I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 202 Devil Fruit Illustrated Book


Hancock’s wounds have scabbed over.

The recovery ability of animal-type ability users is indeed terrifying.

Of course, this is also the reason why the wound stabbed by Salome’s snake fangs is very small… Otherwise, if the animal type can recover quickly regardless of the injury, then Marco’s “Phoenix” will be very worthless. ?

Hancock spread some blood from the wound evenly and rubbed it on the petrified corners of the clothes of the old scientists.

The tiny blood snakes seeped into the stone statues, instantly restoring them to living flesh and blood and regaining their color.

“Is this the ability to transform matter?”

Lin Qi watched the petrification scene and felt that this ability was really scary.

Lin Qi was completely unaware of what happened when he was petrified. It was as if the time when he was petrified was “deleted” from his mind.

No, it’s not that thinking is deleted, it’s that thinking stops.

Lynch was very sure that his brain must have been petrified at the same time, so he lost all thinking activities.

In other words, the same goes for the Medusa phantom beast species, and even the sweet fruit. The petrification ability of these fruits can completely petrify the human body from the inside out, sealing flesh and blood with stone, and turning stone into stone. Sealing the internal organs, sealing the brain with stone.

The Eye of Medusa can transform flesh and blood into stone.

Medusa’s blood can turn petrified people back into flesh and blood.

Lynch does not believe that Hancock really understands the ability to “convert flesh and stone”.

It’s like Robin doesn’t really understand that “flowers condense into the human body and feed back to the senses”.

They are just using the inherent abilities of the “Medusa Fruit” and “Flower Fruit”…or, in other words, the “technology” that exists when they “leave the factory”.

Since seeing the research on Devil Fruits and bloodline factors in Dr. Vegapunk’s information, Lynch now looks at Devil Fruits more like looking at high-tech products.

Seeing Medusa’s incredible ability to petrify, what he thought of was not how powerful this fruit was, but how he marveled at the skills of the people who made the Devil Fruit…

What kind of god-like civilization is that?

Completely understand the mutual conversion of matter and matter, matter and energy, energy and matter, energy and energy…

Otherwise, how to achieve “petrification”? How to create flowers out of thin air, how to condense the human body? How do you allow users with natural abilities to undergo the so-called “elementation”?

After Hancock finished his work, he walked away and ran to think about the newly obtained devil fruit.

Sanda Sonia calmed down for a while and felt much better. She smiled and said, “Sister, I don’t dare to test my abilities on everyone casually.”

“I accidentally petrified Giorno just now…” Robin brushed the hair around her ears. Her hair was very long after growing for more than a year. “Hancock is actually very panicked. If If there is no way to remove petrification…”

Haredas waited for the old man to stroke his beard and murmured: “She doesn’t look like such a gentle and considerate girl…”

Marigrud looked at Lynch, a little shy, but also a little eager to try, “Giorno, let’s give it a try, how about it?”

The girls of Nine Snakes are all warriors. Even the youngest sister of the Boya family has a heart that yearns for strength.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “Okay, let’s see how powerful the snake of power is!”

“Go over there!” Marigrud shouted, and her lower body turned into a long golden-scaled snake, swimming quickly to the open space of Island Cloud not far away.

Lin Qi walked over slowly. Sanda Sonia had green-scaled snake wings growing from her back, flying around Lin Qi. She seemed eager to give it a try. When the third sister was defeated, he could also take the lead and compete with Giorno. Have some fun.

“Let’s go and take a look together.” She Ji chuckled.

“Yes.” Dorag obeyed her wishes.

With the golden snake coiled up, Marigrud stood tall and straight, her arms bulged in a circle, and layers of fine golden scales appeared around her serious face, especially on the sides of her eyebrows.

“I’m going to fuck!”

The little girl gave a soft drink and rushed towards Lin Qi like a golden python.

Lynch stayed still and stretched out a hand to resist Marigrud’s flying attack.


The island cloud behind Lin Qi was swept away by the impact and seemed to sink a bit.

“Watch the move!”

Marigrud shouted loudly, and the layers of golden scales were lifted up one by one like gears pushing force, and then closed tightly one by one. Waves of violent power surged into the girl’s body. Arms!

Phew…Lin Qi was flying in the air, touching his chin in the process, and said in surprise: “You are really strong!”

“Awesome!” Sundar Sonia clapped her hands happily.

She Ji smiled and said: “This young man is quite powerful. Mary has become a lot stronger!”

“Have you ever fought against him?” Drago asked casually.

She Ji briefly explained what happened before.

Flowers and fruits… Dorag looked thoughtfully in the direction of Big Bear, the scientists, and Kujo Xu Lun.

The big bear looked over there for a while, where Giorno was walking around the golden-scaled snake with moon steps, fighting him happily.

Those old scientists are planning to leave. They are not very idle either. As scientists obsessed with weather and meteorology, they have countless things to study in this sea with strange weather.

Big Bear saw Xu Lun Kujo and chased after him. As he walked, he politely asked the scientists, “Can I see that?”

“B.I.B” followed Robin quietly.

It saw that what Robin was pointing at was the thick book held by one of the old scientists.

Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.

“Oh? This, okay.” The old man didn’t think anything, and handed the Devil Fruit illustrated book to Robin, smiling, “We don’t need it very much anyway, so just take your time and read it… ”

“Thank you.” Robin took the thick book.

She looked around and saw that Lin Qi was still competing with the two younger sisters from Boya’s family.

Turn on the Haki of Knowledge… Robin saw that Lynch’s ghost was right next to him.

Robin picked up the book and handed it to it.

As usual, “B.I.B” held the Devil Fruit illustrated book and flipped through it quickly using the “quantum reading method”.

Robin knew that anything that had been reflected in Lynch’s or Lynch’s ghost eyes could be retrieved from any corner of their memory, which was even more useful than photographic memory.

“B.I.B” turned over it once, turned the book upside down, and handed it back to Robin.

Robin smiled slightly, found a ladder made by Shima Yun, and sat down quietly.

The dark substitute stood aside, like a bodyguard.

Putting the big book of the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book on his lap, Robin began to read.

Looking at the catalog, as expected, there are three basic categories – natural, superhuman, and animal.

Since the top one is the natural type, Robin’s finger slid down the index and quickly stopped on the name of a natural type fruit – frozen fruit.

“Can turn any part of the body into ice, release cold air, and freeze anything into ice…”

Robin thought of the giant Sauro who was frozen into ice by the Vice Admiral. He was silent for a moment and turned the page. The picture he saw was a demon that looked like a burning flame. fruit.

She looked at the name next to the picture: “Shao Shao Fruit.”

“Can turn any part of the body into flames, and can also release flames from any part of the body…”

I don’t know if the abilities of natural fruits are so simple and direct, or if the recorder of the illustrated book does not know all the abilities of each devil fruit, so the text introduction is very simple.

Robin flipped through the natural section again and noticed a very special Devil Fruit.

The devil fruit in the picture, like other devil fruits, has swirling patterns on the surface, but the outline lines are like lightning bolts, and the needles are very sharp.

“Thunder Fruit”.

What makes her very strange is that next to the name of this devil fruit, there is a line of handwriting that is obviously added: “Sky Island Biluka…”


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