I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 243 Shorten it to less than twenty words!


【Twenty-six years ago, the Ice Cream Kingdom——】

[Through the beautifully decorated windows of the palace, Bartholomew Bear, dressed in luxurious clothes, quietly looked at the scenery outside the window, with guards and maids standing nearby. 】

[His Royal Highness, who was overlooking the town scenery through the window, suddenly said to himself: “It’s too far away…”]

[“What did you say?” The guard thought the prince was saying something to him. 】

[The little prince said in a childish voice: “This place is too far away from the people, I can’t see them clearly.”]

[The guard was surprised, looking at the five-year-old prince in front of him, and was speechless for a moment. 】

[“I’m going to find my father.” The precocious Prince Bear didn’t say much to the guards, he raised his short legs and ran towards where the king was. 】

[Ignoring the reminder from the maid outside the palace, Prince Xiong walked in and saw his father seemed to be discussing something with someone at the conference table. 】

[The gentle man, who looked more like a researcher than a government employee, stood up and said with a smile: “Well, Your Majesty, in that case, I will take my leave now. I hope that with your funding, the factory can be completed as soon as possible… …”]

[“The same goes for the charity you promised.” The king of the Ice Cream Kingdom nodded. 】

【”As you wish.” The researcher man bowed and retreated. When he passed by Bartholomew Bear, he bowed again and said, “Your Highness.”]

[Prince Bear maintained his demeanor, and after the man left, he quickly ran to the king, raised his head and said hopefully: “Father, I think…”]

[The king hugged Prince Bear and said, “What’s wrong, Mr. Future King?”]

[After hearing Prince Bear’s request, the king showed an unexpected expression. He looked at the only son in his arms very seriously for the first time, and laughed heartily: “My prince, at the age of five, you are already as good as the king. Thinking the same way! I’m proud of you.”

[Prince Bear smiled shyly. When leaving, he met a middle-aged woman at the door. He obediently saluted, “Grandma the Queen Mother…” and then left happily. 】

[The Queen Mother shook her head helplessly and went in to find the king. The maids closed the door, and the conversation between the king and the queen mother came from the slowly closed crack of the door. They were vaguely talking about the name that often appeared on the newspaper headlines in recent years, the Roger Hai who was the all-powerful man on the Grand Line. Thieves…]

[Taking off his luxurious princely clothes, the five-year-old Bartholomew Bear put on a coarse shirt and trousers. In the eyes of the maids who almost fainted, he shaved off all his hair. Only the hard stubble was left, revealing the green scalp… Prince Bear nodded with satisfaction, strictly ordered the guards not to come near, and left the palace alone and entered the royal city. 】

[Stepping on the familiar yet unfamiliar streets of the Royal City, the bustling atmosphere of the city filled his eyes. Prince Bear was excited and curious. 】

[A dozen meters behind him, several guards followed furtively…]


“The story begins twenty-six years ago. On that day, His Royal Highness, who was only five years old, appeared on the streets of the royal city wearing civilian clothes…”

The old man, who was even taller than Lynch, was telling stories to himself, “Experiencing the life of common people went incredibly smoothly. His Highness the Prince was proud for a while before he discovered that his identity had been discovered by the people a long time ago, and The guards from the palace have always followed and protected him… He has never experienced the life of a truly ordinary civilian in the Ice Cream Kingdom. His Royal Highness was deeply ashamed of this and returned to the palace in a depressed mood. He stayed behind closed doors until a month later, when he appeared in the royal city again, no longer hiding his identity as a prince, nor refusing to let the guards follow him… At that time, an ordinary civilian asked him, “How do you do this?” It is difficult to experience the life of a real ordinary civilian. His Royal Highness smiled and replied, then he would try to experience the life of the most difficult poor people. Maybe a compromise would be just right? I travel between the palace and various towns on the island every day. I have never been in a royal carriage. I always walk on my own. I go into the mountains with the woodcutters to collect firewood every day, and watch the fishermen fishing on the coast…”

The old man followed the two of them, recalling the past stories of this land in a vicissitudes of tone.

Robin listened attentively, but Lynch basically went in one ear and out the other. His head hurt from the old man’s endless chatter, and he interrupted directly: “Too many! You don’t plan to start from twenty. Six years ago, when the prince was five years old, he kept talking until fourteen years ago when he became a tyrant and fell into the sea as a thief, right? Please shorten the memory to less than twenty words!”


Hearing this title, the old man suddenly became excited and shouted: “You are not allowed to call him by this name! He is not a tyrant!”

“It is recorded in the book that fourteen years ago, the king of the Ice Cream Kingdom, Bartholomew Bear—the prince you just recalled—suddenly became mad and violently conquered the navy and invaders. He destroyed his own pirates together, even destroyed his own country and harmed his own citizens…” Robin said calmly, “Or, in the eyes of you who witnessed it, is this record untrue? ”

The old man opened his mouth but made no sound.

Lin Qi was surprised: “It turns out he really did such a thing…”

Robin said: “In other words, Bartholomew Bear did kill the navy, pirates and citizens of the Ice Cream Kingdom. Since this part of history is true, the credibility of the other record has also been increased… “Robin clearly remembered the content of the book introducing the Ice Cream Kingdom that he read on the ship. “Eighteen years ago, after the king died unexpectedly, the thirteen-year-old prince succeeded to the throne. On the day of the enthronement ceremony, One day, the young new king went crazy and lost control in public, causing immeasurable death, injury and destruction…”

The twenty-eight-year-old man looked frustrated. Every time he listened to another sentence, he became more depressed. He murmured: “That’s… that’s for a reason! The king… the prince… he is actually He is such a gentle person… It’s all because of ice cream, because of Ice Cream Paradise!”

The old man became excited, his eyes suddenly turned red, he coughed and gasped violently.

Robin was a little confused.

Lin Qi suddenly frowned, looked at B.I.B beside him, and thought of a possibility.

The old man glanced at the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of him, scratched his withered grass-like hair, smiled bitterly and sighed: “Do you know? I am really twenty-eight years old! Fifteen years ago, I also… He went crazy! It was the prince…it was the king who took the initiative to suppress the commotion and took the blame on himself…”


Marigrud and other Nine Snake warriors were walking in another desolate and uninhabited town.

Suddenly, the snakes wrapped around everyone’s arms all raised their heads and hissed.

The Nine Snakes warriors quickly entered a state of alert. Marigrud and several experienced female warriors calmly and calmly used their Haki, and suddenly looked up toward the roof.

Bang! boom! boom!

A flash of fire lit up on the roof, and several bullets ripped through the air and shot toward the Nine Snake female warriors on the road.


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