I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 160 Story Follow-up


“So, what does it have to do with you?”

“What if you disappear again and they start a search?”

With the sound of BIU, Hancock seemed to appear out of thin air. She waved her hands and feet angrily, and finally returned to the outside world.

It was dark now and very late.

As his feet stepped on the dirt, Hancock said dissatisfied with the camouflage phone bug: “My shoes!”

BIUBIU, her two shoes flew out from the phone bug’s left and right eyes, one on each side.

Hancock was so unhappy that he almost couldn’t hold it back and wanted to step on this phone bug.

Seeing that the phone bug was obsessed with her, Hancock just stepped aside and forget it.

“Sister, why did you come back?” Two sisters, Sandasonia and Marigrud, came over and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Hancock.

If my sister disappears again, Lady Snake will be really alarmed and the entire city will be searched.

Sanda Sonia noticed a snail on the ground whose color blended into the ground and slowly crawled away, and asked doubtfully: “Sister, what is that?”

Hancock said indifferently: “A nasty bug!”


Outside Nine Snakes City, in the woods.

In front of another pile of food mixed with various fruits, barbecued beasts, and barbecued sea fish, Lin Qi calmly started to eat with a calm look on his face.

Robin, who was sitting aside and reading a book, shook his head.


In the afternoon, as soon as the training was over, Hancock excitedly went to find the nasty bug.

Unexpectedly, the phone bug was already waiting for her on her way out of the Nine Snakes training ground. If Hancock hadn’t consciously searched for it, he might have simply ignored the phone bug that was completely integrated with the environment.

On the training ground of the Stand-in Castle, Hancock’s figure flew around, kicking with both feet and fighting with the pitch-black armor.

Robin reads quietly. Lynch was training on the other side.


“Lynch, why would you write that kind of story…” Robin squatted down and poked Lynch’s hot skin with his fingers, “Hancock was imprisoned by the Dracos or something…”

Lin Qi was lying on the ground like a corpse, with muscles in his body twitching, and wisps of hot air rising from everywhere.


“Really?” Robin poked him with her finger. The skin was incredibly hot. The muscles were incredibly stiff.


In the Nine Snakes training ground, Hancock yawned, casually drew the full snake bow, and shot a tree with a domineering arrow wrapped in an armed color.

The second sister Sundar Sonia and the third sister Marigrud hid aside and whispered, looking at their sister’s bored figure from time to time.

“Sangda, sister is acting very strange recently…”

“Yes, Mary…my sister always goes to nowhere alone these days, and doesn’t take us with her…”


Stand-in castle, training ground.

Hancock clamored to challenge Lynch and B.I.B.

One minute later, the original body and the substitute, who rarely joined forces, trampled Hancock under his feet with one kick and one kick.

Hancock was pressed to the ground by their backs, unable to move, and could only keep patting the ground with his hands.


The moon and stars are sparse, and the nine snakes are in the forest.

In the dark jungle, pairs of beasts’ eyes lit up.

Lynch appeared out of thin air with Robin.

The beast’s eyes scattered and fled.

“Want to run away?” Lin Qijie smiled strangely, and his whole body turned into a ball of air, chasing the animals that fled in the dark night, “In front of my wind and wind fruit, what escape route do you have?” None! ”

Robin followed behind with his hands behind his back and asked strangely: “Isn’t he a gas fruit?” Then he thought, “The essence of wind is air flow. In this way, it seems that it is not wrong to call it a wind fruit…”



Hancock’s feet and the fists of the pitch-black armor collided again countless times.

The head-on confrontation between armed colors and iron.

Her weapon color is stronger. B.I.B judged so.

Is its fist harder? Hancock was secretly surprised.

“No fight!” Hancock breathed out, wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat aside, “rest for a while…”

B.I.B didn’t care and walked aside silently.

Lynch is still training alone on the other side of the training ground. Rather than training the six postures, it is better to say that he is groping for himself to practice the return of life.

Physical potential, spiritual guidance.

Six forms, hypnosis…

Hancock watched for a while and then gave up. She really couldn’t tell what Lynch’s training was like. It seemed to be just a simple physical exercise.

She turned her head boredly and saw Robin holding a book and reading.

When she saw the book, Hancock thought of that book, the “Room” that made her so sick that she even had nightmares for several days when she went back… Speaking of which, she hadn’t finished reading that book yet. Woolen cloth!

“Do you really want to see the follow-up?” Robin tried to ask.

“Hmm!” Hancock stretched out his hand, “I don’t believe there could be anything annoying behind…”

Robin looked at the dark armor, which said nothing. She looked at Lynch again, who was immersed in training and didn’t pay attention here…

Soon, Hancock got the “Room” again.

She was fully mentally prepared, closed her eyes and quickly flipped through the annoying content she read last time, found the part she saw last time, and continued reading patiently.

Not long after, Hancock’s frantic shouting rang out in the castle.

“What is this? What is this?!”

Hancock angrily threw the book to the ground again and stomped on it as if to vent his anger.

Robin was holding her forehead… She had seen it completely and knew why Hancock was angry.

In the subsequent story, the protagonist Hancock planned an escape plan. She used a towel boiled in boiling water to wipe the forehead and cheeks of her son Luffy, pretending to have a fever, in an attempt to get the Celestial Dragons to take him out for treatment. Illness…

Unexpectedly, the Tianlong people were very cautious. They only said that they would bring medicine the next day, then locked the door and left…

The protagonist Hancock had no choice but to let his son pretend to be dead the next day, wrap him in a mat and roll him up. When the Celestial Dragons came with the medicine, he cried and cursed the Celestial Dragons for killing her son Luffy. When the Celestial Dragons wanted to examine the body, the protagonist deliberately acted hysterical and refused to allow him to touch his son…

The Celestial Dragons carried the mat wrapped in the “corpse” out. On the way, five-year-old Luffy, who had listened to his mother and pretended to be dead, slipped out and happened to meet an enthusiastic passerby named Tiger…

But just when Robin thought that this story would finally have a good ending, when mother and son were rescued, she turned a page and found that when Tiger held Luffy and found the one who imprisoned the protagonist Hancock, When he entered the room, Hancock had been killed by the Dracos who hurried back… This was a completely tragic ending. Only for the protagonist.

Lynch did it on purpose! Robin was sure of this… Maybe what Lynch said that day was just to disgust Hancock, not all nonsense…

After reading the follow-up to this ghost story, Hancock’s mood did not get better, but actually got worse!

What is this?

Why did it end like this!

Is it going to be so miserable just because I was deceived by a “man” named “Dragon Man”? !

Hancock turned his grief and anger into strength, and attacked the dark armor even more fiercely.


This day.

When Hancock’s feet collided with the fists of the jet-black armor for an unknown number of times, B.I.B’s fists were filled with armed domineering energy for the first time.


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