I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 218 Do you believe in gravity, Lynch


After Hancock was controlled by Medusa’s stone heart toxin, deep down in her heart, she was not very resistant, and she even liked the experience?

The so-called secret that Robin whispered in his ear confused Lynch.

Lynch frowned, “You mean… Hancock likes to be enslaved? Is she a masochist? This is wrong!”

In the comics, after being enslaved by the Celestial Dragons for four years, Hancock escaped back to Nine Snakes. In addition to the fear of the Celestial Dragons, Hancock only had shame and hatred in his heart.

Someone likes it!

“Masochist?” Robin shook her head slightly, although she almost thought so back then. “Hancock has a strong self-esteem. If she is enslaved or abused, she will only get angry…”

Lin Qi said: “Then what did you say just now, that she likes the feeling of being controlled by Stone Heart Toxin?”

Robin blinked, stared at Lynch’s face, and suddenly smiled inexplicably.

Lin Qi smiled as she looked at her, and from her big dark green eyes that seemed to be able to speak, he seemed to understand what she meant…

Like the feeling of “the body is completely out of control” does not mean that she enjoys being “abused”…

It’s just that if a beauty like her is controlled by someone, what is the probability that she won’t be forced to do some weird things?

Lin Qi touched his chin and was thinking thoughtfully when he heard Hancock’s majestic and indifferent voice: “Okay, everyone, open your eyes.”

The female warriors on the deck opened their eyes one by one and suddenly exclaimed. The pirates who carried boxes of things to their ships all turned into stone sculptures at this moment!

“It’s all taken care of.” Hancock waved his hand casually.

Lynch noticed keenly that Hancock seemed to… deliberately not look this way the whole time, avoiding them with his eyes.

She must have noticed what she and Robin were whispering about just now.

And what else could the two of them discuss now besides the “strange things” that just happened in the cabin? Hancock must also be aware of this.

“You’d better not ask her for confirmation, she won’t admit it!” Robin chuckled in Lynch’s ear.

“I don’t admit it, but my body is very cooperative!” Lin Qi complained, and after thinking about it carefully, he quickly understood.

Every time he borrowed his stand-in, Hancock would either not show up or stand by, but it was Robin who asked to borrow it…

In the cabin just now… was that Hancock girl deliberately showing off her aloofness, sending some kind of signal to Robin…? That’s why when Hancock scolded “Enough! Don’t do this”, Robin would smile and say, “Didn’t you start it first?”…Lynch suddenly asked: “But, the slap on your face?”

As soon as Robin waved, one of her arms grew on Lynch’s shoulder, stretched out her slender palm, and pinched Lynch’s cheek.

Lin Qi said: “As expected, you did it yourself… Is it necessary to go to such trouble?”

No wonder what happened in the cabin just now made him feel weird and half-covered. Hancock was really awkward!

I know you know, but you are not allowed to tell me that you know…

I also know that you know that I know, but you are not allowed to tell me that I know that you know that I know…

This is too embarrassing! Robin could actually cooperate with her so well? It’s almost as if she knows Hancock as soon as he lifts his butt… It’s almost as if Hancock knows whether she wants to play games or not with just one look at Hancock…

“Plop!” “Plop!”……

The pirate stone statues were pushed into the sea one by one by the female warriors of Nine Snakes.

The two younger sisters of the Boya family have long been aware of the ability of their elder sister’s Eye of Medusa, so it is not surprising. But in the eyes of other Nine Snakes female warriors, turning all the pirates on the enemy ship into stone statues is simply a mythical ability…it is the witchcraft of the Gorgon! For a moment, all the Amazon female warriors on the ship looked at Hancock with awe.

When Lynch noticed that a faint blush appeared on Hancock’s earlobes and the side of his neck. She suddenly kicked hard, “Bang!” and kicked the last pirate stone sculpture off the boat. A few seconds later, a crashing sound was heard from the bottom of the boat falling into the sea.

The women of Nine Snakes on the deck cheered happily, celebrating this harvest under the leadership of Hancock.

As if afraid of being ridiculed by Lynch, Hancock hid far away, took out a chart of the South China Sea, and communicated with the middle-aged female warrior on the boat who had some knowledge of navigation. From time to time, he pointed at the boundless sea around him. Line, probably determining the route.

Hancock glanced, and the corner of his eye happened to meet the eyes of Giorno, who was looking over there thoughtfully, and she was startled!

Why are you still looking at me?

Sure enough, this hobby is still… too strange, right?

He must think I am… Hancock’s mind is in a mess and he is inexplicably irritable.

Over there, Lin Qi had withdrawn his gaze and was talking to Robin. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw that the empty pirate ship that passed by the Nine Snake Tower Ship had many people on it. The damage was obviously caused by shelling, and there were also some traces that looked like they had been grabbed by wild beasts…

“Huh?” Lynch seemed to see something in the damage marks. He confessed to Robin and jumped directly to the opposite ship.


“Lord Hancock?” called the middle-aged female warrior who had some knowledge of navigation. She bit her lip slightly as she looked at him, her face turned red and then white. She was still the successor empress of a fifteen-year-old girl. In the bottom of her heart, the middle-aged female warrior She exclaimed “It’s so… so beautiful, so cute!!”, but her face remained calm and she asked with a hint of concern, “Are you okay? Are you not feeling well… Why don’t you go back to the cabin to rest first? ”

Hancock came back to his senses, calmed down, and said calmly: “I’m fine. Where were you talking about… By the way, here!”

Her green and slender fingers pointed at a small black spot near the route in the sea in front of the route after they left the windless zone on the South China Sea chart.

“There is an island marked here, and there is a country on the island, why not go?”


Lynch walked alone on the pirate ship that was looted by Hancock, looking at the claw marks scratched on the walls of the cabins, and the traces of destruction that still had a faint smell of gunpowder smoke on the deck…

He stood in front of a broken wooden wall and pulled out a huge, colorful feather from the crack.

I searched elsewhere, and sure enough I found other feathers. Birds of similar size, far larger than the average size, but different in color.

“It always feels familiar…” Lin Qi said to himself, “Nanhai, if I remember correctly…according to my luck along the way, it shouldn’t be that kind of bird, right?”

Without any hesitation, he directly summoned the jet-black avatar, called up its memory bank, and compared the images.

“Do you believe in gravity, Lynch?”

Lin Qi murmured to himself and suddenly looked to the side. Flower petals surged up on the deck and condensed into Robin’s upper body. He looked up at Lin Qi and reminded: “Lin Qi, if you don’t go back…”


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