I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 221 seeds, books


“Is that so rude?”

When the fire from the missile explosion dissipated, Lynch patted his mid-length, messy Rayleigh-style hair that was a little blackened by the fire.

His horrifying performance not only frightened the fat black natives to raise their guns and retreat, but also the giant birds, who knew the power of these missiles, also made their feathers tremble in fear.

Is this really a human being?

Is his body made of steel? !

Lin Qi yawned and smiled slightly, “Who bombed me just now?”

After hearing this, all the fat black natives swallowed their saliva and took a step back.


The Nine Snakes pirate ship slowly docked.

Hancock buttoned up his clothes, walked out of the cabin, and said impatiently: “Why is it so noisy outside?”

When I saw the island in front of me, I suddenly understood that I had arrived at my destination.

“When we approached here just now, the giant strange birds and human residents on the island immediately attacked us…” Soon a female warrior came to explain to Hancock and said with a smile, “Thanks to Xu Princess Lun, and Giorno, otherwise it would be really dangerous…the feathers and bodies of those strange birds can’t even be killed by domineering arrows…and those strange missiles…”

“Okay, let’s go ashore.” Hancock interrupted her and walked straight to the bow of the ship. The two big snakes immediately lowered their heads respectfully and allowed Hancock to step on them and walk to the shore step by step.

The female warriors were busy on the deck. After dropping the anchor, some of them stayed on the ship, while others disembarked with Hancock and Princess Xu Lun.

Robin followed Hancock as he walked in the forest. At the same time, she used the power of the flower fruit to climb layer by layer on the most eye-catching tall tree on the island. It blooms upward and grows eyes one by one.

“There are many plants on the tree that I have never seen before…”

Robin’s flower eyes bloomed in the treetops, observing the wonderful scenery on the trees.

Suddenly, she saw a young bird chirping in the huge bird’s nest. It seemed that it accidentally flipped out of the nest and fell whining.

Following Hancock, everyone quickly found Lynch’s location in the forest.

He was sitting leisurely on the back of one of the giant birds, playing with a high-tech missile gun in his hand.

The fat black natives took out the herbs they had with them to heal the injured giant birds.

At the same time, each of them had a bump on their head, hissing pain, and needed medication.

The giant birds were wary of these humans, and of course they did not want them to touch them. However, the even more terrifying humans were watching eagerly, but they did not dare to resist at all.

“Look, why bother fighting and killing? Is there anything that we can’t just sit down and talk about in peace?”

Lynch played with the high-tech missile gun in his hand for a while, then threw it towards Hancock and the others.

The female warriors of Nine Snakes were startled. Hancock caught it casually, took a look at it, and asked doubtfully: “Is this the harvest you said?”

The female warriors explained the power of this thing to her. Hancock glanced at Lynch and nodded: “Not bad!”

For her personally, this thing may not be as powerful as her armed domineering arrows.

But for Nine Snake Island as a whole… although all their citizens are warriors, not all citizens can master Haki. Even for the warriors who have mastered Haki, some of their Haki is exhausted in battle. At that time, if there is a similar missile gun as an auxiliary weapon, it would be a good supplement.

When the black and fat natives saw this group of gorgeous Nine Snake female warriors, their eyes had already turned red.

Especially when they saw Hancock, this being who simply exceeded their understanding of beauty… Poof, a fat, dark uncle rolled his eyes and fainted with happiness.

The female warriors of Nine Snakes let out a low chuckle.

Hancock was completely uninterested in any of this, and suddenly looked towards the hillside not far away. There was a sound from the back of the slope, and soon, another group of black and fat natives rushed over menacingly with weapons raised.

“Anyone else in the Kingdom of Torino?” the middle-aged female warrior whispered, holding onto her sword tightly.

At this time, there was also a strange quacking sound above everyone’s heads. When they looked up, they saw another group of giant birds flying from a distance. It seemed that they were not on the island originally. When they came back, they found that their friends had been bullied by humans into this state. Giant birds The birds all became angry.

Under Lynch’s seat, a giant bird with herbs and bandages on its body wanted to raise its head and shout.

Lynch smiled at Hancock and said, “It’s time for you to perform, my Lady.”

Originally, the names that seemed so natural to her, such as those Amazon Lily female warriors, didn’t seem like anything to her. However, after hearing this, Hancock suddenly pursed his lips and glared at Lynch with shyness and annoyance.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing aura swept out of Hancock’s body.

“Oh oh oh oh oh… uh…” The fat black natives who rushed over from the hillside suddenly turned their eyes white and foamed at the mouth. He landed and fell to the ground.

“Quack-quack?” The giant birds that swooped in also suddenly squawked, their giant beaks filled with white foam, and they fell down one by one, fluttering and falling to the ground like rain.

The overlord color is domineering!

Robin looked at the others. Under Hancock’s deliberate control, her overbearing color was only directed at the giant bird swooping in the sky, as well as another group of black and fat natives, the Nine Snake warriors and Lynch. The giant birds and natives that were defeated were not affected.

Recalling Lin Qi’s guess about the color of the Overlord, she thought thoughtfully and stretched out her hand. The baby bird she caught in mid-air was carried from the tree trunk to the ground, and the hands of flowers stretched here. , has been delivered to her hands.

“Chirp…” the baby bird cried in Robin’s hand, and soon the injured giant bird under Lynch’s seat also cried.

“Is it your child?”

Lynch jumped down to the ground, and Robin sent the chick to the giant bird. The big heads of the young bird and the giant bird rubbed against each other and chirped softly.

Other giant birds that were injured and being treated should also chirp in response.

The giant bird, stunned by the overbearing color, and another group of black and fat natives woke up in a daze. Seeing the scene in front of them of humans and birds living in harmony, they were all stunned for a while.

“Look, how wonderful it is to live in peace?”

Lin Qi put his hands on his hands and said with a smile, “So, we should also receive some reward, right…”


Although, among Lynch and his group, there is no cat talent like Chopper who can master both human and animal languages.


Lynch knew in advance what the conflict between humans and birds was on this island. It was simply that the fat black natives wanted to pick those special plants on the tall trees to make herbal medicine, while the giant birds living in the trees wanted to Mistakenly thinking that these humans are just like the bad guys who drove them out of their hometown in the past, wanting to steal their eggs and harm their companions… Lynch also doesn’t understand. The animals in One Piece are so much more humane. Why has the misunderstanding between people and animals on this island lasted for so many years?

In addition, although there is no Chopper, the women of Nine Snakes all keep snakes.

The pet snake they have raised since childhood can be said to be connected with them. When they need to fight, as soon as they touch it with their little hands, the pet snake will immediately understand, tense up its body and turn into a snake bow… Although they cannot speak human language, they can communicate with animals. After listening to his master’s words, Hancock’s pet snake Salome swam up to the giant birds and spat out “hiss, hiss, hiss” for a while, while the giant birds screamed “quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. Knowing how they communicate, in short, soon, the misunderstanding between the giant birds and the fat black natives of the Kingdom of Turin was resolved and the old feud was settled.

In return, the giant birds allowed humans to climb the trees and pick plants at will. There’s no need for them anyway.

Hancock was not polite and ordered the female warriors to follow the local indigenous people to collect plant seeds, sort them into categories, and prepare to take them back to Nine Snakes Island for cultivation.

The simple black and fat natives of the Kingdom of Turin warmly invited them to be their guests.

Hancock was not interested in the food here, so he followed Lynch and Robin, led by locals, into a huge library.

“There are tens of thousands of books in the collection… Even if you don’t read technical books and only read medical books, it’s impossible to read them all in a short time…” the black fat tour guide kindly reminded, “even the top It would take at least three or four years for a doctor to read through tens of thousands of these professional medical books! ”


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