I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 188 Rich water, vicious medicine, SAD


In the night, the sea breeze blows in the distance…well, this is a windless zone, and there is no trace of sea breeze.

There is no wind, but my heart is moving.

“No wonder there are so many similarities between two places so far apart…”

Through the memory playback of “B.I.B”, Lynch read the title page serialization of Chapter 877 and Chapter 879 of the One Piece manga. It records that after Lao Cai made a wife in vain in the Dressrosa chapter, he returned to his hometown of Hanazhi. The country wants to dissolve their marriage with his fiancée, Huo Lisha, the daughter of Erbao Shuijun… The architecture of the Kingdom of Flowers that appears in the background picture of this title page is exactly the same style as the architecture of the Nine Snake Island Women’s Kingdom. style!

Lin Qi took off his substitute mask and thought about it for a while.

Seeing that Robin was very confused, Lynch casually put the visor on her face.

“You can see it now. Concentrate on using the color of knowledge…”

Robin was a little confused, but still did as he was told.

After all, she is not Lynch, who is talented and willing to practice hard, nor is she Hancock, who is naturally talented and domineering… She is not good at fighting or domineering. If Lynch hadn’t used “B.I.B” to assist, she probably wouldn’t have been able to learn domineering.

To use the color of knowledge, Robin needs to be very focused. In other words, the reading time is much longer than that of Lynch and Hancock.

As the color of sight gradually came to life… Robin slowly saw a dark thing covering his face. Only then did she realize what Lin Qi had just casually done to her face.

It is the mask of his ghost. At this moment, my sight is right behind the narrow white eyes of Lynch’s ghost…see what it sees!

Fighting with female warriors, spending days and nights in the woods outside Nine Snake Island, getting along with so many ferocious monsters on Ruskaina Island…flying around in the windless sea, being joyfully The pursuit of the people on the street flower boat…the conflict with the navy…Boeing Islands, Hercules…the transvestites on Peach Island…the machine island, avoiding the search of Vice Admiral Porusalino, those Vegapunks The doctor’s research materials, the research institute that exploded into the sky… the entrance to the Grand Line, the Topsy-turvy Mountain, the lighthouse keeper Dr. Koulokas, and the island whale Rab who left alone…

In an instant, the past scenes flashed back, as if they were traveling against the river of time. Robin suddenly realized that he and Lynch had experienced so many things without knowing it. Passed so many scenery…

The flashback of the memory screen is very fast. In just a few breaths, “B.I.B” has already found what the main body wants to find.

Through the eyes of the visor, the first thing Robin saw was a tombstone.

There is a photo of a woman laughing cheerfully on the stone tablet, with her name written on it – Lily.

“Hello.” The owner of the perspective said this, took two plain white wild flowers from the side, and placed them in front of the tombstone. Then the owner of the perspective sat down and shook him at the photo of the woman on the tombstone. The thing in my hand, the letter. “So, I opened it and read it?”

Robin understood immediately. This is Lynch’s memory. It was the last letter he read at his mother’s grave.

“…” Robin turned to look at Lynch.

Lynch nodded, “You didn’t read this letter then, did you? Read it.”

Robin continued to read.

When Robin looked at the main body, “B.I.B” thoughtfully paused the memory screen. At this time, Robin withdrew his attention and continued playing.


“Mom is from the land of flowers.”


“Actually, I didn’t want to hide it from other people… It’s just that they all came to ask! Although the ancient custom of naming flowers is not very popular in the Kingdom of Flowers, I am still very unhappy… So, huh, I won’t tell them.”


“Mom, let me tell you a story about the Kingdom of Flowers~”

“Once upon a time, it was a very old time anyway, there was a princess named Lily in the Kingdom of Flowers – yes, she has the same name as your mother! Pretty good, right? Princess Lily is the treasure of the Kingdom of Flowers, but she In order to retrieve the national treasure of the Flower Country, we bravely went to the endless sea. Well, the story is over! ”

“My mother has admired this princess with the same name as her since she was a child, so she stupidly sneaked out to sea… What a headache. I didn’t expect you, Lin Qi, to run out too. Mom should have stayed here obediently. From the land of flowers!”


“If you can see this letter, you can go back and read it for your mother in the future, okay…”


The memory of reading the posthumous letter stops at the last line of the messy handwriting.

Robin blinked and held back the sour tears. What happened after she found out was that the devil Sheriff named Lafayette suddenly attacked…

“She said it during the day, right? The name of the first emperor of the Nine Snakes Women’s Kingdom… is Lily.”

Lin Qi lay on the top of the city wall, looking up at the stars.

“Most of the women of Nine Snakes are also named after flowers…” Robin murmured to herself, and the visor on her face quietly flew away and fell back on the head of “B.I.B” who was standing quietly beside her.

Lin Qi said: “I don’t think there should be so many coincidences! So it’s probably the same person. The Lily who founded the Nine Snakes Women’s Kingdom is the former princess of the Flower Kingdom, Lily.”

Robin pursed his lips and said, “In other words…the princess of the Flower Country and the national treasure your mother was looking for are actually flower fruits.”

“The land of flowers, flowers and fruits.” Lin Qi smiled faintly, “If you think about it, it makes sense, doesn’t it?”

It is not unimaginable to regard Devil Fruit as a national treasure.

As long as you have the technology to inherit a specific Devil Fruit.

In the distant ancient sand country of Alabasta, they have the two guardian gods of the eagle and the jackal, and they also happen to have the two demons “Bird Fruit – Falcon Form” and “Dog Fruit – Jackal Form” Fruit…

This is no coincidence. Alabasta possesses the technology to inherit the Devil Fruit.

Lynch, who has a lot of information about Dr. Vegapunk, contacted the plots of many comics and immediately locked in some clues…

The “luxury water” that appeared in the Alabasta chapter.

A kind of highly poisonous water. Drinking it can give you great power. The side effect is that it will kill people in a short time.

When these elements are put together, it is difficult not to think of the SAD solution that appeared in Punk Hassad on Ice and Fire Island!

This is the basic ingredient used by Caesar to make SMIE Devil Fruit.

There is no conclusive evidence whether the candies eaten by giant children contain SAD solution.

However, when some familiar elements appear again and again, it is difficult not to make people associate and speculate.

For example, “a specific devil fruit inherited” + “poisonous, a medicine that can gain powerful power but cause death”. Such elements have actually appeared in Fish-Man Island.

Target fruit. Vicious medicine.

Looking for patterns in permutations and combinations can also lead to such a clue… One, it contains a certain poisonous raw material; two, people can gain short-term powerful power after eating it; three, it is related to devil fruits.

In the Alabasta chapter, one or two appeared, but three were hidden; in the Fishman Island, one or two appeared, but three were hidden; in the Punk Hassad Island, one or three appeared, but two were hidden.

If there is a similar “poison” in the Kingdom of Flowers…

Lin Qi thought this and was a little puzzled. Since the Kingdom of Flowers regards the flower fruit as a national treasure and has a high probability of inheriting the technology of the flower fruit from generation to generation, why would the flower fruit be left outside?

Robin looked up at the stars and whispered: “It would have been nice to have known this at that time… I would have been able to tell your mother that you had found the national treasure she wanted to find.”

“Yeah.” Lynch said, “What a shame.”



Nine Snake Island, the sky is clear, cloudless and windless…

Will it rain tomorrow?



PS: I forgot to mention it yesterday, Robin is actually also a fancy name.

Robin, also called Rubin, is a succulent plant belonging to the genus Echeveria of the Crassulaceae family. It was bred from Romeo, and its leaves are brighter red than Romeo.

There is also a flower called Robina, which is a type of lily, so it can also be called Robina Lily ~ this is a subtle name


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