I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 209 East China Sea Dragon King Fruit?


Hancock rolled his eyes, “He asked for it. Who dared him to do that to me…”

She caught a glimpse of Xu Lun observing her again, and glared at her fiercely, “What for? You don’t want me to bite him?”

“What? No. I was just thinking…” Robin was very surprised. What kind of physique does Lynch have? No matter how good your teeth are, you can’t really bite him well… “Forget it, maybe I was wrong.” She smiled sheepishly.

“Inexplicable.” Hancock’s tone was as usual.

In addition to books on history, Robin also dabbled in books in many other fields, including psychology… She felt that maybe, maybe, probably, Hancock was… Robin was one step behind, see Looking at Hancock’s back, he would appear suddenly enlightened from time to time, mixed with half-belief and a little bit of amusement… The strong and domineering Hancock, in fact… hahaha, it seems quite interesting…

She quickened her pace to follow Hancock.

The two of them unknowingly walked to the gate of Nine Snakes City, where many female warriors of Nine Snakes were gathering. They became anxious and were overjoyed when they saw Hancock and Princess Xu Lun approaching. .

Just as they were about to run over with laughter and tears, a rapidly approaching voice came from above Hancock and Robin:



The Nine Snakes female warriors looked up and saw only a slender shadow accompanied by a pair of broad wings, which looked like a green jade belt against the sunlight.

“It’s a dragon?!” the protector of the country screamed.

“No, it’s… it’s Sanda?” Casmus put down his snake bow and looked at the green snake flying down in the air with disbelief. The facial features of the snake’s head were so familiar, and the green snake’s head was so familiar. With her long orange hair and the girl with long orange hair lying on her back, “And Mary? What on earth happened to you…?”


Hancock seemed to be lost and walked away, and Robin followed her.

Lin Qi just asked “B.I.B” to take out the Medusa phantom beast chip in his body, and he wondered: “What is this guy doing? Doesn’t she want anything?”

He was about to chase after him when he heard She Ji laugh and say: “I thought you would use… the six-style moon step to come down.”

Lin Qi stopped, looked up, and said sincerely: “Ten thousand meters! Either step on the air frequently to slow down, or do it less often, but each foot will bear a stronger reaction force… No matter what, I feel so stupid…”

I originally wanted to say that she was an idiot, but considering that She Ji may not be able to get the humor of a keyboard warrior, she changed her mind.

Big Bear looked at the dark figure beside Lin Qi, grasped the pink flesh pads in his palms, and said warmly to himself: “You have really returned the meat ball fruit to me…”

But just now, he and Hancock wanted to ask Xu Lun, but they came back here in the form of meat **** flying away.

This boy’s so-called ghost… Dorag’s eyes looked between Lynch and “B.I.B”.

“Want to know?” Lynch said with a smile, “Drag, tell me what your devil fruit ability is, and I will tell you why I can still use the meat ball fruit…”

She Ji smiled and said: “Little boy, there are only a few possible reasons…”

Either its ghost can record all used Devil Fruit abilities, or it is its ghost… Big Bear quickly recalled that Giorno had previously used the Meat Ball Fruit on Visalia, a small sky island, and returned… The nodes and sequence of returning the meat ball fruit, taking back his ghost, and releasing his ghost…

Dorag rarely laughed loudly: “Do you really want to know?”

He opened his arms, and in an instant, the sky over the entire Nine Snakes Island, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly became covered with clouds.

Rumble… in the dark clouds, dull thunder rolled.

In front of the gate of Nine Snakes City on the other side, the Nine Snakes warriors were gathering around Hancock’s three sisters and Robin asking questions. They noticed that the sky was getting dark, and there was thunder rolling over their heads. Everyone couldn’t help but look up. Look up.

“Why did the situation suddenly change?” Kasmos was surprised.

This is… Robin raised his hand in surprise, and a trace of air flowed through his fingers.

“The wind is blowing?!” Hancock was shocked. This was the first time she felt the wind on Nine Snake Island, standing still.

Huh…huh hoo!

On Nine Snakes Island, the clouds are gathering and the wind is rising.

Standing next to Dorag, Snake Girl’s blond hair was dancing wildly.


Dorag’s cloak fluttered, creating ripples on the sea behind him, followed by waves one after another.

The waves are getting bigger and faster, and Nine Snake Island seems to be trapped in a huge sea whirlpool.

“Go back quickly!”

The gate of Nine Snakes City slowly opened, and the three Hancock sisters and Robin, led by the soldiers, quickly entered the city.

Hancock and Robin looked back. Although Giorno/Lynch hadn’t come back yet, Snake Girl, Drago and Big Bear were also there, so they should be fine.


The golden lightning struck down like a snake, illuminating the faces of Big Bear and the others, and making the faces under Dorag’s hood appear bright and dark.

“Dark clouds! Storm! Lightning!” Lynch read word by word.


The downpour suddenly poured down, leaving a dense rain column between the sky and the earth. Looking from a distance, the entire Nine Snake Island seemed to be covered by a water cage.

The heavy rain came and went even faster. It dispersed after being poured on.


Lin Qi looked up and saw dark clouds leaving with the heavy rain.

The wind gradually died down.

Nine Snake Island was once again illuminated by the sunshine… The female warriors who entered the city, as well as the Nine Snake women in the city, looked up in confusion at the sky that suddenly changed color and then suddenly changed back…

Although they are in the first half of the Grand Route, unlike the chaotic climate conditions of the real Grand Route, Nine Snakes is located in the windless zone, and the climate here is not that changeable.


A drop of water hung from the tip of the golden hair, falling to the ground and shattering.

“I know.” Lin Qi looked at the cloaked man Dorag, “So you are the Dragon King of the East China Sea fruit…”

Not to mention Dolag, She Ji and Da Xiong were also together, and a question mark couldn’t help but arise on their heads.

“B.I.B” glanced at the main body and was very sure that he did it on purpose.

It has returned to its main body. Although it is impossible for the main body to completely remember the memory of the devil fruit illustrated book it brought back, it should have already had an impression.

Compared with Dorag’s performance just now, the devil fruit is ready to come out.

Dolag slowly lowered his arms, “Many people have guessed my abilities…Thunder Fruit, Storm Fruit, Rain Fruit…all seem to think I am of the natural type.”

“But the answer is actually very simple. I eat weather fruits.” He said, “Superman type.”


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