I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 219 Kingdom of Torino


Robin’s half-flower clone pointed over there. The red ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates was only a distant shadow as big as a palm.

“I know.” Lynch rubbed half of Robin’s flower clone’s head with a giant feather, messing up her bun hairstyle. The flower clone scattered into petals on the ground and floated in the wind.

Lin Qi jumped up on the spot, making a series of explosions in the air. His strong figure of two meters was as light as a piece of paper in the air, and he quickly chased the Nine Snake Tower Ship in the distance.


“Lord Hancock, this country on Cyber ​​Island is a non-member of the World Government…”

The middle-aged female warrior hesitated slightly.

Kuji is a pirate, a pirate, a pirate, and he does business on the sea.

Robbing merchant ships and fighting with other pirate groups are basically done at sea.

When docking on an island in a country that is a member of the World Government, the more arrogant pirate groups will dock directly, harass and loot the coastal villages and towns and then run away; the more low-key ones will hide their pirate ships on remote shores and go ashore. After that, they acted secretly, did not make any big noise, and stayed away from the navy; the pirates invaded land towns and even island inland kingdoms, mainly targeting non-franchised countries that did not have the protection of the world government. Therefore, almost every non-franchised country, They are all war-torn places where pirates and demons dance wildly.


“This Cyber ​​Island is very small, but its people are strong, so even though it is a non-franchised country, pirates are rarely willing to get close. If we dock on this island, the price we pay will most likely exceed ours. What can be gained…”

“How about going and taking a look?” Lin Qi didn’t know when he came to the two of them. He swept the Cyber ​​Island with the giant bright feather in his hand and said with a smile, “I can help too. Oh, you may not have to pay a price! And the harvest… may be far beyond expectations.” The feather swept across the sea map, and the name of the country marked on the small island was: Kingdom of Torino.

It was in the “two years” that Chopper, who was shot away by a big bear, came to the island to study medical skills!

“Giorno, only Lord Hancock can decide the course of this ship.”

Although Lynch is the only popular man in the entire Nine Snakes, but he intervened in such a big way, the middle-aged female warrior still looked a little unsatisfied, but thinking about a proud person like Lord Hancock, he should not Will…

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Hancock stuffing the chart into her arms and saying calmly: “Let’s go to this Cyber ​​Island.”

The middle-aged female warrior opened her mouth in surprise and said blankly: “Oh, okay…” and left with the chart.

Hancock watched the middle-aged female warrior holding a compass and chart, walking to the bow of the ship and saying something to the two big snakes pulling the ship. She felt an inexplicable warmth rush to her cheeks and spread to her earlobes. , neck, and continued downward… The body of a warrior who had been tempered for thousands of years was finding it difficult to stand at this moment. When she turned her head, she met Lin Qi’s eyes with her arms folded.

“Is it necessary to be so shy?” Lynch touched his chin, “I won’t laugh at you…”

Just kidding, what weird hobbies have you not come across on the Internet in your last life? Hancock’s interests and hobbies, although a bit surprising, are not enough to make Lynch look at him differently.

“I don’t know what you are talking about!” The blush on Hancock’s face seemed to spread to his eyes, “I’m going to rest, don’t bother me again!”

After that, he walked away on the deck in high heels.

The female warriors scattered on the boat, one or two, glanced towards them from time to time.

The way Giorno walked back to the ship in the air just now opened the eyes of many female warriors who had never seen similar moves. He was so handsome and made people’s hearts beat.

Sanda Sonia and Marigrud are very confused. Isn’t the relationship between their sister and Giorno very good? Was there a quarrel?

“If this was revealed, she probably wouldn’t let herself do this.” Robin walked over and glanced at Hancock who entered the cabin.

Lin Qi said: “So every time she has to pretend that she doesn’t know that you take the Medusa Fruit to control her? Just like today, she also pretends that she doesn’t know that you deliberately stir up trouble just to let me take it. Taking her Medusa fruit and then controlling her? Isn’t this self-deception?”

Robin pulled back his long hair in the wind, “Whether the window paper is torn or not, it makes a big difference.”

“It’s really… incomprehensible!” Lynch shook his head and raised his hand to ruffle Robin’s long hair, “Is your hair too long?”

Robin touched his hair and said, “Is it long? Then cut it off.”


Wow… Two big snakes dragged the red boat slowly towards an island.

Even far away, you can see the unique structure of the island.

It is just a small island with a diameter of one to two hundred meters, but in the center stands a large tree hundreds of meters high.

On the branches separated from the top and bottom of the tree trunk, there are clusters of black shadows, probably bird’s nests, and the figures of huge birds can be seen entangled in the tree.

“Torino means bird in the South China Sea.” An experienced member of the Nine Snakes Pirates has been to the South China Sea many times.

“So it’s a country of birds?”

“It’s so weird!”

“It is said that humans also exist, but they seem to be ruled by those giant birds…”

The female warriors on the deck were talking a lot.

The Nine Snakes pirate ship is getting closer and closer to the Sebo Island. The giant birds sitting on the huge nests on the big trees hundreds of meters high seem to be aware of the red building boats approaching here on the sea. They spread their wide wings one after another and screamed loudly, “Quack–” “Quack–” “Chirp–” “Chirp–“…

Soon, the entire island’s hundreds of meters of trees were filled with the cries of giant birds, and even the young birds in the nests were raising their heads in agreement.

“Has it been discovered?”

“They don’t seem to welcome us…”

On the Nine Snakes ship, Sandasonia and the other female warriors directly held their respective snake bows or pressed them on the hilts of their swords, ready to fight.

Do you think we are bad guys here to steal their eggs? Lin Qi had a mecha headset plugged into his ears, and a virtual screen unfolded in front of his eyes. What was on the screen was Chapter 591 of the One Piece comic that was retrieved from B.I.B’s memory. After Chopper communicated with both sides, the birds and humans who had been at war on the island finally settled their differences. The reason why those giant birds are hostile to humans is that they think that these people, like the bad guys who once drove them away from their homes, covet their eggs and harm their companions. Obviously, these giant birds not only have this view towards the humans living on the island, but also have the same hostility towards anyone who comes near here.

“What’s the sound?” Robin suddenly asked.

The Nine Snake warriors on the deck who were ready for battle were startled, and suddenly Sandasonia shouted: “That’s…”

A black line flew out from the island and flew diagonally towards them.

The newly boarded female warriors exclaimed: “What a huge arrow! Why is the tail still on fire?”

If you want to shoot a rocket, you should ignite the arrow, right?


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