I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 242 The worst possible outcome is to start over again


Hancock stopped immediately.

She leaned over and looked at the little girl with long green wavy hair in front of her, and said in disbelief: “You are… Sanda?!”

The “little girl” in front of me responded: “It’s me, sister.”

Hancock was a little dizzy at the time.

How come my fifteen-year-old sister, who was only 1.9 meters tall just now, shrunk in half in the blink of an eye and turned into a girl of how many years old? !

“What just happened?”

Hancock’s beautiful eyes immediately condensed, his eyes became sharp, and his domineering aura overflowed almost instinctively!

Of course her overbearing color is not to deal with Sanda, but to sweep the surrounding space in a wide range.

Sanda’s body suddenly shrank. Such a strange thing must be related to the Devil Fruit! In other words, there are enemies here.

Sanda said: “I’m not sure… I just met an old woman nearby, and she touched me like this. When I came back to my senses, I looked like this…”

“Old lady?”

Hancock frowned. Sanda’s words further confirmed her guess. That person must be a devil fruit user. He used the ability to make Sanda look like a young man.

At this moment, Hancock’s sight captured the fleeting figure.

“Over there!”

Hancock’s expression sank and he chased after him without any hesitation.

The long pink hair swayed, and a beautiful figure flashed in front of the gate, and hurried out of the palace before Hancock could catch up.

Sanda’s call came from far behind: “Sister…”

Hancock stopped in surprise and looked back.

My younger sister, who was not weak in strength, actually lagged far behind. She slowly caught up, looking like she was having a hard time.

“Huh…huh…” Sundar Sonia panted and wiped her sweat. After she realized her physical strength problem, she was as shocked as Hancock. She couldn’t accept it and watched as she became as soft as real. The little girl’s little hand, “How…how could I do this?”

Touching her face and pinching her body, Sandasonia couldn’t believe that in the blink of an eye, her whole body seemed to have returned to her childhood state intact.

Not only his appearance, but his physical strength has also dropped back to that of his childhood.

Sundasonia apologized: “I’m sorry, sister… I have become a burden to you!”


Hancock was silent.

This is an island with pirates. There is no way Hancock would leave Sanda in this state and run after the escaped guy alone.

However, Hancock was not angry.

She is indeed used to being arrogant.

But this “person” usually refers to someone she doesn’t care about. And it just so happened that there weren’t many people she really cared about.

But his biological sister is obviously one of the people Hancock really cares about.

She didn’t explain, she just put one hand on her waist and asked, “See how the Devil Fruit is doing?”

“By the way, my fantasy beast species!” Sanda Sonia reminded her, and with a thought, dense green scales appeared on the edge of her cheeks, and a pair of thin wings immediately spread out on her shoulders behind her back. Although this pair The size of her wings has also shrunk a lot along with her body, but at least the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit is still there, which makes people breathe a sigh of relief, “It’s still there…”

It would be very frustrating if your Devil Fruit also disappeared due to inexplicable changes in your body.

Hancock nodded and said calmly: “In this case, even if we can’t find the dead old woman who made you smaller and let her change you back… the worst case scenario is to start all over again. It’s not a big deal if you just grow up again at this age!”

Sanda Sonia was moved in her heart. It is not easy for her eldest sister to say such comforting words.

She muttered: “I will be laughed at by Mary… Then wouldn’t I become the youngest?”

Imagining the scene of the third sister laughing and lifting herself up high, Sandasonia quickly shook her head, unfolded the wings of the flying snake, and soared into the sky in the palace–she became so small that she became even taller. I can also use my wings indoors, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing… However, with Sanda’s current physical strength, it’s not realistic to rely on the power of these wings to catch up with the escaped person.

And even if she flew to catch up with him, she would probably be delivering food.

Hancock stretched out his hand to catch his sister who was gliding at low altitude, grabbed her by the back collar, and rushed out of the palace. He stood on a high place and looked down at the desolate and ruined royal city below.

“Don’t worry, she can’t run away.”

Where in the world are there so many flying abilities? Hancock didn’t think that while the other party had the strange ability to shrink people, he also had the ability to fly.

In this case, Hancock will not let her go as long as she is on this island!

Hancock jumped down from the palace with Sundar Sonia in hand.


In the dilapidated and desolate alley of the royal city, the woman with long pink hair turned back and glanced in the direction of the palace above, and was immediately surprised.

Seeing that the tall and beautiful figure carrying a little girl jumped down, obviously chasing her… Bonnie murmured: “It’s so beautiful… Bah, bah, bah! Damn it, it’s so It’s difficult to deal with, do you still want to chase me? In that case…”

She pressed the brim of her hat and quietly slipped out of the city.


〖Weedy outskirts——〗

The twenty-eight-year-old man didn’t seem to believe that Lynch and Robin were pirates.

Just now, he suddenly jumped out to attack. These two people had an overwhelming strength advantage, but they only stopped and did not do anything excessive, which made him believe that these two people were not bad people.


Hearing this, Lin Qi punched the twenty-eight-year-old man in front of him on the head, blew on his smoking fist, “What about this?”

“It hurts…” The old man was knocked to the ground, with a big bump on his head and tears streaming down his face.

Robin looked at Lynch, “We don’t have to prove that we are pirates, right?”

Lin Qi said: “Yes, but I always felt that this guy deserved a beating, so I beat him up.”

The old man covered his head and complained: “This is too casual! It’s too much… Sigh, in short, you are not bad people who want to harm this country. I already understand this.”

“Although your evaluation of me makes me very unhappy, I can’t find a reason to refute it.” Lynch nodded, “Then, what do you want to do?”

The twenty-eight-year-old man showed determination, “I want to drive all the pirates out of this country!”

He looked in another [Literature Hall www.wxguan.xyz] direction.

Robin recognized that it was the direction she and Lynch were going. It was the place where Lynch’s knowledge and perception revealed that the Glacier Pirates were entrenched.

“Stop? You will be killed.”

Lin Qi persuaded him perfunctorily.

The old man lowered his head and clenched his fists, and said in a deep tone: “I have something that I must protect…this country, and there are people worth waiting for…”

He talked to himself touchingly for a long time, but there was no response from anyone around him.

The old man looked up and saw that the young man and the beautiful girl had left side by side, walking and chatting for a long distance. The direction they were heading was exactly the place he wanted to protect until his death.

“Hey! Don’t ignore me!”

The old man jumped and hurriedly followed.

While running to keep up with Lynch and Robin, the old man panted slightly, looked at the two of them, and suddenly said: “Young man, how about I tell you a story?”

“You are twenty-eight, and you call me a young man?” Lynch was dissatisfied.

Robin thought to himself, aren’t you only sixteen years old?

“A long time ago, there was a young prince on this island. He was of noble birth, but he practiced hard and self-restrained at a very young age, and was considerate of the lives of the people…” The old man seemed not to have heard Lin Qi’s complaint. , minding his own business and telling stories.


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