I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 354 Robin: Lend me your breast


[Chapter serial series・Lovesickness 6・『Sister! 』]

[After Sandasonia landed, she learned that her sister suddenly fell ill in the palace, and she immediately turned into a beast, turning into a huge flying snake with green scales and wings, and let Marigrud and Bonnie climb on her back. As soon as its wings fluttered, it soared into the sky, roaring straight towards the palace of Nine Snakes City…]


The surrounding flashlights flashed wildly.

The Big Mom Pirates behind Armand yelled:

“What do you mean by ‘just’!”

“What do you mean by ‘just’!”

“‘Not that powerful’?! This guy really deserves a beating…”

“Damn it! Does he have no awareness of his own danger?!!”

Mihawk said: “I heard someone say it.”

Lynch: “Huh?”

Mihawk said: “I know you because someone mentioned you to me.”


“That’s what he said -” Mihawk said slowly, “‘That boy will definitely leave his name on the sea.'”

“Hey!” Lynch said dissatisfied, “Why do you suddenly act like you want it? Aren’t we going to fight?”

He waved the iron rod, shaking the air.

Lynch looked at Hawkeye on the left and Armand on the right, and smiled: “I don’t mind if I fight with you two at the same time!”

“You want to fight one against two?” Armand said indifferently, “Arrogant man.”

Suddenly, the broad brim of his hat was raised, revealing Armand’s slightly widened cold eyes – looking at Lynch.

Mihawk’s sharp eyes also moved slightly, staring at Lynch’s back like a hawk, where he could vaguely see a black humanoid figure emerging from Giorno’s body.

The long, narrow and glowing eyes on the face are really like ghosts without emotions.


A loud noise suddenly sounded in the distance.

People looked back and exclaimed: “This is the direction of the arena!”

“Did there be an explosion?”

“It doesn’t look like an explosion. Could it be that someone was fighting and making trouble?”

“This movement is too big…”

Robin also looked at the direction of the loud noise like the crowd, and suddenly noticed a line of sight focusing on her. It turned out to be Charlotte Armand who glanced at her.

Armand glanced at the captain Xu Lun over there, who just smiled at her.

Armand reached out and took off the thin cigarette from the corner of his mouth, blew out the smoke, glanced at Mihawk, and asked Lynch: “Giobana Giorno, are you here to compete too?”

“Yes.” Lin Qi held the iron rod, nodded and muttered, “Anyway…I’m here, so just join in and see.”

Armand nodded, a cigarette curling under the brim of her hat. The famous sword “White Fish” in her hand slowly passed in front of her, and then she gently put it back into its sheath.

She turned around and led the other members of the Big Mom Pirates away.


At this moment, a huge and penetrating slash swept through the air from the trajectory that Armand’s sword blade had just cut!

From left to Mihawk, covering Lynch? From the right, Robin swept to the edge of the crowd.

The horizontal flying slash struck them unstoppably!

“Ah!” The onlookers were startled. Mrs. Ghost (Harmony) came just as she said. It was so scary.

The crowd panicked, pushing and shoving each other like a swarm of ants. They were so frightened that they rolled and crawled away, fearing that they would be affected by the scary-looking slash and be accidentally injured.


Mihawk turned the huge black knife expressionlessly, cutting off the incoming slash.

The power of his sword was controlled not too much or too little. After cutting off the incoming slashes, it did not affect the panicked crowd on the opposite side at all.

Mihawk smoothly hung the black knife behind his back.

“Delay move? Slow sword, there is really something about it…”

Lin Qi was astonished. Faced with the sweeping attack, he did not retreat or dodge. He took a step forward. He picked up the iron rod, wrapped it around his armed domineering force, and smashed the attack into pieces with one stroke. Dots of stars.


After guarding against Armand’s attack before leaving, Lynch touched his chest and abdomen and screamed.

“Click”, “click”, “click”… Even in the panic of the crowd, there are flashes of light constantly beating.

Armand, the leader of the Big Mom Pirates who left, glanced back and saw that the female captain Xu Lun was also unharmed under his attack.


Mihawk crossed his arms and glanced at Lynch, who was touching his chest and abdomen and whispering, “You also want to participate in the swordsman competition?”

Lynch glanced at Robin and turned around and said, “What’s wrong, can’t I participate?”

Not only Mihawk, but also the panicked and now calm onlookers, especially the reporters who kept pressing the shutter, also looked down at the iron rod in Lynch’s hand.

“I said this is my sword,” Lynch said seriously, “it’s just a little blunt. Do you believe it?”

“What is in the hands of a swordsman is naturally a sword.” Mihawk smiled faintly, “Since we are participating, let’s meet on the field.”

After that, he turned around and left with the exaggerated and huge black knife on his back.

The crowd consciously opened a passage for him to leave.

Of course, there was also a flashlight along the way to greet everyone.

“Quite handsome.” Lynch looked at Mihawk’s back, shook his head, and threw the iron rod at Robin.

He originally wanted to use the Magnetic Fruit to control the iron rod and send it into Robin’s Telephone Bug Castle.

As a result, he forgot that there is no magnetic fruit in his body now…

Whoosh, whoosh… The iron rod spun and flew towards Robin, and she raised her hand to catch it. After living and practicing in Amazon Lily for so many years, although Robin does not have Lynch’s exaggerated skills, he is no longer a civilian who has little combat effectiveness without the flowers and fruits. The combat effectiveness of a standard Nine Snakes warrior is still there.

The crowd around them was still watching with eager eyes. The onlookers seemed reluctant to leave. The remaining reporters were even more eager to come up and interview Lynch and Robin.

Lin Qicai was too lazy to pay attention to them, walked over and hugged Robin, and disappeared on the spot with a “shave”.



The reporters held their cameras blankly.


“B.I.B” paused in the open space, “shaving” it, and then chased after the direction of the main body sensed.

At the nearby street corner, which was not too far away, Lynch and Robin moved there with a “swish”.

Robin’s long hair fell down, and she stuffed the one- to two-meter-long iron rod she caught in her hand into the not-so-large backpack like magic.

“When you faced the attack just now…” Lin Qi touched his chest and abdomen.

Just now, he clearly interrupted the incoming slash with his stick, but the pain of being hit by the slash suddenly appeared in his chest and abdomen.

And, an inexplicable soft feeling.

Robin raised his head and smiled, “I can’t withstand such a slash without getting hurt… so I borrowed your body for a while.”


Lynch nodded as if in a daze, touched his chin, looked down at the spectacular undulating arc under Robin’s collar, and pondered, “How is this stuffed…”

Flower Fruit’s arms grew on his cheeks and covered his mouth.

Robin lowered his head and pulled his hair around his ears, “Go and sign up. It should be too late.”

She takes the first step. Lin Qi saw a faint blush appearing behind her ears, chin, and neck.

At this time “B.I.B” floated like a ghost…

Lin Qi followed Robin’s footsteps and said casually: “What are you doing? Bring me the magnetic fruit.”

『B.I.B』 took out the magnetic fruit chip.

Lin Qi waited for a while, but did not feel the magnetic fruit being sent into his body.

Lin Qi turned his head as he walked and found that the black armor floating aside was holding a triangular chip in one hand, and his narrow eyes glowing with white light were looking at him.


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