I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 245 You won’t trample him to death, right (three thousand words…)


A huge mace approached from behind and quickly hit them.

——The sights and sounds of the Nine Snakes warriors were either clear or blurry, and they all captured the sneak attack from behind.

The Nine Snake warriors, who were petite and more agile, dodged directly, but they also left the dark place.

“Who?!” the lazy pirates inside the abandoned factory exclaimed.

Marigrud flicked the snake bow, and it turned into a colorful snake wrapped around her arm. She planted her feet and turned around. Dense golden scales appeared on the sides of her cheeks and arms, and she raised her hands. The palm collided with the incoming mace with a “bang”.

“Idiot!” The attacker holding a huge mace was a strong pirate wearing a helmet. When he saw the woman in front of him, he dared to use a pair of fleshy palms to hit his mace. He almost laughed out loud. “My mace is…but…” His expression changed a little, and the arm holding the huge mace began to tremble, and he couldn’t hold it back!

The dark hands lifted up the huge mace, and the entire face was covered with golden snake scales, revealing a pair of dark golden vertical pupils, as cold as a snake.

“How is this possible…”

The mace pirate murmured, and was knocked over by a majestic force coming from under his weapon, sending him flying backwards. His body knocked over the other pirates.

“Dear sisters…”

Marigrud transformed into a golden human-shaped python, but it had muscular limbs, like four dragon arms made of gold. She crawled on the ground and scratched the hard masonry floor to crack it. . She smiled slightly and said, “Let’s start working!”

“She is the same as the vice-captain…an animal-type ability user!”

The Mace Pirate and his surrounding companions immediately screamed in horror when they saw this. At the same time, they also discovered that they and others had been targeted by many cold bows and arrows without knowing when.

“Damn it!”

The pirates drew their swords and other weapons.

The Nine Snake warriors kept a distance from them, wandering on the edge, and cooperated tacitly. You shot an arrow and I shot an arrow, and the arrows were all missed, and – no arrows shot at the same target!

And Marigrud spat out the letter, and every time she slapped her palm, a pirate was knocked away. With a sweep of her long snake tail, it was like an iron whip and whipped away the sneak attack pirate… Phantom Beast Species” The “Snake of Power” gave her amazing strength and bottomless physical strength. Fighting these pirates in close quarters was exactly what she wanted, and it was as enjoyable as mowing grass.

“This…monster! Captain, quickly, go find the captain!”

The pirate’s head was covered with blood, dragging his huge mace weapon backwards, and fled in panic, raising his neck and shouting in panic.

“Oh? Is your captain a very powerful guy?”

Around Marigrud, there were pirates lying on the ground. Some of them were knocked unconscious by her casual slap, and some had wooden arrows stuck in their bodies, or their bodies were mutilated…

She turned into a snake shape, swam in a meandering way, and quickly chased the mace pirate.

“That’s right! Our captain… is a big pirate with a bounty of 89 million!” The Mace Pirate yelled in fear, “It is absolutely impossible for you…”

Before he finished speaking, the golden snake had already caught up with him, and its dragon-claw-like palms pinched his neck.

“Ho ho…”

The mace pirate was pinched by the golden snake by the neck, his face turned red, and he made a whooshing sound from his mouth. He kept struggling, and the mace fell to the ground weakly with a clang.

“Don’t look down on me, this man from the sea.”

Marigrud’s face was filled with the coldness of a cold-blooded animal. She held up this guy whose struggling strength was getting weaker and weaker with one hand, and asked without looking back, “He just said that you…are a sea of ​​bounty.” The thief is here?”

“Well, I forgot about this too!” The tall figure standing behind Marigrud said slowly at some point, “How about asking him to say it again?”

While speaking, he had already raised the long knife, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and his wide eyes were full of madness, as if he wanted to split Mary and the pirate in her hand into two pieces.

“Mary, be careful!”

Someone among the Nine Snakes warriors took action decisively, took out the last arrow in his quiver, put it on the snake bow and shot it without hesitation – the arrow wrapped with armed domineering force flew towards Marig from the side at high speed. The tall figure behind Rude could only vaguely see the light of the sword raised by the tall figure flipping, followed by a “bang” explosion, and Nine Snakes’ domineering arrows exploded directly in the middle, shattering into pieces. Pieces of pieces fell to the ground.

“How come?!”

The Nine Snakes warriors collectively exclaimed.

Marigrud threw away the pirate in her hand and looked back solemnly at the person behind her. This was a tall, thin, not good-looking guy… who seemed to be a man.

“Captain of the Glacier Pirates?” Marigrud said in a deep voice, “You just used your Haki, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to destroy their arrows…”

“Domineering? What is that? I have never heard of it!”

The captain of the Glacier Pirates tightened the long sword in his hand. He glanced at the women in similar clothes not far away, “You are the one…what are you called? The Nine Snakes Pirates, Right? That idiot Effend tried to sneak away to Magnife Island behind my back…but was killed by you on the way? Hahaha, how ridiculous!”

“Captain, cough, cough, cough…” The pirate who was thrown away by Marigrud gasped for air and shouted on the ground, “Be careful, Captain! These women are very powerful!”

“Trash! Who do you think I am?”

The captain of the Glacier Pirates swung his sword, and in Marigrud’s surprised eyes, an arc-shaped sword flashed out, slashing the pirate on the ground until blood spurted out all over his body, and he died in the scream. There was movement. Marigrud was surprised and said: “You are really powerful! This move is very similar to Giorno’s move…”


The opponent’s knife has already struck. Majestic and unstoppable.

Marygrud’s eyes narrowed, and she relied on her domineering predictions to barely dodge the violent sword strikes one after another.

When there was no time to dodge, Mary could only cover her hands with a layer of black armed domineering, raised her palms to grab the blade that was coming across.

Bang! With a sound, the black palm grabbed the sharp long knife.

“There is indeed domineering power on his knife…” Marigrud secretly thought in her heart, the blade pressed against her black palm inch by inch, and the sharp blade almost cut through her real skin, “His strength , Isn’t that too exaggerated! Even my power snake…”

With a bang, Marigrud was slashed away by the opponent!

“Hahaha, too weak, too weak!”

The moment the two separated, the captain of the Glacier Pirates was laughing wildly as he prepared to give chase, but arrows shot through the air from all around.

“Get out of here!”

The leader of the Glacier Pirates swung his sword, and unexpectedly rolled up a turbulent stream of sword blades in front of him.

Countless small slashes were slashed out, colliding with those domineering arrows, detonating one after another in an instant, and exploding one after another.

“It’s too exaggerated…” the Nine Snakes warriors holding snake bows muttered to themselves.

The captain of the Glacier Pirates has already rushed over with his sword in hand.

His power is even difficult for Marigrud to resist, which shows how exaggerated it is!

“Too strong…”

“We are no match for him at all…”

After being approached by him, the Nine Snakes warriors who were good at domineering but not good at physical strength were immediately dispersed. They reluctantly strengthened their defense with their weapons and colors, so that they were not fatally wounded…

Soon, the captain of the Glacier Pirates held a long knife and walked step by step towards Marigrud who stood up again.

“You’re dead, you know?” He sneered.

“Maybe.” Marigrud glanced at the defeated and injured companions over there, “You are indeed very strong…” The whole person completely turned into a beast and turned into the color of golden power, raising it and covering it with black The armed and domineering palm showed no intention of giving in, and said solemnly, “We Nine Snakes have no warriors who retreat.”

“Then you have no choice but to be a dead warrior.” The captain of the Glacier Pirates raised his sword and struck Marigrud with one blow.

At this moment, there was a sudden “bang” explosion in the wall, and a big hole was opened. A black figure flew out of the big hole at high speed. It was a member of their pirate group. His face was covered with bruises and blood stains. He had already passed out. Unable to wake up, he crashed through the wall and flew straight this way, hitting the captain of the Glacier Pirates heavily and rolling to the ground together.

“Huh…” Marigrud quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She looked back and saw a familiar figure slowly walking over on the other side of the wall where a large hole had been broken, a dozen meters away. , looked in at the entrance of the cave, and said unexpectedly: “You guys seem to be miserable…”

“Giorno, be careful, he is very powerful…” Marigrud reminded.

At the big hole in the wall, Robin walked up and stood next to Lynch. Behind them, the panting twenty-eight-year-old man saw the situation inside and immediately panicked: “That’s… from the Glacier Pirates.” Captain, Pappu Sikru! The sea with a bounty of 89 million… is a big pirate…”

Lynch and Robin both looked at him, making him speechless.

“Eighty-nine million.” Lynch made a face at Robin. Robin shook his head helplessly. The bounty on her true identity, eight-year-old Nicole Robin, is 79 million Baileys…


With a bang, the captain of the Glacier Pirates threw away the subordinates who were pressing him, but saw the young man opposite him saying sincerely: “You can’t beat me, I advise you to come over quickly and let me kill you more happily… …”

“What did you say?!”

The captain of the Glacier Pirates was shocked and furious. He almost thought he had heard wrong. How dare this man be so arrogant.

At this time, he saw the other party, and even the golden snake-like woman, suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the roof.


The captain of the Glacier Pirates also raised his head, and the roof broke open with a “bang”. He didn’t see anything, he only felt a heat on the top of his head. When he felt the pain again, he found that he was lying on the ground without knowing it. On the ground, his whole body seemed to be broken… In a daze, he vaguely heard the familiar hateful voice saying: “I told him to come here quickly, but he refused to listen… Hancock, you won’t just kill him Was he trampled to death?”


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