I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 306 Swimming out of the windless zone with bare hands (2-in-1)


If there is wind at this time, and there are flying catkins and fallen leaves, it is best to have a few willow trees on both sides of the river, which will definitely create a more farewell atmosphere.

Unfortunately, this is a windless zone with no wind at all.

There is a small river leading out of the city, but there are no trees by the river.

The group of people walked along the river. Sandasonia had a stable character, Marigrud was heartless, and neither of them felt anything. Only Hancock was a little more silent than before.

Robin didn’t have a backpack or a box in his hand, and walked slowly beside Lynch who was also empty-handed.

Suddenly she looked back and saw two huge round city gates half-opened in the river. The city gates were painted with a huge snake-haired skull and the Nine Snakes logo – four or five years ago, When he and Lin Qi first came to this island, Lin Qi said something serious about the sign. It was very similar to the style of the pirate flag belonging to Robin, the flower fruit ability user. Now that I think about it, it is still vivid in my mind. , Robin couldn’t help but smile, recalling the things he experienced on this island as if it was just yesterday.

In the watchtowers on both sides of the city gate, the soldiers on guard waving from a distance to say goodbye to their princess.

Robin also smiled and waved.

“Hey, Xu Lun.” She suddenly heard Hancock say this. When she looked back, Hancock took out a ball of handkerchiefs from his arms.

Robin was surprised: “This is it?”

Hancock couldn’t help but put it into her hand. Robin took the handkerchief and uncovered it, discovering that there was an exquisite pistol wrapped in the handkerchief.

“You gave it to me?” Robin asked with a smile.

Hancock nodded.

Marigrud said: “My sister spent a whole night rummaging through the palace treasury before picking out this gun!”

The Kuja Pirates go out for pirate activities from time to time. In addition to resources such as food, alcohol, swords, and metals, they also have some things they don’t need on the island, such as Bailey bills and muskets.

Bailey can’t use it because their island has its own common currency, snake hair.

There is no need for muskets because all the people on the island are warriors and can shoot well with bows. Only Tainai can use muskets! Therefore, most of these trophies snatched from the sea were stored in the palace’s treasury for emergencies.

However, although Xu Lun is the Princess of Nine Snakes, she is not technically a Nine Snakes warrior, so she naturally does not need to mind whether she uses a bow and arrow or a musket.

Hancock shouted: “Who wants you to talk too much?”

Marie Grodd’s mouth. Sundar Sonia smiled and didn’t care. Although their elder sister is self-centered, she is still cold on the outside and hot on the inside towards her two biological sisters.

Robin played with the pistol. It was a flintlock gun, but it could fire continuously.

She checked it skillfully – Robin can read all kinds of books, and he also has a little knowledge of guns, so it is not difficult to use – the internal ammunition storage machine is very special and can accommodate three more people. Four pellets.

Robin smiled and said: “Did you want me to cooperate with the ‘Taihua Zizai’ move, so you chose a pistol as a weapon?”

Use Tahua Zizai to copy the key parts of the enemy’s clone, such as the heart, which can be destroyed with one shot. Although it will not really break the enemy’s heart, the pain of heart explosion is not something that normal people can bear. This can be regarded as a very efficient tactic against the enemy… After all, Robin can repeatedly create clones of other people’s hearts, and even create many hearts at the same time, and shoot them together.

I believe that no matter how tough a guy is, he will not be able to bear this move.

Hancock nodded, her mood a little down.

Robin took a step forward and hugged the most beautiful girl in the world tightly.

She knows that the unique Hancock has no one who can really be considered a friend on the huge Nine Snakes Island – most of the women on the Nine Snakes Island can only be said to be Hancock. fans, admirers, admirers.

“Thank you, Hancock.” Robin said in Hancock’s ear.

Hancock was held by Xu Lun without making any movement.

She is only allowed to be held by others, and even being willing to hold her is already a great honor for that person! Do you still expect her, Mr. Hancock, to open his arms? She was disdainful… Hancock saw Lin Qi winking at her and pointing at Xu Lun, then reluctantly raised his hand and hugged Xu Lun.

“Got it.” Hancock didn’t say no thanks…well, it was appropriate to thank her.

Robin let go of his arms and said, “See you again in the future! Definitely…”

Then she gave Sanda Sonia and Marigrud a gentle hug each and said, “Sanda, Mary, thank you.”

Hancock muttered: “Who wants to see you again…”

Sang Da smiled and hugged Princess Xu Lun. After Mary hugged her, she asked doubtfully: “Why are you thanking us?”

Lin Qi laughed and said: “Because not only does your sister have no friends since she was a child, but she also has no friends! Xu Lun must be very happy to have you as friends in the past few years.”

“Really?” Marigrud thought for a moment, then leaned over and hugged Robin, “You’re welcome, Princess Xu Lun!”

Robin Wei? Dan? It was quite embarrassing for someone to tell her his true feelings.

Lynch and “B.I.B” stood side by side. Only the two of them knew that if it were the person in the original time and space who was hiding alone in the dark and did not trust anyone, Nicole Robin would never do it. This kind of emotional display of actively embracing others…

Even in the legend of the Straw Hats, which is more in line with her style of painting, when Nami, Luffy, Zoro and others were laughing wildly, she sat alone on the edge, holding a cup of black tea, smiling quietly and nodding, That’s all.

It won’t be hot anymore. Twenty years of gloomy experiences have shaped her like that.

The version of Sister Robin in front of me is like a ray of slightly warm sunshine in the morning that softly falls into the dewdrops on the newly bloomed petals, reflecting a fine halo…

“Giorno?” Marigrud opened her arms.

“Me?” Lynch asked.

Mary smiled and hugged Lynch hard.

Sundasonia also glanced at her sister from the corner of her eyes, and went over to give her a hug with a smile.

Hancock didn’t move. Lynch opened his arms and laughed: “Come on, you won’t be so disrespectful, right?”

“Humph.” Under the gaze of his two sisters and Xu Lun, Hancock reluctantly leaned over and hugged Giorno gently.

It’s really time to say goodbye.

Hancock said: “I told you, I can actually take the pirate group out to sea to the Grand Line, and give you a ride out of the Windless Zone.”

Lin Qi waved his hand and laughed: “Forget it! I’m afraid…if I send you so far, I can’t help but follow your ship back, haha.”

Sanda and Mary laughed, “Yes, we will be reluctant to let you go!”

“So, how are you going to get out of the windless zone?” Hancock asked.

“Isn’t this easy to handle?”

After Lin Qi finished speaking, he began to take off his clothes.

After taking off his shirt and pants, he took out the green phone bug that was always dozing off the phone in his pocket, and tapped the little guy’s forehead with his fingers.

“Boo!” Xiao Lu muttered dissatisfiedly, opened a hole in his forehead, and Lin Qi stuffed the clothes and pants in casually.

The Devil Fruit chips in Lynch’s hands now include three: Magnet Fruit, Gas Fruit and Castle Fruit. He keeps the Magnet Fruit in himself every day, the Gas Fruit is idle and he has no interest in using it, and the Castle Fruit Now it is stuffed inside Xiaolu’s body every day – the main purpose is to use it as a portable “space bag”, which is particularly easy to use.

His and Robin’s backpacks are now placed in Little Green’s Phone Bug Castle.

Lin Qi kicked off two more shoes and stuffed them into Xiao Lu’s mouth. He threw Xiao Lu aside and was caught by the dark ghost-like substitute and held in his hand.

“B.I.B” freed up his left hand, reached into the chest of the main body, and took out the magnetic fruit chip.


Robin waved goodbye one last time and approached the little green in “B.I.B”‘s hand. When he got close to the castle fruit covering on his body, he suddenly shrunk and fell into the hole of the castle.

The “big faces” of Sanda and Mary came close to the entrance of the castle and watched as the dark ghost grabbed the green phone bug and floated off the ground, flying several meters into the sky.

On the other hand, Lynch was shirtless, wearing only a pair of big pants, and shouted on the shore of Nine Snake Island: “Let’s go!”

After saying that, he jumped back, drew an arc in mid-air, and finally burst into the sea, exploding into white water waves several meters high.

The sea surface was calm for a moment, but there seemed to be torpedo missiles shuttled at high speed under the water. In the blink of an eye, the low humming sound rushed forward for dozens or hundreds of meters.

Soon, the calm sea surface in the distance was shattered, and huge waves jumped up. At a speed of more than ten meters per second, or even accelerating, the huge white waves continued to move into the distance. At first glance, it seemed that It’s like there are some ferocious sharks and sea beasts hunting in the water, it’s scary…

“Is he planning to swim out of the windless zone with his bare hands?” Marigrud exclaimed, “That’s too crazy!”

Sanda Sonia smiled and said: “But if it were Giorno, he could indeed do it!”

Hancock withdrew his gaze and looked above his head. The dark ghost hovering in mid-air was holding a green phone bug in his hand. Xu Lun was sitting by the castle portal on the forehead of the phone bug. A miniature version of her was waving to them…

The long and narrow eyes glowed with white light, and the structure of the mask could not express any expression. “B.I.B” held the little green and turned around and flew away, chasing the main body, heading towards the sea.

Everything is quiet…

There was no wind, even the water flow in the nearby river was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no sound of waves in the sea. Because there are no waves.

A bird song passed in the sky overhead, melodious and lonely.

Hancock shook his cloak and turned back, “Let’s go!”

“Oh!” The two younger sisters from Boya’s family hurriedly followed.


After flying at high speed over the sea, I felt the wind blowing against my face even though it was still a windless zone.

“B.I.B” is flying in the air. The white waves on the sea below are shocking. The main body plans to imitate Pluto Rayleigh and swim out of the windless zone with bare hands… After living in the windless zone for several years, which way is to the South China Sea and which way is Going to the first half of the Grand Route, they still know this common sense. As for physical strength, there is no need to worry. Even in the monster-filled One Piece world, the current physical strength of the main body definitely belongs to the upper part of the pyramid. It is just swimming, even if it swims non-stop for four or five days. It can’t drain his energy at all.

Swimming through the windless zone with bare hands is never a matter of physical strength.

Even driving a ship through windless waters has never been a problem without wind as power.

The biggest danger in the windless zone is the giant sea king species that inhabit this sea area!

Puff puff puff!

On the vast and calm sea, there were high waves stirred up by where Lin Qi swam. Suddenly, a shadow slowly appeared under the waves that were moving forward on the still sea.

The shadow continued to grow, becoming like a hill.

Huh? Lin Qi, who was shirtless and swimming happily, was keenly aware of the huge current rising under the water. Seeing and hearing Se Baqi also sensed a huge aura that quickly hit him.


A Neptune-type creature as huge as a hill broke through the sea surface. Compared with the seemingly huge water wave raised by Lynch, it was as small as a small white flower on the head of a big shark.

“What are you doing?”

On the broken sea surface, among the soaring waves, a figure like a black dot jumped high, stamping on the air under his feet, making a snapping sound.

Lin Qi looked at the huge sea king creature that was staring with its big head raised after breaking through the sea surface, and said dissatisfiedly: “I was swimming happily, who asked you to cause trouble?”

After saying that, he turned towards the sky and made a moon step with a “pop” sound, and stabbed down quickly. The moment he hit the head of the giant sea king, black domineering energy wrapped around his feet, and there was a loud “Bang!!!”, which was terrifying. The shock spread throughout the body of the giant sea king, and even the sea water around it burst out, rolling up huge waves.

“Roar~~~” A giant sea king of unknown species screamed in pain.

“Oh! The blood is quite thick!” Lin Qi laughed.

The giant sea king wanted him, but of course Lin Qi deftly avoided him with his moon steps, and kept jumping up, down, and hammering…

The sound of “bang”, “bang” and “bang” continued, the sea shook, the current surged wildly, and the big and small fish under the water fled in panic.

What happened? I don’t know, just run away and that’s it!

Not long after, the giant sea king type suffered a head injury and bloodshed. Although he was not dead, he was still afraid because he was still a child! Hurry and dive into the water, sinking deeper into the sea.

Where did this human come from? Why are they so cruel!

It’s really untouchable…

“Seeing as you are Poseidon’s younger brother, I will spare your life,” Lin Qi said to himself in mid-air while stepping on the moon steps, “otherwise, I won’t use my Lanjiao – Crescent Moon Chong to entertain you!”

The stand-in flew over with Xiao Lu in his arms. Lin Qi made an OK gesture to Robin at the hole in Xiao Lu’s forehead, then withdrew his moon step, and his whole body fell freely. With a pop, he gracefully entered the water again.


Lin Qi swam in the sea, pushing on the water with the strength of his moon-stepping feet. Every time he stepped on it, an astonishing thrust erupted, and he jumped out for tens of meters in the water, and passed two to three hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

When the fish scattered under the water discovered such a fierce human being, they escaped even more joyfully.

These ordinary fish are not as intelligent as the fishmen and mermaids, nor are they as intelligent as the large sea kings – the giant sea kings are intelligent races. They can think and know that the master they have been waiting for is the mermaid princess Poseidon. ―But they are also intelligent. At least they are intelligent enough to communicate with fishmen or mermaids, pass on information to them, and sometimes listen to the instructions of fishmen or mermaids to guide them in the direction.

Lynch is not interested in killing sea kings and fishing because he is not hungry now.

Soon, shocking white waves exploded on the sea surface of the windless zone, speeding straight towards the edge of the windless zone and the direction of the Grand Route on the other side.

Robin sat at the entrance of the castle fruit hole on Little Green’s head, following Lynch who was swimming at high speed, with a smile on his face.

After driving for a while, Robin didn’t know how long it had been before he saw a huge “monster” fluttering its wings in the sky nearby.


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