I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 244 Human body enlargement experiment (make up for yesterday…)


In addition to seeing and hearing, he also has a quick gun.

Within sight, hearing and color, people will be quick.

The pirates suddenly appeared and shot at them from the rooftops on both sides of the street.

Everyone in Amazon Lily is a warrior, and those who are qualified to join the Nine Snakes Pirates are the best among the best in the country, the warriors among warriors.

Mastering the two-color domineering spirit is the minimum standard.

The trajectory and impact point of the bullet, this kind of mechanical attack, are easier to predict than humans.

As soon as the Nine Snake warriors on the street dodged the bullets, they immediately took out the wooden arrows in their quivers, stretched out their arms and pulled the bowstring into a crescent moon.

They cooperated tacitly and fought back immediately without hesitation.

The pirates on the roof screamed and laughed: “Haha, you are so lucky, there are so many beauties…!!”

Before they could act arrogantly, arrows pierced the air and screamed out, falling on the roof and exploding. Or the pirate who had no time to dodge was hit by an arrow, and half of his body was directly shattered.


The members of the Glacier Pirates were immediately frightened.

Because I heard that other pirates had landed on this island, the boss just sent them out to check. After discovering that it was a group of women as beautiful as flowers, everyone thought they had gotten a big deal. They just fired a sneak attack to scare these women, but in the blink of an eye, they were turned around and shot to death in an instant!

Why is this? What kind of monsters are these women? Why can’t they hit even one of them when they aim so accurately? Their weapons are just bows and arrows. Why are their destructive powers so exaggerated? !

The shot failed to hit, and it was impossible to rush past the ridiculously powerful arrows. The members of the Glacier Pirates quickly began to disperse and hid on the other side of the roof and disappeared.

“Don’t let them get away!”

The Nine Snake warriors jumped high and quickly jumped on in a tacit understanding, or pulled their companions to climb to the roof together, where they saw the pirates escaping in a hurry.

But they obviously can’t outrun Nine Snakes’ arrows.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The armed domineering energy wrapped around the arrow removes part of the air resistance, and the speed and range far exceed that of ordinary bows and arrows!

The pirates were shot down one by one.

The wooden arrow was aimed at the fleeing pirate at the front. Marigrud stretched out her hand to hold down her companion’s bow and arrow, “Let him escape…”

The Nine Snake warriors with their bows and arrows ready looked surprised, but Marigrud rubbed her fists, “He must be trying to escape back, right? Let’s follow him!”

“Oh oh oh oh!”

The martial and militant Nine Snakes warriors raised their snake bows in response, and jumped off the roof one after another. Together with Marigrud, they followed the scattered few who escaped under their arrows at a short distance. The pirates… The pirates who escaped at the critical moment burst out with unprecedented speed and endurance, and ran all the way back to the stronghold where their Glacier Pirates were currently stationed.

“You can really run…” Many of the Nine Snakes warriors gasped and gasped slightly.

Marigrud let out a breath, and after calming down, she and her companions looked at the dilapidated building ahead from a distance. It looked like an abandoned factory, like a steel fortress.

“What a great harvest!” the older Nine Snake warriors exclaimed in a low voice, “If we remove all the steel from this factory, how many weapons can we create?”

“Let’s go…”


“Ask you a question…”::

Lin Qi patted the old man sitting on the ground on the shoulder, “Your parents, the tyrant’s parents, and the ones you mentioned… the friends who used to eat free desserts and ice cream from the ice cream park when they were young… …”-

[Carrying firewood on his back, six-year-old Bartholomew Bear, wearing burlap clothes and holding a Bible in his hand, was walking and reading, passing by the ice cream park. A little civilian girl ran over, held up the ice cream and said with a sweet smile: “Your Highness! The ice cream is delicious, will you come and eat it too?” She said and held his hand. The little bear smiled gently and went with her to the ice cream park to get free desserts to eat. He and the little civilian girl looked at each other and smiled, and the laughter of children was everywhere. It tasted really good…】-

“Your parents are different from you. They are all the height of ordinary humans, right?” Lin Qi looked at the old man in front of him who was taller than himself –

[Outside the ice cream park, parents who had been busy at work for a day saw the innocent smiles of their children, and relief appeared on their tired faces. The eight-year-old Prince Bear gave the firewood he collected to a poor man passing by, and then returned to the palace with his escort…】-

“But you… have slowly grown to a size of three to four meters, or even five to six meters… Is that so?” Lin Qi said slowly, before his eyes flashed to the island, where Giant woman seen behind couple on sailing boat –

[“Your Highness! See you tomorrow~” The little civilian girl smiled cutely and wanted to hold her parents’ hands, but unexpectedly found that her parents’ hands had become lower and smaller. “Nina has grown up too! In a few years she will surpass mom and dad~” The parents just laughed and took the little girl home. The guard raised his head and looked at the prince who was only eleven years old and already two meters tall. He also secretly marveled in his heart, how tall will his highness be in the future? He won’t suddenly become a giant…】-

The old man raised his head, a little confused, and didn’t understand why he guessed such a thing.


He didn’t know why the young man in front of him suddenly said this.

In the world of One Piece, due to various reasons, height is not entirely related to genetic factors. It is also very common for people to be significantly different from their parents to a certain extent.

Therefore, although these children grew very tall and attracted some admiration, they did not attract much attention.

For example, the Monkey family. Garp and Dorag are both over two meters tall, with a standard “general figure.” However, Luffy was only 1.74 meters tall until he was almost an adult at the age of nineteen, which was very different from his father’s generation. obvious. But in the eyes of people in the One Piece world, this is not something particularly strange…

Lin Qi said slowly: “That’s right, then I probably understand. Why do tyrants become tyrants…”

In the comics, children controlled by Caesar Courant with candy containing addictive drugs will go crazy during withdrawal. In addition, it is very likely that the Yonko Aunt, who was also the subject of the human giantization experiment, also had symptoms similar to the giant children. That is, she would never stop destroying until she got what she wanted to eat, and even killed her own son. The terrible “thinking disorder” is true…

Humanity’s experiments on gigantism, the world government has been promoting similar research projects for hundreds of years, and even the entire scientific community, there are many people who are constantly trying to obtain this power. However, not everyone will use children as experimental subjects like Caesar…

“Damn! I feel so unhappy all of a sudden.”

Lin Qi bumped his fists on his chest, breathed hard, and spurted out two sharp arrow-like hot breaths from his nose, “Next time you see the navy, you must beat them up! This time, go ahead and kill them first Those pirates… Captain, let’s go.” He said, striding forward.

Robin followed him.

“Hey! Don’t be impulsive!” The twenty-eight-year-old man got up and hurriedly chased after him. “Those pirates are too powerful. You are just rushing to die…”


The Nine Snake warriors moved forward covertly and sneaked into this abandoned factory where pirates were entrenched.

With their domineering assistance and their tacit cooperation with each other, most of the wandering pirates cannot find them. A few who were alone were shot through the throat by an arrow and died in fear, unable to scream for help…

Quietly, the Nine Snake Warriors and the others eliminated the Glacier Pirates one by one in this abandoned factory.

“It’s easy!” In the darkness, a newly-joined member of the Nine Snakes Pirates laughed.

“Oh? What’s easy?”

A cold voice came from behind them, followed by an unstoppable force hitting them.


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