I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 203 Magnetic Solution


“B.I.B” crossed its arms, looked down at the book on Robin’s lap, and looked at the Thunder Fruit. The white light in its narrow eyes flashed.

Biluka is the hometown of Enelu…

It completely copies the main body memory and can be searched at any time. Of course, this place immediately came to mind.

Robin naturally had no reaction to this name, but with a hint of curiosity, he seemed to be muttering to himself: “I remember Haredas said that this place is called ‘Small Sky Island Visalia’…it says ‘Kong’ here. Does “Island Biluka” mean other sky islands? “There are really so many sky islands… and they all have their own names. In other words, there are other sky islands in the sky 10,000 meters high. A civilization?

What kind of history is recorded in the civilization of Kongdao?

Will there be…

“You wrote the address here specifically to say that this Thunder Fruit is on this sky island called Biluka?”

Robin looked at the introduction of the Thunder Fruit: “It can turn any part of the body into lightning, and it can also release lightning of any intensity from any part of the body…”

As expected, the format is very similar to the frozen fruit and burnt fruit. I don’t know if it is the editor’s laziness…

However, when Robin turned to the back of the nature department, he saw a page of special devil fruits.

Name: “Dark Fruit (Special Natural Type)”

The title says “Special”… Robin suddenly remembered that Hancock’s Medusa fruit also said “Special Animal Type”… What is so special about it?

She looked at the introduction: “Although it cannot be elementalized, it has strong gravity like a black hole and can attract everything… In addition, those with Devil Fruit abilities caught by the Dark Fruit will have their abilities disabled…”

There is such an ability!

Robin was slightly surprised.

The reason why I wasn’t too surprised… of course was because there was a weirdo hanging around me every day who could take Devil Fruit anytime and anywhere.

I see, the Dark Fruit cannot be elementalized, so is it a special natural type…

Then Hancock’s Medusa phantom species is a so-called special animal type…

“However, Lynch’s ghost ability cannot invalidate other people’s Devil Fruit abilities.” Robin thought, “I heard he said that there is a special mineral called sea floor stone, which is like the crystal of the sea. It can also disable the ability of the esper… The ability of this dark fruit seems to be very similar to the sea tower stone… No, it is stronger than the sea tower stone!”

According to the description in the introduction, the so-called “powerful gravity like a black hole” of the Dark Fruit simply serves its effect of invalidating the abilities of the esper!

Robin thought: “If Lynch has the Dark Fruit, it will be more convenient for him to snatch… and take other people’s Devil Fruit… But he probably has no interest in this!”

Robin smiled slightly. Based on her understanding of Lynch, if the Dark Fruit was right in front of him, he might be willing to play with it for a while, but if he was obsessed with a certain Devil Fruit and longed for it… then not Too likely.

Lynch’s character prefers fist-to-fist combat.

Judging from the fact that he can quickly pick up any Devil Fruit he gets, and play with it casually, he can play well-developed moves… If he is willing to stare at a Devil Fruit, it is unimaginable. What powerful moves can be developed.

It’s just that Lynch rarely does that. Even the gas fruit he often uses has a dispensable mentality…

But on the other hand, Lynch doesn’t seem like someone who has no pursuit of “strength”. Judging from his careless and indifferent style, he doesn’t seem like someone who cares about whether Devil Fruit is a “foreign object”…

Robin tried to put himself into Lynch’s perspective and speculated on Lynch’s thoughts…

“Is it because of Dr. Vegapunk’s research?”

Robin guessed that Lynch might be… wary of Devil Fruits, things created by unknown technology?

Shaking his head, Robin retracted his thoughts that were getting farther and farther away, and continued to look through the devil fruit illustrated book.

Next is the superhuman fruit…

Superman-type fruits are more diverse than natural-type fruits.

However, Robin browsed the index thoughtfully. These superhuman systems can be roughly divided into three categories: “superhuman body”, “supermatter” and “superpowers” as Lynch calls them.

For example, diamond fruit, golden fruit, quick cut fruit, spring fruit…


Robin suddenly turned the book back and turned to the nature series.

“Natural elements are usually elements of nature… and elements related to human activities and human culture, such as weapons, springs, etc., will be classified as superhuman elements…” She frowned slightly, pointing her finger at The pictures of the Diamond Fruit and the Golden Fruit were crossed one after another, “But… Diamond and gold are both minerals in nature. Why are they superhuman? According to the introduction, these two fruits can also turn the body into diamonds and gold. Gold, why is it not considered elemental…”

It makes no sense to say that solid elements are not elementalized.

The elementalization of frozen fruit is the same as solid ice, which is also elementalized.

Shaking his head, Robin did not hesitate and continued to turn the pages and browse these various devil fruits.

Transparent fruit… always feels like a very low-level ability…

Mirror Fruit… The person with the ability is like a mirror. He can transform into anyone in the mirror image, and the mirror image can restore any attack… If this ability is given to the weakest person, wouldn’t it be able to hold back the strongest among the enemies? That one? And he can also enter the so-called mirror world… It’s really a fairy tale-like ability…

Childlike Fruit… The person with the ability will permanently become about ten years old. The effect of the ability… Forgot… Forgot? The name of this fruit is full of fairy tale color, but the result shows an evil look…

Castle Fruit…

Shadow Fruit… This is the ability of Moonlight Moria…

Ghost fruit… Robin paused with his fingertips and looked at it carefully.

“You can create spiritual bodies at will, and the person with the ability can also leave your body…”

Robin could tell at a glance that this was completely different from Lynch’s ghost ability.

First of all, Lynch has only one kind of ghost; secondly, Lynch himself cannot leave his body; finally, in the introduction of the ghost fruit, there is no introduction to the ability to take away other people’s devil fruits at will…

Yellow Spring Fruit…

Sweet fruit… Robin was a little surprised when he saw this fruit. For some reason, he always felt that this fruit was very suitable for Hancock… and it also had the ability to petrify…

Hormone fruit…this is Eva’s ability…

Meatball fruit…Big Bear’s…

Push fruit…Morrie’s…

Encouraging fruits…

Wow, Robin turned the page and saw a familiar picture of a fruit – the Blossom Fruit.

“You can create petals out of thin air, and you can also use petals to condense any body part…”

Robin’s fingers gently rubbed the picture of Huahuaguo, showing a faint and complicated smile.


“The special natural type, the dark fruit, is a natural type that cannot be elementalized and looks like a superhuman type…”

“The special Superman type, Nuo Nuo Fruit, is a super type that can be transformed into elements and look like a natural type…”

“So the special animal-type Medusa fruit…could it be that Hancock cannot transform into an animal? Even if he fully releases his power, his hair will be more like a snake?”

Robin was holding the big book of the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book and thinking about it as he went to find the old scientists to return the book.

“Are you here?”

Robin Huahuaguo heard a noise in a house he was passing by, so he opened the door and went in, only to see a room full of huge glass jars filled with strange solutions.

In some transparent glass jars, there are **** of rope soaked in the solution… It seems to be the wind knots that Haredas showed before…

Robin thought thoughtfully and remembered that he did say that the rope was soaked in a special magnetic solution…

“B.I.B” came in through the wall and stood next to Robin. Looking at the solution tanks in front of him, he seemed to find the scene familiar.

“Hey, it’s you, little girl.” An old man with a pointed hat emerged from the pile of cans, stroking his white beard and said with a smile, “Well, this is the result of our weather science in Visalia. …”


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