I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 194 From Sky Island


[Chapter Interlude・When you wake up・Riding the wind back]

[Xihai, eight-year-old Nicole Robin ran away in the rain on South Chicago Island. The Grand Line, the Windless Belt, Daughter’s Island, nine-year-old Boya Hancock climbed up to the high house, opened his arms and jumped lightly, below were dozens or hundreds of Nine Snake women gathered together nervously… ]


Haredas slightly adjusted the magnetic device in the balloon holding the weather ship, and slowly descended towards the Nine Snakes Island below.

The windless zone, as the name suggests, means there is no wind.

Without wind, the weather ship’s balloon cannot float with the natural wind.

There is nowhere to borrow power. Every time he comes to this sea area, the magnetic power consumption in the magnetic device is so fast that Haredas has to tear off several beards in distress.

However, he was particularly curious about the weather of Nine Snakes Island and wanted to collect records.

However, this daughter’s island has a rule that men are not allowed to enter.

But the more forbidden it is, the more curious it becomes…

Hiss… Ouch.

With a frown on his face, Haredas unconsciously pulled off another beard and warned himself: “Haredas, Haredas, this is really the last time! Well… the last time…”

The women on this island are so fierce. They are called a fighting nation. If they catch them, it will be terrible.


Boom, the weather ship landed.

The white-bearded old man Haredas stood up, took out the chain, and tied the weather boat to a tree trunk in the forest.

If it is not fastened properly, without his load, the weather ship will float away with the magnetic balloon. At that time, he will have to make a new magnetic balloon and drag the balloon rope home…

His old body cannot bear this kind of torture.

If you loosen your hand and don’t hold the rope tightly, you will fall to death.

“Hurry up, hurry up…”

Wearing a pointed hat and dressed like an old mage, the old man Haredas took out paper, pen, and instruments for observing and recording meteorological data from his arms, and entered the woods outside Nine Snake Island.


“It’s true, Nine Snake Island is the same as other islands in the windless zone…”

Haredas held up the measuring instrument and was studying happily and immersed himself in it.

But suddenly I heard some slight movement nearby.


Haredas was startled. Although he is very old, he is still an old man who travels all over the world. He still has some small props for self-defense.

Wind Knot may not be effective against beasts.

But he still carried some thunderballs and the like with him. If necessary, he can also use the weather science he has learned to create small thunderclouds on the spot.

Facing thunder and lightning, most of the wild beasts will be forced to retreat.

He was reaching into his arms to get the thunder cloud props, but he saw three little girls walking out of the woods.

The one among them is a black-haired girl. At first glance, he is the leader of the three. After all, he is so beautiful and cute.

On the left and right sides, there was one with green hair and one with orange hair. After seeing him, his face was full of surprise.

The three girls are all wearing the clothes of the Nine Snake Island women.

Haredas took his hand out of his arms, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: “It turns out to be a little girl, I thought it was a beast…”

Hancock: “…”

Sanda Sonia and Marigrud immediately grabbed their beloved snakes, stretched them into snake bows, pulled out wooden arrows, and put them on the strings.

Haredas was stunned and said “Ah”.

“Who are you?” Hancock crossed his arms and asked warily.

The two sisters, one on the left and one on the right, drew their snake bows and aimed at the tall, strange person in front of them.

The old man with white beard explained: “My name is Haredas…I am not a bad person…”

“It looks suspicious no matter what!” Sundar Sonia obviously didn’t believe it.

Marigru drew her bow and said: “That’s right! You still have such long hair on your mouth. Is this some kind of disguise? It’s so suspicious!”

“Mouth? Hair?” Haledas was shocked, touched his chin, and understood.

Hancock said angrily: “That’s a beard! He is a man, a very old man.”

“That’s the beard?!” The two sisters seemed to have heard about it, and they were shocked. But they were also curious. They held up the snake bow and approached Haredas. They couldn’t help but touch the long hair. A soft white beard hanging down his chest, “It’s so long… When men get old, they will grow such strange hair… uh, beard?”

“Of course.” Hancock didn’t understand very well, so he quickly changed the subject and asked the old man in front of him, “Why did you come to our Nine Snakes Island? Couldn’t you be an enemy? You want to steal the women on the island. Do you dream?”

She had a dangerous look on her face, as if the old man opposite her was going to execute him on the spot if he answered incorrectly.

This makes the two sisters feel very strange. When did the elder sister become so vigilant?

Haredas was also startled and waved his hands hurriedly: “No, no, no! I’m not an enemy! I’m just a passing scientist…”

Sundar Sonia: “Passing by?”

Marie Grudd: “Scientist?”

A question mark appeared on the heads of the two girls.

“I travel around the world and collect intelligence from different places. Ah, it’s called intelligence, but it’s actually just meteorological data…” Haredas was afraid that the word intelligence would cause bad associations, so he quickly explained, “That’s it. People who study the weather! I just want to study the weather on Nine Snake Island…”

Around the world? travel? Hancock’s heart moved.

“It turns out we were just studying the weather…” The two sisters slowly lowered their snake bows.

“This is a windless zone. What is there to study about the weather here? There is no wind all year round, that’s the end.” Hancock didn’t believe the old man’s statement at all.

“Sister is right!” The two sisters raised their snake bows again, alert.

Haredas was so frightened that he sweated, “That’s why we need to study it even more! Isn’t it strange that there is no wind all year round?”

He took out the notebook used for recording and the various data on the instruments.

“Look…according to my research, the magnetism of this island is very special like other islands in the windless belt, and even the entire windless belt! I think this must be the reason for the natural wind here. The reason why it cannot be formed…”

The three sisters, Hancock, Sanda Sonia, and Marigrud, tilted their heads neatly, with a common big question mark appearing on their heads.

“I don’t understand what you are saying!”

Hancock shouted, stretched out his hand, and the pet snake Salome stretched into a bow and fell into her hand.

“How you came to this island is suspicious enough! In addition, you are a man, and landing on this island is even more unforgivable! According to the laws of this country, men who trespass on Nine Snakes shall be executed ! ”

Hancock pulled out a wooden arrow and drew the snake bow to full length.

“…” The two sisters looked at the sister who spoke righteously.

They really want to say that there is a man in our country now, and he is the kind of sister you got along with in private a year or two ago…

But they still bent their bows and arrows like the elder sister, aiming at the tall old man in front of them.

“Don’t kill me…I’m really not a bad person…”

Haredas was dejected, his pointed hat drooped down.

“You want us to cover you? Cover you as a man?!” Hancock’s tone changed and he said loudly, “Is it that simple? What benefits do you think can buy us! This is a pirate country, Stop dreaming!”

I see, you clearly want to rob… The two sisters turned to look at their elder sister again.

Sister has become so powerful! Is this the experience of sailing with a pirate ship?

However, according to my sister’s character, she should be…

Hancock shouted: “Hurry up if you have any good things! Maybe we can let you leave alive…”

Haredas was about to cry without tears, and was pointed at by three snake bows. He said: “I am just a simple scientist, how can I have anything good… Our biggest treasure is just a roomful of research materials.” …Other than that, there are only some necessary supplies at home… I think about it, there seem to be three Devil Fruits in the corner of the warehouse, but you probably wouldn’t think about that strange thing that will turn you into a landlubber after eating it. There’s really no good thing to do!”

How come everything was explained at once… The two sisters were dumbfounded.

“Devil Fruit?” Hancock blinked.

At this time, all four of them heard a loud explosion coming from the woods in the distance.


“What happened?!”

Across the woods, the Nine Snakes warriors who were out of the city for training heard explosions or felt unusual tremors in the earth.


Could it be that guy Giorno?

Hancock’s mind changed, and he felt that apart from Snake Princess, only Giorno on this island could pull off such a battle.

“Go and have a look!” Hancock said, running towards the direction of the explosion first.

“Oh!” the two sisters responded.

Haredas was about to sneak away when he heard Hancock remind him from the front: “Take him with you!”

So, the old man was **** by two snakes dejectedly and carried away by two little girls.


The forest clearing near the sea is already covered with bear paw prints.

Even many of the surrounding trees were broken by the bear’s paw prints, and they were torn apart. The scene was very messy.

Robin used the Blossom Fruit to assist him and hid in a higher place.

Lin Qi’s clothes were in tatters, there was some sweat on his forehead, and his breath was a little quick.

The big bear in front of him was as steady as a mountain as before, but when he saw Lin Qi’s state, he said unexpectedly: “You have strong physical strength, is it because you are very good at returning life…”


Lin Qi smiled, clenched his fists again, wrapped his armed domineering aura around him, and charged forward with high morale.

Want to help me hone your domineering power? The big bear smiled gently and didn’t take it seriously. The bear’s paws were covered with black domineering energy and he faced him head-on.


Black fists collided.

Big Bear suddenly looked surprised. He glanced back and noticed that the black shadow had unexpectedly jumped up behind him!

B.I.B’s narrow eyes glowed with white light, and his left hand covered with blue flame patterns grasped somewhere on the big bear’s back.

Second thoughts?


So that’s it, it’s a Devil Fruit!


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