I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 189 Luffy


“To be honest, at first I thought… She Ji knew your true identity.”

“Not many people know that Nicole Robin is an O’Hara scholar, not many people know that Nicole Robin can decipher ancient texts, and not many people know about ancient texts… know that I am People with flower fruit abilities should only be a small part of the navy who saw me using my abilities on the shore of Ohara that day…”

“Then when you were running around in the West Sea, many people must have seen you use your abilities, right?”

“…” Robin couldn’t help but look at him, what does running around mean? She shook her head, “I never told anyone that these are flowers and fruits…”

“That’s right…” Lynch smiled, “Nicole Robin has not been missing for so long, and she doesn’t know if the navy is in danger?”

Robin rolled his eyes quietly. Why did Nicole Robin disappear and become Kongtiao Xu Lun? It’s obviously your fault…

Speaking of which… Robin touched his face. As Nicole Robin grows up, Kong Jiao Xu Lun’s face must also change…it must change, but also retain some existing characteristics, so that it can be easily recognized by outsiders, and at the same time, it must be consistent with The difference between Nicole and Robin…how to pinch the face and how to make subtle adjustments is also something that needs to be considered.


The two lay quietly for a while.

Lin Qi sat up and asked curiously: “She took you to the palace for a long time. What did she whisper?”

“I thought you weren’t curious.” Robin had a smile in his eyes.

“I’m curious.” Is it so easy for Lin Qi to be defeated? He lay down again and said, “Forget it.”

“I promised Snake Princess not to tell anyone else.” Robin said softly, lying side by side. “Hancock will only know if he becomes Snake Princess in the future…”

“It seems like something very important!”

Lin Qi closed his eyes and sighed casually for a while.

Robin sighed softly and said to himself: “There is a reason why men are prohibited from entering this country…”

Lin Qi opened his eyes suddenly.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and looked.

Robin’s side face is picturesque, with soft lines and a straight nose. He has closed his eyes and is gradually falling asleep.

“Although there is no wind, you will still catch a cold if you sleep like this! Do you think you are me?”

Lynch tucked Robin under his arm, turned into a black shadow in the night, and jumped directly from the top of the city wall.


In the attic of the palace, Snake Princess put on a gauze and walked barefoot to the balcony. The stars tonight are as fine as sand and exceptionally bright.


In Nine Snakes City, it is quiet at night, and the folk customs are simple. It can be said that the houses are not closed at night.

The Boya family has not closed its doors. So much so that when Lynch and Robin broke in, they startled the three sisters.

Hancock was shocked. She was talking “bad words” about Giorno and Xu Lun to her two good sisters. Why did they come to her door while she was still talking?

Second sister Sanda Sonia and third sister Marigrud were at a loss as to whether they should salute Robin.

After all, she is indeed the Princess of the Nine Snakes canonized by Lord She Ji.

Lynch put Robin down. Robin waved his hands in embarrassment, “No need. My name is… Kujo Xu Lun, just call me Xu Lun.”

“Oh…” The two sisters glanced at their eldest sister who had not moved to the nest, “Xu Lun.”

“Why are you here?” Hancock asked angrily.

Lin Qi laughed, “It’s so late, you have to find a place to stay, right? You are the only one I know in this country.”

“Don’t you have a place to live?” Hancock glared.

“Is that a serious place?” Lin Qi also stared.

Does he want to say that it’s because his good brother “B.I.B” and Snake Girl fought a little too much today, and now that he has a little bit of energy, he doesn’t dare to let it add extra burden?

Hancock is angry. Although she was not very resistant and asked Xu Lun to live with him at home, she had a very unhappy day, so she was angry.

But the two sisters blinked and looked at her expectantly, as if to say: Sister, just agree… I didn’t get in line today, and I really want to touch the legendary man. !

Just touch it!

“It’s really worthless!” Hancock cursed, isn’t he just a man? She hasn’t touched him anywhere? I don’t know how many times I’ve touched it!

Oh, I’m talking about sparring.

The kind of sparring that fights!


The next day, four different flower girls came out of Boya’s house, as well as a 1.8-meter boy.

Snake Queen summons Princess Robin to the palace.

The two younger sisters, Sundar Sonia and Marigrud, naturally go to daily training, striving to become qualified warriors as soon as possible, and can join the pirate group, so that they will not be left behind by their elder sisters next time…

Hancock was very dissatisfied with yesterday’s treatment. When She Ji was talking to Xu Lun, she was excluded!

Growing up like this, Hancock has always been the favored person, but this is the first time he has such a psychological gap.

“I want to go too!”

Hancock raised his hand and looked back at Lynch, “Giorno, are you going?”

Lin Qi is thinking about whether he should go to Lusikaina Island to eat more tonic and supplement his nutrition, so as not to be drained when he takes back “B.I.B” later… After hearing Hancock’s persuasion, he wondered: “Why should I go to the palace? I’m not familiar with you Snake Princess! I’m not a princess either…”

The reason why he can appear in this country openly as a man is because of the immunity privilege granted by Her Royal Highness Princess Xu Lun.

Hancock winked and said seductively: “Don’t you want to see the real princess in She Ji’s life?”

Intentionally or unintentionally, she emphasized the word “real princess” a little too hard.

Lin Qi and Robin looked at each other in the air, both feeling a little helpless. This girl Hancock really has a childish temperament… Oh, that’s right, she is only twelve years old now, she is a child to begin with!

On the other hand, Robin and Lynch each have their own reasons. Although one is eleven and the other is thirteen, they never look like serious children…

Hancock additionally revealed: “Let me tell you quietly, the name of the real princess was chosen by me…”

“I don’t care what her name is.” Lin Qi showed no interest.

“…Just call me Luffy!”

“Let’s go! Enter the palace and take a look!”

Lin Qi waved his hand and headed straight to the Nine Snakes Palace.

Hancock made a sound, smiled, and followed with his little hands behind his back and a brisk pace.

Robin asked her, “Is his name really Luffy?”

“Hang!” Hancock raised his head.


Robin really doesn’t understand. This girl was not scared by Lynch’s book after all. If she was, why would she name the son of “Hancock” who was so miserable in the story? ……


Come to Nine Snakes Palace.

Snake Princess seemed to have just come out of the palace, with long golden hair and a soft dress tied loosely with a silk scarf.

“Your Highness the Princess.”

“Your Highness the Princess.”

Everywhere Robin went, the maids saluted, which made her uncomfortable.

Since childhood, no one has had such respect for her… As for Lynch, although he did say strange things like that he is his fan, in fact, it is a normal relationship between friends, which makes people feel comfortable. Relationship.

When Snake Girl saw Robin, she smiled slightly and spoke softly.

Hancock followed him all the way in. The maids were not surprised. Snake Girl glanced at her and Hancock made a face, but she didn’t take it seriously and smiled lightly.

It was Lin Qi who made her take a second look.

“You are very powerful.” She Ji smiled, “With your strength, an ordinary naval base should be unable to do anything to you.”

Is this still remembering what Lynch was talking about yesterday about the state of a brigadier general and the appearance of a general…

Lin Qi saw that she was smiling gently, not showing off her domineering look yesterday at all, and was also curious, “How much of your strength did you use yesterday?”

“Is this…” She Ji smiled slightly, “Is it important?”

Lynch wanted to say more, but Hancock said impatiently: “I want to see Luffy!” She took out a snake-shaped pendant, “I prepared a gift for her! Where is she?”


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