I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 149 “Room”


I originally wanted to play with the little empress for a while, but I didn’t expect that this girl was too fierce. As soon as the TV was turned on, I planned to “play” the opening of an unlimited streaming classic, but Hancock directly ejected…

Children, you are so decisive in killing, how did you get deceived by human traffickers?

Lin Qi, who was staying on the top floor with Robin, couldn’t help but be speechless.

They were observing Hancock through the wall screen, who was pulled into the castle by the phone bug, seamlessly sent into the substitute castle within the phone bug castle, and fell into the castle room on the first floor.

Through the power of the Castle Fruit, Lynch asked “B.I.B” to prepare something for Hancock’s children.

Novel toys and the like…

After being discovered by Hancock who was walking around on the first floor, she lost interest after a few glances, raised her foot and kicked it aside.

Bang, the rabbit toy was thrown to the ground by her and was crushed to pieces.

“What the **** is this place? It’s so boring…” Hancock crossed his slender waist and shouted as he walked, “Is there anyone there? I want to go back!”

She moved her nose and smelled a scent, and followed it to another room, which looked like a restaurant. The dining table was filled with what looked like sumptuous food.

Lin Qi is not a great chef, but when he was renting a house alone in his last life, he did learn a lot of food videos on the Internet, and the taste he imitated was pretty good, but in the end he slowly fell into eating takeout. Lu… He himself has completely neglected his cooking skills, but “B.I.B” has not. It even remembers every food video Lynch has watched. Using some ingredients sourced locally from the woods around Nine Snake Island, it can prepare a table of delicious food in the castle that it can control freely.

Hancock thought the food on the table smelled okay, so he took a few bites. But I only took two bites and quickly put it aside and ignored it.

She does not have a strong appetite. What’s more, she is not hungry now, and she is not willing to eat it no matter how delicious it is.

Lin Qi on the top floor looked at this scene and was speechless again. Are the traditional arts used by Chinese travelers to conquer the natives useless? Empress, as expected of you!

Robin on the side snickered secretly. She understood the reason why Lin Qi was trying to increase his favorability. After all, he wanted to ask for help from the other party and wanted to use him to practice domineering. On the other hand, based on her understanding of Lin Qi, it was impossible for him to kill the other party after using it, or Imprisoning the other party will eventually make the other party go back. Since the girl named Hancock had to be put back after using it, in order to prevent her from yelling and causing trouble when she went back, Lynch probably thought of trying to make a friend first…

Having said that, seeing the black-haired **** the wall screen being so uncooperative with Lynch’s kindness, Robin was a little gloating after all.

She was quietly gloating, while Hancock on the screen was already a little impatient.

Not receiving any response, Hancock left the restaurant. After walking around and around, he pulled out a wooden arrow from his quiver and held the Salome snake bow.

The arrow is on the string, and it becomes a full moon.

Hancock aimed at the wall of this weird room, and shot an arrow wrapped with armed domineering energy.

Boom! !

The arrow hit the wall and exploded into a ball.

The entire first floor seemed to be shaking slightly.

“Rogue Lolita, you…” Lynch said, reaching out and snapping his fingers twice. White fluid surged on the ground, condensing the upper body of the black armor, and turned his head to look at the main body.

Lynch asked: “Armed arrows, how do you feel?”

“B.I.B”‘s eyes glowed white, he raised his hand and knocked on his head, making a mechanical sound: “It’s just a little stinging… She is much smaller than a flea now…”

Lin Qi said with empty eyes: “Playing Dragon Ball jokes in the pirate world, you really have it…”

Robin was seeing that on the wall screen, the arrow shot by the black-haired girl only left a faint trace on the wall of Lynch’s ghost castle, and did not even break or leave any cracks.

She can understand. After all, she had once been a castle fruit user, so she had some understanding of how hard the castle was. If he fully unleashes the power of the Castle Fruit and transforms himself into the form of a gigantic Castle Man like the gang boss Capone Becky that day, Robin estimates that even the navy’s siege cannons won’t be able to destroy the castle at all…

Although the Nine Snake Warriors’ Haki is powerful, they are trapped inside the castle, their size is reduced, and the power of their Haki arrows is also greatly reduced.

Hancock didn’t know these details. She just thought that the wall was harder than she imagined. She couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. She quickly became serious. She drew arrows and shot them again and again.

Swish, swish… The wooden arrows wrapped in her armament and domineering, one by one, accurately hit the same point on the wall.

Boom boom boom!

The flowing domineering force bombards the inside of the wall in the same area again and again.

The electronic sound of “B.I.B” truthfully reported her feelings to the main body: “The tingling feeling was a little stronger, probably turning into a slight spasm… It was slightly different from the feeling of the first arrow. She seemed It’s similar to Liu Ying’s technique…』

“What’s going on!” Lin Qi was surprised, “This girl can even do Yingying?”

He was not surprised that something like Ryu Sakura appeared outside Wano Country. In fact, Ryu Sakura first appeared in the plot of the Shampoo Islands, which was Rayleigh’s technique when removing the slave collar… In addition, Zhan Momomaru’s Ashikora Solitary Palm Technique, which he used to slap Luffy from the air. Fei, slapped the rubber man in great pain, which proves that it is a martial art that uses domineering force. It is used from a distance, which proves that it is a flowing domineering force separated from the body…

Lin Qi was not surprised that the Nine Snake Island warriors with full domineering skills could play this kind of armed style. What he was wondering about was how on earth the empress, a girl like this, who was so fierce, was abducted by human traffickers and sent to the hands of Tianlong. A slave down there? Could it be that because he went to the open sea, his IQ dropped and he became stupid and sweet?

“Since she can shed flowers, why didn’t she take off her collar and run away when she was a slave?” Lynch discovered a blind spot. But at the same time, he also thought of possible answers. “B.I.B” was standing by to ask and answer for him: “Maybe it was fear that made her lose the ability to think. Maybe she escaped but was caught. More likely, …Unlike Luffy, she had never seen Rayleigh’s method of removing the collar, so she didn’t know how to do it. 』

Lin Qi said to himself: “After being fed the sweet fruit, it will be useless even if you can shed cherry blossoms.”

In the Wano Country chapter, Luffy had the opportunity to pick off his own collar with a drifting cherry blossom. This was because Quinn deliberately lowered the purity of the seastone handcuffs in order to squeeze the prisoners’ labor force into labor reform… Otherwise, as a The ability user Luffy put on the sea stone handcuffs, and he had already softened into a puddle of mud. He didn’t even have the strength to crawl, let alone the physical strength to use his domineering power to escape from prison…

Robin listened quietly.

Lynch is speaking that strange dialect again…

“This girl is very uneducated!” Lynch touched his chin, suddenly snapped his fingers, and said to the stand-in armor, “Plan B!”

『B.I.B』is silent. When did you have a Plan B?

On the first floor, Hancock kept shooting, but suddenly his quiver was empty, and all the wooden arrows were shot.

Boom, boom, boom… The wooden arrows hit the wall one after another. After a series of explosions, there was not even a crack on the wall. At most, there was some slight damage, that’s all.

The fallen wooden arrows actually destroyed themselves a lot.

“Damn it!” Hancock threw the snake bow to the ground angrily. Salome, the pet snake, flicked it twice and swam aside, not daring to touch the mistress. Hancock was so angry that she kicked the table and chairs away, and her black hair flew automatically. She gritted her teeth and shouted: “No matter if there is anyone here or not, I am really angry…!!”

An invisible wave swept the entire place, and an astonishing aura burst out from the seemingly frail body of the 1.5-meter girl, penetrating the entire castle in an instant.

Hancock was having a tantrum when he suddenly saw something falling from the ceiling.

Click, a book fell in front of her white jade feet.

Hancock’s momentum stopped and he was a little confused. Why did a book suddenly drop?

She frowned, stretched out her little feet, picked up the book nimbly with her jade-like toes, turned it over, revealed the writing, and saw two big words written on it: Room.

As if worried that she would be too lazy to read, he added a line under the title of the book: Protagonist, Hancock.


Hancock was even more confused.

In front of the wall screen on the top floor, Lynch held Robin’s shoulders, and the latter finally woke up from the coma affected by Overlord’s color just now.

“I just…”

“It’s a domineering color.” Lin Qi said, “It’s really domineering! I can’t stand it, it’s so exciting…”

“…” Robin looked at the big screen and saw the black-haired girl sitting cross-legged on the floor at some point, holding a book and reading it, and she was looking at it very seriously.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “She should have a good sense of Feng Aotian’s opening routine! Tsk tsk…”

“B.I.B” was speechless. Who knows what kind of messy story it made up… The main body was really insidious in order to deceive the empress into a trap. Hancock himself, who has a complete character design for the protagonist, can be said to be very immersive… Thinking of the real “Room” story, I don’t know how much psychological shadow it will have on the empress…


“…In this way, the charming girl Hancock said goodbye to her father Lynch and mother Robin, and came alone to the Grand Route with strong winds blowing everywhere. What kind of adventure will she have next? ?”

The girl’s irritable voice sounded from the room on the first floor: “Why is there no more?! Where is the back? Where is the back?”


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