I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 159 None of my business


[Chapter serial series・Big news 14・What a funny and awesome guy]

[Grand Line, Shampoo Islands, Area 13, Xia Qi’s rip-off bar. There were only a few guests. Behind the bar, a woman smoking a cigarette was reading a newspaper. The gray-haired old man sitting at the bar raised his glass and just smiled. ]


Of course it’s impossible. As a real person, Lin Qi doesn’t know how to use domineering.

It’s just that he has a plan to focus on returning his life, and the substitute will focus on domineering training, that’s all.

When Hancock pressed forward step by step and kicked her forward one after another, Lynch naturally used his sense of dominance to catch her movements and dodge.

Armed Haki may be able to harden the body and can be released to increase destructive power, but it probably has no agility bonus.

Hancock’s attacks, with Lynch’s speed, were completely able to dodge them all.

After all, his body is one year older than Hancock.

Swish, swish, swish, Hancock’s long legs with excellent proportions, with various smooth postures of different heights, and sharp trajectories of alternating forward and reverse, kept kicking towards Lynch.

If Hancock is a wizard with “internal skills”, then Lynch, a person with the ability to return life, is like a wizard with “external skills”. His physical strength far exceeds that of Hancock!

Lynch stopped, clenched his right fist, tightened the iron block, and hardened the entire fist.

A punch was thrown out, and Hancock’s armed and domineering feet collided violently.

There was a “bang” sound, and vibrations erupted between his fists and feet.

Lynch’s iron-covered fist was unharmed, and Hancock’s white and tender feet wrapped in armed colors were also intact.

“Your movements, and this trick?!” Hancock was surprised.

From the beginning of the fight, she felt that Giorno’s movements were too similar to those of the armored man before.

And, if she remembers correctly, hardening the fist or body is the move of the armored man, right? This Giorno too?

Lin Qi rubbed his fists, savoring the color of his weapon just now.

“What is your relationship with that armor?”

Hancock let out a light scold, stepped forward and attacked again.

She had been holding back the evil fire because of the book she had just read, but now she discovered the intrigue between Giorno and the armored man, and she became even more determined to fight, and she had to have a good fight.

Lin Qi naturally accompanied him.

Bang, bang, bang… They were fighting back and forth in this empty training ground.

The jet-black armor fell down on the sidelines. No matter what, it was just a two-on-one battle.

Robin walked up to it and watched the battle for a while. Not seeing much, he directly asked B.I.B, ​​”Which one of them is more powerful?”

Hancock’s speed was not as fast as Lynch’s, but after adding the Armed Color and the Wisdom Color, her strength and reaction were only stronger than Lynch’s, so she fought for a while and simply stayed put, waiting for Lin Qi. Qi’s attack came at the door, hard from the front.

Lynch hardened his fists and met Hancock’s armed colors head-on.

B.I.B looked at the battle and replied: Hancock’s weapons are actually very destructive, and the main body only relies on physical strength to hold on. But the main body’s physical strength exceeds that of Hancock. If it drags into a protracted battle, the main body will probably win… If Hancock seizes the opportunity and uses his weapon color to use very destructive moves, the main body will probably lose. Now…

“Hancock is so powerful…” Robin said to herself. In her impression, Lynch was already a very, very powerful person. Although she knew Hancock was very powerful, she didn’t expect that he would be so powerful. Because of this, Robin deeply understood why Lynch wanted to learn the power called domineering a long time ago. Hancock used this power to fight Lynch, right?


Hancock raised his foot and collided with Lynch’s fist again. Her sharp eyes burst out with invisible pressure, sweeping the entire audience.

Robin’s body swayed, and he was supported by the arm armor covered with flame patterns.

After using the overlord’s domineering energy, Hancock’s attacks became even more fierce. Each kick was filled with wind and thunder, as if he had the majesty and majesty of a king.

Lin Qi is not weak in strength and has a strong will, but in the end he is still slightly suppressed by the overlord’s domineering aura, which makes people uncomfortable.

His intelligence and domineering power vaguely detected the movement of Hancock’s next attack…

With a whoosh, Lynch disappeared from the spot, and Hancock kicked him in the air. At the same time, Lynch’s fist seemed to appear out of thin air on the side, and the strong wind of the fist was blowing. Hancock’s long black hair.

“This is the wind. How about it?” Lynch said with a smile.

Hancock put away his surprised expression, put down his feet, and said with a look of displeasure on his face: “Do you really think I’ve never been exposed to the wind? A fool should have guessed that I can at least take things like clothes. Try to fan out the wind or something… I want to feel the kind of wind that is impossible in a windless zone! It’s a natural wind!”

She made a face at Lin Qi, and then asked doubtfully: “What move did you make just now, and why was it so fast all of a sudden? Also, you and that armor can do… the move of hardening the fist, What is it again? And there is more…”

Lin Qi smiled and said: “You want to know? Teach me the domineering power of armed color, and maybe you will learn this too.”

Hancock said depressedly: “I told you I don’t know how to teach!”

“You don’t need to teach me anything, just keep fighting like this every day.”

“It doesn’t matter…but can you really learn it like this?” Hancock expressed doubts.

“I have already met Wense Baqi. Now that I know there is another kind of armed color, it is only a matter of time to learn it, right?” Lynch said calmly.

Hancock nodded, “That’s right. Watch the moves!”

She suddenly kicked him again.

This time it came to nothing. Different from being avoided by Lynch before, this time her feet directly penetrated Lynch’s body.

Hancock saw Lynch forming a hole like a cloud, allowing his feet to pass through… and asked curiously: “What’s going on?”

“I didn’t say that I must be the one fighting you!” Lynch turned into a ball of air and flew away, whipping up the demonic wind and sending the black armor to Hancock. He touched his belly on the sidelines. If Wouldn’t it be a waste if we don’t practice at the same time as B.I.B and don’t maximize its characteristics?

Hancock looked at the pitch-black armor in front of him and asked Lynch puzzledly: “Aren’t you the one who wants to learn how to wear armor?”

Lin Qi smiled and said, “Guess.”

Without explanation, he raised his feet and picked up the iron bar, and went to train on his own.

Hancock was angry and wanted to chase him and beat him up, but was stopped by the black armor, so he had no choice but to fight with it. The more Hancock fights, the more confused he becomes. This armored man is really similar to Giorno!

Robin read for a while and then went to read a book by himself.


Robin made three cups of flower milk tea. She put down the book and took a sip.

Hancock next to him was covered in fine sweat, and he finished a cup of flower milk tea. She looked angrily at the pitch-black armor not far away. It was so strange. Didn’t this ghost know he was tired? !

Looking at the other side, Lynch was naked and muscular, with one arm obviously thickened. He held the iron bar and held it flat, remaining motionless for a long time.

His eyes were calm, as if this exhausted arm had nothing to do with him. He was just giving instructions to continue to surge strength in this arm. He kept raising it without hearing the end of the order.

“Does he call this training?” Hancock drank so much that there was a “white beard” on his upper lip.

Robin held up a book to hide his laughter, “It’s hard to understand, isn’t it?”

Hancock said disdainfully: “What a weirdo!”

Robin suddenly asked curiously: “Hancock…can I ask you a question?”

“What’s the problem?”

“Before on that… Luskaina Island, your emperor She Ji saw the words on the tree and took you back to Nine Snakes Island…” Robin organized his words, Try asking, “Why is this?”

Hancock said indifferently: “How do I know?”

Robin said: “Does she know what words it is? Where has she seen similar words? Could it be that she has seen stones like…?”

Hancock said: “I told you I didn’t know!”

Lynch came over at this time, wiped the sweat from his body, and asked Hancock condescendingly, “Aren’t you going home? Your sisters should be worried about you.”

Hancock looked up at her, with a proud expression, but it was as if she was looking down at Lynch, with the same matter-of-fact tone, “It’s none of my business what they’re worried about.”

“But it’s none of my business.”

Lin Qi snapped his fingers to the side.

B.I.B understood that, being in the Phone Bug Castle, he asked the Green Phone Bug to observe the outside world for a moment to confirm that no other people from Nine Snake City were passing by near where he was.

Lynch kicked Hancock out.


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