I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 483 Zefa: I just want to retire!


On the 1st, outside the slave auction, in a crowd of navy soldiers lying on the ground, several soldiers pushed away the bodies of their unconscious companions, got up from underneath, and covered their bruised and bleeding heads, feeling a little dazed. .

The person who knocked them down… by the way, was that woman, Kujo Xu Lun!

The sailors were shocked. At this moment, a loud “bang” came from the slave auction house in front, and the tremor on the ground almost made them jump. The house had no ceiling. Completely disintegrated, the four moss-covered walls quickly shattered under the huge internal impact, and collapsed…On the ruins, there were only three figures standing upright.

“It’s General Zefa!”

The sober sailors exclaimed, “And Giovanna Giorno…”

In the center of the ruins, the stage that was originally the auction was still intact. Giorno and General Zefa’s black fists faced each other, and amazing momentum burst out between the fists.

“That’s General Zefa, who is known as the ‘Black Wrist’!”

The sailors were extremely shocked.

“Giovanna Giorno’s armed domineering…”

Click! The ground beneath Zefa’s feet cracked, and his thick right arm was pitch black.

“You can actually confront the ‘Black Wrist’ head-on?!”

Bang! The stage under Lynch’s feet was also crushed by him.

Black lightning burst out, and the sailors not far away from the ruins kept screaming in surprise.

“No wonder you can defeat Lauter Heina, your domineering power… is quite powerful!”

After punching him, they separated briefly. Zefa narrowed his eyes and stared at the high-spirited young pirate opposite.

“Should I feel honored to be praised like this by Zefa the Black Wrist?”

Lin Qi laughed, and almost at the same time Zefa and Zefa were entangled with strong armed domineering energy again, and they fought to the same point.

Bang! boom! boom! ……

The black fist shadows collided with each other, as fast as thunder and as dense as flowing fire!

It is simply unimaginable that this is a pirate who has not yet entered the Grand Line, confronting the admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Every punch of the two collided with an astonishing impact. While the sailors watched in horror, the auction host who was trembling on the edge of the stage was also frightened to death. This is too scary, Qiao Bana .Giorno is so powerful that he can not only remove slave collars at will, but even the general of the headquarters, the “black-armed” Zefa who makes countless pirates fear him, can’t take him down immediately? !

You know, Giorno is not just him!

This, the trembling host knows, the sailors who are not qualified to intervene in this duel even if they are not injured know this, and Zefa himself certainly knows it best…

When he punched Giovanna Giorno for the first time, Zefa already knew that he might not be able to successfully take down the young pirate this time.

Of course General “Black Arms” is confident that he can defeat this pirate who is powerful but still young… However, Giorno’s female captain who is wandering somewhere has always made Zefa worried. Scruples, and the one who is more threatening is obviously the old man with long gray hair who was still chatting and laughing with Giorno before, the “Pluto” Rayleigh who has been hiding for many years.

Although Pluto just smiled and watched his duel with Giorno, Zefa could not ignore his presence and inevitably diverted some of his attention.

“Are you just watching? Rayleigh!!”

Zefa’s fists were extremely black. He took a step back and made a “bang” sound at the ground. He lifted up the entire ground and rushed toward Lei Li like an earth dragon turning over.

“I’m just an old guy who happens to be here…”

Reilly said, wrapping the armed domineering force around the hairy legs of the sandals, and kicked it, kicking through the raised and pressed ground and the stage, and Zefa was also following the raised ground. And arrived.

After Rayleigh kicked him through, his huge black fist swung hard at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh’s eyes flashed, and he spun around on one foot while wearing a sandal. One of his hairy legs was dyed black with a stronger armed color. He curled up with even greater aura and collided with Zefa’s black wrist.

Bang! boom!

The confrontation between the black fist and the black leg erupted into a wild dance of black electric snakes as thick as arms. The ground beneath their feet cracked, and circles collapsed downwards.

Strong winds surged across the ruins, and the sailors were completely stunned, “This old man…”

“Did I hear the name that General Zefa called just now wrong… That old man is actually ‘Pluto’ Rayleigh?!”

“That Pirate King Roger’s right hand, Silbaz Rayleigh?!!!”

This name is so popular that even ordinary civilians, even if they were not pirates or marines, would have heard of the name Rayleigh in the not-too-distant era of Roger the Pirate King.

But with the execution of the Pirate King many years ago, the Roger Pirates also disappeared…

Folks thought that the legendary pirate group would naturally be wiped out by the navy together with the Pirate King, but the navy knew that those legendary names were not captured by their navy, but with the fall of the Pirate King Roger, They will no longer appear in the eyes of the world.

None of the sailors thought that Pluto Rayleigh was actually in the Shampoo Islands right under the nose of the Navy Headquarters!

Giobana Giorno, he actually knows Pluto Rayleigh? !

Not far away, Robin looked at the scene of the confrontation between Rayleigh and Zefa. After Zefa and Rayleigh struck a blow, on the other side, Lynch opened the slate of the ruins, patted the gravel on his body and got up. He raised his palm and pointed it at Zefa and Rayleigh.

Is it that ability again? Zefa’s heart moved, and the dark armed color spread upward from his arms, quickly covering his torso and head, but at the same time, he saw Giorno’s hand pointing in the direction behind him.


The moment Zefa turned around, a fist covered with flame patterns fell on his face…


A plume of smoke and dust rose into the sky from the ruins.

Zefa jumped high in the smoke.

“What is that? Transparent person? Kujo Xu Lun?”

Zefa stared down and chose a relatively conservative response strategy… The upward trend slowed down until it stopped, and Zefa clenched his fists.

“Something’s not good…” Rayleigh stood on his sandals and looked up.

“It seems…” Lin Qi looked at the figure falling rapidly in the sky.

“It **** him off…” the black armor said next to the main body.

The fist is like a drop of ink, and a figure falls from the sky, falling to the ground like a meteorite!

Boom! ! !

With the ruins of the original auction as the center, Zefa’s punch completely penetrated the ground. This time, what rose into the sky was no longer smoke, but gushing waves…

On the other side, the trio of former slaves who beat the Tianlong family to a **** pulp looked at the white waves rising into the sky in the direction of the auction, and were horrified. Is this the strength of a general? One punch Penetrated the Shampoo Islands? !

Giorno and the others seem to be capable people, and I’m afraid things are going to be much worse now…

“Damn…slave…” Rozild was beaten until his eyes were crooked and his mouth was crooked, and he kept vomiting blood.

The three of them took advantage of the general’s lack of time to pay attention to them. After hurriedly punching them two more times, they left the unconscious Tianlong family of three on the spot and quickly slipped away quietly.


Whoosh… whoosh…

The white waves formed a large whirlpool in the huge pothole, surging and undulating…

The original slave auction houses around them had already been turned into ruins in the battle just now. It is unimaginable that the short battle just now caused such astonishing damage.

The sailors helped each other and walked over. General Zefa stood alone on the edge of the ruins, looking at the large whirlpool of waves in the middle, panting slightly.

“General Zefa, Giorno…”

“Run away.” Zefa said.

How could he still run away under the destructive punch of General Zefa just now? The sailors were silent, and Giorno was an esper, right? Can’t you catch him even in this way…

A sailor couldn’t help but ask: “Admiral Zefa, is the old man with Giorno really…the ‘Pluto’ Rayleigh?”

The others looked at him speechlessly. Besides the legendary pirate, what kind of old man wearing slippers could be so powerful that he could compete head-on with General Zefa?

At the same time, on the opposite side of the maelstrom of the waves, in the rubble of the auction, a phone bug that was the same color as the gravel and completely integrated into the environment opened its eyes.

Inside the left eye, sat Lin Qi.

Inside the right eye sat Rayleigh, “The phone bug that ate the castle fruit is so strange!”

He raised his head and took a sip of the wine he had just brought from the Telephone Bug Castle, and said with a smile: “The wine is good!”

Little Green shouted “Bulu Bulu” while his belly transformed into tank-like tracks. Under the command of Lin Qi who was sitting in his left eye, he ran out a few hundred meters and saw the front. Robin wearing brown sunglasses on the roadside is waving to it…

Other people around were attracted by the news of the battle on Island No. 1, and did not notice that a tall woman disappeared out of thin air on the side of the road.


“Go to No. 13, there is a place called ‘Xia Qi’s Rip-off Bar’.”

In the Telephone Bug Castle, Rayleigh patted the wall beside him. Regardless of whether they are espers or not, it is common sense that phone bugs can understand human speech.

Lin Qi also patted the wall. Soon, the green phone bug turned and moved quickly towards Island 13.

“So, this is your hiding place.”

Rayleigh walked in the Phone Bug Castle and said while looking around, “Xia Qi is a master at collecting intelligence, but there is very little information about the traces of your strange pirate group… I’m afraid it’s because of this phone. Is it because of the insects?”

He looked at Lynch and said with a smile: “You must have given this castle fruit to this phone bug?”

“Even if you guessed correctly,” Lynch spread his hands, “you can’t afford to lose to a coated ship from me.”

“But we should stay in Xiangbo for a while, and the ship is not urgent for the time being.” Lynch quickly smiled, and then took out the two notes from his body, “There is no need to throw away these two things. It’s almost worn out in my pocket.”

Rayleigh took the note, looked at it twice, looked around the phone bug castle, and said with a smile: “The venue is ready… However, with your level of domineering, you don’t need me. The old man’s guidance. Not everyone can compete with the ‘Black Wrist’ Zefa!”

“It’s just that I could fight him head-on. After all, I still couldn’t beat him.” Lynch said.

Of course, if the armor is superimposed with a full-power iron block on the weapon color, it is hard to say whether it can defeat Zefa’s “black wrist”.

“Speaking of Zefa, I thought the general who came was the Warring States general! I heard that the Big Buddha fruit also has a shock wave move, and I was thinking…” Lin Qi touched his chin, “It’s his Big Buddha shock wave that’s more powerful Hard, or is my shock fruit better?”


“Zefa! You have gone too far!”

Marin Fando, Navy Headquarters, General Sengoku and General Zefa stood together in front of their superior, Marshal Sikong, bowing their heads to be scolded.

Zefa himself was indifferent and said indifferently: “Isn’t it just that half of the island was destroyed? There are seventy-nine Shampoo Islands, this is nothing.”

“Am I talking about the island?!”

Marshal Kong had just been scolded by a call from Wulaoxing. He was so angry that he slapped the table and shouted, “I’m talking about the Tianlong people!!”

Hearing the word Tianlongren, Warring States next to Zefa looked very upset.

The three Tianlong people were beaten so badly that they were almost unrecognizable… They were not even discovered in the end, but woke up one after another in a pool of blood, and tremblingly helped themselves to find the person who was still there at that time. Zeffa and the sailors in Chambord.

As for why?

Of course the marines had discovered the Celestial Dragons long ago!

But because of this, no sailor dared to come over… Lying in a pool of blood, beaten by someone who didn’t even recognize the Tianlong people, do you dare to come over and say hello?

If you wake them up, they will open their eyes and you may be the first person they want to kill in anger!

As a naval admiral, Zefa didn’t care. He showed concern to the three members of the Tianlong family who were bruised and swollen, and asked them who had injured them.

“Yes…” After the three men, Rozold, father and son, who were bruised and swollen, realized that they didn’t even know the names of the three slaves!

Nonsense, the three are just beasts in their eyes, who would bother to remember their names?

Even their names may not have been registered at their residence in the Holy Land of Marie Joa!

Who would have the time to register information for a pet that might one day be played to death? Just fill in a number and that’s it…

Zefa said: “No one witnessed the criminal who injured the Tianlong people, and the Tianlong people don’t remember the other party’s name. Besides sending them back to the Holy Land, what else can I do?”

Marshal Kong said angrily: “Did you send them back? You just threw them back! In short, Wulaoxing is very angry about this matter and wants our navy to give an explanation!”

“Okay,” Zefa said more cheerfully, “I will take the responsibility! Take off my title of general.”

Sure enough! Sengoku was speechless. As soon as the old man heard about Giorno, he couldn’t wait to run to the Chambord Islands. He really had this intention.

“Zefa, you have a beautiful idea!” Marshal Kong said angrily, “Even if I have to punish you, I will punish you to continue to be a general! Don’t even think about truly retiring for me before the change of leadership.”

Zefa rolled his eyes crazily. He was not young, but there was no need to pretend to be serious in front of his old boss.

“Anyway, this time about the Tianlong people…” Marshal Kong rubbed his forehead and glanced at Sengoku at the desk, “Put it all on Giovanna Giorno’s head.”

“What?” Warring States was stunned.

“How can this be done!” Zefa said displeased, “Didn’t I say that Giorno’s attack was aimed at me, he did not attack the Celestial Dragons! Marshal, if you are dissatisfied with my report, then Just fired me!”

This time Marshal Kuang rolled his eyes crazily.

What is it like to have a general who wants to retire every day?

“Dream!” Marshal Kong shouted, “Don’t even think about retiring early during my term! In the future, when the Warring States Period becomes marshal, you can go and bother him again!”

“Huh?” Warring States began to want to roll his eyes. What is this called?


“You mean, Zefa may not blame the Tianlong people on me?”

On the 13th, at the door of Xia Qi’s rip-off bar, three figures appeared out of thin air. Lynch turned and asked Reilly, “Why is this?”


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