!” Marshal Kong raised his hand to stop him and said angrily, “Go back to the training camp and torment the new recruits… If you stay here any longer, you will dismantle our navy headquarters! ”

Take this **** Zefa to the Holy Land, maybe he will do something eclectic in order to get rid of his title of general.

Before leaving, Marshal Kong said to Sengoku: “Please put your proposal about Giorno and Kujo Xu Lun on hold for now!”

“…That’s all it can do.” Warring States was helpless, who could have imagined that something like this would happen.

Marshal Kong hurriedly boarded a warship and went to Marigioa.

A dog-headed warship slowly docked at the military port. It was Lieutenant General Garp who had returned.

The coat of justice was dragged straight behind him. After Garp heard about what happened in the Shampoo Islands, he strode to find Sengoku and Zefa who were walking and talking.

“Hahaha!” Garp patted Zefa on the shoulder hard and laughed, “I heard that you beat up the Celestial Dragon?”

Warring States said angrily: “Who did you listen to?”

Zefa slapped Garp’s hand away and hummed: “That’s about right.”

“Huh?” Warring States glared at Zefa depressingly. He quickly went through Zefa’s report after he came back in his mind. He suddenly understood and gritted his teeth and said, “Giorno’s impact ability–do you mean it?” You didn’t block them all and let the aftermath hit the Tianlong people, right?”

Zefa patted Warring States on the shoulder, “Such a rare opportunity, this is my first time in so many years, so of course I can’t miss it.”

Seng Guo really wanted to punch each of these two guys.

“Wow hahahaha! Well done!” Garp laughed wildly, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, “Those stupid pigs from the Tianlong people should be beaten up!”

“Garp!!” Warring States shouted to stop the two buddies from making such politically incorrect remarks, “Don’t forget, you two are-“

“I’m not a general anyway.” Kaput looked at him innocently.

“Can you change my title as general?” Zefa’s attitude was even more bachelorish, “I would rather go to the branch and be a recruit.”

“You two…” Warring States began to have a headache, “Zefa, you know this is impossible.”

“Okay, if you don’t want to say it, don’t say it.” Garp patted Sengoku on the shoulder and gave Zefa a thumbs up.

Veins are pulsing in Seng Guo’s forehead. Can you at least avoid my eyes and give him a thumbs up? !

He was about to scold him when he saw Garp saying seriously: “Rayleigh is in Shampoo Land?”

Zefa said: “Yes. This old guy is still as strong as before!”

Sengoku rubbed his forehead and sighed: “When Roger was executed, we found traces of the remaining members of the Pirate King. It was the two of you who joined forces to defeat ‘Pluto’… I thought he had died somewhere in the sea, no. To think that he survived after being so seriously injured.”

“Not only did he survive, but he also lived well under the nose of the Navy Headquarters.” Zefa snorted coldly.

Garp said: “To capture such a legendary pirate, if we missed the opportunity last time, it will be difficult for us to have a second chance…”

Sengoku sighed with deep understanding: “Without a more careful plan, rushing to the Chambord Islands to capture Rayleigh will only cause unnecessary casualties and destruction.”

“You may not be able to catch it yet.” Garp laughed.

“Rayleigh is now mixed up with Giorno…” Sengoku shook his head, “What ability did Giorno use this time? Is it the impact fruit? This should be the one he got from Heina’s Four Knights. He must have snatched it… No one knows how many different Devil Fruit abilities Giorno has hidden in his hands. With his help, it would be impossible to find Rayleigh in the Chambord Islands. ! ”

Garp was not interested in Devil Fruit, so he hooked Zefa’s shoulder and asked, “Giorno’s domineering attitude…”

Kapu, Zefa, Warring States.

Three legendary navies, chatting about legendary topics, walked in the naval headquarters base… The sailors along the way immediately stopped, stood at attention, and saluted when they saw them. Looking at the backs of the three men, they couldn’t help showing respect. gaze.


〖Champaign Islands, No. 13——〗

〖Xia Qi’s rip-off bar〗

“You have to know that ‘Black Wrist’ Zefa has not killed any pirates or criminals in these years…”

The old man with long gray hair stepped on his sandals and pushed open the door to enter this small treehouse bar. He said to the two people who entered the door together, “What do you think such a person would have towards the Tianlong people?” Attitude? ”

Robin put Xiao Lu into his backpack and put the bag on his shoulder. “Could the Navy… also be detrimental to the Tianlong people?”

“We are all human beings,” Rayleigh said, “and Zefa and the others just happen to be navy.”

“Whether you are a bad guy or a good guy, everyone really hates trash and stinky shit. I understand.” Lynch nodded, “That means…Zefa deliberately stayed when he blocked my impact fruit.

“How dare you look down on me? Very good, I will remember it!”

The palm covered with flame patterns stretched out from behind to slap it, but Lin Qi slapped it away.

Robin looked at the bar counter of this small bar. A woman with short black hair suddenly stood up straight, with a cigarette in her mouth and a strong man with a bruised nose and face in her hand.

“It’s rare that you actually brought a customer here for me.” Xia Qi casually threw out this blind guy who wanted to go to her shop to pay for his money.

Rayley waved his hand and sat down in front of the bar.

Xia Qi opened a bottle of wine, poured some wine into a cup, and pushed it in front of Lei Li.

She blew out her smoke, leaned against the edge behind the bar, and looked at Lynch and Robin with a smile, “Kujo Xu Lun, Giovanna Giorno… what would you like to drink?”

Rayleigh drank the wine in one gulp, and Robin and Lynch sat down next to each other. Lin Qi looked up at the various wine bottles on the wall and said cheerfully: “Is there any flower milk tea?”

“Haha…” Xia Qi smiled, didn’t say anything, and turned back to get a drink.

Robin noticed a newspaper placed on the bar. It looked very new, as if it was recent or today.

The photo on the front page of the newspaper firmly caught Robin’s attention, and she couldn’t help but pick up the newspaper on the bar.

“Oh?” Lei Li, who was drinking, took a look and said in surprise, “What a beautiful little girl.”

Xia Qi, who had poured some milk while it was warming, glanced back with a cigarette in her mouth, and said with a smile: “Laut Heina was removed from the name of Shichibukai. Almost at the same time, a new female Shichibukai was born. Birth…”

Lynch was also reading the newspaper with Robin at this time.

“But this little girl is so beautiful, I am already her fan.”

Xia Qi quickly made a cup of milk tea and came back. She also went to the vase to pick two petals of flowers, twisted them into the cup, and pushed them in front of Lin Qi.

“B.I.B” stood behind the main body and Robin, his narrow eyes looking over their shoulders at the front page photo of the newspaper in front of them.

“The new king Shichibukai! The emperor from the mysterious land of women – “Snake Princess” Boa Hancock!”

In the color photo that occupies almost half of the newspaper page, Hancock’s stunningly beautiful face is looking back half-way, making a blinking expression, while pressing his slender, fat fingers on the rosy and soft skin. On her lips, she made a gesture of blowing a kiss… I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but you can almost see the red heart from her blowing kiss in this photo…

“Who is she blowing a kiss to? We are both women, and I can’t help but feel jealous of the other person…” Xia Qi held a cigarette between her fingers, smiling and looking slowly from Robin behind the newspaper to her and the black armor behind Lynch, “You two, what do you want to drink?”


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