I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 193 vs. Big Bear


“It seems that you can steal other people’s Devil Fruit abilities just as the newspaper said…”

Big Bear smiled slightly, very gently.

Lin Qi laughed, not caring, “It seems that the whole world knows about my ability! Am I that powerful?”

Big Bear said warmly: “But if you want my fruit power, it won’t be as simple as Caesar Courant.”

“That piece of trash Caesar really made me laugh to death.” Lynch paused, “Wait a minute, I said borrowing! I’m just borrowing Brother Xiong’s ability to play with for the time being… not robbing!”

“You know me?” Daxiong was a little surprised.

“I have admired you for a long time!” Lin Qi smiled, “The tyrant is so scary.”

The big bear was silent.

Since I have admired his reputation as a “tyrant” for so long, why do I still have this familiar attitude…

“I am a meat ball person who ate the meat ball fruit.”

Daxiong gave up thinking about the young man’s character. In short, he didn’t look like an enemy, so he introduced himself straightforwardly.

“Even if it is a temporary loan, please show your strength.”

He took off a pair of black leather gloves on his hands, revealing the pink fleshy pads on his palms.


Robin, who was watching, saw his palms and imagined several cats and dogs in his mind, with furry palms and pink flesh pads. I didn’t expect that such a burly and strong guy would have such a cute thing in his palm…

“That’s fine!”

Lin Qi waved his hand and smiled slightly, “Just in time to compare, who is better, you or She Ji?”

Robin couldn’t help but look sideways. Does this mean using yourself as a tool to compare the two? She silently stepped aside to leave space for the two to compete.

The sea monkeys felt that something was not right in the atmosphere, screamed and suddenly jumped into the sea collectively, taking the opportunity to swim away.

Big Bear gently placed the Bible on the stone, walked slowly aside, glanced at the dark shadow, and finally stood in front of Lynch.

Lin Qi said: “Do you like that book very much?”

Big Bear stood with his hands down, looked down and said solemnly: “Carrying a book with you is not necessarily out of piety.”

I understand, it could also be Erya’s list… Oh, it’s about keeping class enemies in mind.

Lynch’s stance on the eight-punch boxing stance has no meaning or use. Even such a simple posture could be described as other boxing techniques.

The breeze is blowing…well, there is no wind in the Alebel Zone.

It begins! Robin’s heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, the bear was motionless, and Lynch took the lead in attacking.

With a “swish”, Lin Qi ducked in front of the big bear and punched out, but the punch missed – the big bear just disappeared out of thin air.

Is it a six-style shave? Robin was surprised. She didn’t see clearly how the big bear moved.

The next moment, Robin’s pupils shrank!

Just as he had disappeared silently just now, the big bear quietly appeared behind Lin Qi, looked down from a high position, and pressed his palm.

It was really teleportation… When Lin Qi looked back, he saw a huge bear paw with pink flesh pads, pressing down on his head like the Five Elements Mountain.


Under the big bear’s paw, a deep bear paw print was photographed from the air on the ground.

Lynch dodged to the side with his shave, and when the bear turned around, he had already punched him again!

Big Bear raised his left palm.

Lin Qi’s fist hit the tender flesh of Zuo Xiong’s paw, so lightly that he didn’t exert any force at all.

On the other hand, Lynch himself felt that his fist was forcibly twisted in one direction. He was “dragged” away by his own fist. He turned at an acute angle without changing his speed. He punched the ground diagonally with a bang, cracking the ground. open.

Robin was surprised, what happened? Why does Lynch’s fist look completely powerless?

Big Bear said warmly: “This kind of punch is ineffective against me. Whether it’s fists, kicks, slashes, or cannonballs, the Meat Ball Fruit can bounce them away…”

So the teleportation just now…Robin’s reaction was quick. Was it a special way of movement using this ability to bounce away from the air?


Lynch pulled his hand out of the crack in the ground.

“Really? What about this!”

Lin Qi smiled slightly, clenched his fists, and wheeze… black domineering energy wrapped around him in an instant!

There was a slight surprise on Big Bear’s face.

It was surprising enough to meet the boy Dorag mentioned on Nine Snake Island. Unexpectedly, he also learned domineering here.

“Try this!”

Lin Qi took advantage of Big Bear’s slight distraction, raised his armed fists, and rushed towards him.


Lin Qi flew forward and punched, and collided with the meat ball bear’s paw again.

Big Bear: “…”

The black fist sank slightly into the pink flesh pad.

The effect of rebound is weakened! Lin Qi secretly thought that it was true, but the next second, he saw that the pink flesh ball that his fist touched was suddenly covered with a layer of black domineering energy.


Big Bear slapped Lynch’s fist and slapped him back.

Whoosh whoosh… Lin Qi rolled in the air, and finally stepped on the air with a “snap”. Before breaking the tree, he turned at a right angle, jumped up against the trunk, and stood on the branch.

“Although the effect of the fruit’s ability is weakened when it acts on me… but your own power is also scary!”

Lynch commented, “He really deserves to be a man named Bear…”


What answered him was a mass of formless palm wind.

In a hurry, Lin Qi only noticed that it was a group of detached bear paw prints, photographed by the big bear from the air.

Compressed air “pressure cannon”!


Lin Qi exploded.

Robin raised his head, a little worried, but after the explosion, Lynch on the branch seemed to be safe and sound. He couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his iron block blocked this strange attack…Eh?


A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Lin Qi’s mouth.

He wiped it casually and said in surprise: “It is indeed a soft fist and Bagua empty palm, it actually penetrates the body and attacks the inside!”

“…” Big Bear raised his palms and was a little silent. What is Soft Fist, and what is Bagua Kongzhang?

“Come again!”

Whoosh, Lin Qi turned over and landed on the ground, took a long breath, stared at the big bear, grinned, “Let’s try it again?”

“…” Big Bear remained silent. After weighing his strength, he decided not to make any changes and discharged his palms again. The flesh pads in his palms activated the meat ball fruit ability and “bounced” the air, creating a concentrated invisible compression cannon. , flew towards the young man in front of him again.

Lin Qi braced himself and clenched his fists.


The clothes on his back had a bear paw print hole, and a gust of wind passed through him.

There was a hint of surprise in Big Bear’s seemingly completely white eyes.

Lin Qi in front of him let out a long breath of hot breath, this time without any injuries.

“Iron?” Big Bear said warmly, “Even the internal organs have been strengthened. Your Six-Style level is stronger than some CP agents…”

“A prize, a prize, a prize!”

Lin Qi was also a little proud, but the next second, invisible bear paw prints all over the sky flew towards him like a storm.

Big Bear pushes with both hands, compressing the **** of air into air cannons.

“Push the pressure cannon”!

I… Lin Qi is not that stupid to resist such an exaggerated move. He smiled slightly, and his body was like a piece of paper, drifting in and out among these “rains of bullets” go.


On the other side of the woods on Nine Snake Island, the hunting training of the little warriors is in progress.

The two younger sisters of the three Boya sisters quickly opened their snake bows, put wooden arrows on the strings, and aimed at the stranger in front of them.

Hancock narrowed his eyes, folded his arms, looked at the old man with a long white beard in front of him, and asked warily: “Who are you?”


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