I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 309 Human Jeet Kune Do


The dark ghost and the sky-colored phone bug followed the two figures chasing each other and fighting constantly on the sea.

On the forehead of the phone bug, Robin sat at the entrance of the castle, covering his hair that was blown by the wind, and asked in surprise: “Is that figure just now a fish-man?”

“B.I.B” said: “Yeah! He is a member of the Sun Pirates formed by Fisher Tiger…』

Fisher Tiger?

Robin immediately remembered that it was the name in the big news that he had seen in the newspaper a few months ago – the “criminal” who climbed up to the Holy Land Mary Joa alone and set a fire to free the slaves. Fishman.

“…That’s it!” Robin nodded, “He’s really good at being able to fight Lynch for so long.”

If Fisher Tiger could accomplish such a feat, he must not be a vicious pirate. Then his fellow fishmen should be similar. And… Robin raised his head and glanced at the “black giant”-like stand-in armor. Since “B.I.B” had no intention of going down to help its main body, it can be imagined that Lynch was very comfortable fighting with the fish-man below. !

Being able to fight head-on with the fish-men in the sea… The sea breeze blew across his face, Robin smiled, Lynch had really become an amazing master! If I had the chance to meet that red-haired person again, I would definitely scare that person.

I don’t know if the redhead was shocked, but Jinbei was quite shocked.

How can there be such a thing?

Even if we don’t know each other very well, even if there is a misunderstanding, we have already retreated, so don’t pursue her, okay?

“Who are you? Do you know me?” Jinbei swam around in the sea and said loudly, “Or do you hate the fishmen so much?”

Contrary to Jinbei’s expectation, the other party was also surprised.

“You didn’t recognize me?”

Lin Qi stepped on the water, and his whole body rose step by step. His upper body, which was made of steel, emerged from the water, followed by his strong and slender legs. In the end, only one pair of feet stepped on the water, rhythmically. Step on and off.

The force is neither light nor heavy, the amplitude is not large nor small, just enough to maintain the level as if the whole person is standing on the sea.

This man’s grasp of physical strength is simply incredible.

Jinpei was secretly surprised just looking at this scene.

You can actually stand on the sea. Is this still human? He couldn’t help but remember that just a moment ago, he rushed out of the sea and swam along the sky-high waves. The opponent was so weird that he could walk in the air and followed closely… Even the air was like walking on the ground. Where did this master come from? Looking at the other person’s face carefully, Jinbei felt familiar again.

“I thought I was quite famous!” The other party looked very disappointed, and asked Jinbei in confusion, “You didn’t recognize me, so why are you fighting with me?”

Jinbei was shocked, weren’t you the one chasing me and beating me?

You are clearly a human, but you are so fierce that even I, a fish-man, can’t get away from you in the sea. How dare you ask me why I fight you? Does that mean I want to fight you?

Shocked in his stomach but not visible on his face, Jinbei raised his head and said calmly, “I heard from the panicked school of fish that someone was fighting…”

“I thought you recognized me, so you wanted to learn from me!” The other party walked up and down in the water, sighing to himself.

“Listen to what I have to say!” Jinbei was shocked. Who is this person? If you don’t want to hear it, why did you ask just now?

“From now on, if you don’t know each other, don’t just keep fighting with others.” Lynch said in a teaching tone, “Isn’t that so bad?”

“You should give me time to explain! It’s obviously you who beats others without even saying a word, right?”

Jinpei can’t bear it anymore, what’s going on with this guy?

But looking at the other party’s playful and smiling face, I actually… don’t hate it either!

At least, it is much more comfortable than the attitudes of those who hide their disgust towards fish-men like themselves.

Jinbei coughed twice and regained his calm demeanor. After surfacing, there was enough sunlight. He was finally able to carefully examine the appearance of the person opposite him. He frowned and thought: “You are…Qiao…Qiao…”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, come on, come on, the fight just now was not enough, let’s try a few more moves!”

Lin Qi laughed and stepped hard, the sea surface was touched by the sole of his foot, and bang… it collapsed downward into a cone-shaped vortex.

“It doesn’t matter. What did you say just now?!”

Jinbei had no time to complain, because Lynch rushed towards the sea.

“Muloc Karate? Come and try my human Jeet Kune Do!”

With a bang, the two fists collided on the sea surface, causing ripples to form in circles.

Jinbei couldn’t help but smile, “Human Jeet Kune Do? The name is very strange. I have never heard of such a boxing technique.”

“Now you heard.” Lynch laughed.

When their eyes met, Jinbei also ignited his fighting spirit. He swam backward for a distance, picked up a ball of water and hung it on the edge of his palm, and said with a deep smile: “Be careful, this is fishman karate – hitting the water! ”

Throwing out the vortex of water condensed between the webs of the palms, creating a cannonball-like impact, “Boom” hit Lynch head-on.

Jinbei was shocked, why did he want to confront him head-on? Unexpectedly, the next second he saw that the other party was safe and sound, with only a slight red mark on his skin.

Lin Qi touched the red skin and praised: “It can make my skin red, this trick is really good!”

“You also come and take my move – Crescent Moon Chong!”

Lin Qi jumped high on the sea surface, and his long legs pulled out a stunning arc in the sun. This arc was not an illusion, spinning like a crescent moon towards Jinbei on the sea.


Jinbei didn’t dare to imitate his opponent’s hard-on attack, so he swam a short distance away and avoided the arc-shaped slash. He only heard a “puff” sound in his ears, and the sea next to him was split into a nearly ten-meter-long slash. It took a few seconds for the sea water to pour back into the “crack” of 1 meter, closing the crack in the water surface – he could actually kick out a swordsman-like slash with his feet? !

Jinbei raised his hand again, but his wrist was stepped on by a foot, and Lynch suddenly came forward without knowing when.

“Jet Kune Do, this is ‘cutting’.” Lin Qi smiled and directly stepped on the wrist beside him and kicked him into the sea.

Grrrrrrrr… Jinbei fell into the sea. He was thinking about the “Jet Kune Do” that the other party just said in a stressful way. He circled around and rushed towards the sea again.

“Murloc Karate-Three Thousand Pieces of Wa Shoken!”

Huge waves rose into the sky.

After several seconds, there was a dull buzzing sound, like thunder falling on the sea, rolling in.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of beasts were fighting in the sea.

Looking at this scene, the old fisherman put down the telescope in his hand and murmured in shock: “Is that the true strength of the fish-men? We had a head-on conflict with such a monster not long ago…”

We are so lucky that all the small towns on the island were not massacred by the other side!

The old fisherman swallowed his dry saliva. Those unconvinced guys in the town actually wanted to set up traps on the coast, saying, “If those fishmen dare to come again, I will catch them all and make soup.” …Those idiots, if you had seen the scene on the sea at this moment, you wouldn’t have such ignorant thoughts!

“What a big noise. What kind of sea beast is Brother Jinbei trying to catch?”

On the sea not too far away from the island, a pirate ship with a huge red sun printed on the canvas was sailing slowly. 1603468350


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