I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 3/3


 This is the last leave note of the month

 Gan, it’s only the 7th!



  I use the software Curtain to make outlines, and I find it quite easy to use. In a large list of files, I accidentally found the outline of the original version of this book. It can’t even be called an outline. It was just a list of some trivial thoughts and events when I was sorting out the pirate timeline. Looking back, it has been several years. It happened before, and the content has changed from what it is now, which is a bit emotional

Post a part of it, you can take a look if you are interested~

  10 years old 22 years ago


  12 years old 20 years ago


  13 years ago 19 years old


 18 years ago

 Red Hair (21) was scratched by Teach (22)

 17 years ago

 Saboais(5)Start Pirate Deposit

 Princess Otohime begins her speech and signs a joint letter

 16 years ago

 World Conference, Princess Otohime

 『Poseidon』White Star is Born

 Adventurer Fisher Tiger returns to Fishman Island

  Law (10) joins Dover (25)

 Shichibu Kaisha Crocodile (30), who was educated by Whitebeard, actively hunts down pirates to build his reputation

 15 years ago, 17 years old

  Fisher Tiger makes a fuss about Mary Joa to free the slaves

 The Sun Pirates were established, and Jinbei (31), Aaron (26) and others joined

  Virgo Undercover Navy

 The previous Emperor Nine Snakes was critically ill with lovesickness, and the previous emperor also died because of this. It is said that the man she met when she went to sea was named Rocks Djibek

  Hancock (16) is already the number one protector of the country and is expected to succeed the emperor. The Fishertag incident shocked the world. The three sisters remembered the picture book. Lynch (17) claimed that he had accidentally obtained it when he was a child. The fruit of my prophetic ability was accidentally thrown away

  Lynch (17) takes Nine Snakes Princess Robin (15) out to sea with the goal of unraveling the principle of the substitute’s ability

 Come to the Rommel Kingdom and get to know the young Cavendish and the wandering little painter Marianne (3)

 Lynch encounters the swordsman Hawkeye (29), who is looking for sword masters to challenge him all over the world

  Encountering the red-haired (25) group

 Just in time to catch up with Eagle Eye and Red Hair discussing swordsmanship, after the matter was over, Eagle Eye (29) decided to go to the New World, Red Hair (25) decided to go to the East China Sea, and Lin Qi (17) continued in the paradise

 As soon as I went out, I ran into the Sand Crocodile (31) who was arresting pirates all over the world to gain reputation. The Sand Crocodile was defeated

 14 years ago, 18 years old

 Shuidu Sea Train opens to traffic for the first time

 Come to Alabasta and encounter the Don Quixote family’s team promoting weapons and arms smuggling (rejected by Cobra)

 Princess Weiwei (4)

 Encounter with the Sun Pirates

 Come to the hometown of Bega Punk, the mechanism island of the Grand Line, and the future kingdom of Balkimoa

  Came to the Kingdom of Sikeal on Kraikana Island. It was a time of war. The baboons were very fierce. I encountered a CP9 werewolf and learned six moves by myself

 13 years ago, 19 years old

  Red Hair (26) Boat Stop at Windmill Town

 Sanji (8) leaves Germa

  Kawamatsu separated from Hiyori (13), got acquainted with Onimaru and started collecting weapons, and was later arrested and imprisoned

  Snake Princess (18) becomes the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates

 Corazon (26) was killed by Dover (28)

  Lynch (19) and Robin (17) came to Shampoo Land, but their legs and feet were not strong enough to kneel down (disguise in advance)

 Meet Pluto Rayleigh (65)

 Arrived at Fishman Island, Hawkeye (31) is already a Shichibukai, and Charlie (16) predicts that the two will board the ship of the person related to them; Princess Otohime is still working hard, Shirahoshi (3 ) has not yet been targeted by Vanderdeken IX

  Huahuaguo disguises herself as Otohime and takes her to visit Fishman Street, the twists of Hody Jones and others

  Instruct Princess Otohime to strengthen her domineering power and prevent assassination; Bai Xing mistakenly thought that Lynch was hurting the queen, and cried out to summon the giant sea king type (Lynch directed and acted, because Vanderdeken could not be found anywhere, This is the only way to solve hidden dangers in advance)

 Enter the new world, encountered the white dragon, accidentally killed the white group members, and was witnessed by Teach taking away the devil fruit’s substitute ability, as well as Robin’s true face (Blackbeard memorized the fruit illustration and recognized Huahua fruit)

 The white group came to take revenge and was rescued by the red-haired (27) group who entered the new world

  Defeated one of the previous Shichibukai, the captain of the JOJO Pirates, Kujo Xuren (Robin in disguise), and became the Shichibukai

 12 years ago, 20 years old

 Red Hair (27) Broken Arm

  The Sun Pirates picked up Kerra (11)

 A few weeks later, on Forchart Island, Kerla returned to her hometown

 Fisher Tiger died and Aaron was captured by Lieutenant General Kizaru (46)

 The shadow of the Broken Disk Woman in the West Sea was snatched away by Moria

 Encountered the Mingo group, trying to kill Kujo Xu Lun to free up a Shichibukai spot, the first confrontation between Lynch (20) and Dover (29)

  Encountering Card 2 (37), wearing armor has a slight advantage, but there is no winner

  Lynch (20) and Robin (18) came to the land of flowers and refused to have braids

 The treasure house of the country of flowers, “Thousands of Flowers”, the princess of flowers, peony, with every smile

The Kingdom of Flowers has technologies similar to the luxurious water of Sand Kingdom and the vicious medicine of Fish-Man Island. However, a certain emperor in history abolished the tradition of continuing the national treasure flowers and fruits in the country. Beautiful flowers should float in every place in the sea. In the corner, after practicing for more than half a year, he punched the eight-treasure navy green pepper with his body, and punched out the sharp end

 11 years ago, 21 years old

 Sanji (10), who left Germa, worked as a trainee chef on the Orbit passenger ship

 Obit passenger ship encounters the Red-footed Jeppuku Pirates

 The Aaron Pirates came to the East China Sea

 Robin (19) was kidnapped by the Big Mom Group, while Lynch (21) traveled to all countries alone

 The main body is slightly weaker than Ka Er (38), defeat it after wearing armor

 Taking off the armor on both arms, he quietly found the cell where Robin was imprisoned, took out her flower fruit core, and returned the right arm armor to the main body with the flower fruit core, and gave the core to the main body. In an instant, it was left on the left side in front of Robin. The arm armor used the shape-shaping ability of the flower fruit to create a sea-floor stone handcuff key to open the handcuffs, and immediately asked Robin to put on the left arm armor to escape. “Hey, boy Lynch, I heard that your boxing skills are not very powerful. Why are you today?” So weak? Mama Mama Mama…”

 The avatar was seriously injured by Auntie (58)’s soul fruit ability, and the armor-wearing function was damaged. It could only repair itself slowly, and the recovery of the main body could not be accelerated

 10 years ago, 22 years old

 Nami(10) joins Aaron(31)

 Princess Otohime was assassinated

  Hody Jones (20) stole the dangerous medicine ES from the national treasure Jade Box

  Vanderdeken IX began to harass the mermaid princess Shirahoshi

 Asura boy led a crowd to attack Ghost Island, and the entire army was wiped out

 Four train lines in Shuidu are completed

 CP5 Chief Spandam begins to investigate Hades

 Dover(31) rules Dressrosa

 Go to the Water City, hoping to understand the mystery of energy based on the design principles of Pluto in Tom’s hands

Blackbeard has prepared the Kailou Stone Black Cloth used to capture the fruit’s power. He informed the World Government of the Shichibukai “Kujo Xuren” that he is actually Robin, the son of the devil. Spandam and his son also recognized the flower fruit. Disguised Robin (20) and Lynch (22) killed Spandam. Before Spandam died, he informed the World Government that the Shichibukai Lynch’s deputy was the Son of the Devil

 In order to protect Robin during the siege of the Navy and Blackbeard (CP9/CP0 participated), he asked the avatar to send her away. He was captured by Lieutenant General Akainu (45) and imprisoned in the Impel Down City. “Come on , red dog!”

 With self-destructive tendencies, Robin came to Mary Joa in disguise, but passed safely


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