I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 307 An unexpected person (two-in-one)


“News Bird, this way~”

The cry of a human woman sounded nearby.

The newspaper-selling bird was startled. This was in the sky. Where could a human woman come from?

It flapped its wings and looked around, noticing the… phone bug flying in the air nearby?

It’s no surprise that phone bugs can simulate human voices.

But how come those little snails can fly?

The news bird flapped its wings and flew over.


Hold by “B.I.B” and being blown by the wind in the sky, Little Green was taking a nap comfortably when he was suddenly startled by the approach of the news bird. The whole insect “swish”, and its whole body changed, and it was like Hai Tian. One color, integrated into one.


News Bird was shocked by the changes in the phone bug. What surprised it even more was that after the phone bug became “transparent”, the scene in the small hole on the phone bug’s forehead became very conspicuous.

At the small entrance, a human woman was waving to it, “News Bird, I want to sell newspapers.”


News Bird doesn’t know what to do… The boss never said that this would happen?

“You fly in first.” Robin waved to him.

The news bird was hesitating when it was suddenly caught by an invisible hand and shoved directly into the castle entrance on Little Green’s head. It turns out that “B.I.B” couldn’t stand it any longer, so I gave it a helping hand.

Shrunk in size, the news bird fluttered and landed in front of Robin.

Its little brain couldn’t understand what was happening. where is this place? Why did this human woman suddenly grow bigger again?

But no matter what, business still needs to be done. The news bird took out a newspaper and handed it to the human woman in front of him.

“Thank you.” Robin smiled and touched his body, “Sorry, I’ll get some change.”

When she and Lynch left Nine Snake Island, they didn’t bring much money with them.

Although the three Hancock sisters would not mind giving them hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of millions of Baileys… neither Lynch nor Robin would choose to accept it.

As for Robin, he feels that he has not made much contribution in the past few years on Nine Snake Island. Instead, he has received a lot of care from Snake Princess Tulip.

Lin Qi generously used these parting gifts as temporary accommodation expenses for the past few years.

The three Hancock sisters also know that with their abilities, money can be easily obtained as long as there is demand. For example, among the pirate ships that fill the sea, wouldn’t it be easy to rob just one?

The news bird followed the human woman and flew into this strange hole**.

It’s really…a strange cave…

The twisted patterns… the walls seem to be crawling, and like something solidified…

The floor and ceiling are not flat…the passages are also uneven, skewed and thick…

As a domestic seabird, bathed in human civilization, how could the Newsbird adapt to the distorted painting style of Crusoe in the Castle of the Telephone Bug?

He followed tremblingly, fearing that the human woman would kill him if he disagreed with her and cook the soup. Suddenly, the front widened and came to a larger space. Against the weird and twisted corner, there were piles of Several human backpacks.

Robin rummaged through his backpack, found a 100-beli coin, and handed it to Newsbird.

After the transaction was completed, the news bird fled away with relief, flapped its wings and flew out of the channel, and returned to the sky with a bang.


It turned back but couldn’t see anything. Against the huge sky and ocean background, and behind the green phone bug camouflage, the small castle hole on its forehead was really hard to detect.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was indeed a newspaper missing and an extra coin in his bag, Newsbird would have thought it was just his hallucination.

Pulling Leng…

The news bird chirped, flew across the sky, and flew away slowly.

On the windless sea below, Neptune species splashed into the water and rolled over and over again, as if they were fighting something…

Robin walked to the entrance of the castle and sat down, facing the strong wind, unfolding the newspaper in his hand that smelled of ink, and browsing the news.

She searched for the section about the navy and paid attention to current affairs. Unfortunately, the news she found was nothing more than reports about a certain naval branch sending troops to annihilate a certain pirate group, what remarks a certain naval officer made, etc. There was nothing that Robin wanted to see. It had been almost a year since Hancock petrified the Vice Admiral of the Navy, but he hadn’t seen any special movements in the Navy at all. It’s really strange.

Even if the Nine Snakes Pirates have not gone to sea in this short year, Hancock has been staying on the Nine Snakes Island… Even if the Navy is temporarily unable to send warships into the windless zone of Nine Snakes… Robin believes , there are still people in the navy who can come to Nine Snakes alone for negotiations. For example, for a period of time, in Robin’s eyes, everyone on Nine Snakes Island, no matter tall, short, fat or thin, looked like Kuzan, who was turned into a frozen bird by Lynch; another example is that in Vegapunk On the Doctor’s hometown of Guan Island, the Vice Admiral who spread across the sky like golden light and flowing fire was searching for her and Lynch…

But the result was that the navy did not take the initiative to land on the island.

Do you not want to appear eager and be manipulated by Nine Snakes? Robin thought so, turned the page, and saw a relatively special piece of news published in a larger section.

The “Resort Island”, a scenic spot on the Grand Line, will hold a “World’s Best Swordsman Competition”, and masters from all oceans are welcome to sign up.

The address for registration and participation is naturally the resort island, and the requirements for participation – there are no requirements! It doesn’t even require you to be a swordsman.

Win the championship in the end and gain the reputation of “the world’s greatest swordsman”!

Of course, there is also a huge amount of real money as a bonus that is enough to tempt most people…

With fame in one hand and profit in the other, this competition will probably attract a lot of people to participate. Robin thought, took a look at the registration time, and was surprised to find that the registration time for this competition lasted for several months, nearly half a year.

It seems that this is a sufficient publicity effort, and time has been reserved for contestants from all over the sea to sail to the resort island to register.

I wonder if Lynch is interested in this competition…

“The World’s Best Swordsman Competition?”

With a small white-bellied fish in his mouth, Lin Qi broke away from the waves and jumped into the air.

With a “pop” sound, he spat out the small fish with a white belly. He stepped on the moon, “pop”, “pop” and “pop”, and it looked like he was taking a walk.

Could it be that Hawkeye’s title as the world’s greatest swordsman was won in this game?


Lin Qi’s figure walked up and down in the air together, and the pitch-black armor holding the green phone bug also followed the body’s movement trajectory, flying up and down, fluttering forward.

He touched his chin and thought…

After all…it’s actually strange to think about it. How did the title of the world’s greatest swordsman come about?

Just take a look at the various quarrels in the past life forums. Netizens can easily pick them up, such as the red-haired Shanks, the foil sword Bista, the retired Rayleigh, and even the aunt of the four emperors (people There is also a sword), White Beard of the Four Emperors (Isn’t the Qinglong Yanyue Sword not a sword? And as we all know, in the world of One Piece, a sword is a sword, and a sword is a sword)… Even the one in the Five Old Stars who holds a sword all day long seems to be the first-generation ghost Tooru’s old bald head with glasses!

With so many awesome swordsmen out there, how come you, Hawkeye, who has no serious record, become the world’s greatest swordsman?

But if the title is won in a world-wide competition, then it makes sense…

You know, there are indeed many fighting competitions in the world of One Piece!

In the arena of Dressrosa, Edio, the “Destructor Cannon” of the Long Hand Clan who later became a member of the Straw Hat Fleet, was the so-called “V2 Level Overlord of the New World Central Fighting Tournament”.

Since there is a V2 level, there must be a V1 level, and it is very likely that the captain of Blackbeard’s No. 1 ship, Gizas Badges, is the overlord of this V1 level, because his name is “Fighting Champion”.

“Lynch?” Robin noticed that he seemed to be distracted and couldn’t help but remind him.

“Huh? Oh!” Lynch came back to his senses and looked at “B.I.B”. I believe it is also thinking about what it is thinking.

The two of them thought at the same time: The most important thing is that the “Creation Master” Oda Zai is a famous fan of Mr. Toriyama… The world’s number one Budokai in Dragon Ball changed his skin and became the world. It is only reasonable that the First Kendo would appear in the world of pirates!

But that’s none of my business!

Lin Qi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Robin asked: “Don’t you plan to go?”

Lin Qi walked in the air and said with a smile: “We are going to the Shampoo Islands! That note from Kurokas will probably rot if we don’t use it anymore. Isn’t that a pity?”

Robin also laughed, “I didn’t go there a few years ago, so don’t go somewhere else this time.”

Lin Qi laughed, “That doesn’t matter!”

After that, he jumped into the sea, splashed into the sky, played with the sea kings, and swam.

Of course, with Lynch’s stature, he can’t defeat the giant Neptune type as big as a mountain – mainly because he can’t knock it. However, giant sea kings are also very bulky. In the face of Lynch’s flexibility, they are really like clumsy undersea mountains. They cannot be beaten, but they have no difficulty in hiding.

At this moment, the waves are soaring on the sea surface, and at the next moment, I dive into the water, tease the sea beasts, swim, and fly straight in the direction of the Grand Route. It is quite fun!

In the air, Robin smiled and continued to read the newspaper in his hand to pass the time.


I don’t know how long it took, but the newspaper in my hand was blown and kept shaking.

The wind suddenly became stronger.

Robin looked up and saw a clearly defined straight line on the endless blue sea below.

On one side of the straight dividing line is the windless sea area as calm as a lake; on the other side, the ocean is filled with undulating waves and turbulent waves.

The huge white waves formed by Lynch’s swimming are also crossing the boundary from the calm sea into the rough sea.

Leaving the Windless Zone…

Ahead is the first half of the Grand Line.

Back then, she and Lynch passed by here, trying to fly directly to the Shampoo Islands at the halfway point through the Ghost Castle to find the Rayleigh that Lynch mentioned. Unexpectedly, due to some accidents, they entered the windless zone and did not return until today. To this sea area… Robin thought, and soon felt a sense of weightlessness.

『B.I.B』 is lowering its flight altitude.

Robin looked down at the sea below. The huge waves left behind by Lynch’s swimming had disappeared at some point.

Is he swimming underwater? Robin guessed.

She knew that Lin Qi’s stand-in could sense Lin Qi’s position, so she didn’t have to worry about losing him.

“B.I.B” said: “The main body is underwater…it seems to have met someone else!” 』

Robin was very surprised, “Others?”

This is the sea area on the edge of the windless zone. Besides sea beasts and humanoid monsters like Lynch, who else can swim in the sea?


Under the seemingly calm sea, there was a dull sound of collision.


On the calm sea, the waves that were originally just undulating slightly slowly began to stir with the dull collision.


With a bang, a huge spray of water exploded from the sea.

“B.I.B”‘s slightly bright eyes moved slightly, and he saw a figure flying out with the spray of water.

『It’s him! 』

The Stand Armor thought, “Counting the time, their pirate group should have been established for a while…”


[A moment ago, out of the windless sea area, Lin Qi was hunting a medium-sized sea beast in the water under the sea. 】

[After swimming for a long time, swimming out of the windless zone with bare hands is a lot of exercise. Although Lynch couldn’t feel tired yet, he was still hungry in advance. The sea beast he was chasing was driven out of the Windless Zone by him. Now it has left the waters of the Windless Zone. It may not be easy to get such a beast in the Grand Line. Lin Qi is greedy and refuses to let it go. After passing by, he dived underwater and swam very fast, like a torpedo, chasing the large sea beast. 】

[Little sea beast, you have to run so hard, how pitiful you are! It made me shed tears into my stomach, and finally they came out of my mouth! 】

[Lin Qi’s eyes flashed red, and he caught up with a sea beast. He circled it and punched it, bang… The sound of the punch under the water was dull, and it also stirred up turbulence in the sea. 】

[The sea beast was knocked away, and its huge body caused rioting currents. After all, Lynch was not an aquatic creature, and it was difficult to maintain balance in such chaos. He could only use force to overcome skill, and use the powerful driving force of “water steps” to break through the turbulent flow, and went straight to the big sea beast that rolled its eyes. A punch. Bang…】

[Every punch made the sea currents go crazy, like underwater shock waves again and again. The sound was so loud that the nearby small fish and shrimps were so frightened that they turned around and fled quickly. 】

[Lin Qi grabbed the giant sea beast’s mane, punched it one after another, and happily prepared the lunch that was about to arrive. Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he turned to look at the chaotic currents underwater. 】


[His sight clearly heard a different sound mixed in with the chaotic sound of the current. 】


[The sound is approaching him very quickly! 】

[Boom…a water column visible to the naked eye, yes, the water column in the water passed by Lynch’s ear like a cannonball. 】

[Lin Qi hovered in the turbulence and looked towards where the attack was coming. He saw a shadow coming quickly and going around under the sea beast. Soon, the sea beast was so aggrieved that it screamed and fled in a hurry. 】

【”Disturbing my lunch? You’re done, do you know?”]

[Lin Qi’s mouth was filled with gurgling bubbles, and he quickly stepped on his feet and rushed straight towards the figure. 】

[The man probably didn’t expect that he would take action so decisively, and hurriedly raised his hand to block, boom! The huge power of the punch surprised him, and when he saw Lynch’s appearance, he was surprised again. 】

[After Lin Qi got closer and saw this guy’s appearance clearly, he was a little surprised and said: “Huh?”]

[As soon as he spoke, the corners of his mouth started to bubble again…]


Peng! Back to the present, a water column rose from the sea, and a figure jumped out.

Immediately afterwards, Robin saw Lynch also rushing out of the sea. He stepped on the moon step with his feet and followed closely.

The figure is in front and above, constantly circling around the water column.

This Lin Qi is behind and below, approaching very fast on moon steps. Every time he steps on the waves, he kicks the water waves away and breaks them into water splashes all over the sky, scattering rainbow-like light in the sun. faint.

The figure jumped out of the water waves, flew through the air, drew an arc, and then fell into the sea with a “plop”.

“As expected of a sea hero, he swims really fast!”

Lin Qi laughed loudly, stepped on the air, and with a “pop” sound, his whole body pierced into the sea like a torpedo, without causing any waves.

Two shadows, one behind the other, chased under the sea.

“B.I.B” also flew in the air holding the Phone Bug and Robin in the Phone Bug Castle to catch up.

Under the water, Jinbei, a whale shark who is not yet a sea hero, is flying through the sea at a high speed, but he can’t get rid of the human behind him.


In the sea behind you, there was a rhythmic muffled sound. Every time it rang, the speed of the human following immediately surged!

“What kind of swimming method is that?” Jinbei was secretly surprised, “As a human being, he can actually keep up with the speed of a fish-man like me underwater…”


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