I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 199 Phantom Beast


“This is the Devil Fruit!”

She Ji observed with great interest the three Devil Fruits that the old man placed on Shimagumo’s ground.

The three Hancock sisters squatted down, you touched this, she touched that.

“Sister, what kind of devil fruit is this?”

The two younger sisters asked the eldest sister curiously.

Hancock said: “How do I know?”

She glanced at Giorno. This guy can take other people’s devil fruits, right?

Even if you don’t like it after eating it, you can still let him take away the fruit’s power.

So, you can eat with confidence!

Lynch looked at the old man with a pointed hat, Haredas. Haredas stroked his beard and said in deep thought: “I remember they were three animal-type phantom beast species…”

“Phantom beast species?”

Lynch was very surprised. It seemed that there was indeed something in it that could be collected by these old men who didn’t care about the value of Devil Fruits at all.

The three Hancock sisters are very ignorant. Among them, Hancock knows the three major categories of natural, superhuman and animal. He has never heard of the fantasy beast type.

This is also the first time Robin has heard of it.

Dorag said solemnly: “The phantom beast species of animal-type devil fruits… are often strange creatures that only exist in myths and stories. Such as dragons, phoenixes, nine-tailed foxes, and even giant Buddhas… ”

“Big Buddha?” She Ji thought thoughtfully, thinking of some rumors that she had never seen with her own eyes.

Hancock wondered: “Big Buddha, I seem to have seen it somewhere…”

She and her two sisters looked at Big Bear, who was quietly following everyone, and at the cover of the book he was always holding in his hand – a saint with an auspicious light on the back of his head.

“…” Big Bear opened the Bible in his hand, turned to the chapter about Buddha, and showed the illustrations, “This is the Big Buddha.”

Lynch knew that in the world of One Piece, the beliefs of many different sects in previous lives were actually very mixed. In Big Bear’s Bible, there is both “God” and “Buddha”. Just like Enelu, there are both golden Buddha-headed Ark mottos and nuns in Christian costumes who always accompany him.

“Isn’t this a human being?” The three sisters of the Boya family were all surprised, “Why is it an animal? What kind of fantasy beast?”

Robin reminded: “Humans are also a type of animal…”

Lin Qi said: “Among the animal fruits, there is the Human Fruit. The Devil Fruit of the Great Buddha is probably the phantom beast species that is a branch of the Human Fruit, right?”


The three Hancock sisters were shocked and looked at each other in disbelief. Humans are also animals?

They seemed to see monkey-like red hair growing crazily on each other’s smooth and fair skin, full of unknown…

Robin pondered: “Why do fantasy creatures also exist in Devil Fruits?”

She suddenly thought of something and looked at Lin Qi.

From his eyes, Robin understood. As expected, he thought of Dr. Vegapunk’s research materials just like him.

According to the doctor’s research, different devil fruits are essentially different factors, and these special factors shaped by unknown technology are closely related to the most fundamental genetic material of human beings – “bloodline factors” .

Based on the doctor’s research on human bloodline factors, he deciphered many “redundant” pieces of information.

Lightning, fire, light, fragments of such natural traces; fragments of birds and beasts, and other animals… The human blood factor is full of massive content.

Different Devil Fruit factors and bloodline factors combine to influence and fuse with each other, forming natural Devil Fruit users, animal Devil Fruit users, and even Superman users…

Since the Devil Fruit Factor is likely to be man-made, is it possible that those phantom beast species were created by the person who made the factor and made appropriate adjustments based on the images of the mythical beasts and evil beasts in fantasy stories?

Taking the possible phantom dragon fruit as an example…

In myths and legends, it has the body of a snake, the head of a pig, the antlers of a deer, the ears of a cow, the whiskers of a sheep, the claws of an eagle, and the scales of a fish… Then you only need to follow this “recipe” when making it Adjustments, and finally adding the “superpower” that can fly in the clouds, an “animal type” that only exists in fantasy, and you’re done!

If you are interested in exploring other phantom beast species, there must be traces of the “recipe” to follow…

Or, rather…

“It is precisely because of the existence of phantom beast species that it is proved that devil fruits are definitely made by humans!!”

Robin and Lynch were thinking similar words at the same time.


“Found it, found it!”

A few old scientists ran over holding a big book.

“This is the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.”

Haredas opened a thick book in front of everyone.

“Let me see, these three fruits should be in…”

Looking around, according to the index, I first found the animal department, and then narrowed the scope to fantasy beast species.

“Found it!”

Comparing the pictures, I immediately knew the exact names of the three Devil Fruits taken out of the warehouse.

The heads of Hancock, Sunda Sonia, Marigrud, Robin, Lynch, and “B.I.B” were put together, and they all looked down at the three devil fruit pictures. Sure enough, they are very similar to the three real objects on the ground of Daoyun.

Compared with the fruits in front of Hancock and the others, they are right:

Animal type, snake fruit, phantom beast species, Euryale – the flying snake!

“Fly?” the second sister Sundar Sonia’s eyes lit up.

Animal type, snake fruit, phantom beast type, Stheno – the snake of power!

“Power?” Marigrud, the youngest third sister, smiled happily.


Hancock smiled, raised his head and said, “I’m very satisfied.”

Special animal type, snake fruit, fantasy beast type, Medusa – the snake of dominance!

This is simply a devil fruit tailor-made for you!

After reading it, Lin Qi couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Fantasy Beasts, Fantasy Beasts, this… is really phantom!”

However, it seems that no matter how illusive it is, it cannot be the same as the Great Buddha Fruit of the Warring States Period.

She Ji smiled and said: “If you want to eat it, then go ahead and eat it. The Snake Fruit is a good match for our Nine Snakes warriors.”


The two younger sisters of the Boya family nodded solemnly and reached out to grab their favorite devil fruits.

Hancock directly grabbed the fruit of Medusa, the snake of dominance.

“Hey…you really want to chew that kind of thing?”

Lin Qi felt very uncomfortable just looking at it.

He took out the dozing green phone bug in his pocket and suggested to the three sisters: “Why don’t you let this little guy eat it? I will take out one after it eats it and send it directly to your body. Wouldn’t this be better? ”

“Bulu?” Xiao Lu opened her eyes, a little confused.

“…” Robin looked at Lynch.


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