I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 223 @@@


On the coast of Sebo Island, Nine Snakes’ red ship slowly set sail.

On the shore, the people of the Kingdom of Turin waved goodbye, and giant birds stood behind them, spreading their wings and singing softly.

“People in the outer sea are really interesting.”

On the deck, the women of Nine Snakes were smiling. This trip had harvested many valuable herbs and plant seeds, which could be brought back to Nine Snakes Island for cultivation.

“It just doesn’t look good…” A girl warrior muttered to herself, laughing with her companions. When Hancock appeared, they quickly put away their playful attitude, straightened their backs, and stared obsessively at Hancock’s tall back.

Hancock found Giorno and Xu Lun on the stern deck. The two seemed to be blowing the wind.

Lynch was about to re-insert the gas fruit chip into his body, but stopped when he saw Hancock approaching. B.I.B silently placed the gas fruit chip back in the reactor on his chest for storage.

Xu Lun seemed to be in a daze and did not notice Hancock approaching.

Hancock took a closer look at her face. Xu Lun’s face was actually covered by a dark shadow… Hancock looked at Giorno’s side, and his ghost’s face became extremely blurry, as if a piece was missing.

What is this doing?

Hancock was confused.

Of course she had known for a long time that Giorno’s ghost could be worn like armor. In the past, Xu Lun wore ghost armor to fight with her. As for Xu Lun, who is wearing armor, her strength is not inferior to Giorno himself… But, what’s the use of just wearing a mask…

“What are the fur tribe?” Hancock asked casually, leaning against the stern railing, “The Lindbergh they are talking about…is a cat that can only speak human language?”

“Yes, a talking cat. Or a human who looks like a cat?”

According to the indigenous people on the island, about ten years ago, a young technology maniac named Lindbergh came to their island… The reason is simple. He was just passing by and was attracted by the giant tree on the island. Attracted, he wanted to land on the island to replenish supplies, but he was attacked by them on the island… Lindbergh was not angry but happy. He was very interested in the weapons technology of the Kingdom of Torino and landed on the island. I stayed there for almost a year and read through all the technical books in the library on the island before I left happily.

The reason why these people from the Kingdom of Turin let him go ashore and allowed him to stay temporarily is very simple… After Lindbergh was attacked by them, he copied their weapons and made improvements in the blink of an eye…

The missile guns used by the people of the Kingdom of Torino to attack Nine Snakes and the others are the weapons Lindbergh designed for them after he completed his studies…

Lin Qi took a sniff, and found that Hancock’s soft and wild scent was completely different from Robin’s faint floral scent.

“The fur tribe is pretty clear just by hearing the name, right? They are just cats, dogs, rabbits, lions, wolves, monkeys, and the like, guys with long hair… They give themselves names. They are called fur tribe. If you ask me, they can be combined with those fish in the sea and be called animal people…”

“It looks like fish in the sea…you mean the fish people?” Hancock was surprised. Unlike the fur people, who mostly live in seclusion in Zuowu, the New World, the fish people are much more famous around the world. Even those who have never seen a living fish-man in their life, and even a girl like Hancock who lives in the inaccessible windless zone of Nine Snakes, have heard of the name of a fish-man.

However, she curled her lips and said with disgust: “That kind of thing must smell like fish all over the body…”

“Racial discrimination is not good!” Lynch gave Hancock a stern look. The latter seemed to realize something, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, or should I say, expectation?

Looking for a random excuse, Lin Qi stretched out his hand. The visor on Robin’s face glanced at him, and the left arm armor on his body clicked away, floating into the main body’s hand.

Lynch shook his hands. His movements were not fast, and his intentions were obvious, but… Hancock just pretended not to react, and let Lynch stab his arm into her chest and pull out the small snake covered with whirlpools from her body. The Medusa Phantasmal Beast Chip… Hancock pursed his lips and stared at him, his face turned red little by little, and he gritted his teeth in shame and said: “Don’t… here!”

Hey, don’t you pretend? Lynch turned a blind eye and listened without hearing. After he put the Medusa chip into his body leisurely, his black hair turned into snake hair and began to dance… The cold and slippery tentacles, oh, the cold and slippery snake head, accidentally rubbed against Robin. cheek. A snake hair hissed out and bit Hancock’s earlobe, injecting stone heart poison…

Hancock let out an uncontrollable snort in his throat. She had no idea how lethal her current demeanor would be with this kind of voice…

Lin Qi waved his hand and ordered: “Slowly walk to the bow of the ship, step on the head of the tugboat snake and jump back and forth fifty times, and then walk back slowly.”

Hancock’s body was normal, but his mind had been controlled by the gorgon poison, and he was “petrified” into the shape of Lynch. After hearing this, she immediately turned around uncontrollably and walked gracefully towards the bow of the ship step by step. .

Guess he was sensible and didn’t let me do strange things outside… Hancock secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This feeling of losing control of her body and moving on her own… reminded her once again of the horrific experience of almost being abducted by slave traders four years ago… At that time, if Giorno hadn’t done anything to her, She really didn’t dare to imagine what kind of end she would end up in…

Hancock didn’t look sideways, slowly walked towards the bow of the ship, and jumped on top of one of the tugboat snakes with a slight leap.

“What is Master Hancock doing…”

“What’s wrong with her…”

The female warriors on the deck found Hancock jumping back and forth above the two big snakes, and couldn’t help but look at each other in confusion.

Sanda Sonia and Marigrud also had blank faces, very puzzled by their sister’s confusing behavior. Is this some special cultivation method?


After sending Hancock away, Lin Qi took a long breath and cursed in a low voice: “This is too hard to bear…”

A rubber band was handed to him.

Lynch took it, turned around and asked: “What is this for?”

Robin said: “Your hair has grown too, so tie it up.”

As she said that, she took back the rubber band, held Lynch’s mid-length messy hair with both hands, combed it back with her palms, held it tightly at the back of her head and pulled it up, snap, and tied it with the rubber band. Bundle into a bun.

Robin looked at it for a while, then took out two strands of black hair from both sides of the hairline, and naturally fell on Lynch’s cheeks.

She nodded with satisfaction, raised her hand and patted Lin Qi’s forehead, “These two strands are enough to use snake hair.”

Lin Qi smiled and said: “I thought you were going to get me a @@@…”


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