I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 187 National Treasure


It turns out there is such a secret in our country…

All the women of Nine Snakes stared closely at Lady Snake Ji on the stage and saw her signaling to the girl named Xu Lun beside her.

Could it be? !

The citizens of Kuja, the members of the pirate group, and the soldiers protecting the country all looked at the young pirate who was also very surprised.

Hancock beside Robin was stunned. She didn’t expect that in this [Literature Hall www.wxguan.vip] country, there could be someone more special than herself?


A petal suddenly flew in front of Kasmos’ eyes.

“Huh?” She came back to her senses and saw the arms on her own arm, on the arms of the sisters Sunda Sonia and Marigrud, as well as on other women around her, and even on the arms of the entire arena. Pieces of pale pink petals bloomed on everyone’s arms. Suddenly, the petals surged up to form a delicate arm.

“What is this…”

“Flower? It turned into an arm!”

“Wow, so many hands…”

Hancock also has flowery arms on his arms. Of course she recognized that this was Xu Lun’s Devil Fruit ability… Then she heard the voice of Snake Girl above her head echoing: “This exception is the person who found the ‘national treasure’.”

The arms disintegrated one by one, turning into petals all over the sky, spinning and dancing in the air of the entire arena…

“That is, the flowers and fruits controlled by this Kongtiao. Xu Lun…”

She Ji looked up at this scene.


The Nine Snake women gathered in the arena quickly dispersed.

Robin was taken to the palace by Snake Lady, and Hancock followed.

Lin Qi was injured in both arms and was surrounded by a group of female Nine Snake warriors, scrambling to treat his injuries.

Amidst the noise of the flowers, dozens of soft and fragrant scents were rubbed on the face, body, arms, neck, and legs… Lin Qi let them toss, while he frowned slightly and called out softly. Said: “Ah Hei.”


It is getting dark, and Nine Snake Island is particularly lively today.

I don’t know how many women flocked to the same place with curiosity and excitement, or even for the purpose of academic research.

In the brightly lit hall, a long table was filled with a variety of sumptuous foods.

The giant crab as big as a bathtub is steaming red. When you lift the shell, you will be greeted by the tangy crab fragrance, rich crab roe, and slurry… The milky white crab meat is in bunches, which is pleasing to the eye and overflowing with juice… …

Crawfish half the size of a human, grilled scallops the size of a basin…

All kinds of fried and cooked meats, some of which even Lynch, who has been eating in the wild on Jiu She Island for more than a year, has never seen…

There is also the delicacy of Daughters Island, Gongzolaola Cheese Neptune Type Tube Noodles…

“It’s really delicious!”

Lynch held a wooden board between his arms, covered with bandages, and the bandages were tied with many bows…

In one night, the bandages and plasters on his arms had been touched by countless women’s hands, drawing various patterns and patterns…

Lin Qi sat in front of the dining table, and the dark armor that could not be seen by the naked eye kept bringing plates, plates, and bowls of delicious food to his mouth.

“This is how men eat!” chirped the woman who came to watch, “You can eat without using your hands, it’s amazing…”

“His belly is so big! It seems to be even bigger than Lord Snake Princess’s time…”

“Ah? Is he going to have a daughter too? That’s amazing…”

You go over to the colorful women and pull Lin Qi’s face, and she touches Lin Qi’s chest. She is still full of curiosity, and stretches her delicate little hand like a flower to Lin Qi’s…

Lin Qi did not move, “B.I.B” released a hand and held the woman’s wrist.

Lin Qi had a mouthful of food, but he still made room to speak, and said seriously: “It’s over, eldest sister. We need to be harmonious…”

The woman smiled coquettishly. In this way, the palace is full of warblers, laughing, eating, drinking, and watching men. How happy it is!

Some people even temporarily started a business of queuing up to touch Lynch’s 20 Snake Hair Coins… The queue lined up outside the hall, like a long snake in the thick night, stretching for unknown distance…

Lin Qi laughed and didn’t care much.

Amidst such hilarity, the night is getting darker…

There was a sudden noise at the door.

The women in line consciously stepped aside. Standing at the door were an unhappy Hancock and a somewhat silent Robin.

The laughter in the room stopped, and the women of Nine Snakes smiled and waved to Robin, saying softly: “Princess~!!”

Hancock muttered: “Why don’t you let me listen? Liar, I obviously showed you the stone…”

“She said you are still young,” Robin looked at her, “You will know what you should know in the future.”

Hancock put his fists on his small waist and glared at her, “I’m one year older than you!”


In the long and winding queue, the green-haired Sanda Sonia and the orange-haired Marigrud poked their heads out from left to right and saw Hancock under the light at the door, regardless of the people in front of them. Casmus, left the team and ran over.

“Wow~~Sister, you really scared me to death today!!” The youngest third sister threw herself on Hancock and cried loudly.

“…I’m fine.” Hancock pushed her away in disgust and looked left and right at his two sisters with tears in their eyes, at the team in the night, and then at Lin among the women in the bright room. Strange, horrified: “What are you doing?”

Robin smiled helplessly and walked straight into the house.

The enthusiastic Nine Snake women, you said “Princess” and she said “Your Highness”. Such overflowing enthusiasm and respect made Robin very uncomfortable… She lowered her head and got out of the way like a tide of women. Go forward in the passage and find Lynch.

Lin Qi held a meaty bone in his mouth, looked at Robin with raised eyebrows, and said with a smile: “Your Highness, Princess?”

Robin, who was blushing slightly, raised his eyes and glanced at him when he heard this.

Lin Qi laughed, stood up, and suddenly looked towards the roof and said: “Look! There is a man!”

The women in the room all around looked at him. There’s nothing on the roof? When he turned back, Lynch and Robin had disappeared.

At the door, the women queuing up were disappointed, “Why did you run away!”

“Really!” Hancock was also very dissatisfied, “Is he that popular? Isn’t he just a man? What’s so strange…”

The two younger sisters looked sideways, covered their mouths and snickered. This seems to be the first time that my sister has lost to others in terms of popularity…


Under the new moon, on the towering city wall of Nine Snakes, the dark armor seemed to blend into the night, standing quietly on the side.

Lynch and Robin sat side by side, talking softly.

“It’s a national treasure…” Lin Qi weighed the visor of “B.I.B” in his hand and sighed softly, “I didn’t expect it to be a flower and fruit!”


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